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blk%x %x;fs%x:\;fs%x:\efi\boot;fs%x:\efi\toolsfs%xmap fs%x %xset path -v .path;%s:\efi\tools;%s:\efi\boot;%s:\fsblkio%hs%H:%H0.99NOYESRemovable %s none-u-t-f-c-rBlockDevicefCDRomHardDiskhdfpwrite error: %r %N %.*s"|%^:#><*Error : PAL entry point invalid Error : Sal entry point invalid Error : Sal entry point not found Error : Sal System Table checksum is invalid SST_Error : Sal System Table NOT found %s.nsh%s.efi.efi.nsh.;%s @map -r -f@map -rShellNUL1>>a1>>>>a>>2>a2>1>a1>>aUnknownPixelBltOnlyPixelBitMaskPixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColorPixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColorIPFIA-32Isa = I/O : MEM : ==== ==== ================ ================ ====) %cNULLrawpartitionrwro!cachedcachedFixed not-present EndMessagingACPI x) 2) 1.5) 1) D) DDHCPStatic,%hx%hxNULLBIOS Boot SpecRelative Offset RangePIWG Firmware FilePIWG FVMedia ProtocolFile PathVender-DefinedCD-ROMHard DriveiSCSIDevice Logical UnitUSB WWIDUSB ClassUARTIPv6MACInfiniBandI2OUSB1394Fibre ChannelSCSIATAPIAcpiAdrAcpiExAcpiControllerVendor-DefinedMemory MappedPCIIllegal%.*s\%s\%s Enter 'q' to quit, any other key to continue: -q-s-w -?... <DIR>ls/dir-a==thenexistnot/i-ncoffon-off-onErrOutdriverdevice-m-e (rw) (ro) -n+r-h+h+s+a - - X ? Binrun%s\%scp: Out of memory cp: Cannot copy %hs to its subdirectory cp: Cannot copy %hs to itself Cp: Out of resources cp: Destination is read only or write protected cp: Cannot create destination %hs - %r cp: Cannot copy multiple sources to single existing file cp: Source file not found cp: Cannot open destination - %r cp: Multiple destinations are not allowed cp: Cannot open current directory as destination - %r cp: Cannot open %hs - %r cp: Argument with zero length is not allowed cp: Too few arguments cp/copyUnload driver image (y/n)? %Nrm/del%lx%02x%02x%02x%02x%08x%04x%04x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x1%c16%ldSAL wakeup vector is %8x IPI block address is %8x IO Base address is %8x Pal Entry point is %8x ver: PAL entry point invalid Sal GP is %8x Sal Entry point is %8x ver: Sal entry point is invalid ver: Sal entry point not found SAL B Version %d.%d SAL A Version %d.%d SAL Specification Revision %d.%d Sal System Table found ver: Sal system table not found `  2--'?MSG '?Me`-'?M Ǯ{WvL/(C֠Js~-aʓ +wt8i9ir;wt8i9ir;X8A&G` >2RHUNJrﲡF'm2A`Bti#L˘wP2*nW ?m9ir;0VL?ir;ͅ= '?MQǤ#>LIdcI׿$@. kNGہ5'?M\zjpOu0%!3M_J^;cOI'?M![NYd9ir;+wzF'?MnW ?m9ir;1CM &q,wzF'?MnW ?m9ir;"[NYd9ir;1?ir;u88ĆT's"kDtaw/.LVIC!VWWS 0p/0`///0///0///00/ @0/ `0/ p0/ P0/// //0/0/ 0///////T8cI$/E aXG@GFjXOMjlVXG@GqͼbAGf`G@V@VXHGT(aLXG @G@`@{>DGH`bHGXG@GEW6dMH${'аV aXG@GqMThPE_WxSXG@G ^vCjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-F01TpTP)`)PGHGXG@GW<WVSVVVVHGPG;VVV XG@@GVXG@G+B++ T+ )T)0)T)&G '-S@- -SP-0-S`-'S''S(,S-P,S,p,pS"`,`S".PS .0.@S@.p.0S.. 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ATTRIB [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [+r|-r] [file...] [directory...] +a|-a - Sets or clears the 'archive' attribute +s|-s - Sets or clears the 'system' attribute +h|-h - Sets or clears the 'hidden' attribute +r|-r - Sets or clears the 'read only' attribute file - File name (wildcards are permitted) directory - Directory name (wildcards are permitted) Notes: 1. If no attributes parameters are specified, the current attributes of the specified files or directories will be displayed. 2. If no files or directories are specified, then the command applies to all files and sub-directories within the current directory. Examples: * To display the attributes of a directory: fs0:\> attrib fs0:\ attrib:D fs0:\ * To display the attributes of all files and sub-directories in the current directory: fs0:\> attrib * attrib: AS fs0:\serial.efi attrib:DA fs0:\test1 attrib: A HR fs0:\bios.inf attrib: A fs0:\VerboseHelp.txt attrib: AS fs0:\IsaBus.efi * To add the system attribute to all files with extension '.efi': fs0:\> attrib +s *.efi * To remove the read only attribute from all files with extension '.inf': fs0:\> attrib -r *.inf attrib: A H fs0:\bios.inf Clears standard output and optionally changes background colorClears the standard output and optionally changes the background color. CLS [color] color - New background color 0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan 4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Yellow 7 - Light gray Note: 1. If no parameters are specified, this command clears the standard output device. The background color is not changed. Examples: * To clear standard output without changing the background color: fs0:\> cls * To clear standard output and change the background color to cyan: fs0:\> cls 3 * To clear standard output and change the background to the default color: fs0:\> cls 0 %hs: Multiple destinations are not allowed %hs: Cannot open destination - %hs %hs: Source file not found %hs: When copying multiple sources, last argument should be a directory %hs: Cannot create destination %hs %hs: Destination is read only or write protected %hs: Cannot copy %hs to itself %hs: Out of memory %hs: Access %hs error Overwrite %s? (Yes/No/All/Cancel):copying %s -> %s %hs: Set %hs pos error %hs: Access %hs error %hs: read error %hs: write error %hs: write error - disk full %hs: Cannot access '%hs'  - [ok] %hs: Cannot open/create %hs under %hs %hs: Cannot copy from %hs to %hs %hs: Cannot copy directory %hs to its subdirectory %hs: Cannot copy directory or subdirectory %hs without '-r' %hs: Read %hs error Making dir %hs %hs: Cannot open/create %hs under %hs %hs: Cannot overwrite file %hs with directory %hs: Cannot overwrite dir %hs with file Copies one or more files or directories to another locationCopies one or more files or directories to another location. CP [-r] [-q] src [src...] [dst] -r - Recursive copy -q - Quiet copying (replace existing files without prompt) src - Source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted) dst - Destination file/directory name (wildcards are not permitted) Note: 1. The '-r' option must be specified if src is a directory. If '-r' is specified, then the source directory will be recursively copied to the destination. 'src' itself will be copied. 2. If the 'dst' parameter is not specified, then the current directory is assumed to be the destination. 3. 'CP -r src1 src2 dst' copies all files and subdirectories in 'src1' and 'src2' to the destination 'dst'. 'src1' and 'src2' themselves are also copied. The 'dst' parameter will be interpreted as a directory. 4. Copying a directory or file to itself is not allowed. 5. If an error occurs, CP will exit immediately and the remaining files or directories will not be copied. 6. When 'cp' is executed with a script file, it always performs quiet copying regardless of whether the '-q' option is specified. 7. If you are copying multiple files, the destination must be an existing directory. Examples: * To display the contents of the current directory: fs0:\> ls Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 efi 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 test1 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 test2 06/13/01 10:00a 28,739 IsaBus.efi 06/13/01 10:00a 32,838 IsaSerial.efi 06/18/01 08:04p 29 temp.txt 06/18/01 08:05p <DIR> 512 test 3 File(s) 61,606 bytes 4 Dir(s) * To copy a file in the same directory but change the file name: fs0:\> cp temp.txt readme.txt copying fs0:\temp.txt -> fs0:\readme.txt - [ok] * To copy multiple files to another directory: fs0:\> cp temp.txt isaBus.efi \test copying fs0:\temp.txt -> fs0:\test\temp.txt - [ok] copying fs0:\isaBus.efi -> fs0:\test\IsaBus.efi - [ok] * To copy multiple directories recursively to another directory: fs0:\> cp -r test1 test2 boot \test copying fs0:\test1 -> fs0:\test\test1 copying fs0:\test1\test1.txt -> fs0:\test\test1\test1.txt - [ok] copying fs0:\test2 -> fs0:\test\test2 copying fs0:\test2\test2.txt -> fs0:\test\test2\test2.txt - [ok] copying fs0:\boot -> fs0:\test\boot copying fs0:\boot\shell.efi -> fs0:\test\boot\shell.efi - [ok] * To verify the results of the cp commands above: fs0:\> ls \test Directory of: fs0:\test 06/18/01 01:01p <DIR> 512 . 06/18/01 01:01p <DIR> 0 .. 01/28/01 08:21p <DIR> 512 test1 01/28/01 08:21p <DIR> 512 test2 01/28/01 08:21p <DIR> 512 boot 01/28/01 08:23p 29 temp.txt 01/28/01 08:23p 28,739 IsaBus.efi 2 File(s) 28,828 bytes 5 Dir(s) %02d/%02d/%04d %Hdate%N: Clock not functional Displays or changes the current system dateDisplays or changes the current system date. DATE [mm/dd/[yy]yy] mm - Month of date to set, range: 1 - 12 dd - Day of date to set, range: 1 - 31 yyyy - Year of date to set, range: 1998 - 2099 Note: 1. Short year format: yy: 98=1998, 99=1999, 00=2000, 01=2001, ..., 97=2097. 2. Long year format: yyyy: 1998 - 2099, other values are invalid. 3. EFI may behave unpredictably if illegal date values are used. Examples: * To display the current system date: fs0:\> date 06/18/2001 * To set the system date using the long year format: fs0:\> date 01/01/2050 fs0:\> date 01/01/2050 * To set the system date using the short year format: fs0:\> date 06/18/01 fs0:\> date 06/18/2001 %H T D%N %HD Y C I%N %HR P F A%N %HV VERSION E G G #D #C DRIVER NAME IMAGE NAME%N %H== ======== = = = == == =================================== ===================%N %h02x %08x %2d %s<UNKNOWN> %s Displays the EFI driver listDisplays the EFI driver list. DRIVERS [-l XXX] -l - Display drivers using the specified language Display Format: DRV - Handle number of the EFI driver TYPE - Driver type: [B] - Bus Driver [D] - Device Driver CFG - Driver supports the Driver Configuration Protocol DIAG - Driver supports the Driver Diagnostics Protocol #D - Number of devices managed by the driver #C - Number of child devices produced by the driver DRIVER NAME - Name of the driver from the Component Name Protocol IMAGE NAME - File path from which the driver was loaded Examples: * To display the list: Shell> drivers T D D Y C I R P F A V VERSION E G G #D #C DRIVER NAME IMAGE NAME == ======== = = = == = ================================== =================== 39 00000010 D - - 1 - Platform Console Management Driver ConPlatform 3A 00000010 D - - 1 - Platform Console Management Driver ConPlatform 3B 00000010 B - - 1 1 Console Splitter Driver ConSplitter 3C 00000010 ? - - - - Console Splitter Driver ConSplitter 3D 00000010 B - - 1 1 Console Splitter Driver ConSplitter 3E 00000010 ? - - - - Console Splitter Driver ConSplitter 42 00000010 D - - 1 - UGA Console Driver GraphicsConsole 43 00000010 ? - - - - Serial Terminal Driver Terminal 44 00000010 D - - 1 - Generic Disk I/O Driver DiskIo 45 00000010 D - - 1 - FAT File System Driver Fat 48 00000010 ? - - - - ISA Bus Driver IsaBus 49 00000010 ? - - - - ISA Serial Driver IsaSerial 4C 00000010 B - - 1 1 PCI Bus Driver PciBus 55 00000010 D X X 1 - Windows Block I/O Driver WinNtBlockIo 56 00000010 ? - - - - Windows Text Console Driver WinNtConsole 57 00000010 ? - - - - Windows Serial I/O Driver WinNtSerialIo 58 00000010 D - - 1 - Windows Simple File System Driver WinNtSimpleFileSystem 59 00000010 B - - 1 3 Windows Bus Driver WinNtBusDriver 5F 00000010 D - - 1 - Windows Universal Graphics Adapter WinNtUga Force Default Configuration to DefaultType %08x Validate Configuration Options Set Configuration Options Configurable Components drvcfg: Driver image handle [%h02x] does not support Driver Configuration Protocol  Drv[%h02x] Ctrl[ALL] Lang[%ha] Drv[%h02x] Ctrl[%h02x] Lang[%ha] - Defaults forced. Action Required is  - Options valid  - Force of defaults failed. Status = %r  - Options not valid. Status = %r  - Options set. Action Required is  - Options not set. Status = %r  Drv[%h02x] Ctrl[%h02x] Child[%h02x] Lang[%ha] - Force of defaults failed. Status = %r None Stop Controller  Press [ENTER] to stop controllerController stopped Restart Controller  Press [ENTER] to restart controllerController restarted Restart Platform  Press [ENTER] to restart platformUnknown drvcfg: Driver image handle [%h02x] does not support language %a Invokes the Driver Configuration ProtocolInvokes the Driver Configuration Protocol. DRVCFG [-l XXX] [-c] [-f Type|-v|-s] [DriverHandle [DeviceHandle [ChildHandle]]] -l - Configure using the specified language -c - Configure all child devices -f - Force defaults -v - Validate options -s - Set options Type - The type of default configuration options to force on the controller specified by ControllerHandle and ChildHandle: 0 - Safe Defaults. 1 - Manufacturing Defaults. 2 - Custom Defaults. 3 - Performance Defaults. DriverHandle - Handle of the driver to configure DeviceHandle - Handle of a device that DriverHandle is managing ChildHandle - Handle of a device that is a child of DeviceHandle Note: 1. Default Type. 0 - Safe Defaults. Places a controller in a safe configuration with the greatest probability of functioning correctly in a platform. 1 - Manufacturing Defaults. Optional type that places the controller in a configuration suitable for a manufacturing and test environment. 2 - Custom Defaults. Optional type that places the controller in a custom configuration. 3 - Performance Defaults. Optional type that places the controller in a configuration that maximizes the controller's performance in a platform. Other Value - Depends on the driver's implementation. Examples: * To display the list of devices available for configuration: Shell> drvcfg * To display the list of devices and child devices available for configuration: Shell> drvcfg -c * To force defaults on all devices: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 * To force defaults on all devices managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 * To force defaults on device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 28 * To force defaults on all child devices of device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 28 -c * To force defaults on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 28 30 * To validate options on all devices: Shell> drvcfg -v * To validate options on all devices managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 * To validate options on device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 28 * To validate options on all child devices of device 0x28 which are managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 28 -c * To validate options on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 28 30 * To set options on device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 * To set options on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 30 * To set options on device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17, in English: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 -l eng * To set options on device 0x28 which is managed by driver 0x17, in Spanish: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 -l spa Run Diagnostics Available Diagnostics drvdiag: Driver image handle [%h02x] does not support Driver Diagnostics Protocol drvdiag: Driver image handle [%h02x] does not support language %a  Does not support language %a  - %HPASSED%N  - %HFAILED%N with %r  ErrorType = %g  BufferSize = %d  Buffer = %s  No required handle found Driver %02x: Invokes the Driver Diagnostics ProtocolInvokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol. DRVDIAG [-c] [-l XXX] [-s|-e|-m] [DriverHandle [DeviceHandle [ChildHandle]]] -c - Diagnose all child devices -l - Diagnose using the specified language -s - Run diagnostics in standard mode -e - Run diagnostics in extended mode -m - Run diagnostics in manufacturing mode DriverHandle - Handle of the driver to configure DeviceHandle - Handle of a device that DriverHandle is managing ChildHandle - Handle of a device that is a child of DeviceHandle Examples: * To display the list of devices available for diagnostics: Shell> drvdiag * To display the list of devices and child devices available for diagnostics: Shell> drvdiag -c * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices: Shell> drvdiag -s * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices in English: Shell> drvdiag -s -l eng * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices in Spanish: Shell> drvdiag -s -l spa * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices and child devices: Shell> drvdiag -s -c * To run diagnostics in extended mode on all devices: Shell> drvdiag -e * To run diagnostics in manufacturing mode on all devices: Shell> drvdiag -m * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 * To run diagnostics in standard mode on device 0x28 managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 28 * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all child devices of device 0x28 managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 28 -c * To run diagnostics in standard mode on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 28 30 %Hload%N: Image %hs is not a driver %Hload%N: Image %hs loaded at %x - %r %Hload%N: Image %hs error - %r %Hload%N: %hs is not a image Loads and optionally connects one or more EFI driversImage type %s is not supported by this %s shell Loads and optionally connects one or more EFI drivers. LOAD [-nc] file [file...] -nc - Loads but does not connect the driver file - EFI driver image file (wildcards are permitted) Note: 1. LOAD can deal with multiple files and supports wildcards. 2. If the -nc option is not specified, then the loaded drivers will be automatically connected. If -nc is specified, then none of the loaded drivers will be connected. Loading without -nc could cause the previously loaded drivers to be connected. This is compliant with the EFI Specification. 3. Use the 'UNLOAD' command to unload a driver. Examples: * To load a driver: fs0:\> load Isabus.efi load: Image 'fs0:\Isabus.efi' loaded at 18FE000 - Success * To load multiple drivers: fs0:\> load Isabus.efi IsaSerial.efi load: Image 'fs0:\Isabus.efi' loaded at 18E5000 - Success load: Image 'fs0:\IsaSerial.efi' loaded at 18DC000 - Success * To load multiple drivers using filename wildcards: fs0:\> load Isa*.efi load: Image 'fs0:\IsaBus.efi' loaded at 18D4000 - Success load: Image 'fs0:\IsaSerial.efi' loaded at 18CB000 - Success * To load a driver without connecting: fs0:\> load -nc IsaBus.efi load: Image 'fs0:\Isabus.efi' loaded at 18FE000 - Success %hs: Invalid file attribute '%hc' %hs: Cannot open %hs - %r %hs: Cannot open current directory - %r %hs: Cannot open directory %hs - %r  Total Summary: %11,ld File(s) %11,ld bytes %11,ld Dir(s) %hs: Out of memory %hs: Cannot get info of directory %hs %hs: Cannot operate on a file %hs %hs: Cannot access directory %hs %hs: Cannot read from directory %hs - %r %hs: Duplicated file attribute - '%hc' Directory of: %hs  %t %s %c %11,ld %s %vs %bs File Not Found Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directoryDisplays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. LS [-b] [-r] [-a[attrib]] [file] -b - Display one screen at a time -r - Display recursively (including subdirectories) -a - Display files with attributes of type attrib attrib - File attribute list: a - Archive s - System h - Hidden r - Read-only d - Directory file - Name of file or directory (wildcards are permitted) Note: 1. Files and directories with the system and hidden attributes are not displayed unless the 's' and 'h' attributes are specified. Examples: * To hide files by adding the hidden and system attributes: fs0:\> attrib +h +s *.efi ASH fs0:\IsaBus.efi ASH fs0:\IsaSerial.efi * To display all files in the current directory: fs0:\> ls Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 09:32p 153 for.nsh 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 efi 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 test1 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 test2 06/18/01 08:04p 29 temp.txt 06/18/01 08:05p <DIR> 512 test 01/28/01 08:24p r 29 readme.txt 3 File(s) 211 bytes 4 Dir(s) * To display all files in the current directory: fs0:\> ls -a Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 09:32p 153 for.nsh 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 efi 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 test1 06/18/01 01:02p <DIR> 512 test2 06/18/01 10:59p 28,739 IsaBus.efi 06/18/01 10:59p 32,838 IsaSerial.efi 06/18/01 08:04p 29 temp.txt 06/18/01 08:05p <DIR> 512 test 01/28/01 08:24p r 29 readme.txt 5 File(s) 61,788 bytes 4 Dir(s) * To display all read-only files in the current directory: fs0:\> ls -ar Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 11:14p r 29 readme.txt 1 File(s) 29 bytes 0 Dir(s) * To display the file 'isabus.efi' with the system attribute: fs0:\> ls -as isabus.efi Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 10:59p 28,739 IsaBus.efi 1 File(s) 28,739 bytes 0 Dir(s) * To display all files in the fs0:\efi directory recursively: fs0:\> ls -r -a efi * To display all files with the '*.efi' extension recursively one screen at a time: fs0:\> ls -b -r -a *.efi %Hmkdir%N: Cannot find %hs - %r %Hmkdir%N: No directory specified %Hmkdir%N: Directory/File %hs already exists %Hmkdir%N: Cannot create %hs - %r Creates one or more directoriesCreates one or more directories. MKDIR dir [dir...] dir - Name of a directory to be created(wildcards are not allowed) Note: 1. The parent directory must already exist. 2. If the directory already exists, mkdir will abort. 3. Specifying additional directory parameters dependent on previous directory parameters is not allowed: For example, mkdir new new\test is not allowed. 4. Redirecting output to a file that exists under the directory specified on the command line is not allowed. Examples: * To create a new directory: fs0:\> mkdir rafter fs0:\> ls Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 08:05p <DIR> 512 test 06/18/01 11:14p r 29 readme.txt 06/18/01 11:50p <DIR> 512 rafter 1 File(s) 211 bytes 2 Dir(s) * To create multiple directories: fs0:\> mkdir temp1 temp2 fs0:\> ls Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 08:05p <DIR> 512 test 06/18/01 11:14p r 29 readme.txt 06/18/01 11:50p <DIR> 512 rafter 06/18/01 11:52p <DIR> 512 temp1 06/18/01 11:52p <DIR> 512 temp2 1 File(s) 211 bytes 4 Dir(s) %hs: Argument with zero length is not allowed %hs: Destination not specified %hs: Destination name cannot contain wildcards %hs: Cannot get current directory %hs: Destination not mapped %hs: Cannot find device mapping for %hs %hs: Source and destination should be on the same file system %hs: Cannot open %hs - %r %hs: Cannot move current directory or its ancestor %hs: Cannot move directory/file %hs into itself or its subdirectories %hs: Cannot move root directory %hs: Out of memory %hs: moving %s -> %s - [error] - A duplicate destination file exists %hs: moving %s -> %s - [error] - %r %hs: moving %s -> %s - [ok] %hs: when moving multiple files, last argument must be a directory Moves one or more files or directories to another locationMoves one or more files or directories to another location. MV src [src...] [dst] src - Source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted) dst - Destination file/directory name (wildcards not permitted) Note: 1. If the 'dst' parameter is not specified, the current directory is assumed to be the destination. 2. If there is more than one argument in the command line, the last one will be taken as 'dst' unconditionally. If there is more than one source file or directory to move, the 'dst' should be an existing directory. 3. Attempting to move a read-only file or directory is not allowed. 4. Moving a directory that contains read-only file(s) is allowed. 5. You cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectories. 6. You cannot move a directory if the current directory is itself or its subdirectory. 7. Redirecting output to a file under a directory to be moved is not allowed. 8. If an error occurs, the remaining files or directories will still be moved. Examples: * To rename a file: fs0:\> mv IsaBus.efi Bus.efi moving fs0:\IsaBus.efi -> \Bus.efi - [ok] * To move a directory to the current directory: fs0:\> mkdir test1\temp fs0:\> mv test1\temp moving fs0:\test1\temp -> \.\temp - [ok] * To rename a directory: fs0:\> mv efi efi1.1 moving fs0:\efi -> \efi1.1 - [ok] * To move multiple directories at a time: fs0:\> mv test1 test2 test moving fs0:\test1 -> \test\test1 - [ok] moving fs0:\test2 -> \test\test2 - [ok] * Moving a read-only directory will result a failure: fs0:\test> attrib +r temp1 DA R fs0:\test\temp1 fs0:\test> mv temp1 temp2 moving fs0:\test\temp1 -> \test\temp2 - [error] - Write Protected Shell environment driver not loaded or incorrect version %EEFI Shell version %01d.%02d [%d.%d] %NCurrent running mode %hs %E%s> %EShell>  Press %HESC%N in %d seconds to skip %Estartup.nsh%N, any other key to continue. Resets the systemResets the system. RESET [-w [string]] RESET [-s [string]] -w - Performs a warm reset -s - Performs a shutdown string - String to be passed to reset service Note: 1. Not all systems support the '-w' option. 2. Reset will be guaranteed to reset the chipset as well as the processor when cold reset is called. 3. This command does not support output redirection. %Hrm/del%N: Cannot find %hs - %r %Hrm/del%N: Cannot remove root directory %Hrm/del%N: Cannot get current directory %Hrm/del%N: Cannot remove current directory or its ancestor - [error] - %r  - [ok] - Canceled by user %Hrm/del%N: Out of resources %Hrm/del%N: Cannot access %hs %Hrm/del%N: Cannot open %hs under %hs in write mode %Hrm/del%N: Remove subtree %hs [y/n]? %Hrm/del%N: Out of memory %Hrm/del%N: Path of %hs is too long removing %hs Deletes one or more files or directoriesDeletes one or more files or directories. RM [-q] file/directory [file/directory ...] -q - Quiet mode will not prompt for user confirmation file - File name (wildcards are permitted) directory - Directory name (wildcards are permitted) Note: 1. The root directory cannot be removed. 2. The current directory and upstream directories cannot be removed. 3. Read-only files and directories cannot be removed. 4. Directories containing read-only file(s) cannot be removed. 5. If an error occurs, RM will exit immediately. 6. RM will not prompt for user confirmation if the specified filename contains wildcards. 7. Redirecting output to a file under a directory to be removed is not allowed. Examples: * To remove multiple directories: fs0:\> ls test Directory of: fs0:\test 06/18/01 01:01p <DIR> 512 . 06/18/01 01:01p <DIR> 0 .. 06/19/01 12:59a <DIR> 512 temp1 06/19/01 12:59a <DIR> 512 temp2 0 File(s) 0 bytes 4 Dir(s) * Error occurs and RM will exit: fs0:\> rm test\temp11 temp2 rm/del: Cannot find 'fs0:\test\temp11' - Not Found * To remove multiple directories with wildcards: fs0:\> rm test\temp* rm/del: Remove subtree 'fs0:\test\temp1' [y/n]? y removing fs0:\test\temp1\temp1.txt - [ok] removing fs0:\test\temp1\boot\nshell.efi - [ok] removing fs0:\test\temp1\boot - [ok] removing fs0:\test\temp1 - [ok] rm/del: Remove subtree 'fs0:\test\temp2' [y/n]? y removing fs0:\test\temp2\temp2.txt - [ok] removing fs0:\test\temp2 - [ok] * To remove a directory that contains a read-only file will fail: fs0:\> attrib +r test\temp1\readme.txt A R fs0:\test\temp1\readme.txt fs0:\> rm test\temp1 rm/del: Cannot open readme.txt under fs0:\test\temp1 in write mode - [error] - Access Denied Exit status code: Access Denied %hs: Current directory not specified %hs: Cannot find mapped device %hs: Target directory not found %hs: Target is not a directory %hs: Cannot change directory %hs: %hx is not a %s handle. ConnectController(%hx) : Status = %r %Hconnect:%N Cannot connect %hx to %hx. ConnectController(%hx, %hx) : %hs: Device Path Protocols not found %hs(%hx,%hx,%hx) : Status = %r ReconnectController(%hx,%hx,%hx) : Status = %r Connects one or more EFI drivers to a deviceConnects one or more EFI drivers to a device. CONNECT [[DeviceHandle] [DriverHandle] | [-c] | [-r]] DeviceHandle - Device handle in hexadecimal format DriverHandle - Driver handle in hexadecimal format -c - Connect console devices -r - Connect recursively Note: 1. If no 'DeviceHandle' parameter is specified, all device handles in the current system will be the default. 2. If no 'DriverHandle' parameter is specified, all matched drivers will be bound to the specified device. 3. If 'DriverHandle' parameter is provided, the specified driver will have highest priority on connecting the device(s). 4. If the '-c' option is specified, only console devices described in the EFI Shell environment variables and related devices will be connected. 5. If the '-r' option is specified, the command will recursively scan all handles and check to see if any loaded or embedded driver can match the specified device. If so, the driver will be bound to the device. Additionally, if more device handles are created during the binding, these handles will also be checked to see if a matching driver can bind to these devices as well. The process is repeated until no more drivers are able to connect to any devices. However, without the option, the newly created device handles will not be further bound to any drivers. 6. If only a single handle is specified and the handle has an EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL on it, then the handle is assumed to be a driver handle. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a device handle. 7. If no parameters are specified, then the command will attempt to bind all proper drivers to all devices without recursion. Each connection status will be displayed. 8. Output redirection is not supported for 'connect -r' usage. Examples: * To connect all drivers to all devices recursively: Shell> connect -r * To display all connections: Shell> connect ConnectController(1) : Status = Success ConnectController(2) : Status = Success ConnectController(3) : Status = Success ... ConnectController(3D) : Status = Success * To connect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to all the devices they can manage: Shell> connect 17 * To connect all possible drivers to device 0x19: Shell> connect 19 * To connect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to device 0x19 they can manage: Shell> connect 19 17 * To connect console devices described in the EFI Shell environment variables: Shell> connect -c Disconnects one or more EFI drivers from a deviceDisconnects one or more EFI drivers from a device. DISCONNECT DeviceHandle [DriverHandle [ChildHandle]] DISCONNECT -r DeviceHandle - Device handle in hexadecimal format DriverHandle - Driver handle in hexadecimal format ChildHandle - Child handle of device in hexadecimal format -r - Disconnect drivers from all devices Note: 1. If the 'DriverHandle' parameter is not specified, the default is to disconnect 'DeviceHandle'. 2. If the 'ChildHandle' parameter is not specified, the default is to disconnect all child handles of the 'DeviceHandle'. 3. If the '-r' option is specified, all drivers will be disconnected from all devices in the system. In this case, no other parameters are allowed. 4. This command does not support output redirection. Examples: * To disconnect all drivers from all devices: Shell> disconnect -r * To disconnect all drivers from device 0x28: fs0:\> disconnect 28 * To disconnect driver 0x17 from device 0x28: fs0:\> disconnect 28 17 * To disconnect driver 0x17 from controlling the child 0x32 of device 0x28 fs0:\> disconnect 28 17 32 Reconnects one or more EFI drivers to a deviceReconnects one or more EFI drivers to a device. RECONNECT DeviceHandle [DriverHandle [ChildHandle]] RECONNECT -r DeviceHandle - Device handle in hexadecimal format DriverHandle - Driver handle in hexadecimal format ChildHandle - Child handle of device in hexadecimal format -r - Reconnect drivers to all devices Note: 1. This command disconnects the drivers from the controller similar to 'DISCONNECT'. The main difference is this command then immediately reconnects all drivers recursively. 2. If no 'DriverHandle' parameter is specified, all drivers on the specified device will be the default. 3. If no 'ChildHandle' parameter is specified, all child handles of the specified device will be the default. 4. If 'DriverHandle' parameter is provided, the specified driver will have highest priority on connecting the device(s). 5. If the '-r' option is specified, any drivers that are binding to any devices will be disconnected first and then connected recursively. 6. This command is a great way to test if drivers are compliant with the EFI 1.10 Driver Model. 7. This command does not support output redirection. Examples: * To reconnect all drivers to all devices: Shell> reconnect -r * To reconnect all drivers to device 0x28: fs0:\> reconnect 28 * To disconnect 0x17 from 0x28 then reconnect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to device 0x28: fs0:\> reconnect 28 17 * To disconnect 0x17 from 0x28 destroying child 0x32 then reconnect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to device 0x28 fs0:\> reconnect 28 17 32 Echo is %s %Hhelp%N: Unknown command '%hs' %-.*hs - %s %Hhelp%N: No command matches pattern '%hs'  %e-.*s :%s%s - %HAlias%N %es  %e-.*s :%s  %e-.*s %HConsistent Name%N %es  %e-.*s %HOther Name%N %es  %e-.*s %s  %e-.*s %HMedia Type%N %s  %e-.*s %HRemovable%N %s  %e-.*s %HCurrent Dir%N %s %*s= Handle for this mapping not found %*s %HHandle%N %*s> %s %Hmap%N: Unknown flag %hs %Hmap%N: Too many arguments %EDevice mapping table%N %Hmap%N: Handle %hx not found %Hmap%N: Device path of handle %h02x not found %Hmap%N: Cannot find handle %hs %Hmap%N: No Block IO protocol found on handle '%H0x%N%hx' %Hmap%N: Cannot find map name '%hs' %Hmap%N: Invalid sname '%hs' %hs %Hmap%N: Cannot find required map name. %hs: Incorrect syntax(line %d) %Hendfor%N: Only supported in script files %hs: Too many arguments (line %d) %Hendfor%N: Too many arguments(line %d) %Hendfor%N: No corresponding FOR statement(line %d) %Hendfor%N: No corresponding FOR statement(line %d) %Hgoto%N: Only supported in script files %Hgoto%N: Too many arguments(line %d) %Hgoto%N: Too few arguments(line %d) %Hgoto%N: Out of Resources %Hgoto%N: Cannot execute script - %r %Hgoto%N: Target label \":%s\" not found(line %d) %Hif%N: Only supported in script files %Hif%N: Incorrect syntax(line %d) %Hif%N: Check file existence fail - %r(line %d) %Hif%N: Cannot execute script - %r %Hendif%N: Only supported in script files %Hendif%N: Too many arguments(line %d) %Hendif%N: No corresponding IF statement(line %d) %Hendif%N: Cannot execute script - %r %Helse%N: Only supported in script files %Helse%N: Too many arguments(line %d) %Helse%N: No corresponding IF statement(line %d) %Helse%N: Only 1 ELSE is allowed in a IF statement(line %d) %Helse%N: Cannot execute script - %r %Hpause%N: Only supported in script files %hs: Too many arguments (line %d) %Hpause%N: Writing prompt error %Hpause%N: Reading keystroke error Displays, creates, or deletes EFI Shell aliasesDisplays, creates, or deletes aliases in the EFI Shell environment. ALIAS [-d|-v] [sname] [value] -d - Deletes an alias -v - Volatile variable sname - Alias name value - Original name Note: 1. 'sname' should not be an internal EFI Shell command. 2. 'value' can be an internal EFI Shell command, a script, or an EFI application. However, any other values are also acceptable. 3. ALIAS values are stored in EFI NVRAM and will be retained between boots unless the '-v' option is specified. 4. ALIAS will not add a nonvolatile alias when a volatile alias of the same name already exists, or vice versa. Examples: * To display all aliases in the EFI Shell environment: Shell> alias md : mkdir rd : rm * To create an alias in the EFI Shell environment: Shell> alias myguid guid Shell> alias md : mkdir rd : rm myguid : guid * To delete an alias in the EFI Shell environment: Shell> alias -d myguid Shell> alias md : mkdir rd : rm * To add a volatile alias in the current EFI environment, which has a star * at the line head. This volatile alias will disappear at next boot. Shell> alias -v fs0 floppy Shell> alias md : mkdir rd : rm * fs0 : floppy Displays the EFI Shell command list or verbose command helpDisplays the EFI Shell command list or verbose help for specific commands. HELP [cmd | pattern] cmd - Shell command name pattern - Wildmatch pattern Note: 1. 'cmd -?' also displays the verbose help of cmd, the same as 'help cmd'. 2. If the specified command has no verbose help, its line help will be displayed instead. Examples: * To display the EFI Shell command list and break after one screen: Shell> help -b ? - Displays the EFI Shell command list or verbose command help alias - Displays, creates, or deletes aliases in the EFI Shell attrib - Displays or changes the attributes of files or directories cd - Displays or changes the current directory cls - Clears the standard output with an optional background color connect - Connects one or more EFI drivers to a device copy - Copies one or more files or directories to another location ... * To display help information for the ls shell command: Shell> help ls Shell> ? ls Shell> ls -? * To display the list of commands starting with the character 'p' Shell> help p* pause - Prints a message and waits for keyboard input pci - Displays PCI device list or PCI function configuration space Displays or modifies EFI Shell environment variablesDisplays, creates, changes, or deletes EFI Shell environment variables. SET [-v] [sname [value]] SET [-d <sname>] -d - Deletes the environment variable -v - Volatile variable sname - Environment variable name value - Environment variable value Notes: 1. SET values are stored in EFI NVRAM and will be retained between boots unless the option -v is specified. 2. The dmpstore command can be used to display EFI Shell NVRAM variables. 3. Available NVRAM storage available for the set command will depend on the system implementation. 4. SET may store NVRAM variables on the file system /efi/boot/bootstr.nvr if no NVRAM is implemented by the core EFI routines. Examples: * To add an environment variable: Shell> set DiagnosticPath fs0:\efi\diag;fs1:\efi\diag * To display all environment variables: Shell> set * path : . diagnosticPath : fs0:\efi1.1\diag;fs1:\efi1.1\diag * To delete an environment variable: Shell> set -d diagnosticpath Shell> set * path : . * To change an environment variable: fs0:\> set src efi fs0:\> set * path : .;fs0:\efi\tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\ src : efi fs0:\> set src efi1.1 fs0:\> set * path : .;fs0:\efi\tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\ src : efi1.1 * To append an environment variable: Shell> set * path : . Shell> set path %%path%%;fs0:\efi\tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\ Shell> set * path : .;fs0:\efi\tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\ * To set a volatile variable that will disappear at the next boot: Shell> set -v EFI_SOURCE c:\project\EFI1.1 Shell> set * path : .;fs0:\efi\tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\ * EFI_SOURCE : c:\project\EFI1.1 Displays EFI handle informationDisplays EFI handle information. DH [-l lang] [handle | -p prot_id] [-d] [-v] handle - Handle number in hexadecimal format -p - Protocol ID -d - Display EFI Driver Model related information -l - Display information in the specified language -v - Display verbose information Note: 1. When neither 'handle' nor 'prot_id' is specified, a list of all the device handles in the EFI environment is displayed. 2. The '-d' option displays EFI Driver Model related information including parent handles, child handles, all drivers installed on the handle, etc. 3. The '-v' option displays verbose information for the specified handle including all the protocols on the handle and their details. 4. If the '-p' option is specified, all handles containing the specified protocol will be displayed. Otherwise, the 'handle' parameter has to be specified for display. In this case, the '-d' option will be enabled automatically if the '-v' option is not specified. Examples: * To display all handles one screen at a time: Shell> dh -b Handle dump 1: Image(DXE Core) 2: FwVol FwFileSys FwVolBlk DevPath(MemMap(11:1B50000-1D4FFC8)) 3: Image(Ebc) 4: DevPath(MemMap(11:1CA0000-1CB0000)) 5: Image(WinNtThunk) 6: WinNtThunk DevPath(..76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)) 7: Image(WinNtBusDriver) DriverBinding ... * To display detailed information for handle 0x30: Shell> dh 30 Handle 30 (01AF5308) IsaIo ROM Size......: 00000000 ROM Location..: 00000000 ISA Resource List : IO : 000003F8-000003FF Attr : 00000000 INT : 00000004-00000000 Attr : 00000000 dpath PNP Device Path for PnP HID A0341D0, UID 0 Hardware Device Path for PCI PNP Device Path for PnP HID 50141D0, UID 0 AsStr: 'Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1F|0)/Acpi(PNP0501,0)' * To display all handles associated with the 'diskio' protocol: Shell> dh -p diskio Handle dump by protocol 'Diskio' 15: DiskIo BlkIo DevPath(..i(3|1)/Ata(Secondary,Master)) 16: DiskIo BlkIo DevPath(..,1)/PCI(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)) 44: DiskIo BlkIo fs DevPath(..ABD0-01C0-507B-9E5F8078F531)) ESP 45: DiskIo BlkIo fs DevPath(..i(Pun0,Lun0)/HD(Part4,SigG0)) ESP 17: DiskIo BlkIo DevPath(..PCI(3|1)/Ata(Primary,Master)) * To display all handles associated with the 'Image' protocol and break when the screen is full: Shell> dh -p Image -b Handle dump by protocol 'image' 1: Image(DXE Core) 5: Image(WinNtThunk) 7: Image(WinNtBusDriver) DriverBinding 8: Image(Metronome) A: Image(IsaBus) DriverBinding B: Image(WinNtConsole) DriverBinding ... Displays or defines mappingsDisplays or defines mappings between user defined names and device handles. MAP [-d <sname>] MAP [[-r | -u][-v][-c][-f][-t <type[,type...]>][sname]] MAP [sname handle | mapname] -d - Delete a mapping -r - Reset to default mappings -u - Update mappings -v - Display verbose mapping information sname - User defined mapping name (wildcards are permitted) handle - The number of handle, which is same as dumped from 'dh' command -c - Display the consistent mapping name -f - Display the normal mapping name(not consistent mapping) -t - Display the device mapping name according to the device type: fp - Floppy hd - Hard Disk cd - CD-ROM Types can be combined by putting a comma between two types. Spaces are not allowed between types. mapname - Mapped name for the device followed by a postfix ':' Note: 1. The consistent mapping is persistent across the mapping reset and the system reboot. 2. Only characters and numbers are allowed inside of sname. 3. Redirection is not allowed when running map because we do not know the file system before mapping is done. 4. Output redirection is not supported for 'map -r' usage. 5. Option '-u' will only add/delete the mappings for new/removed devices. The unchanged device mappings with user-defined mappings are unchanged. The current dir, if current device is not changed, will also be preserved. Examples: * To reset the mapping table to the default mappings: shell> map -r Device mapping table f4 :UnknownDevice - Alias fs0 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) fs0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) blk0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 fs0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) * To display all mappings in the device mapping table: Shell> map Device mapping table f4 :UnknownDevice - Alias fs0 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) fs0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) blk0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 fs0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) * To display verbose mapping table information: Shell> map -v Device mapping table f4 Consist Name f4 Other Name fs0 blk0 Handle 5F: Fs DiskIo BlkIo WinNtDriverIo Media Type UnknownDevice Removable NO Current Dir \ Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) fs0 Consist Name f4 Other Name blk0 Handle 5F: Fs DiskIo BlkIo WinNtDriverIo Media Type UnknownDevice Removable NO Current Dir \ Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) blk0 Consist Name f4 Other Name fs0 Handle 5F: Fs DiskIo BlkIo WinNtDriverIo Media Type UnknownDevice Removable NO Current Dir \ Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) * To assign fs0 another name: Shell> map floppy fs0: floppy:UnknownDevice - Alias f4 fs0 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) * To display information about the mapped name: Shell> map floppy floppy:UnknownDevice - Alias f4 fs0 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) * To operate with the mapped name: Shell> floppy: floppy:\> ls * To delete a mapped name: Shell> map -d floppy Shell> map Device mapping table f4 :UnknownDevice - Alias fs0 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) fs0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) blk0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 fs0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) * To display all the mapped names starting with 'f': Shell> map f* Device mapping table f4 :UnknownDevice - Alias fs0 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) fs0 :UnknownDevice - Alias f4 blk0 Device Path VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-11D4-BCFA-0080C73C8881) Displays or changes the current directoryDisplays or changes the current directory. CD [path] path - The relative or absolute directory path Note: 1. Type CD without parameters to display the current fs and directory. 2. There must be at least one blank space between CD and path. 3. The 'path' parameter supports certain special characters: - '.' refers to the current directory. - '..' refers to the parent directory. - '\' used at the beginning of the path refers to the root directory of the current filesystem. 4. CD can only be used to change directories in the current file system. Examples: * To change the current filesystem to the mapped fs0 filesystem: Shell> fs0: * To change the current directory to subdirectory 'efi': fs0:\> cd efi * To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\): fs0:\efi\> cd .. * To change the current directory to 'fs0:\efi\tools': fs0:\> cd efi\tools * To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0): fs0:\efi\tools\> cd \ fs0:\> * To change volumes with cd will not work!! For example: fs0:\efi\tools\> cd fs1:\ !!!! will not work !!!! must first type fs1: then cd to desired directory * To move between volumes and maintain the current path. fs0:\> cd \efi\tools fs0:\efi\tools\> fs1: fs1:\> cd tmp fs1:\tmp> cp fs0:*.* . copies all of files in fs0:\efi\tools into fs1:\tmp directory Controls batch file command echoing or displays a messageControls batch file command echoing or displays a message. ECHO [-on|-off] ECHO [message] -on - Enable echo when executing batch file commands -off - Disable echo when executing batch file commands message - Display a message string Note: 1. Echo -off disables the echo feature when executing batch file commands. This command is not like the MS-DOS echo command. 2. Echo without a parameter shows the current echo setting. Examples: * To display the current echo setting: fs0:\> echo Echo is off * To enable command echoing: fs0:\> echo -on * To disable command echoing: fs0:\> echo -off * To execute HelloWorld.nsh batch file and echo commands when executing: fs0:\> HelloWorld.nsh +HelloWorld.nsh> echo Hello World Hello World * To display a message string of 'Hello World': fs0:\> echo Hello World Hello World Exits the EFI Shell environmentExits the EFI Shell environment and returns control to the parent process. EXIT [ExitCode] ExitCode - Return exit code, always taken as hexadecimal number. Examples: * To return EFI_SUCCESS: Shell> exit * To return 1: Shell> exit 1 Executes commands in specified conditionsExecutes one or more commands in specified conditions. IF [NOT] EXIST file THEN command [arguments] [ELSE command [arguments]] ENDIF IF [NOT] string1 == string2 THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ...] ENDIF EXIST file - TRUE if file exists in the directory string1 == string2 - TRUE if the two stings are same Note: 1. The IF command is only available in batch script files. 2. If condition is TRUE, commands between IF and ELSE will be executed. 3. If condition is FALSE but keyword 'NOT' is not prefixed, commands between ELSE and ENDIF will also be executed. Examples: # # Example script for \"if\" command # if exist fs0:\ then myscript myarg1 myarg2 endif if %%myvar%% == runboth then myscript1 myscript2 endif Forces batch file execution to jump to specified locationForces batch file execution to unconditionally jump to specified location. GOTO label label - Specifies a location in batch file Note: 1. The GOTO command is only available in batch script files. 2. Execution of batch file will jump to the line immediately following the specified label name. 3. GOTO cannot jump from outside into a FOR cycle block. Examples: # # Example script for \"goto\" command # goto Done ... :Done cleanup.nsh Executes commands for each item in a set of itemsExecutes one or more commands for each item in a set of items. FOR %%indexvar IN set command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ENDFOR FOR %%indexvar RUN (start end[ step]) command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ENDFOR %%indexvar - Variable name used to index a set set - Set to be searched command [arguments] - Command to be executed with optional arguments Note: 1. The FOR command is only available in batch script files. 2. FOR shall be matched with ENDFOR. 3. start and end can be any integer. Up to 6 digits allowed. 4. step can be any integer but zero. Up to 6 digits allowed. 5. step is optional, if step is not specified, step will be automatically determined as below: if start <= end, then step = 1 if start > end, then step = -1 Examples: # # Sample for loop type contents of all *.txt files # for %%a in *.txt type %%a echo ===== %%a done ===== endfor # # To repeat operations, supporting multiple loop: # for %%a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 for %%b in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z alias %%a a%%a alias %%b %%b%%a endfor endfor for %%a run (1 3) echo %%a endfor Output: 1 2 3 for %%a run (3 1) echo %%a endfor Output: 3 2 1 Shifts batch file input parameter positionsShifts batch file input parameter positions. SHIFT Note: 1. The SHIFT command is only available in batch script files. 2. Each time the SHIFT command is executed the parameters are shifted one position higher, giving you access to more than ten parameters. Examples: * To execute a batch file named MySript.nsh: fs0:\> MyScript.nsh X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 The parameters available when MyScript.nsh initially begins execution will be set as follows: %%1 = X1 %%2 = X2 %%3 = X3 %%4 = X4 %%5 = X5 %%6 = X6 %%7 = X7 %%8 = X8 %%9 = X9 * To shift the parameters one position inside the batch file: shift The parameters available in MyScript.nsh are changed as follows: %%1 = X2 %%2 = X3 %%3 = X4 %%4 = X5 %%5 = X6 %%6 = X7 %%7 = X8 %%8 = X9 %%9 = X10 Prints a message and waits for keyboard inputPrints a message and waits for keyboard input. PAUSE [-q] -q - Do not display notification message Note: 1. The PAUSE command is only available in batch script files. 2. The prompt message is \"Enter 'q' to quit, any other key to continue\". Examples: * To pause the system after displaying the date and time: fs0:\> type pause.nsh File: fs0:\pause.nsh, Size 204 # # Example script for 'pause' command # echo pause.nsh begin.. date time pause echo pause.nsh done. * To execute the script with echo on: fs0:\> pause.nsh +pause.nsh> echo pause.nsh begin.. pause.nsh begin.. +pause.nsh> date 06/19/2001 +pause.nsh> time 00:51:45 +pause.nsh> pause Enter 'q' to quit, any other key to continue: +pause.nsh> echo pause.nsh done. pause.nsh done. * To execute the script with echo off: fs0:\> echo -off fs0:\> pause.nsh pause.nsh begin.. 06/19/2001 00:52:50 Enter 'q' to quit, any other key to continue: q fs0:\> shell: Cannot execute script - %r %E%s> %s %NInternal error %HShell%N: Cannot read from file - %r %HShell%N: Cannot execute script - %r%Hgoto%N: Attempt to jump into a loop(line %d) %hs: %s has no corresponding %s(line %d) %.*s%NPress ENTER to continue:%E%2d. %s  %N Function (%hx) Device (%hx) %N Function Number (%hx) %N Memory Type (%d: %.lx-%.lx) %N Controller Number (%d) %N Guid %g %N HID %hx, UID %hx %N HID PNP%04hx, UID %hx %N HID %hx,CID %hx,UID %hx,HIDStr %ha,CIDStr %ha,UIDStr %ha %N HID PNP%04hx,CID %hx,UID %hx,HIDStr %ha,CIDStr %ha,UIDStr %ha %N HID %hx,CID PNP%04hx,UID %hx,HIDStr %ha,CIDStr %ha,UIDStr %ha %N HID PNP%04hx,CID PNP%04hx,UID %hx,HIDStr %ha,CIDStr %ha,UIDStr %ha %N Adr  %N ATAPI (%s, %s) LUN (%hx) %N SCSI (PUN %hx, LUN %hx) %N Fibre Channel (WWN %lx, LUN %lx) %N 1394 (GUID %g) %N USB (%hx, %hx) %N USB Class (Vendor ID: %hx, Product ID: %hx) %N (Device: %hx, %hx, %hx) %N I2O (%hx) %N MAC (%02x %N IPv4 (Local IP: %d.%d.%d.%d:%d) %N (Remote IP: %d.%d.%d.%d:%d) %N (Protocol: %hx) %N (Source IP: %s) %N IPv6 (Not Available) %N Infiniband (Node GUID: %lX IOC GUID: %lX) %N (DeviceId: %lX) %N UART (DEFAULT %c %N UART (%d %c %d %N Guid %g %N Partition (%d) Start (%lX) Size (%lX) %N BootEntry (%hx) Start (%lX) Size (%lX) %N File '%hs' %N Protocol '%hg' %N Offset (%.lx-%.lx) %N %s Device Path for %s %E Device Path Error%N - Unknown Device Type AsStr:%N '%s'DevPath (%s)ImageDevPath (%s)Attrib %hx %N %hc mode %d: error %r col %3d row %3d HorizontalReslution %d VerticalReslution %d PixelFormat  PixelInformation RedMask %80x GreenMask %80x BlueMask %80x ReservedMask %80x PixelsPerScanLine %d FrameBufferBase 0x%lx FrameBufferSize 0x%x%s%sMId:%hx bsize %hx, lblock %lx (%,ld), %s %s %s%HImage%N(%HImage%N(%s)  File:%H%N  File:%hs  %EInternal Image:%N %s  CodeType......: %s  DataType......: %s  ParentHandle..: %hx  SystemTable...: %hx  DeviceHandle..: %hx  FilePath......: %s  PdbFileName...: %a  ImageBase.....: %hx - %hx  ImageSize.....: %lx  DataType......: %s ROM Size......: %08x  ROM Location..: %08x  ISA Resource List :  IO :  MEM :  DMA :  INT : %08x Attr : %08x %08x-%08x Attr : %08x  Segment #.....: %hx  Attributes....: %hx  Supports......: %hx Type Flag Base Limit Gran  BUS : %02x %016lx %016lx %02x Segment #.....: %02x  Bus #.........: %02x  Device #......: %02x  Function #....: %02x  ROM Size......: %lx  Vendor ID.....: %04x  Device ID.....: %04x  Class Code....: %02x %02x %02x  Configuration Header : Interface Number #.....: %02x  Interface Class #......: %02x  Interface Subclass #...: %02x  Interface Protocol #...: %02x Unknown (%hx) Drv[%02x] File:%hs %HShell%N: Recursive alias or macro %HShell%N: Fail to find variable - %r %HShell%N: Invalid char '%hx' in string %HShell%N: Could not open output file %hs %HShell%N: Could not append ASCII to Unicode %hs %HShell%N: Could not append Unicode to ASCII %hs %NImage type %s is not supported by this %s shell '%es' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file Image is not an application Error reported: %r Invalid file system mapping on%HShell%N: Invalid mapping name - '%hs'  %hs%HShell%N: Could not output to directory %hs %HShell%N: Redirection operators conflicted - '%hs' %HShell%N: Redirection to the same file, contents maybe destroyed %HShell%N: Redirection not allowed for the command just executed. %HShell%N: Duplicated redirection operator - '%hs' %HShell%N: Lack of file name of redirection operator - '%hs' %HShell%N: Incorrect redirection syntax - '%hs' %HShell%N: Standard output redirection file %hs cannot be the same as error output redirection file %hs! %hs: Only supported in script files  %h-.*s : %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x %c %hs Controller Name :  Device Path : %hs  Device Path : %H<NONE>%N  Controller Type : %HROOT%N %HBUS%N %HDEVICE%N  Configuration : %HYES%N  Configuration : %HNO%N  Diagnostics : %HYES%N  Diagnostics : %HNO%N  Managed by :  Drv[%h02x] : Image(%hs)  Drv[%h02x] : %hs  Managed by : %H<NONE>%N  Parent Controllers :  Parent[%h02x] : %hs  Parent Controllers : %H<NONE>%N  Child Controllers :  Child[%h02x] : %hs  Child Controllers : %H<NONE>%N  Driver Name : %hs  Driver Name : %H<NONE>%N  Image Name : %hs  Image Name : %H<NONE>%N  Driver Version : %h08x  Driver Type : %HBUS%N  Driver Type : %HDEVICE%N  Driver Type : %H<UNKNOWN>%N  Configuration : %HYES%N  Configuration : %HNO%N  Diagnostics : %HYES%N  Diagnostics : %HNO%N  Managing : %H<NONE>%N  Managing :  Ctrl[%h02x] : %hs  Child[%h02x] : %hs %NHandle %h02x (%hX) %N %h2x:  %hs (%hx) %hs  %hg (%08x) %N%N %NHandle dump by protocol '%s' %NHandle dump Ctrl[%h02x] %HC T D%N %HT Y C I%N %HR P F A%N %HL E G G #P #D #C Device Name%N %H== = = = == == == =============================================================%N %h02x %s %hs  Drv[%h02x] Ctrl[ ] Cnt(%h02x)  Drv[%h02x] Ctrl[%h02x] Cnt(%h02x) FirmwareVersion: %H%08x%N%HDriverEFIVersion%N(%08x)%hs: %hs is an internal command.  %c %h-.*s : %s %hs: %hs not found %hs: %hs already exists as a non-volatile variable %hs: %hs already exists as a volatile variable %c %hs : %s %hs: %hs is a reserved and volatile variable. %HValid EFI Shell running modes are:%N %02d:%02d:%02d (GMT%hc%02d:%02d) %hs: Clock not functional Displays or changes the current system timeDisplays or changes the current system time. TIME [hh:mm[:ss]] hh - Hour of time to set, range: 0 - 23 mm - Minute of time to set, range: 0 - 59 ss - Second of time to set, range: 0 - 59 Note: 1. Hour and minute are required to set the time. 2. If second is not specified, 0 will be used as default. Examples: * To display the current system time: fs0:\> time 16:51:03 (GMT+08:00) * To set the system time: fs0:\> time 9:51:30 fs0:\> time 09:51:31 (GMT+08:00) %Htouch%N: Cannot touch %hs - %r %Htouch%N: %s [ok] %Htouch%N: Out of memory Updates filename timestamp with current system date and timeUpdates filename timestamp with current system date and time. TOUCH [-r] file [file ...] -r - Recursive to subdirectories file - File or directory name Note: 1. If multiple files or directories are specified, the command will continue processing even if some files cannot be touched. 2. Touch cannot change the timestamp of read-only files and directories. Examples: * To update the timestamp of a specific file: fs0:\> ls for.nsh Directory of: fs0:\ 06/18/01 09:32p 153 for.nsh 1 File(s) 153 bytes 0 Dir(s) fs0:\> touch for.nsh touch: fs0:\for.nsh [ok] fs0:\> ls for.nsh Directory of: fs0:\ 06/19/01 09:54a 153 for.nsh 1 File(s) 153 bytes 0 Dir(s) * To touch a directory recursively: fs0:\> touch -r efi1.1 touch: fs0:\efi1.1 [ok] touch: fs0:\efi1.1\boot [ok] touch: fs0:\efi1.1\boot\nshell.efi [ok] %hs: Target %hs is a directory %hs: %s, Size %ld%N %hs: Out of memory %.*s%.*a%hs: Type %hs error - %r  Displays file contentsDisplays file contents on the standard output device. TYPE [-a|-u] file [file...] -a - Display file in ASCII format -u - Display file in Unicode format file - Name of file to display Examples: * To display a file in Unicode format: fs0:\> type -u pause.nsh File: fs0:\pause.nsh, Size 204 # # Example script for 'pause' command # echo pause.nsh begin.. date time pause echo pause.nsh done. * To display a file in ASCII format: fs0:\> type -a pause.nsh File: fs0:\pause.nsh, Size 204 # # E x a m p l e s c r i p t f o r ' p a u s e ' c o m m a n d # e c h o p a u s e . n s h b e g i n . . d a t e t i m e p a u s e e c h o p a u s e . n s h d o n e . * To display multiple files: fs0:\> type test.* File: fs0:\test.txt, Size 23 How to Install? File: fs0:\test.nsh, Size 48 time stall 3000000 time  Managing :  Ctrl[%h02x] : %hs  Child[%h02x] : %hs  Drv[%h02x] : Image(%hs)  Drv[%h02x] : %hs  Managed by : %H<NONE>%N  Parent Controllers :  Parent[%h02x] : %hs  Parent Controllers : %H<NONE>%N  Child Controllers :  Child[%h02x] : %hs  Child Controllers : %H<NONE>%N  Driver Name : %hs  Driver Name : %H<NONE>%N  Image Name : %hs  Image Name : %H<NONE>%N  Driver Version : %h08x  Driver Type : %HBUS%N  Driver Type : %HDEVICE%N  Driver Type : %H<UNKNOWN>%N  Configuration : %HYES%N  Configuration : %HNO%N  Diagnostics : %HYES%N  Diagnostics : %HNO%N  Managing : %H<NONE>%N  Managed by :  Configuration : %HYES%N  Configuration : %HNO%N  Diagnostics : %HYES%N  Diagnostics : %HNO%N %HROOT%N %HBUS%N %HDEVICE%N  Controller Type :  Device Path : %H<NONE>%N  Device Path : %hs <UNKNOWN>  Controller Name :  %hg (%08x) %hs  %hs (%hx) %N %h2x: %NHandle %h02x (%hX) %Hunload%N: Locate LoadedImageProtocol error - %r %Hunload%N: Handle index does not specify a driver image %Hunload%N: Unload driver image error - %r Unloads a EFI driverUnloads a EFI driver. UNLOAD [-n] [-v] Handle -n - Unload driver without prompting -v - Display verbose information Handle - Handle of driver to unload in hexadecimal format Note: 1. The '-n' option can be used to skip all prompts during unloading. 2. If the '-v' option is specified, verbose image information will be displayed before the image is unloaded. 3. Only drivers that support unloading can be successfully unloaded. 4. Use the 'LOAD' command to load a driver. Examples: * To find the handle for the EFI driver image to unload: Shell> dh -b Handle dump 1: Image(DXE Core) 2: FwVol FwFileSys FwVolBlk DevPath(MemMap(11:1760000-189FFC8)) ... 27: Image(Reset) 28: Image(WinNtBlockIo) DriverBinding 29: Image(Timer) ... * To unload the 'Reset' EFI driver image: Shell> unload 27 27: Image(Reset) Unload driver image (y/n)? n Exit status code: Aborted EFI Shell Version %d.%d EFI Specification Revision : %d.%d EFI Vendor : %s EFI Revision : %d.%d EFI Build Version : %s EFI Shell Machine Type: %s Displays EFI Firmware version informationEFI Shell Signature: %g Displays EFI Firmware version information. VER [-s] -s - Display EFI Shell version information only Examples: * To display EFI Firmware version information: fs0:\> ver EFI Specification Revision : 1.10 EFI Vendor : INTEL EFI Revision : 14.5 * To display EFI Shell version information only: Shell> ver -s EFI Shell Version 1.0 EFI Shell Machine Type: IA32 EFI Shell Signature: D2C18636-40E5-4EB5-A31B-3695FD42C87 %hs: '%hs' is not mapped %hs: '%hs' is not a file system %hs: Invalid volume label %hs %hs: Volume label %hs is too long. Maximum is 11 characters %hs: Cannot open the volume %hs %hs: Cannot get volume information of %hs %hs: Cannot set volume information for %hs %hs: Cannot verify volume information for %hs Volume has no labelVolume %hs %13,ld bytes total disk space  %13,ld bytes available on disk  %13,d bytes in each allocation unit Displays or changes a file system volume labelDisplays or changes the volume label for a specified file system. VOL [fs] [-n <Volume Label> | -d] fs - File system name -n - New volume label -d - Delete current volume label Note: 1. The following characters cannot be used in a Volume Label: %% ^ * + = [ ] | : ; \" < > ? / .. 2. No spaces are allowed in a Volume Label. 3. If the fs parameter is not specified, fs defaults to the current file system. Examples: * To display the volume label of the current file system: fs0:\> vol Volume has no label (rw) 1,457,664 bytes total disk space 1,149,440 bytes available on disk 512 bytes in each allocation unit * To change the volume label of file system fs0:\ shell> vol fs0 -n help_test Volume HELP_TEST (rw) 1,457,664 bytes total disk space 1,149,440 bytes available on disk 512 bytes in each allocation unit * To delete the volume label of file system fs0:\ fs0:\> vol fs0 -d Volume has no label (rw) 1,457,664 bytes total disk space 220,160 bytes available on disk 512 bytes in each allocation unit H11frFranais!M6@N6i_,""""!G*Wir;P2 21 hȢТآ (08@HPX`hpxȣУأ (08@HPX`hpxȤФؤ (08@HPX`hpxȥХإ (08@HPX`hpxȦЦئ (08@HPX`hpxȧЧا (08@HPX`hpxȨШب (08@HPX`hpxȩЩة (08@HPX`hpxȪЪت (08@HPX`hpxȫЫث (08@HPX`hpxȬЬج (08@HPX`hpxȭЭح (08@HPX`hpxȮЮخ (08@HPX`hpxȯЯد0L (08@HPX`hpxȠРؠ`4(HP`hxȯدpT (8@PXhpȠРPhء0H`x0Hأ 8 8Phȥ(@X0pЧ0H`xȨ(@p0p0H 8Ȭ (@XЭ 8PȮЮخ (08@HPX`hpxȯد (8@HX`hxȠ(@Xpء08@Hp(0@HpЧ0`xȨШب (08@HPX`hpxȩЩة (08@HPX`hpxȪЪت (08@HPX`hpxȫЫث (08@HPX`hpx (08X`hpxȭЭح (0HPX`hpxȮЮخ@HPX`hpxȯЯد08@XР Hpȡ8`آ(0PxȣУ@h0XХإ HPpx8@`ا(PxȨ@h0XЪ Hp8`ج(Pxȭ@h0XЯ Hpؠ 8ȡȢТ(8HXhxȣأ(8HXhxȤؤ(pxȥХإ (08@HPX`hpx ȦЦئ