Lines Matching refs:LOGD
51 LOGD("\n Raw buffer thread created for testcase : %d", testcase); in initTest()
54 LOGD("\n Raw Snapshot Default stream setting read"); in initTest()
58 LOGD("\nRaw Snapshot stream configured"); in initTest()
60 LOGD("\nRaw Snapshot Process Capture Request Sent"); in initTest()
67 LOGD("Camera ID : %d",camid); in constructDefaultRequest()
78 LOGD(" configureSnapshotStream testcase dim :%d X %d", w, h); in configureRawSnapshotStream()
116 LOGD("Calling HAL3APP capture request for camid : %d", camid); in rawProcessCaptureRequest()
124 LOGD("\nRaw Requested Capture : %d and Received Capture : %d", in rawProcessCaptureRequestRepeat()
127 LOGD("\n Raw Snapshot is running successfully Ending test"); in rawProcessCaptureRequestRepeat()
129 LOGD("\n Capture Done , Recieved Frame : %d", fcount_captured); in rawProcessCaptureRequestRepeat()
143 LOGD("Calling HAL3APP repeat capture request repeat "); in rawProcessCaptureRequestRepeat()
156 LOGD("%s Closing Camera %d", __func__, camid); in rawTestEnd()
208 LOGD("camid :%d and testcase : %d handle is NULL", camid, testcase); in captureRequestRepeat()
252 LOGD("Sensor thread is exiting"); in rawProcessBuffers()