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2 :mod:`nntplib` --- NNTP protocol client
6 :synopsis: NNTP protocol client (requires sockets).
10 pair: NNTP; protocol
17 This module defines the class :class:`NNTP` which implements the client side of
18 the NNTP protocol. It can be used to implement a news reader or poster, or
19 automated news processors. For more information on NNTP (Network News Transfer
25 >>> s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
48 >>> s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
58 .. class:: NNTP(host[, port [, user[, password [, readermode] [, usenetrc]]]])
60 Return a new instance of the :class:`NNTP` class, representing a connection
61 to the NNTP server running on host *host*, listening at port *port*. The
68 if you are connecting to an NNTP server on the local machine and intend to
119 NNTP Objects
122 NNTP instances have the following methods. The *response* that is returned as
128 .. method:: NNTP.getwelcome()
135 .. method:: NNTP.set_debuglevel(level)
145 .. method:: NNTP.newgroups(date, time, [file])
158 .. method:: NNTP.newnews(group, date, time, [file])
170 .. method:: NNTP.list([file])
185 .. method:: NNTP.descriptions(grouppattern)
195 .. method:: NNTP.description(group)
207 .. method:: NNTP.group(name)
216 .. method:: NNTP.help([file])
227 .. method:: NNTP.stat(id)
235 .. method:: NNTP.next()
240 .. method:: NNTP.last()
245 .. method:: NNTP.head(id)
253 .. method:: NNTP.body(id,[file])
263 .. method:: NNTP.article(id)
269 .. method:: NNTP.slave()
274 .. method:: NNTP.xhdr(header, string, [file])
290 .. method:: NNTP.post(file)
298 .. method:: NNTP.ihave(id, file)
305 .. method:: NNTP.date()
309 is an optional NNTP extension, and may not be supported by all servers.
312 .. method:: NNTP.xgtitle(name, [file])
320 is supplied, then the returned *list* is an empty list. This is an optional NNTP
327 .. method:: NNTP.xover(start, end, [file])
337 an empty list. This is an optional NNTP extension, and may not be supported by
341 .. method:: NNTP.xpath(id)
344 article with message ID *id*. This is an optional NNTP extension, and may not
348 .. method:: NNTP.quit()
351 called, no other methods of the NNTP object should be called.