Lines Matching refs:sysroot
29 * ``An arm-linux-gnueabihf sysroot``
37 sysroot. The :doc:`HowToCrossCompileLLVM` has information about how to use the
41 arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc installation as our sysroot.
71 * ``--sysroot=/path/to/toolchain/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc``
73 Depending on how your sysroot is laid out, you may not need ``--gcc-toolchain``.
75 distributions multiarch support then you should be able to use ``--sysroot=/``.
85 * ``-DCOMPILER_RT_EMULATOR="qemu-arm -L /path/to/armhf/sysroot``
90 The ``/path/to/armhf/sysroot`` should be the same as the one passed to
91 ``--sysroot`` in the "build-c-flags".
105 target by substituting soft-float equivalents for the sysroot and target. The
118 equivalents for the sysroot, emulator and target.
121 * ``-DCOMPILER_RT_EMULATOR="qemu-aarch64 -L /path/to/aarch64/sysroot``
124 ``"--sysroot=/path/to/aarch64/sysroot --gcc-toolchain=/path/to/gcc-toolchain"``
132 You will need a bare metal sysroot such as that provided by the GNU ARM
137 * ``-DBAREMETAL_ARMV6M_SYSROOT=/path/to/bare/metal/sysroot``
138 * ``-DBAREMETAL_ARMV7M_SYSROOT=/path/to/bare/metal/sysroot``
139 * ``-DBAREMETAL_ARMV7EM_SYSROOT=/path/to/bare/metal/sysroot``
180 * ``-DCOMPILER_RT_EMULATOR="qemu-arm -L /path/to/armv7-A/sysroot"``
187 test-c-flags. We must use an Armv7-A soft-float abi sysroot for ``qemu-arm``.
194 library must be matched by the float abi of the Armv7-A sysroot used by