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Lines Matching refs:System

77     System.out.println("\nUSAGE: java [Java options] " + CLASS_NAME +  in usage()
80System.out.println("Input and output images can be in any image format that the Java Image I/O"); in usage()
81 System.out.println("extensions understand. If either filename ends in a .jpg extension, then"); in usage()
82 System.out.println("the TurboJPEG API will be used to compress or decompress the image.\n"); in usage()
84 System.out.println("Compression Options (used if the output image is a JPEG image)"); in usage()
85 System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); in usage()
87System.out.println("-subsamp <444|422|420|gray> = Apply this level of chrominance subsampling when… in usage()
88System.out.println(" compressing the output image. The default is to use the same level of"); in usage()
89 System.out.println(" subsampling as in the input image, if the input image is also a JPEG"); in usage()
90System.out.println(" image, or to use grayscale if the input image is a grayscale non-JPEG"); in usage()
91 System.out.println(" image, or to use " + in usage()
95 System.out.println("-q <1-100> = Compress the output image with this JPEG quality level"); in usage()
96 System.out.println(" (default = " + DEFAULT_QUALITY + ").\n"); in usage()
98 System.out.println("Decompression Options (used if the input image is a JPEG image)"); in usage()
99 System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); in usage()
101System.out.println("-scale M/N = Scale the input image by a factor of M/N when decompressing it."); in usage()
102 System.out.print("(M/N = "); in usage()
104 System.out.print(SCALING_FACTORS[i].getNum() + "/" + in usage()
107 System.out.print(" or "); in usage()
110 System.out.print(", "); in usage()
112 System.out.print("or "); in usage()
115 System.out.println(")\n"); in usage()
117 System.out.println("-hflip, -vflip, -transpose, -transverse, -rot90, -rot180, -rot270 ="); in usage()
118System.out.println(" Perform one of these lossless transform operations on the input image"); in usage()
119 System.out.println(" prior to decompressing it (these options are mutually exclusive.)\n"); in usage()
121System.out.println("-grayscale = Perform lossless grayscale conversion on the input image prior"); in usage()
122System.out.println(" to decompressing it (can be combined with the other transform operations"… in usage()
123 System.out.println(" above.)\n"); in usage()
125 System.out.println("-crop WxH+X+Y = Perform lossless cropping on the input image prior to"); in usage()
126System.out.println(" decompressing it. X and Y specify the upper left corner of the cropping"… in usage()
127System.out.println(" region, and W and H specify the width and height of the cropping region."… in usage()
128System.out.println(" X and Y must be evenly divible by the MCU block size (8x8 if the input"); in usage()
129System.out.println(" image was compressed using no subsampling or grayscale, 16x8 if it was"); in usage()
130System.out.println(" compressed using 4:2:2 subsampling, or 16x16 if it was compressed using"); in usage()
131 System.out.println(" 4:2:0 subsampling.)\n"); in usage()
133 System.out.println("General Options"); in usage()
134 System.out.println("---------------\n"); in usage()
136System.out.println("-display = Display output image (Output filename need not be specified in this… in usage()
137 System.out.println(" case.)\n"); in usage()
139System.out.println("-fastupsample = Use the fastest chrominance upsampling algorithm available in"… in usage()
140 System.out.println(" the underlying codec.\n"); in usage()
142System.out.println("-fastdct = Use the fastest DCT/IDCT algorithms available in the underlying"); in usage()
143 System.out.println(" codec.\n"); in usage()
145 System.out.println("-accuratedct = Use the most accurate DCT/IDCT algorithms available in the"); in usage()
146 System.out.println(" underlying codec.\n"); in usage()
148 System.exit(1); in usage()
249 System.out.println("Using fast upsampling code"); in main()
252 System.out.println("Using fastest DCT/IDCT algorithm"); in main()
255 System.out.println("Using most accurate DCT/IDCT algorithm"); in main()
283 System.out.println("Input file contains no data"); in main()
284 System.exit(1); in main()
308 System.out.println((doTransform ? "Transformed" : "Input") + in main()
322 System.exit(0); in main()
352 System.out.println("Input Image: " + width + " x " + height + in main()
355 System.gc(); in main()
357 System.out.print("Output Image (" + outFormat + "): " + width + in main()
370 System.out.println(", " + SUBSAMP_NAME[outSubsamp] + in main()
392 System.out.print("\n"); in main()
399 System.exit(-1); in main()