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Lines Matching refs:bytes

50 IAC  = bytes([255]) # "Interpret As Command"
51 DONT = bytes([254])
52 DO = bytes([253])
53 WONT = bytes([252])
54 WILL = bytes([251])
55 theNULL = bytes([0])
57 SE = bytes([240]) # Subnegotiation End
58 NOP = bytes([241]) # No Operation
59 DM = bytes([242]) # Data Mark
60 BRK = bytes([243]) # Break
61 IP = bytes([244]) # Interrupt process
62 AO = bytes([245]) # Abort output
63 AYT = bytes([246]) # Are You There
64 EC = bytes([247]) # Erase Character
65 EL = bytes([248]) # Erase Line
66 GA = bytes([249]) # Go Ahead
67 SB = bytes([250]) # Subnegotiation Begin
72 BINARY = bytes([0]) # 8-bit data path
73 ECHO = bytes([1]) # echo
74 RCP = bytes([2]) # prepare to reconnect
75 SGA = bytes([3]) # suppress go ahead
76 NAMS = bytes([4]) # approximate message size
77 STATUS = bytes([5]) # give status
78 TM = bytes([6]) # timing mark
79 RCTE = bytes([7]) # remote controlled transmission and echo
80 NAOL = bytes([8]) # negotiate about output line width
81 NAOP = bytes([9]) # negotiate about output page size
82 NAOCRD = bytes([10]) # negotiate about CR disposition
83 NAOHTS = bytes([11]) # negotiate about horizontal tabstops
84 NAOHTD = bytes([12]) # negotiate about horizontal tab disposition
85 NAOFFD = bytes([13]) # negotiate about formfeed disposition
86 NAOVTS = bytes([14]) # negotiate about vertical tab stops
87 NAOVTD = bytes([15]) # negotiate about vertical tab disposition
88 NAOLFD = bytes([16]) # negotiate about output LF disposition
89 XASCII = bytes([17]) # extended ascii character set
90 LOGOUT = bytes([18]) # force logout
91 BM = bytes([19]) # byte macro
92 DET = bytes([20]) # data entry terminal
93 SUPDUP = bytes([21]) # supdup protocol
94 SUPDUPOUTPUT = bytes([22]) # supdup output
95 SNDLOC = bytes([23]) # send location
96 TTYPE = bytes([24]) # terminal type
97 EOR = bytes([25]) # end or record
98 TUID = bytes([26]) # TACACS user identification
99 OUTMRK = bytes([27]) # output marking
100 TTYLOC = bytes([28]) # terminal location number
101 VT3270REGIME = bytes([29]) # 3270 regime
102 X3PAD = bytes([30]) # X.3 PAD
103 NAWS = bytes([31]) # window size
104 TSPEED = bytes([32]) # terminal speed
105 LFLOW = bytes([33]) # remote flow control
106 LINEMODE = bytes([34]) # Linemode option
107 XDISPLOC = bytes([35]) # X Display Location
108 OLD_ENVIRON = bytes([36]) # Old - Environment variables
109 AUTHENTICATION = bytes([37]) # Authenticate
110 ENCRYPT = bytes([38]) # Encryption option
111 NEW_ENVIRON = bytes([39]) # New - Environment variables
116 TN3270E = bytes([40]) # TN3270E
117 XAUTH = bytes([41]) # XAUTH
118 CHARSET = bytes([42]) # CHARSET
119 RSP = bytes([43]) # Telnet Remote Serial Port
120 COM_PORT_OPTION = bytes([44]) # Com Port Control Option
121 SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO = bytes([45]) # Telnet Suppress Local Echo
122 TLS = bytes([46]) # Telnet Start TLS
123 KERMIT = bytes([47]) # KERMIT
124 SEND_URL = bytes([48]) # SEND-URL
125 FORWARD_X = bytes([49]) # FORWARD_X
127 SSPI_LOGON = bytes([139]) # TELOPT SSPI LOGON
129 EXOPL = bytes([255]) # Extended-Options-List
130 NOOPT = bytes([0])