Lines Matching full:mutable
215 mutable DenseMatrix m_V; // Krylov basis vectors
216 mutable DenseMatrix m_H; // Hessenberg matrix
217 mutable DenseMatrix m_Hes; // Initial hessenberg matrix wihout Givens rotations applied
218 mutable Index m_restart; // Maximum size of the Krylov subspace
219 mutable DenseMatrix m_U; // Vectors that form the basis of the invariant subspace
220 mutable DenseMatrix m_MU; // matrix operator applied to m_U (for next cycles)
221 mutable DenseMatrix m_T; /* T=U^T*M^{-1}*A*U */
222 mutable PartialPivLU<DenseMatrix> m_luT; // LU factorization of m_T
223 mutable StorageIndex m_neig; //Number of eigenvalues to extract at each restart
224 mutable int m_r; // Current number of deflated eigenvalues, size of m_U
225 mutable int m_maxNeig; // Maximum number of eigenvalues to deflate
226 mutable RealScalar m_lambdaN; //Modulus of the largest eigenvalue of A
227 mutable bool m_isDeflAllocated;
228 mutable bool m_isDeflInitialized;
231 mutable RealScalar m_smv; // Smaller multiple of the remaining number of steps allowed
232 mutable bool m_force; // Force the use of deflation at each restart