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Lines Matching refs:pCell

61483   u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
61509 pInfo->nSize = (u16)(&pInfo->pPayload[pInfo->nLocal] - pCell) + 4;
61528 u8 *pCell, /* Pointer to the cell text. */
61537 pInfo->nSize = 4 + getVarint(&pCell[4], (u64*)&pInfo->nKey);
61545 u8 *pCell, /* Pointer to the cell text. */
61556 pIter = pCell;
61604 pInfo->nSize = nPayload + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
61608 btreeParseCellAdjustSizeForOverflow(pPage, pCell, pInfo);
61613 u8 *pCell, /* Pointer to the cell text. */
61622 pIter = pCell + pPage->childPtrSize;
61641 pInfo->nSize = nPayload + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
61645 btreeParseCellAdjustSizeForOverflow(pPage, pCell, pInfo);
61668 static u16 cellSizePtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
61669 u8 *pIter = pCell + pPage->childPtrSize; /* For looping over bytes of pCell */
61679 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &debuginfo);
61701 nSize += (u32)(pIter - pCell);
61711 nSize += 4 + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
61716 static u16 cellSizePtrNoPayload(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
61717 u8 *pIter = pCell + 4; /* For looping over bytes of pCell */
61726 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &debuginfo);
61734 assert( debuginfo.nSize==(u16)(pIter - pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
61735 return (u16)(pIter - pCell);
61753 static void ptrmapPutOvflPtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell, int *pRC){
61756 assert( pCell!=0 );
61757 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
61759 Pgno ovfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.nSize-4]);
63854 u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
63856 ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pCell, &rc);
63859 Pgno childPgno = get4byte(pCell);
63905 u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
63908 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
63910 if( pCell+info.nSize > pPage->aData+pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
63913 if( iFrom==get4byte(pCell+info.nSize-4) ){
63914 put4byte(pCell+info.nSize-4, iTo);
63919 if( get4byte(pCell)==iFrom ){
63920 put4byte(pCell, iTo);
65718 u8 *pCell; /* Pointer to current cell in pPage */
65736 pCell = findCellPastPtr(pPage, idx);
65738 while( 0x80 <= *(pCell++) ){
65739 if( pCell>=pPage->aDataEnd ){
65744 getVarint(pCell, (u64*)&nCellKey);
65771 pCell = findCellPastPtr(pPage, idx);
65781 nCell = pCell[0];
65786 testcase( pCell+nCell+1==pPage->aDataEnd );
65787 c = xRecordCompare(nCell, (void*)&pCell[1], pIdxKey);
65788 }else if( !(pCell[1] & 0x80)
65789 && (nCell = ((nCell&0x7f)<<7) + pCell[1])<=pPage->maxLocal
65793 testcase( pCell+nCell+2==pPage->aDataEnd );
65794 c = xRecordCompare(nCell, (void*)&pCell[2], pIdxKey);
65806 u8 * const pCellBody = pCell - pPage->childPtrSize;
66601 unsigned char *pCell, /* First byte of the Cell */
66611 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, pInfo);
66615 if( pCell+pInfo->nSize-1 > pPage->aData+pPage->maskPage ){
66619 ovflPgno = get4byte(pCell + pInfo->nSize - 4);
66682 unsigned char *pCell, /* Complete text of the cell */
66701 assert( pCell<pPage->aData || pCell>=&pPage->aData[pPage->pBt->pageSize]
66711 nHeader += putVarint32(&pCell[nHeader], nPayload);
66712 nHeader += putVarint(&pCell[nHeader], *(u64*)&pX->nKey);
66717 nHeader += putVarint32(&pCell[nHeader], nPayload);
66721 pPayload = &pCell[nHeader];
66747 pPrior = &pCell[nHeader+n];
66767 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
66768 assert( nHeader==(int)(info.pPayload - pCell) );
66928 u8 *pCell, /* Content of the new cell */
66951 assert( sz==pPage->xCellSize(pPage, pCell) || (sz==8 && iChild>0) );
66954 memcpy(pTemp, pCell, sz);
66955 pCell = pTemp;
66958 put4byte(pCell, iChild);
66965 pPage->apOvfl[j] = pCell;
66992 memcpy(&data[idx], pCell, sz);
67008 ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pCell, pRC);
67093 u8 *pCell = apCell[i];
67094 if( SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell,aData,pEnd) ){
67095 pCell = &pTmp[pCell - aData];
67101 memcpy(pData, pCell, szCell[i]);
67102 assert( szCell[i]==pPg->xCellSize(pPg, pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
67103 testcase( szCell[i]!=pPg->xCellSize(pPg,pCell) );
67204 u8 *pCell = pCArray->apCell[i];
67205 if( SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell, pStart, pEnd) ){
67211 if( pFree!=(pCell + sz) ){
67216 pFree = pCell;
67220 pFree = pCell;
67322 u8 *pCell = pCArray->apCell[i+iNew];
67324 if( SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell, aData, &aData[pPg->pBt->usableSize]) ){
67325 pCell = &pTmp[pCell - aData];
67327 assert( 0==memcmp(pCell, &aData[iOff],
67401 u8 *pCell = pPage->apOvfl[0];
67402 u16 szCell = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, pCell);
67408 rc = rebuildPage(pNew, 1, &pCell, &szCell);
67424 ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pNew, pCell, &rc);
67441 pCell = findCell(pPage, pPage->nCell-1);
67442 pStop = &pCell[9];
67443 while( (*(pCell++)&0x80) && pCell<pStop );
67444 pStop = &pCell[9];
67445 while( ((*(pOut++) = *(pCell++))&0x80) && pCell<pStop );
68124 u8 *pCell = b.apCell[i];
68143 || !SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell,aOld,&aOld[usableSize])
68146 ptrmapPut(pBt, get4byte(pCell), PTRMAP_BTREE, pNew->pgno, &rc);
68149 ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pNew, pCell, &rc);
68158 u8 *pCell;
68166 pCell = b.apCell[j];
68170 memcpy(&pNew->aData[8], pCell, 4);
68180 pCell = pTemp;
68181 sz = 4 + putVarint(&pCell[4], info.nKey);
68184 pCell -= 4;
68198 sz = pParent->xCellSize(pParent, pCell);
68204 insertCell(pParent, nxDiv+i, pCell, sz, pTemp, pNew->pgno, &rc);
68795 unsigned char *pCell; /* Pointer to cell to delete */
68815 pCell = findCell(pPage, iCellIdx);
68828 || (pPage->nFree+cellSizePtr(pPage,pCell)+2)>(int)(pBt->usableSize*2/3)
68870 rc = clearCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
68890 pCell = findCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1);
68891 if( pCell<&pLeaf->aData[4] ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
68892 nCell = pLeaf->xCellSize(pLeaf, pCell);
68898 insertCell(pPage, iCellIdx, pCell-4, nCell+4, pTmp, n, &rc);
69128 unsigned char *pCell;
69146 pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
69148 rc = clearDatabasePage(pBt, get4byte(pCell), 1, pnChange);
69151 rc = clearCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
69743 u8 *pCell; /* Cell content */
69833 pCell = &data[pc];
69834 pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
69856 pgnoOvfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.nSize - 4]);
69867 pgno = get4byte(pCell);
167776 RtreeCell *pCell, /* The cell to write */
167781 p += writeInt64(p, pCell->iRowid);
167783 p += writeCoord(p, &pCell->aCoord[ii]);
167809 RtreeCell *pCell /* The cell to be inserted */
167819 nodeOverwriteCell(pRtree, pNode, pCell, nCell);
167912 RtreeCell *pCell /* OUT: Write the cell contents here */
167917 pCell->iRowid = nodeGetRowid(pRtree, pNode, iCell);
167919 pCoord = pCell->aCoord;
169031 static RtreeDValue cellGrowth(Rtree *pRtree, RtreeCell *p, RtreeCell *pCell){
169036 cellUnion(pRtree, &cell, pCell);
169074 RtreeCell *pCell, /* Cell to insert into rtree */
169105 growth = cellGrowth(pRtree, &cell, pCell);
169135 RtreeCell *pCell /* This cell was just inserted */
169148 if( !cellContains(pRtree, &cell, pCell) ){
169149 cellUnion(pRtree, &cell, pCell);
169411 RtreeCell *pCell = &aCell[aaSorted[iBestDim][ii]];
169412 nodeInsertCell(pRtree, pTarget, pCell);
169413 cellUnion(pRtree, pBbox, pCell);
169443 RtreeCell *pCell,
169474 memcpy(&aCell[nCell], pCell, sizeof(RtreeCell));
169541 if( iRowid==pCell->iRowid ){
169557 rc = updateMapping(pRtree, pCell->iRowid, pLeft, iHeight);
169729 RtreeCell *pCell,
169766 memcpy(&aCell[ii], pCell, sizeof(RtreeCell));
169795 if( p->iRowid==pCell->iRowid ){
169834 RtreeCell *pCell,
169839 RtreeNode *pChild = nodeHashLookup(pRtree, pCell->iRowid);
169846 if( nodeInsertCell(pRtree, pNode, pCell) ){
169848 rc = SplitNode(pRtree, pNode, pCell, iHeight);
169851 rc = Reinsert(pRtree, pNode, pCell, iHeight);
169854 rc = AdjustTree(pRtree, pNode, pCell);
169857 rc = rowidWrite(pRtree, pCell->iRowid, pNode->iNode);
169859 rc = parentWrite(pRtree, pCell->iRowid, pNode->iNode);
170872 u8 *pCell, /* Pointer to cell coordinates */
170880 readCoord(&pCell[4*2*i], &c1);
170881 readCoord(&pCell[4*(2*i + 1)], &c2);
170951 u8 *pCell = &aNode[4 + i*(8 + pCheck->nDim*2*4)];
170952 i64 iVal = readInt64(pCell);
170953 rtreeCheckCellCoord(pCheck, iNode, i, &pCell[8], aParent);
170957 rtreeCheckNode(pCheck, iDepth-1, &pCell[8], iVal);
178006 StatCell *pCell = &p->aCell[i];
178010 pCell->iChildPg = sqlite3Get4byte(&aData[iOff]);
178025 pCell->nLocal = nLocal;
178032 pCell->nLastOvfl = (nPayload-nLocal) - (nOvfl-1) * (nUsable-4);
178033 pCell->nOvfl = nOvfl;
178034 pCell->aOvfl = sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(u32)*nOvfl);
178035 if( pCell->aOvfl==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
178036 pCell->aOvfl[0] = sqlite3Get4byte(&aData[iOff+nLocal]);
178039 u32 iPrev = pCell->aOvfl[j-1];
178046 pCell->aOvfl[j] = sqlite3Get4byte(sqlite3PagerGetData(pPg));
178125 StatCell *pCell = &p->aCell[p->iCell];
178126 if( pCell->iOvfl<pCell->nOvfl ){
178133 pCsr->iPageno = pCell->aOvfl[pCell->iOvfl];
178138 "%s%.3x+%.6x", p->zPath, p->iCell, pCell->iOvfl
178140 if( pCell->iOvfl<pCell->nOvfl-1 ){
178144 pCsr->nPayload = pCell->nLastOvfl;
178147 pCell->iOvfl++;