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Invalid use of pipe (%B|%N). Unable to redirect file. Redundant redirection specified. UEFI %s Shell v%d.%d %s UEFI v%d.%02d (%s, 0x%08x) No SimpleTextInputEx was found. CTRL-based features are not usable. The image is not an application. ?>JK5RSOx..1/>-LLH??m6P::P2"90-@8<Zs:dGCB)'658DCIGXXX2Z2Z2Z2ZXGXX2ZM2Z2Z2Z2ZXGXX2Z2Z2Z2Z2ZXGXX܇2Z2Z2Z2Z2ZX ,I$ %s Cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectory. Cannot move to or from a read-only file or directory '%B%s%N' Cannot move current working directory or its subdirectory. Copying %s -> %s %H%s%N: Copying a directory requires -r. %H%s%N: The specified path does not exist - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: The source and destination are the same. %H%s%N: The destination is a parent of the source. %H%s%N: The destination is read-only. %H%s%N: The destination file '%B%s%N' failed to open with create. %H%s%N: The destination directory '%B%s%N' could not be created. %H%s%N: The source file '%B%s%N' failed to open with read. .TH attrib 0 "Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories." .SH NAME Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories. .SH SYNOPSIS ATTRIB [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [+r|-r] [file...] [directory...] .SH OPTIONS +a|-a - Sets or clears the 'archive' attribute. +s|-s - Sets or clears the 'system' attribute. +h|-h - Sets or clears the 'hidden' attribute. +r|-r - Sets or clears the 'read-only' attribute. file - Specifies the file name (wild cards are permitted). directory - Specifies the directory name (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. Four attribute types are supported in the UEFI file system: - Archive [A] - System [S] - Hidden [H] - Read only [R] 2. If a file (in general meaning) is a directory, then it is also shown to have the attribute [D]. 3. If any file in the file list that is specified does not exist, attrib will continue processing the remaining files while reporting the error. 4. If no attributes parameters are specified, the current attributes of the specified files or directories are displayed. 5. If no files or directories are specified, the command applies to all files and sub-directories within the current directory. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the attributes of a directory: fs0:\> attrib fs0:\ * To display the attributes of all files and sub-directories in the current directory: fs0:\> attrib * * To add the system attribute to all files with extension '.efi': fs0:\> attrib +s *.efi * To remove the read-only attribute from all files with extension '.inf': fs0:\> attrib -r *.inf .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The media that the action was to take place on is write-protected. .TH cd 0 "Displays or changes the current directory." .SH NAME Displays or changes the current directory. .SH SYNOPSIS CD [path] .SH OPTIONS path - Specifies the relative or absolute directory path. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command changes the current working directory that is used by the UEFI Shell environment. If a file system mapping is specified, then the current working directory is changed for that device. Otherwise, the current working directory is changed for the current device. 2. If path is not present, then the current working directory (including file system mapping) is displayed to standard out. 3. The table below describes the conventions that are used to refer to the directory, its parent, and the root directory in the UEFI Shell environment. Convention Description '.' Refers to the current directory. '..' Refers to the directory's parent. '\' Refers to the root of the current file system. 4. The current working directory is maintained in the environment variable %cwd%. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To change the current file system to the mapped fs0 file system: Shell> fs0: * To change the current directory to subdirectory 'efi': fs0:\> cd efi * To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\): fs0:\efi\> cd .. * To change the current directory to 'fs0:\efi\Tools': fs0:\> cd efi\Tools * To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0): fs0:\efi\Tools\> cd \ * To move between volumes and maintain the current path, and then copy all of files in fs0:\efi\Tools into the fs1:\Tmp directory: fs0:\> cd \efi\Tools fs0:\efi\Tools\> fs1: fs1:\> cd Tmp .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH cp 0 "Copies files or directories." .SH NAME Copies one or more files or directories to another location. .SH SYNOPSIS CP [-r] [-q] src [src...] [dst] .SH OPTIONS -r - Makes a recursive copy. -q - Makes a quiet copy (without a prompt). src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted). dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are not permitted). If more than one directory is specified, the last directory is assumed to be the destination. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. '-r' must be specified if src is a directory. If '-r' is specified, the source directory is recursively copied to the destination. 'src' itself is copied. 2. If a destination is not specified, the current working directory is assumed to be the destination. 3. 'CP -r src1 src2 dst' copies all files and subdirectories in 'src1' and 'src2' to the destination 'dst'. 'src1' and 'src2' themselves are also copied. The 'dst' parameter is interpreted as a directory. 4. Copying a directory or file to itself is not allowed. 5. If an error occurs, this command exits immediately and the remaining files or directories are not copied. 6. When 'cp' is executed with a script file, it always performs quiet copying, regardless of whether the '-q' option is specified. 7. If you are copying multiple files, the destination must be an existing directory. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the contents of the current directory: fs0:\> ls * To copy a file in the same directory and change the file name: fs0:\> cp temp.txt readme.txt * To copy multiple files to another directory: fs0:\> cp temp.txt isaBus.efi \Test * To copy multiple directories recursively to another directory: fs0:\> cp -r test1 test2 boot \Test * To see the results of the above operations: fs0:\> ls \Test .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient space to save the requested file at the destination. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file on media that was write-protected. .TH map 0 "Displays or defines file system mappings" .SH NAME Displays or defines file system mappings. .SH SYNOPSIS MAP [-d <sname>] MAP [[-r][-v][-c][-f][-u][-t <type[,type...]>][sname]] MAP [sname handle | mapping] .SH OPTIONS -d - Deletes a file system mapping. -r - Resets file system mappings to default values. -u - Adds file system mappings for newly-installed devices and removes mappings for uninstalled devices. This does not change the mappings of existing devices and preserves user-defined mappings. -v - Displays verbose information about all file system mappings. -c - Displays the consistent mappings. -f - Displays the normal mappings (not the consistent mappings). -t - Displays the device mappings, filtered according to the device type. Supported types are: fp - Floppy hd - Hard Disk cd - CD-ROM Types can be combined by putting a comma between two types. Spaces are not allowed between types. -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output. sname - Specifies a mapping name. handle - Specifies the number of a handle. Use the same value that is displayed by the 'dh' command. mapping - Specifies a new mapping name to assign to a device. This value must end with a ':'. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command creates a mapping between a user-defined name and a device. The most common use of this command is to create a mapped name for devices that support a file system protocol. After these mappings are created, the names can be used with all the file manipulation commands. 2. The UEFI Shell environment creates default mappings for all of the devices that support a recognized file system. 3. This command can be used to create additional mappings, or when used with the -d option, to delete an existing mapping. If it is used without any parameters, all of the current mappings are listed. If the -v option is used, the mappings are shown with additional information about each device. 4. The -r option is used to reset all the default mappings in a system, which is useful if the system configuration has changed since the last boot. 5. The -u option adds mappings for newly-installed devices and removes mappings for uninstalled devices without changing the mappings of existing devices. User-defined mappings are also preserved. A mapping history is saved, which preserves the original mapping name for a device with a specific device path. The current directory is also preserved if the current device is not changed. 6. Each device in the system has a consistent mapping. If the hardware configuration has not changed, the device's consistent mappings do not change. If two or more machines have the same hardware configurations, the device's consistent mapping remains the same. Use the -c option to list all the consistent mappings in the system. 7. The mapping value must consist of digits and characters. Other characters are illegal. 8. This command support wildcards. You can use the wildcards to delete or show the mapping. However, when you assign the mapping, wildcards are forbidden. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display verbose mapping table information: Shell> map -v * To assign a different name to fs0: Shell> map floppy fs0: * To operate with the mapped name: Shell> floppy: * To delete a mapped name: Shell> map -d floppy: * To display all the mapped names starting with 'f': Shell> map f* .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH mkdir 0 "Creates directories." .SH NAME Creates one or more new directories. .SH SYNOPSIS MKDIR dir [dir...] .SH OPTIONS dir - Specifies the name of a directory or directories to create. (Wildcards are not allowed) .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The parent directory must already exist. 2. If the directory already exists, mkdir will abort. 3. Specifying additional directory parameters dependent on previous directory parameters is not allowed: For example, mkdir new new\Test is not allowed. 4. Redirecting output to a file that exists under the directory specified by this command is not allowed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To create a new directory: fs0:\> mkdir rafter * To create multiple directories: fs0:\> mkdir temp1 temp2 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient space on the destination to create the requested directory. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a directory when the target media was write-protected. .TH mv 0 "Moves files." .SH NAME Moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems. .SH SYNOPSIS MV src [src...] [dst] .SH OPTIONS src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted). dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems. 2. If the destination is an existing directory, the sources are moved into that directory. You cannot move the sources to a non-existing directory. 3. If a destination is not specified, the current directory is assumed to be the destination. If there is more than one argument on the command line, the last one is assumed to be the destination. 4. Attempting to move a read-only file/directory results in an error. Moving a directory that contains read-only files is allowed. 5. You cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectories. 6. You cannot move a directory if the current working directory is itself or its subdirectories. 7. If an error occurs, the remaining files or directories are still be moved. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To rename a file: fs0:\> mv IsaBus.efi Bus.efi * To move a directory to the current directory: fs0:\> mkdir Test1\Temp fs0:\> mv Test1\Temp * To rename a directory: fs0:\> mv efi efi1.1 * To move multiple directories at a time: fs0:\> mv Test1 Test2 Test * To attempt moving a read-only directory, which results in a failure: fs0:\Test> attrib +r Temp1 DA R fs0:\Test\Temp1 fs0:\Test> mv Temp1 Temp2 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient free space to move the requested file to its destination. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file on media that was write-protected. .TH parse 0 "Parses standard format output files." .SH NAME Retrieves a value from a standard format output file. .SH SYNOPSIS PARSE filename tablename column [-i <Instance>] [-s <Instance>] .SH OPTIONS filename - Specifies a source file name. tablename - Specifies the name of the table to be parsed. column - Specifies the one-based column index to use to determine which value from a particular record to parse. -i <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand table, and then the specified tablename. If not specified, all instances are returned. -s <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand table. If not present, then 1 is assumed. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command enables you to parse data from a file that has been output using the -sfo parameter. 2. Since the standard formatted output has a well known means of parsing, this command is intended to provide an easy way of enabling scripts to consume retrieved data from such constructed output files, and use it in the logic of scripts written for the UEFI shell. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * The following data is contained in a temporary file (temp.txt): ShellCommand,"ls" VolumeInfo,"MikesVolume","400000000","FALSE","32000000","16000000" FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\boot\winloader.efi","45670","45900","arsh","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013" FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\boot\mikesfile.txt","1250","1280","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013" FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\boot\readme.txt","795","900","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013" * To display VolumeInfo column 2 in temp.txt: fs0:\> parse temp.txt VolumeInfo 2 MikesVolume * To display FileInfo column 3 in temp.txt, starting with instance 3: fs0:\> parse temp.txt FileInfo 3 -i 3 795 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found. .TH reset 0 "Reset the system." .SH NAME Resets the system. .SH SYNOPSIS RESET [-w [string]] RESET [-s [string]] RESET [-c [string]] .SH OPTIONS -s - Performs a shutdown. -w - Performs a warm boot. -c - Performs a cold boot. string - Describes a reason for the reset. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command resets the system. 2. The default is to perform a cold reset unless the -w parameter is specified. 3. If a reset string is specified, it is passed into the Reset() function, and the system records the reason for the system reset. .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH rm 0 "Deletes one or more files or directories." .SH NAME Deletes one or more files or directories. .SH SYNOPSIS RM [-q] file/directory [file/directory ...] .SH OPTIONS -q - Specifies quiet mode. Does not prompt for a confirmation. file - Specifies a file name (wildcards are permitted). directory - Specifies a directory name (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command deletes one or more files or directories. 2. If the target is a directory, it deletes the directory, including all its subdirectories. 3. Redirecting a file whose parent directory (or the file itself) is being deleted is not allowed. 4. Removing a read-only file/directory results in a failure. 5. Removing a directory containing read-only file(s) results in a failure. If an error occurs, the command exits immediately and stops removing files/directories. 6. You cannot remove a directory when the current directory is itself or its subdirectory. If a file contains wildcards, you are not prompted for confirmation. 7. The root directory cannot be removed. 8. The current directory or its ancestor directories cannot be removed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To remove multiple directories at a time: fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1 Temp2 * To remove multiple directories with wildcards: fs0:\> rm Test\Temp* * To attempt removing a directory that contains a read-only file, which results in a failure: fs0:\> attrib +r Test\Temp1 eadme.txt A R fs0:\Test\Temp1 eadme.txt fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The target was write protected. .TH set 0 "Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables." .SH NAME Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables. .SH SYNOPSIS SET [-v] [sname [value]] SET [-d <sname>] .SH OPTIONS -d - Deletes the environment variable. -v - Displays or modifies a volatile variable. sname - Specifies an environment variable name. value - Specifies an environment variable value. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command is used to maintain the UEFI Shell environment variables. This command can do the following: - Display environment variables. - Create new environment variables. - Change the value of existing environment variables. - Delete environment variables. 2. This command sets an environment variable to a specified value. You can use it to create a new environment variable or to modify an existing environment variable. 3. If used without any parameters, all the environment variables are displayed. 4. If used with the -d option, the environment variable that is specified by sname is deleted. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To add an environment variable: Shell> set DiagnosticPath fs0:\efi\diag;fs1:\efi\diag * To display environment variables: Shell> set * To delete an environment variable: Shell> set -d diagnosticpath * To change an environment variable: fs0:\> set src efi fs0:\> set src efi1.1 * To append an environment variable: Shell> set path %path%;fs0:\efi\Tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\r * To set a volatile variable that will disappear at the next boot: Shell> set -v EFI_SOURCE c:\project\EFI1.1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A request to set a variable in a non-volatile fashion could not be completed. The resulting non-volatile request has been converted into a volatile request. .TH date 0 "Displays and sets the current date for the system." .SH NAME Displays and sets the current date for the system. .SH SYNOPSIS DATE [mm/dd/[yy]yy][-sfo] .SH OPTIONS -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output. mm - Specifies the month of the date to be set. (1-12) dd - Specifies the day of the date to be set (1-31) yy/yyyy - Specifies the year of the date to be set. If only two digits, then enter 9x = 199x. Otherwise enter 20xx. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays and/or sets the current date for the system. If no parameters are used, it shows the current date. If a valid month, day, and year are specified, the system's date is updated. The following rules apply: - Except for numeric characters and /, all other characters in the argument are invalid. - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong month/date/year range. - A space before or after the numeric character is not allowed. Inserting a space into the number is invalid. - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example: Shell > date 0000008/000004/000097 Shell > date 08/04/2097 Shell > - The year range must be greater than or equal to 1998. - Two numeric characters indicate the year. Numbers below 98 are regarded as 20xx, and numbers equal to or above 98 are regarded as 19xx. 00 means 2000. For example: Shell > date 8/4/97 Shell > date 08/04/2097 Shell > Shell > date 8/4/98 Shell > date 08/04/1998 Shell > 2. The range of valid years is from 1998-2099. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the current date in the system: fs0:\> date * To set the date with long year format: fs0:\> date 01/01/2050 * To set the date with short year format: fs0:\> date 06/18/01 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error preventing the completion of this command. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH time 0 "Displays or sets the time for the system." .SH NAME Displays or sets the current time for the system. .SH SYNOPSIS TIME [hh:mm[:ss]] [-tz tz] [-d dl] .SH OPTIONS -d - Sets or displays a daylight savings time value. -tz - Specifies a time zone adjustment, measured in minutes offset from UTC. Valid values are between -1440 and 1440 or 2047. If not present or set to 2047, time is interpreted as local time. hh - Specifies a new hour (0-23) (required). mm - Specifies a new minute (0-59) (required). ss - Specifies a new second (0-59). If not specified, zero is used. dl - Specifies a daylight saving time value to set. 0 : Time is not affected. 1 : Time is affected, and has not been adjusted for daylight savings. 3 : Time is affected, and has been adjusted for daylight savings. All other values are invalid. If no value follows -d, the current daylight savings time is displayed. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays or sets the current time for the system. If no parameters are used, it shows the current time. If valid hours, minutes, and seconds are provided, the system time is updated. Note the following rules: - Except for numeric characters and the : character, all other characters in the argument are invalid. - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong hour/minute/second range. - Spaces before or after the numeric character and spaces inserted into the number are not allowed. - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example: Shell> time 00000017:000004:0000 Shell> time 17:04:00 (UTC+08:00) 2. The seconds parameter is optional. If none is specified, it is set to zero. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display current system time: fs0:\> time * To set the system time: fs0:\> time 9:51:30 * To display the system time, including daylight savings time: fs0:\> time -d .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error preventing the completion of this command SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH timezone 0 "Displays or sets time zone information." .SH NAME Displays or sets time zone information. .SH SYNOPSIS TIMEZONE [-s hh:mm | -l] [-b] [-f] .SH OPTIONS -s - Sets the time zone associated with hh:mm offset from UTC. -l - Displays a list of all time zones. -b - Displays one screen at a time. -f - Displays full information for the specified time zone. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays and sets the current time zone for the system. 2. If no parameters are used, it shows the current time zone. 3. If a valid hh:mm parameter is provided, the time zone information is updated. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all available time zones: Shell> timezone -l * To set the time zone: Shell> timezone -s -7:00 * To display detailed information for the current time zone: Shell> timezone -f .TH ls 0 "Lists the contents of a directory or file information." .SH NAME Lists the contents of a directory or file information. .SH SYNOPSIS LS [-r] [-a[attrib]][-sfo][file] .SH OPTIONS -r - Displays recursively (including subdirectories). -a - Displays files with a specified attribute. If attribute is not specified, all files are listed. If -a is not specified, all non-system and non-hidden files are listed. -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output. attrib - Specifies a file attribute list value: a - Archive s - System h - Hidden r - Read-only d - Directory file - Specifies a name of a file or directory (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command lists directory contents or file information. If no file name or directory name is specified, the current working directory is assumed. 2. The contents of a directory are listed if all of the following are true: - If option -r is not specified. - If no wildcard characters are specified in the file parameter. - If the file specified represents an existing directory. 3. In all other cases, the command functions as follows: - All files/directories that match the specified name are displayed. - The -r flag determines whether a recursive search is performed. - The option flag -a[attrib] only displays those files with the attributes that are specified. - If more than one attribute is specified, only the files that have all those attributes are listed. - If -a is followed by nothing, then all files/directories are displayed, regardless of their attributes. - If -a itself is not specified, then all files except system and hidden files are displayed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To hide files by adding the hidden or system attribute to them: fs0:\> attrib +s +h *.efi * To display all, except the files/directories with 'h' or 's' attribute: fs0:\> ls * To display files with all attributes in the current directory: fs0:\> ls -a * To display files with read-only attributes in the current directory: fs0:\> ls -ar * To display the files with attribute of 's': fs0:\> ls -as isabus.efi * To display all in fs0:\efi directory recursively: fs0:\> ls -r -a efi * To display files with a specified type in the current directory: recursively: fs0:\> ls -r -a *.efi -b .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file or directory was not found. .TH load 0 "Loads a UEFI driver into memory." .SH NAME Loads a UEFI driver into memory. .SH SYNOPSIS LOAD [-nc] file [file...] .SH OPTIONS -nc - Loads the driver, but does not connect the driver. File - Specifies a file that contains the image of the UEFI driver (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command loads a driver into memory. It can load multiple files at one time. The file name supports wildcards. 2. If the -nc flag is not specified, this command attempts to connect the driver to a proper device. It might also cause previously loaded drivers to be connected to their corresponding devices. 3. Use the 'UNLOAD' command to unload a driver. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To load a driver: fs0:\> load Isabus.efi * To load multiple drivers: fs0:\> load Isabus.efi IsaSerial.efi * To load multiple drivers using file name wildcards: fs0:\> load Isa*.efi * To load a driver without connecting it to a device: fs0:\> load -nc IsaBus.efi .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. .TH vol 0 "Displays or modifies information about a disk volume." .SH NAME Displays or modifies information about a disk volume. .SH SYNOPSIS VOL [fs] [-n <VolumeLabel>] VOL [fs] [-d] .SH OPTIONS -n - Displays or modifies a new volume label. -d - Displays or modifies an empty volume label. fs - Specifies the name of the file system. VolumeLabel - Specifies a volume label. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The following characters cannot be used in a volume label: % ^ * + = [ ] | : ; " < > ? / . 2. No spaces are allowed in a volume label. 3. This command displays the volume information for the specified file system. If fs is not specified, the current file system is used. 4. If -n is specified, the volume label for fs is set to VolumeLabel. 5. The maximum length for volume label is 11 characters. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the volume of the current file system: fs0:\> vol * To change the label of fs0: Shell> vol fs0 -n help_test * To delete the volume label of fs0: fs0:\> vol fs0 -d .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file-system was not found.  P(c_44en-USenglishThe command '%H%s%N' is incorrect outside of a script %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' The argument '%B%s%N' is incorrect. Line: %d The script's Indexvar '%B%s%N' is incorrect %H%s%N: Too few arguments %H%s%N: Too many arguments %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Then cannot be followed by anything %H%s%N: Syntax after '%H%s%N' is incorrect Syntax after analyzing %s No matching '%H%s%N' for '%H%s%N' statement found. Line: %d Binary operator not found first in '%H%s%N' Syntax after %s %H%s%N: BootService Stall() failed .TH exit 0 "exits the script or shell" .SH NAME Exits the UEFI Shell or the current script. .SH SYNOPSIS EXIT [/b] [exit-code] .SH OPTIONS /b - Indicates that only the current UEFI shell script should be terminated. Ignored if not used within a script. exit-code - If exiting a UEFI shell script, the value that will be placed into the environment variable lasterror. If exiting an instance of the UEFI shell, the value that will be returned to the caller. If not specified, then 0 will be returned. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command exits the UEFI Shell or, if /b is specified, the current script. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To exit shell successfully: Shell> exit * To exit the current UEFI shell script: Shell> exit /b * To exit a UEFI shell script with exit-code value returned to the caller: Shell> exit 0 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: 0 Exited normally exit-code The return value specified as an option. .TH for 0 "starts a for loop" .SH NAME Starts a loop based on 'for' syntax. .SH SYNOPSIS FOR %indexvar IN set command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ENDFOR FOR %indexvar RUN (start end [step]) command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ENDFOR .SH OPTIONS %indexvar - Variable name used to index a set set - Set to be searched command [arguments] - Command to be executed with optional arguments .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The FOR command executes one or more commands for each item in a set of items. The set may be text strings or filenames or a mixture of both, separated by spaces (if not in a quotation). 2. If the length of an element in the set is between 0 and 256, and if the string contains wildcards, the string will be treated as a file name containing wildcards, and be expanded before command is executed. 3. If after expansion no such files are found, the literal string itself is kept. %indexvar is any alphabet character from 'a' to 'z' or 'A' to 'Z', and they are case sensitive. It should not be a digit (0-9) because %digit will be interpreted as a positional argument on the command line that launches the script. The namespace for index variables is separate from that for environment variables, so if %indexvar has the same name as an existing environment variable, the environment variable will remain unchanged by the FOR loop. 4. Each command is executed once for each item in the set, with any occurrence of %indexvar in the command replacing with the current item. In the second format of FOR ... ENDFOR statement, %indexvar will be assigned a value from start to end with an interval of step. Start and end can be any integer whose length is less than 7 digits excluding sign, and it can also applied to step with one exception of zero. Step is optional, if step is not specified it will be automatically determined by following rule: if start <= end then step = 1, otherwise step = -1. start, end and step are divided by space. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Sample FOR loop - listing all .txt files: echo -off for %a in *.txt echo %a exists endfor # # If in current directory, there are 2 files named file1.txt and file2.txt # then the output of the sample script will be as shown below. # Sample1> echo -off file1.txt exists file2.txt exists * Theoretically it is legal for 2 nested FOR commands to use the same alphabet letter as their index variable, for instance, a: # # Sample FOR loop from 1 to 3 with step 1 # echo -off for %a run (1 3) echo %a endfor # # Sample FOR loop from 3 down to 1 with step -1 # echo -off for %a run (3 1 -1) echo %a endfor # # Sample FOR loop - 2 nested for using same index variable # echo -off for %a in value1 value2 for %a in value3 value4 echo %a endfor endfor Note: When processing first FOR and before seeing the ENDFOR, the index variable %a has the value "value1", so in second FOR, the %a has been already defined and it will be replaced with the current value of %a. The string after substitution becomes FOR value1 in value3 value4, which is not a legal FOR command. Thus only when the value of %a is also a single alphabet letter, the script will be executed without error. If 2 independent FOR commands use the same index variable, when the second FOR is encountered, the first FOR has already freed the variable so there will be no problem in this case. .TH endfor 0 "ends a for loop" .SH NAME Ends a 'for' loop. .SH SYNOPSIS See 'for' for usage. .SH EXAMPLES See 'for' for examples. .TH goto 0 "moves to a label" .SH NAME Moves around the point of execution in a script. .SH SYNOPSIS GOTO label .SH OPTIONS label - Specifies a location in batch file .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The GOTO command directs script file execution to the line in the script file after the given label. The command is not supported from the interactive shell. 2. A label is a line beginning with a colon (:). It can appear either after the GOTO command, or before the GOTO command. The search for label is done forward in the script file, from the current file position. If the end of the file is reached, the search resumes at the top of the file and continues until label is found or the starting point is reached. If label is not found, the script process terminates and an error message is displayed. If a label is encountered but there is no GOTO command executed, the label lines are ignored. 3. Using GOTO command to jump into another for loop is not allowed, but jumping into an if statement is legal. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * This is a script: goto Done ... :Done cleanup.nsh .TH endif 0 "ends an if block" .SH NAME Ends the block of a script controlled by an 'if' statement. .SH SYNOPSIS See 'if' for usage. .SH EXAMPLES See 'if' for examples. .TH if 0 "controls the execution of a block of a script" .SH NAME Executes commands in specified conditions. .SH SYNOPSIS IF [NOT] EXIST filename THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ] ENDIF IF [/i] [NOT] string1 == string2 THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ] ENDIF if [/i][/s] ConditionalExpression THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ] ENDIF .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The IF command executes one or more commands before the ELSE or ENDIF commands, if the specified condition is TRUE; otherwise commands between ELSE (if present) and ENDIF are executed. 2. In the first usage of IF, the EXIST condition is true when the file specified by filename exists. The filename argument may include device and path information. Also wildcard expansion is supported by this form. If more than one file matches the wildcard pattern, the condition evaluates to TRUE. 3. In the second usage, the string1 == string2 condition is TRUE if the two strings are identical. Here the comparison can be case sensitive or insensitive, it depends on the optional switch /i. If /i is specified, it will compare strings in the case insensitive manner; otherwise, it compares strings in the case sensitive manner. 4. In the third usage, general purpose comparison is supported using expressions optionally separated by AND or OR. Since < and > are used for redirection, the expressions use common two character (FORTRAN) abbreviations for the operators (augmented with unsigned equivalents): - Expressions : Conditional expressions are evaluated strictly from left to right. Complex conditionals requiring precedence may be implemented as nested IFs. The expressions used in the third usage can have the following syntax: conditional-expression := expression | expression and expression | expression or expression expression := expr | not expr expr := item binop item | boolfunc(string) item := mapfunc(string) | string mapfunc := efierror | pierror | oemerror boolfunc := isint | exists | available | profile binop := gt | lt | eq | ne | ge | le | == | ugt | ult | uge | ule - Comparisons : By default, comparisons are done numerically if the strings on both sides of the operator are numbers (as defined below) and in case sensitive character sort order otherwise. Spaces separate the operators from operands. 5. The /s option forces string comparisons and the /i option forces case-insensitive string comparisons. If either of these is used, the signed or unsigned versions of the operators have the same results. The /s and /i apply to the entire line and must appear at the start of the line (just after the if itself). The two may appear in either order. 6. When performing comparisons, the Unicode Byte Ordering Character is ignored at the beginning of any argument. 7. Comparison Operator Definition: gt : Greater than ugt : Unsigned Greater than lt : Less than ult : Unsigned Less than ge : Greater than or equal uge : Unsigned greater than or equal le : Less than or equal ule : Unsigned less than or equal ne : Not equal eq : Equals (semantically equivalent to ==) == : Equals (semantically equivalent to eq) 8. Error Mapping Functions are used to convert integers into UEFI, PI or OEM error codes. Functions used to convert integers into UEFI, PI or OEM error codes: UefiError : Sets top nibble of parameter to 1000 binary (0x8) PiError : Sets top nibble of parameter to 1010 binary (0xA) OemError : Sets top nibble of parameter to 1100 binary (0xC) Each function maps the small positive parameter into its equivalent error classification. For example: if %lasterror% == EfiError(8) then # Check for write protect. ... 9. Boolean Functions may only be used to modify operators in comparisons. The following built-in Boolean functions are also available: IsInt : Evaluates to true if the parameter string that follows is a number (as defined below) and false otherwise. Exists : Evaluates to true if the file specified by string exists is in the current working directory or false if not. Available : Evaluates to true if the file specified by string is in the current working directory or current path. Profile : Determines whether the parameter string matches one of the profile names in the profiles environment variable. 10. No spaces are allowed between function names and the open parenthesis, between the open parenthesis and the string or between the string and the closed parenthesis. Constant strings containing spaces must be quoted. 11. To avoid ambiguity and current or future incompatibility, users are strongly encouraged to surround constant strings that contain parenthesis with quotes in if statements. 12. Allowable number formats are decimal numbers and C-style case insensitive hexadecimal numbers. Numbers may be preceded by a "-" indicating a negative number. Examples: 13 46 -0x3FFF 0x3fff 0x1234 13. Unsigned values must be less than 264. Signed integer values are bounded by -/+263. 14. Numbers are internally represented in two's compliment form. The representation of the number in the string has no bearing on the way that number is treated in an numeric expression - type is assigned by the operator. So, for example, -1 lt 2 is true but -1 ult 2 is false. 15. The IF command is only available in scripts. 16. The ELSE command is optional in an IF/ELSE statement. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Sample script for "if" command usages 1 and 2: if exist fs0:\myscript.nsh then myscript myarg1 myarg2 endif if %myvar% == runboth then myscript1 myscript2 else echo ^%myvar^% != runboth endif Note: In this example, if the script file myscript.nsh exists in fs0:\, this script will be launched with 2 arguments, myarg1 and myarg2. After that, environment variable %myvar% is checked to see if its value is runboth, if so, script myscript1 and myscript2 will be executed one after the other, otherwise a message %myvar% != runboth is printed. * Sample script for "if" command usage 3: :Redo echo Enter 0-6 or q to quit # assumes "input y" stores a character of user input into variable y InputCh MyVar if x%MyVar% eq x then echo Empty line. Try again goto Redo endif if IsInt(%MyVar%) and %MyVar% le 6 then myscript1 %MyVar% goto Redo endif if /i %MyVar% ne q then echo Invalid input goto Redo endif Note: In this example, the script requests user input and uses the if command for input validation. It checks for empty line first and then range checks the input. .TH shift 0 "move parameters 1 down" .SH NAME Shifts in-script parameter positions. .SH SYNOPSIS SHIFT .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The SHIFT command shifts the contents of a UEFI Shell script's positional parameters so that %1 is discarded, %2 is copied to %1, %3 is copied to %2, %4 is copied to %3 and so on. This allows UEFI Shell scripts to process script parameters from left to right. 2. This command does not change the UEFI shell environment variable lasterror. 3. The SHIFT command is available only in UEFI Shell scripts. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Following script is a sample of 'shift' command: fs0:\> type shift.nsh # # shift.nsh # echo %1 %2 %3 shift echo %1 %2 * To execute the script with echo on: fs0:\> shift.nsh welcome UEFI world shift.nsh> echo welcome UEFI world welcome UEFI world shift echo UEFI world UEFI world * To execute the script with echo off: fs0:\> echo -off fs0:\> shift.nsh welcome UEFI world welcome UEFI world UEFI world .TH else 0 "part of an 'if' conditional statement" .SH NAME Identifies the code executed when 'if' is FALSE. .SH SYNOPSIS See 'else' for usage. .SH EXAMPLES See 'if' for examples. .TH stall 0 "stall the operation" .SH NAME Stalls the operation for a specified number of microseconds. .SH SYNOPSIS STALL time .SH OPTIONS time - The number of microseconds for the processor to stall. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command would be used to establish a timed STALL of operations during a script. 2. Microseconds is in decimal units. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To stall the processor for 1000000 microseconds: Shell> stall 1000000 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested option was not found. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error associated with this request. X>2E>?,?D,??,?D,?l@,?rB,? B,? tC,? D,? B,? @,? SA,?A,?B,?fB,?X?,??,?SA,?b^44en-USenglish%H%s%N: Too many arguments %H%s%N: Too few arguments %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Access denied. %H%s%N: Status: %r %H%s%N: Parameters conflict %H%s%N: Flags conflict with - '%H%s%N' and '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is a directory ShellCommand,"%s" The command '%H%s%N' is not allowed outside of a script %H%s%N: Operation was not successful on '%H%s%N' UEFI %s Shell v%d.%d %d.%d UEFI v%d.%02d (%s, 0x%08x) %s Echo is on. Echo is off. Enter 'q' to quit, any other key to continue: No help could be found for command '%B%s%N'. The help data for command '%B%s%N' was incorrect format. Character Description --------- ---------------------------------------------- <newline> Ends a command line. <space> Ends an argument, if it is not in a quotation. # Starts a comment. > Used for output redirection. < Used for input redirection. | Used for pipe command support. % Used to delimit a variable or an argument. " Used to delimit a quotation. ^ Prevents the next character from being interpreted as having special meaning. Can be used inside quoted strings. *, ?, [, ] Wildcards to specify multiple similar file names. %N Help usage:help [%Hcmd%N|%Hpattern%N|%Hspecial%N] [%H-usage%N] [%H-verbose%N] [%H-section name%N][%H-b%N] %1c %10s:%s %016Lx ConOutAttribInfo,"%d","%d","%d" .TH help 0 "Displays help information from the UEFI Shell." .SH NAME Displays the UEFI Shell command list or verbose command help. .SH SYNOPSIS HELP [cmd | pattern | special] [-usage] [-verbose] [-section sectionname][-b] .SH OPTIONS -usage - Displays the usage information for the command. The same as specifying "-section NAME" and "-section SYNOPSIS" -section - Displays the specified section of the help information. -b - Displays one page on screen and allows user to continue to next page cmd - Specifies a command to display help about. pattern - Specifies a pattern which describes the commands to be displayed. special - Displays a list of the special characters used in the shell command line. sectionname - Specifies a section name. Supported options are: - NAME - SYNOPSIS - OPTIONS - DESCRIPTION - EXAMPLES - RETURNVALUES .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The HELP command displays information about one or more shell commands. 2. If no other options are specified, each command will be displayed along with a brief description of its function. 3. If -verbose is specified, then display all help information for the specified commands. 4. If -section is specified, only the help section specified will be displayed. 5. If -usage is specified, then the command, a brief description and the usage will be displayed. 6. The help text is gathered from UCS-2 text files found in the directory where the shell or shell command executable was located. The files have the name commandname. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the list of commands in the UEFI Shell and break after one screen: Shell> help -b * To display help information of a Shell command - ls: Shell> help ls Shell> -? ls Shell> ls -? * To display the list of commands that start with character 'p': Shell> help p* .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: 0 The help was displayed 1 No command help was displayed .TH alias 0 "Handles aliases in the Shell." .SH NAME Displays, creates, or deletes UEFI Shell aliases. .SH SYNOPSIS ALIAS [-d|-v] [alias-name] [command-name] .SH OPTIONS -d - Deletes an alias. Command-name must not be specified. -v - Makes the alias volatile. alias-name - Specifies an alias name. command-name - Specifies an original command's name or path. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays, creates, or deletes aliases in the UEFI Shell environment. 2. An alias provides a new name for an existing UEFI Shell command or UEFI application. Once the alias is created, it can be used to run the command or launch the UEFI application. 3. There are some aliases that are predefined in the UEFI Shell environment. These aliases provide the MS-DOS and UNIX equivalent names for the file manipulation commands. 4. Aliases will be retained even after exiting the shell unless the -v option is specified. If -v is specified then the alias will not be valid after leaving the shell. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all aliases in the UEFI Shell environment: Shell> alias * To create an alias in the UEFI Shell environment: Shell> alias shutdown "reset -s" * To delete an alias in the UEFI Shell environment: Shell> alias -d shutdown * To add a volatile alias in the current UEFI environment, which has a star * at the line head. This volatile alias will disappear at next boot. Shell> alias -v fs0 floppy .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A request to set a variable in a non-volatile fashion could not be completed. The resulting non-volatile request has been converted into a volatile request. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. .TH cls 0 "clear screen" .SH NAME Clears the console output and optionally changes the background and foreground color. .SH SYNOPSIS CLS [background] [foreground] | [-sfo] .SH OPTIONS background - Sets a new background color: 0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan 4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Yellow 7 - Light gray foreground - Sets a new foreground color: 0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan 4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Yellow 7 - Light gray 8 - Dark gray 9 - Light blue 10 - Light green 11 - Light cyan 12 - Light red 13 - Light magenta 14 - Yellow 15 - White -sfo - Displays current console color settings in Standard Format Output. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command clears the standard output device with an optional background and foreground color attribute. 2. If background color is not specified, or if background and foreground colors are not specified, then the colors do not change. 3. When -sfo flag is used, console output is not cleared and instead it displays current console foreground and background attribute settings. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To clear standard output without changing the background or foreground color: fs0:\> cls * To clear standard output and change the background color to cyan: fs0:\> cls 3 * To clear standard output and change the background to black and foreground to white: fs0:\> cls 0 15 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. .TH echo 0 "display text or control text output" .SH NAME Controls script file command echoing or displays a message. .SH SYNOPSIS ECHO [-on|-off] ECHO [message] .SH OPTIONS -on - Enables display when reading commands from script files. -off - Disables display when reading commands from script files. message - Specifies a message to display. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The first form of this command controls whether script commands are displayed as they are read from the script file. If no argument is given, the current "on" or "off" status is displayed. 2. The second form prints the given message to the display. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display a message string of 'Hello World': fs0:\> echo Hello World * To turn command echoing on: fs0:\> echo -on * To execute HelloWorld.nsh, and display when reading lines from the script file: fs0:\> HelloWorld.nsh +HelloWorld.nsh> echo Hello World * To turn command echoing off: fs0:\> echo -off * To display the current echo setting: fs0:\> echo .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. .TH getmtc 0 "gets the MTC count" .SH NAME Gets the MTC from BootServices and displays it. .SH SYNOPSIS GETMTC .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays the current monotonic counter value. The lower 32 bits increment every time this command is executed. Every time the system is reset, the upper 32 bits will be incremented, and the lower 32 bits will be reset to 0. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the current monotonic counter value: fs0:\> getmtc .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR The underlying device was not working correctly. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. .TH pause 0 "pauses scripts" .SH NAME Pauses a script and waits for an operator to press a key. .SH SYNOPSIS PAUSE [-q] .SH OPTIONS -q - Does not display a test output prompt. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The PAUSE command prints a message to the display, then suspends script file execution, and waits for keyboard input. Pressing any key resumes execution, except for q or Q. If either q or Q is pressed, script processing terminates; otherwise, execution continues with the next line after the pause command. 2. The PAUSE command is available only in scripts. Switch -q can hide the message and it's optional. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Following script is a sample of 'pause' command: fs0:\> type pause.nsh # # Example script for 'pause' command # echo pause.nsh begin.. date time pause echo pause.nsh done. * To execute the script with echo on: fs0:\> pause.nsh +pause.nsh> echo pause.nsh begin.. pause.nsh begin.. +pause.nsh> date 06/19/2001 +pause.nsh> time 00:51:45 +pause.nsh> pause Enter 'q' to quit, or any other key to continue: +pause.nsh> echo pause.nsh done. pause.nsh done. * To execute the script with echo off: fs0:\> echo -off fs0:\> pause.nsh pause.nsh begin.. 06/19/2001 00:52:50 Enter 'q' to quit, or any other key to continue: q fs0:\> .TH touch 0 "Touch a file to update a directory" .SH NAME Updates the filename timestamp with the current system date and time. .SH SYNOPSIS TOUCH [-r] file [file ...] .SH OPTIONS -r - Sets the update as recurse into subdirectories. file - Specifies the name or pattern of the file or directory. There can be multiple files on the command-line. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command updates to the current time and date the time and date on the file that is specified by the file parameter. 2. If multiple files are specified on the command line, it will continue processing. It will touch the files one by one and errors will be ignored. 3. TOUCH cannot change the time and date of read-only files and directories. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To update the timestamp of a specific file: fs0:\> touch for.nsh * To touch a directory recursively: fs0:\> touch -r efi1.1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file or set of files were not found. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The media was write-protected or the file had a read-only attribute associated with it. .TH type 0 "print a file to StdOut" .SH NAME Sends the contents of a file to the standard output device. .SH SYNOPSIS TYPE [-a|-u] file [file...] .SH OPTIONS -a - Displays the file as if it is encoded as 8-bit ASCII -u - Displays the file as if it were encoded as UCS-2 Unicode. file - Specifies the name of the file to display. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command sends the contents of a file to the standard output device. If no options are used, then the command attempts to automatically detect the file type. If it fails, then UCS-2 is presumed. 2. If the -a option is specified, the file is sent to the standard output device as a stream of ASCII characters. 3. If the -u option is specified, the file is sent to the standard output device as a stream of Unicode (UCS-2) characters. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display a file in UCS-2 format: fs0:\> type -u pause.nsh * To display a file in ASCII format: fs0:\> type -a pause.nsh * To display multiple files: fs0:\> type test.* .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file or set of files were not found. .TH ver 0 "prints out version info" .SH NAME Displays UEFI Firmware version information. .SH SYNOPSIS VER [-s|-terse] .SH OPTIONS -s - Displays only the UEFI Shell version. -terse - Displays only the first part of the data. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays the version information for this UEFI Firmware, or the version information for the UEFI Shell itself. The information is retrieved through the UEFI System Table or the Shell image. 2. Standard format for ver output as shown below with a sample: UEFI <support-level> Shell v<uefi-shell-version> shell-supplier-specific-data UEFI v<uefi-firmware-version> (<firmware vendor name>, 0x<firmware vendor version as 32-bit hex value> <optional additional vendor version>) # # Sample # UEFI Basic Shell v2.0 Copyright 2008 by Intel(R) Corporation. UEFI v2.31 (Intel(R) Corporation., 0x00010100) 3. UEFI version tag information: <support-level> 0 = Minimal 1 = Scripting 2 = Basic 3 = Interactive <uefi-shell-version> Comes from the Shell specification upon which the Shell implementation is based. <shell-supplier-specific-data> Build, copyright, etc. <uefi-firmware-version> Comes from the UEFI specification upon which the firmware implementation is based <firmware vendor name> Indicates Vendor Name <firmware vendor version> Indicates Vendor's firmware version .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display UEFI Firmware version information: fs0:\> ver * To display UEFI Shell version information only: Shell> ver -s .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. ۖ]1L rwb?^fF8'?M2v;LӶ%Ţ@RU3̡fSIV/s(=[O~Z?~b3>O -;6PEI2YD L͝9 QǤ#>LIdcIa\iN,yT:N|Hjw+jJ9=OBiNoR1=C.)D?^fF8'?MW|$xcG¨kcjzԴCV\zjpOu0%Z#cxJ=e5u\Mi&DAM3iǁr${NE{o!L`wAdbcDNp}1$Scb]b@6#ElCܰRͅRL曲Yz qABZ [[@[ Mեq1d`AAtk4_J"+i"N„wt8i9ir;֠Js~-0VL?ir;խ M({ڥlv`UtB 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