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Lines Matching refs:TC3_LOG

92       TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not build TFLite interpreter.";  in SelectionInterpreter()
103 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not build TFLite interpreter."; in ClassificationInterpreter()
138 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Model verification failed."; in FromScopedMmap()
162 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Model verification failed."; in FromScopedMmap()
253 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No model specified."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
271 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No selection options."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
275 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No selection feature options."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
279 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No selection bounds sensitive feature options."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
283 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No selection model."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
288 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize selection executor."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
301 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No classification options."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
306 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No classification feature options."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
312 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No classification bounds sensitive feature options."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
316 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No clf model."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
323 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize classification executor."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
336 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "No embedding model."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
348 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatching embedding size/quantization."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
358 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize embedding executor."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
366 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize regex model."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
375 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize datetime parser."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
404 TC3_LOG(ERROR) in ValidateAndInitialize()
426 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not load entity data schema data."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
440 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse model supported locales."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
448 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse supported ML model locales."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
456 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse dictionary supported locales."; in ValidateAndInitialize()
477 TC3_LOG(INFO) << "Failed to load regex pattern"; in InitializeRegexModel()
505 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize the knowledge engine."; in InitializeKnowledgeEngine()
516 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize the contact engine."; in InitializeContactEngine()
528 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize the installed app engine."; in InitializeInstalledAppEngine()
644 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid lua verifier specified: " << lua_verifier; in VerifyRegexMatchCandidate()
659 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Not initialized"; in SuggestSelection()
669 TC3_LOG(WARNING) in SuggestSelection()
721 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Model suggest selection failed."; in SuggestSelection()
726 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Regex suggest selection failed."; in SuggestSelection()
734 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Datetime suggest selection failed."; in SuggestSelection()
739 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Knowledge suggest selection failed."; in SuggestSelection()
744 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Contact suggest selection failed."; in SuggestSelection()
749 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Installed app suggest selection failed."; in SuggestSelection()
755 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Number annotator failed in suggest selection."; in SuggestSelection()
761 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Duration annotator failed in suggest selection."; in SuggestSelection()
777 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't resolve conflicts."; in SuggestSelection()
1084 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not extract features."; in ModelSuggestSelection()
1093 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not chunk."; in ModelSuggestSelection()
1248 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not determine span."; in ModelClassifyText()
1263 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't choose a click position."; in ModelClassifyText()
1289 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not extract features."; in ModelClassifyText()
1307 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't compute logits."; in ModelClassifyText()
1313 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatching output"; in ModelClassifyText()
1393 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get entity data."; in RegexClassifyText()
1449 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Error during parsing datetime."; in DatetimeClassifyText()
1478 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Not initialized"; in ClassifyText()
1489 TC3_LOG(WARNING) in ClassifyText()
1608 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't resolve conflicts."; in ClassifyText()
1691 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not extract features."; in ModelAnnotate()
1699 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not chunk."; in ModelAnnotate()
1715 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not classify text: " in ModelAnnotate()
1789 TC3_LOG(WARNING) in Annotate()
1806 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run ModelAnnotate."; in Annotate()
1814 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run RegexChunk."; in Annotate()
1827 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run RegexChunk."; in Annotate()
1833 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run knowledge engine Chunk."; in Annotate()
1840 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run contact engine Chunk."; in Annotate()
1847 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run installed app engine Chunk."; in Annotate()
1855 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run number annotator FindAll."; in Annotate()
1864 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't run duration annotator FindAll."; in Annotate()
1880 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't resolve conflicts."; in Annotate()
2012 TC3_LOG(ERROR) in SerializedEntityDataFromRegexMatch()
2031 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get regex matcher for pattern: " in RegexChunk()
2051 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get entity data."; in RegexChunk()
2188 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't compute logits."; in ModelClickContextScoreChunks()
2194 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatching output."; in ModelClickContextScoreChunks()
2208 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't map the label to a token span."; in ModelClickContextScoreChunks()
2299 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't compute logits."; in ModelBoundsSensitiveScoreChunks()
2304 TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatching output."; in ModelBoundsSensitiveScoreChunks()