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Failed to alloc mem for F21 test_f21_set_regs%s: Failed to read sense display ratio test_set_controls%s: Failed to alloc mem for control registers %s: Failed to read F55 query registers test_f55_init%s: Failed to read F55 tx assignment %s: Failed to read F55 rx assignment %s: Failed to read F55 AFE mux sizes %s: Failed to read F55 force tx assignment %s: Failed to read F55 force rx assignment %s: Failed to alloc mem for query_2 test_f21_init%s: Failed to alloc mem for query_5 %s: Failed to alloc mem for query_11 %s: No F21 force capabilities %s: No F21 force mapping %s: Failed to read F21 force txrx assignment %s: Failed to create sysfs bin file test_set_sysfs%s: Failed to create sysfs attributes report_data%s: Report type %d data not available test_sysfs_data_read%s: Failed to copy report data %s: Status busy test_check_for_idle_status%s: Status error %s: Invalid status (%d) num_of_mapped_tx%u %s Attempted to write to read-only attribute %s 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test_sysfs_resume_touch_storedo_afe_calibration%s: F54_ANALOG_Ctrl188 not found test_sysfs_do_afe_calibration_store%s: Failed to start calibration test_do_afe_calibration%s: Failed to complete calibration %s: Timed out waiting for calibration completion %s: Failed to read calibration CRC report_type%s: Report type not supported by driver test_sysfs_report_type_store%s: Failed to write report type fifoindex%s: Failed to read report index test_sysfs_fifoindex_show%s: Failed to write report index test_sysfs_fifoindex_storeno_auto_cal%s: Failed to read no auto cal setting test_sysfs_no_auto_cal_store%s: Failed to write no auto cal setting read_report%03d: %d tx = %d rx = %d %-4d %-4d %2d %5utx %5d%03d: 0x%02x %s: Failed to read report test_sysfs_read_report_store%s: Report data size = 0 test_report_work%s: Failed to alloc mem for data buffer %s: Failed to write report data index %s: Failed to read report data test_set_report_size%s: Failed to read control reg_41 test_timeout_work%s: Report 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