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Lines Matching +full:- +full:- +full:env

3 - shared library support is buggy: it assumes that a static and dynamic library can be build from t…
6 - add its name in options allowed_values below
7 - add tool initialization for this platform. Search for "if platform == 'suncc'" as an example.
21 … allowed_values='suncc vacpp mingw msvc6 msvc7 msvc71 msvc80 msvc90 linux-gcc'.split(),
26 if platform == 'linux-gcc':
27 CXX = 'g++' # not quite right, but env is not yet available.
29 version = commands.getoutput('%s -dumpversion' %CXX)
30 platform = 'linux-gcc-%s' %version
68 env = Environment( ENV = make_environ_vars(),
69 toolpath = ['scons-tools'],
73 env.Tool( 'sunc++' )
74 env.Tool( 'sunlink' )
75 env.Tool( 'sunar' )
76 env.Append( CCFLAGS = ['-mt'] )
78 env.Tool( 'default' )
79 env.Tool( 'aixcc' )
80 env['CXX'] = 'xlC_r' #scons does not pick-up the correct one !
81 # using xlC_r ensure multi-threading is enabled:
83 env.Append( CCFLAGS = '-qrtti=all',
84 LINKFLAGS='-bh:5' ) # -bh:5 remove duplicate symbol warning
86 env['MSVS_VERSION']='6.0'
88 env.Tool( tool )
89 env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -GX /nologo /MT'
91 env['MSVS_VERSION']='7.0'
93 env.Tool( tool )
94 env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -GX /nologo /MT'
96 env['MSVS_VERSION']='7.1'
98 env.Tool( tool )
99 env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -GX /nologo /MT'
101 env['MSVS_VERSION']='8.0'
103 env.Tool( tool )
104 env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -EHsc /nologo /MT'
106 env['MSVS_VERSION']='9.0'
111 env['ENV']['INCLUDE'] = os.environ['INCLUDE']
113 env['ENV']['LIB'] = os.environ['LIB']
115 env.Tool( tool )
116 env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -EHsc /nologo /MT'
118 env.Tool( 'mingw' )
119 env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "WIN32", "NDEBUG", "_MT" ] )
120 elif platform.startswith('linux-gcc'):
121 env.Tool( 'default' )
122env.Append( LIBS = ['pthread'], CCFLAGS = os.environ.get("CXXFLAGS", "-Wall"), LINKFLAGS=os.enviro…
123 env['SHARED_LIB_ENABLED'] = True
126 env.Exit(1)
128 env.Tool('targz')
129 env.Tool('srcdist')
130 env.Tool('globtool')
132 env.Append( CPPPATH = ['#include'],
141 env['SHARED_LIB_ENABLED'] = env.get('SHARED_LIB_ENABLED', False)
142 env['LIB_PLATFORM'] = short_platform
143 env['LIB_LINK_TYPE'] = 'lib' # static
144 env['LIB_CRUNTIME'] = 'mt'
145 env['LIB_NAME_SUFFIX'] = '${LIB_PLATFORM}_${LIB_LINK_TYPE}${LIB_CRUNTIME}' # must match autolink n…
147 env['BUILD_DIR'] = env.Dir(build_dir)
148 env['ROOTBUILD_DIR'] = env.Dir(rootbuild_dir)
149 env['DIST_DIR'] = DIST_DIR
150 if 'TarGz' in env['BUILDERS']:
152 def __init__( self, env ):
153 self.env = env
155 apply( self.env.SrcDist, (self.env['SRCDIST_TARGET'],) + args, kw )
156 env['SRCDIST_BUILDER'] = env.TarGz
159 def __init__( self, env ):
163 env['SRCDIST_ADD'] = SrcDistAdder( env )
164 env['SRCDIST_TARGET'] = os.path.join( DIST_DIR, 'jsoncpp-src-%s.tar.gz' % env['JSONCPP_VERSION'] )
166 env_testing = env.Clone( )
169 def buildJSONExample( env, target_sources, target_name ):
170 env = env.Clone()
171 env.Append( CPPPATH = ['#'] )
172 exe = env.Program( target=target_name,
174 env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source=[target_sources] )
176 return env.Install( bin_dir, exe )
178 def buildJSONTests( env, target_sources, target_name ):
179 jsontests_node = buildJSONExample( env, target_sources, target_name )
180 …check_alias_target = env.Alias( 'check', jsontests_node, RunJSONTests( jsontests_node, jsontests_n…
181 env.AlwaysBuild( check_alias_target )
183 def buildUnitTests( env, target_sources, target_name ):
184 jsontests_node = buildJSONExample( env, target_sources, target_name )
185 check_alias_target = env.Alias( 'check', jsontests_node,
187 env.AlwaysBuild( check_alias_target )
189 def buildLibrary( env, target_sources, target_name ):
190 static_lib = env.StaticLibrary( target=target_name + '_${LIB_NAME_SUFFIX}',
193 env.Install( lib_dir, static_lib )
194 if env['SHARED_LIB_ENABLED']:
195 shared_lib = env.SharedLibrary( target=target_name + '_${LIB_NAME_SUFFIX}',
197 env.Install( lib_dir, shared_lib )
198 env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source=[target_sources] )
200 Export( 'env env_testing buildJSONExample buildLibrary buildJSONTests buildUnitTests' )
207 env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source=[target] )
210 def runJSONTests_action( target, source = None, env = None ):
218 def runJSONTests_string( target, source = None, env = None ):
225 def runUnitTests_action( target, source = None, env = None ):
232 def runUnitTests_string( target, source = None, env = None ):
237 env.Alias( 'check' )
239 srcdist_cmd = env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source = """
242 env.Alias( 'src-dist', srcdist_cmd )
247 #print env.Dump()