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Lines Matching refs:m_value

244 …static WrappedType<Type>	create			(Type value)							{ WrappedType<Type> v; v.m_value = value; ret…  in create()
245 …static WrappedType<Type> fromFloat (float value) { WrappedType<Type> v; v.m_value = (Type)v… in fromFloat()
246 inline Type getValue (void) const { return m_value; } in getValue()
248 …rappedType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value + other.getValue(… in operator +()
249 …rappedType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value * other.getValue(… in operator *()
250 …rappedType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value / other.getValue(… in operator /()
251 …rappedType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value % other.getValue(… in operator %()
252 …rappedType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value - other.getValue(… in operator -()
254 …inline WrappedType<Type>& operator+= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) { m_value += other.getValu… in operator +=()
255 …inline WrappedType<Type>& operator*= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) { m_value *= other.getValu… in operator *=()
256 …inline WrappedType<Type>& operator/= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) { m_value /= other.getValu… in operator /=()
257 …inline WrappedType<Type>& operator-= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) { m_value -= other.getValu… in operator -=()
259 …ne bool operator== (const WrappedType<Type>& other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; } in operator ==()
260 …ne bool operator!= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) const { return m_value != other.m_value; } in operator !=()
261 …line bool operator< (const WrappedType<Type>& other) const { return m_value < other.m_value; } in operator <()
262 …line bool operator> (const WrappedType<Type>& other) const { return m_value > other.m_value; } in operator >()
263 …ne bool operator<= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) const { return m_value <= other.m_value; } in operator <=()
264 …ne bool operator>= (const WrappedType<Type>& other) const { return m_value >= other.m_value; } in operator >=()
266 inline operator Type (void) const { return m_value; } in operator Type()
268 inline T to (void) const { return (T)m_value; } in to()
270 Type m_value; member in deqp::gls::GLValue::WrappedType
277 …static WrappedFloatType<Type> create (Type value) { WrappedFloatType<Type> v; v.m_value = … in create()
278 …tType<Type> fromFloat (float value) { WrappedFloatType<Type> v; v.m_value = (Type)value; re… in fromFloat()
279 inline Type getValue (void) const { return m_value; } in getValue()
281 …tType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedFloatType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value + other.getValue(… in operator +()
282 …tType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedFloatType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value * other.getValue(… in operator *()
283 …tType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedFloatType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value / other.getValue(… in operator /()
284 …Type>& other) const { return WrappedFloatType<Type>::create((Type)(deMod(m_value, other.getValue()… in operator %()
285 …tType<Type>& other) const { return WrappedFloatType<Type>::create((Type)(m_value - other.getValue(… in operator -()
287 …inline WrappedFloatType<Type>& operator+= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) { m_value += oth… in operator +=()
288 …inline WrappedFloatType<Type>& operator*= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) { m_value *= oth… in operator *=()
289 …inline WrappedFloatType<Type>& operator/= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) { m_value /= oth… in operator /=()
290 …inline WrappedFloatType<Type>& operator-= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) { m_value -= oth… in operator -=()
292 …l operator== (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; } in operator ==()
293 …l operator!= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) const { return m_value != other.m_value; } in operator !=()
294 …ool operator< (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) const { return m_value < other.m_value; } in operator <()
295 …ool operator> (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) const { return m_value > other.m_value; } in operator >()
296 …l operator<= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) const { return m_value <= other.m_value; } in operator <=()
297 …l operator>= (const WrappedFloatType<Type>& other) const { return m_value >= other.m_value; } in operator >=()
299 inline operator Type (void) const { return m_value; } in operator Type()
301 inline T to (void) const { return (T)m_value; } in to()
303 Type m_value; member in deqp::gls::GLValue::WrappedFloatType
321 static Half create (float value) { Half h; h.m_value = floatToHalf(value); return h; } in create()
322 static Half fromFloat (float value) { Half h; h.m_value = floatToHalf(value); return h; } in fromFloat()
323 inline deFloat16 getValue (void) const { return m_value; } in getValue()
325 …inline Half operator+ (const Half& other) const { return create(halfToFloat(m_value) + halfToFl… in operator +()
326 …inline Half operator* (const Half& other) const { return create(halfToFloat(m_value) * halfToFl… in operator *()
327 …inline Half operator/ (const Half& other) const { return create(halfToFloat(m_value) / halfToFl… in operator /()
328 …inline Half operator% (const Half& other) const { return create(deFloatMod(halfToFloat(m_value)… in operator %()
329 …inline Half operator- (const Half& other) const { return create(halfToFloat(m_value) - halfToFl… in operator -()
331 …f& operator+= (const Half& other) { m_value = floatToHalf(halfToFloat(other.getValue()) + half… in operator +=()
332 …f& operator*= (const Half& other) { m_value = floatToHalf(halfToFloat(other.getValue()) * half… in operator *=()
333 …f& operator/= (const Half& other) { m_value = floatToHalf(halfToFloat(other.getValue()) / half… in operator /=()
334 …f& operator-= (const Half& other) { m_value = floatToHalf(halfToFloat(other.getValue()) - half… in operator -=()
336 inline bool operator== (const Half& other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; } in operator ==()
337 inline bool operator!= (const Half& other) const { return m_value != other.m_value; } in operator !=()
338 … operator< (const Half& other) const { return halfToFloat(m_value) < halfToFloat(other.m_value); } in operator <()
339 … operator> (const Half& other) const { return halfToFloat(m_value) > halfToFloat(other.m_value); } in operator >()
340 …perator<= (const Half& other) const { return halfToFloat(m_value) <= halfToFloat(other.m_value); } in operator <=()
341 …perator>= (const Half& other) const { return halfToFloat(m_value) >= halfToFloat(other.m_value); } in operator >=()
344 inline T to (void) const { return (T)halfToFloat(m_value); } in to()
349 deFloat16 m_value; member in deqp::gls::GLValue::Half
355 static Fixed create (deInt32 value) { Fixed v; v.m_value = value; return v; } in create()
356 …static Fixed fromFloat (float value) { Fixed v; v.m_value = (deInt32)(value * 32768.0f); retu… in fromFloat()
357 inline deInt32 getValue (void) const { return m_value; } in getValue()
359 inline Fixed operator+ (const Fixed& other) const { return create(m_value + other.getValue()); } in operator +()
360 inline Fixed operator* (const Fixed& other) const { return create(m_value * other.getValue()); } in operator *()
361 inline Fixed operator/ (const Fixed& other) const { return create(m_value / other.getValue()); } in operator /()
362 inline Fixed operator% (const Fixed& other) const { return create(m_value % other.getValue()); } in operator %()
363 inline Fixed operator- (const Fixed& other) const { return create(m_value - other.getValue()); } in operator -()
365 inline Fixed& operator+= (const Fixed& other) { m_value += other.getValue(); return *this; } in operator +=()
366 inline Fixed& operator*= (const Fixed& other) { m_value *= other.getValue(); return *this; } in operator *=()
367 inline Fixed& operator/= (const Fixed& other) { m_value /= other.getValue(); return *this; } in operator /=()
368 inline Fixed& operator-= (const Fixed& other) { m_value -= other.getValue(); return *this; } in operator -=()
370 inline bool operator== (const Fixed& other) const { return m_value == other.m_value; } in operator ==()
371 inline bool operator!= (const Fixed& other) const { return m_value != other.m_value; } in operator !=()
372 inline bool operator< (const Fixed& other) const { return m_value < other.m_value; } in operator <()
373 inline bool operator> (const Fixed& other) const { return m_value > other.m_value; } in operator >()
374 inline bool operator<= (const Fixed& other) const { return m_value <= other.m_value; } in operator <=()
375 inline bool operator>= (const Fixed& other) const { return m_value >= other.m_value; } in operator >=()
377 inline operator deInt32 (void) const { return m_value; } in operator deInt32()
379 inline T to (void) const { return (T)m_value; } in to()
381 deInt32 m_value; member in deqp::gls::GLValue::Fixed