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Lines Matching refs:ContextID

33 cmsMLU* CMSEXPORT cmsMLUalloc(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number nItems)  in cmsMLUalloc()  argument
41 mlu = (cmsMLU*) _cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(cmsMLU)); in cmsMLUalloc()
44 mlu ->ContextID = ContextID; in cmsMLUalloc()
47 mlu ->Entries = (_cmsMLUentry*) _cmsCalloc(ContextID, nItems, sizeof(_cmsMLUentry)); in cmsMLUalloc()
49 _cmsFree(ContextID, mlu); in cmsMLUalloc()
80 NewPtr = _cmsRealloc(mlu ->ContextID, mlu ->MemPool, size); in GrowMLUpool()
107 …NewPtr = (_cmsMLUentry*)_cmsRealloc(mlu ->ContextID, mlu ->Entries, AllocatedEntries*sizeof(_cmsML… in GrowMLUtable()
220 WStr = (wchar_t*) _cmsCalloc(mlu ->ContextID, len, sizeof(wchar_t)); in cmsMLUsetASCII()
228 _cmsFree(mlu ->ContextID, WStr); in cmsMLUsetASCII()
268 NewMlu = cmsMLUalloc(mlu ->ContextID, mlu ->UsedEntries); in cmsMLUdup()
287 NewMlu ->MemPool = _cmsMalloc(mlu ->ContextID, mlu ->PoolUsed); in cmsMLUdup()
311 if (mlu -> Entries) _cmsFree(mlu ->ContextID, mlu->Entries); in cmsMLUfree()
312 if (mlu -> MemPool) _cmsFree(mlu ->ContextID, mlu->MemPool); in cmsMLUfree()
314 _cmsFree(mlu ->ContextID, mlu); in cmsMLUfree()
522 NewPtr = (_cmsNAMEDCOLOR*) _cmsRealloc(v ->ContextID, v ->List, size * sizeof(_cmsNAMEDCOLOR)); in GrowNamedColorList()
532 cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* CMSEXPORT cmsAllocNamedColorList(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number n, cmsUIn… in cmsAllocNamedColorList() argument
534 … cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* v = (cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST*) _cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST)); in cmsAllocNamedColorList()
540 v ->ContextID = ContextID; in cmsAllocNamedColorList()
562 if (v ->List) _cmsFree(v ->ContextID, v ->List); in cmsFreeNamedColorList()
563 _cmsFree(v ->ContextID, v); in cmsFreeNamedColorList()
572 …NewNC= cmsAllocNamedColorList(v ->ContextID, v -> nColors, v ->ColorantCount, v ->Prefix, v ->Suff… in cmsDupNamedColorList()
696 …cmsSignalError(NamedColorList ->ContextID, cmsERROR_RANGE, "Color %d out of range; ignored", index… in EvalNamedColorPCS()
715 …cmsSignalError(NamedColorList ->ContextID, cmsERROR_RANGE, "Color %d out of range; ignored", index… in EvalNamedColor()
727 return _cmsStageAllocPlaceholder(NamedColorList ->ContextID, in _cmsStageAllocNamedColor()
751 cmsSEQ* CMSEXPORT cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number n) in cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription() argument
762 Seq = (cmsSEQ*) _cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(cmsSEQ)); in cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription()
765 Seq -> ContextID = ContextID; in cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription()
766 Seq -> seq = (cmsPSEQDESC*) _cmsCalloc(ContextID, n, sizeof(cmsPSEQDESC)); in cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription()
770 _cmsFree(ContextID, Seq); in cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription()
793 if (pseq ->seq != NULL) _cmsFree(pseq ->ContextID, pseq ->seq); in cmsFreeProfileSequenceDescription()
794 _cmsFree(pseq -> ContextID, pseq); in cmsFreeProfileSequenceDescription()
805 NewSeq = (cmsSEQ*) _cmsMalloc(pseq -> ContextID, sizeof(cmsSEQ)); in cmsDupProfileSequenceDescription()
809 NewSeq -> seq = (cmsPSEQDESC*) _cmsCalloc(pseq ->ContextID, pseq ->n, sizeof(cmsPSEQDESC)); in cmsDupProfileSequenceDescription()
812 NewSeq -> ContextID = pseq ->ContextID; in cmsDupProfileSequenceDescription()
845 cmsContext ContextID; member
850 cmsHANDLE CMSEXPORT cmsDictAlloc(cmsContext ContextID) in cmsDictAlloc() argument
852 _cmsDICT* dict = (_cmsDICT*) _cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(_cmsDICT)); in cmsDictAlloc()
855 dict ->ContextID = ContextID; in cmsDictAlloc()
874 if (entry ->Name != NULL) _cmsFree(dict ->ContextID, entry -> Name); in cmsDictFree()
875 if (entry ->Value != NULL) _cmsFree(dict ->ContextID, entry -> Value); in cmsDictFree()
879 _cmsFree(dict ->ContextID, entry); in cmsDictFree()
884 _cmsFree(dict ->ContextID, dict); in cmsDictFree()
890 wchar_t* DupWcs(cmsContext ContextID, const wchar_t* ptr) in DupWcs() argument
893 return (wchar_t*) _cmsDupMem(ContextID, ptr, (mywcslen(ptr) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); in DupWcs()
905 entry = (cmsDICTentry*) _cmsMallocZero(dict ->ContextID, sizeof(cmsDICTentry)); in cmsDictAddEntry()
910 entry ->Name = DupWcs(dict ->ContextID, Name); in cmsDictAddEntry()
911 entry ->Value = DupWcs(dict ->ContextID, Value); in cmsDictAddEntry()
929 hNew = cmsDictAlloc(old_dict ->ContextID); in cmsDictDup()