// $ANTLR 3.1.2 BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3 2009-09-30 13:18:19 // The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used. #pragma warning disable 219 // Unreachable code detected. #pragma warning disable 162 //import java.util.Map; //import java.util.HashMap; using BigInteger = java.math.BigInteger; using Console = System.Console; using System.Collections.Generic; using Antlr.Runtime; using Antlr.Runtime.Tree; using RewriteRuleITokenStream = Antlr.Runtime.Tree.RewriteRuleTokenStream;using Stack = System.Collections.Generic.Stack; using List = System.Collections.IList; using ArrayList = System.Collections.Generic.List; using Antlr.Runtime.Debug; using IOException = System.IO.IOException; [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("ANTLR", "3.1.2")] [System.CLSCompliant(false)] public partial class ProfileTreeGrammar : DebugTreeParser { internal static readonly string[] tokenNames = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "CALL", "FUNC", "ID", "INT", "NEWLINE", "WS", "'-'", "'%'", "'('", "')'", "'*'", "'/'", "'+'", "'='" }; public const int EOF=-1; public const int T__10=10; public const int T__11=11; public const int T__12=12; public const int T__13=13; public const int T__14=14; public const int T__15=15; public const int T__16=16; public const int T__17=17; public const int CALL=4; public const int FUNC=5; public const int ID=6; public const int INT=7; public const int NEWLINE=8; public const int WS=9; // delegates // delegators public static readonly string[] ruleNames = new string[] { "invalidRule", "call", "expr", "prog", "stat" }; int ruleLevel = 0; public virtual int RuleLevel { get { return ruleLevel; } } public virtual void IncRuleLevel() { ruleLevel++; } public virtual void DecRuleLevel() { ruleLevel--; } public ProfileTreeGrammar( ITreeNodeStream input ) : this( input, new Profiler(null), new RecognizerSharedState() ) { } public ProfileTreeGrammar( ITreeNodeStream input, IDebugEventListener dbg, RecognizerSharedState state ) : base( input, dbg, state ) { Profiler p = (Profiler)dbg; p.setParser(this); } public ProfileTreeGrammar( ITreeNodeStream input, IDebugEventListener dbg ) : base( input, dbg, new RecognizerSharedState() ) { Profiler p = (Profiler)dbg; p.setParser(this); } public virtual bool AlreadyParsedRule( IIntStream input, int ruleIndex ) { ((Profiler)dbg).ExamineRuleMemoization(input, ruleIndex, ProfileTreeGrammar.ruleNames[ruleIndex]); return super.AlreadyParsedRule(input, ruleIndex); } public virtual void Memoize( IIntStream input, int ruleIndex, int ruleStartIndex ) { ((Profiler)dbg).Memoize(input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex, ProfileTreeGrammar.ruleNames[ruleIndex]); super.Memoize(input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex); } protected virtual bool EvalPredicate( bool result, string predicate ) { dbg.SemanticPredicate( result, predicate ); return result; } public override string[] TokenNames { get { return ProfileTreeGrammar.tokenNames; } } public override string GrammarFileName { get { return "BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3"; } } #region Rules // $ANTLR start "prog" // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:53:0: prog : ( stat )* ; private void prog( ) { try { dbg.EnterRule( GrammarFileName, "prog" ); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location( 53, -1 ); try { // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:53:9: ( ( stat )* ) dbg.EnterAlt( 1 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:53:9: ( stat )* { dbg.Location( 53, 8 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:53:9: ( stat )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule( 1 ); for ( ; ; ) { int alt1=2; try { dbg.EnterDecision( 1 ); int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA1_0>=CALL && LA1_0<=INT)||(LA1_0>=10 && LA1_0<=11)||(LA1_0>=14 && LA1_0<=17)) ) { alt1=1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision( 1 ); } switch ( alt1 ) { case 1: dbg.EnterAlt( 1 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:53:0: stat { dbg.Location( 53, 8 ); PushFollow(Follow._stat_in_prog48); stat(); state._fsp--; } break; default: goto loop1; } } loop1: ; } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule( 1 ); } } } catch ( RecognitionException re ) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(54, 4); } finally { dbg.ExitRule( GrammarFileName, "prog" ); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Terminate(); } } return ; } // $ANTLR end "prog" // $ANTLR start "stat" // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:56:0: stat : ( expr | ^( '=' ID expr ) | ^( FUNC ( . )+ ) ); private void stat( ) { CommonTree ID2=null; BigInteger expr1 = default(BigInteger); BigInteger expr3 = default(BigInteger); try { dbg.EnterRule( GrammarFileName, "stat" ); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location( 56, -1 ); try { // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:56:9: ( expr | ^( '=' ID expr ) | ^( FUNC ( . )+ ) ) int alt3=3; try { dbg.EnterDecision( 3 ); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case CALL: case ID: case INT: case 10: case 11: case 14: case 15: case 16: { alt3=1; } break; case 17: { alt3=2; } break; case FUNC: { alt3=3; } break; default: { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException( nvae ); throw nvae; } } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision( 3 ); } switch ( alt3 ) { case 1: dbg.EnterAlt( 1 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:56:9: expr { dbg.Location( 56, 8 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_stat63); expr1=expr(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 56, 35 ); string result = expr1.ToString(); Console.Out.WriteLine(expr1 + " (about " + result[0] + "*10^" + (result.Length-1) + ")"); } break; case 2: dbg.EnterAlt( 2 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:59:9: ^( '=' ID expr ) { dbg.Location( 59, 8 ); dbg.Location( 59, 10 ); Match(input,17,Follow._17_in_stat98); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 59, 14 ); ID2=(CommonTree)Match(input,ID,Follow._ID_in_stat100); dbg.Location( 59, 17 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_stat102); expr3=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 59, 35 ); globalMemory[(ID2!=null?ID2.Text:null)] = expr3; } break; case 3: dbg.EnterAlt( 3 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:60:9: ^( FUNC ( . )+ ) { dbg.Location( 60, 8 ); dbg.Location( 60, 10 ); Match(input,FUNC,Follow._FUNC_in_stat128); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 60, 15 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:60:16: ( . )+ int cnt2=0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule( 2 ); for ( ; ; ) { int alt2=2; try { dbg.EnterDecision( 2 ); int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA2_0>=CALL && LA2_0<=17)) ) { alt2=1; } else if ( (LA2_0==UP) ) { alt2=2; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision( 2 ); } switch ( alt2 ) { case 1: dbg.EnterAlt( 1 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:60:0: . { dbg.Location( 60, 15 ); MatchAny(input); } break; default: if ( cnt2 >= 1 ) goto loop2; EarlyExitException eee2 = new EarlyExitException( 2, input ); dbg.RecognitionException( eee2 ); throw eee2; } cnt2++; } loop2: ; } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule( 2 ); } Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); } break; } } catch ( RecognitionException re ) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(61, 4); } finally { dbg.ExitRule( GrammarFileName, "stat" ); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Terminate(); } } return ; } // $ANTLR end "stat" // $ANTLR start "expr" // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:63:0: expr returns [BigInteger value] : ( ^( '+' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '-' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '*' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '/' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '%' a= expr b= expr ) | ID | INT | call ); private BigInteger expr( ) { BigInteger value = default(BigInteger); CommonTree ID4=null; CommonTree INT5=null; BigInteger a = default(BigInteger); BigInteger b = default(BigInteger); BigInteger call6 = default(BigInteger); try { dbg.EnterRule( GrammarFileName, "expr" ); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location( 63, -1 ); try { // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:64:9: ( ^( '+' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '-' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '*' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '/' a= expr b= expr ) | ^( '%' a= expr b= expr ) | ID | INT | call ) int alt4=8; try { dbg.EnterDecision( 4 ); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 16: { alt4=1; } break; case 10: { alt4=2; } break; case 14: { alt4=3; } break; case 15: { alt4=4; } break; case 11: { alt4=5; } break; case ID: { alt4=6; } break; case INT: { alt4=7; } break; case CALL: { alt4=8; } break; default: { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException( nvae ); throw nvae; } } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision( 4 ); } switch ( alt4 ) { case 1: dbg.EnterAlt( 1 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:64:9: ^( '+' a= expr b= expr ) { dbg.Location( 64, 8 ); dbg.Location( 64, 10 ); Match(input,16,Follow._16_in_expr172); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 64, 15 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr176); a=expr(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 64, 22 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr180); b=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 64, 35 ); value = a.add(b); } break; case 2: dbg.EnterAlt( 2 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:65:9: ^( '-' a= expr b= expr ) { dbg.Location( 65, 8 ); dbg.Location( 65, 10 ); Match(input,10,Follow._10_in_expr200); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 65, 15 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr204); a=expr(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 65, 22 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr208); b=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 65, 35 ); value = a.subtract(b); } break; case 3: dbg.EnterAlt( 3 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:66:9: ^( '*' a= expr b= expr ) { dbg.Location( 66, 8 ); dbg.Location( 66, 10 ); Match(input,14,Follow._14_in_expr228); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 66, 15 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr232); a=expr(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 66, 22 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr236); b=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 66, 35 ); value = a.multiply(b); } break; case 4: dbg.EnterAlt( 4 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:67:9: ^( '/' a= expr b= expr ) { dbg.Location( 67, 8 ); dbg.Location( 67, 10 ); Match(input,15,Follow._15_in_expr256); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 67, 15 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr260); a=expr(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 67, 22 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr264); b=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 67, 35 ); value = a.divide(b); } break; case 5: dbg.EnterAlt( 5 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:68:9: ^( '%' a= expr b= expr ) { dbg.Location( 68, 8 ); dbg.Location( 68, 10 ); Match(input,11,Follow._11_in_expr284); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 68, 15 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr288); a=expr(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 68, 22 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_expr292); b=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 68, 35 ); value = a.remainder(b); } break; case 6: dbg.EnterAlt( 6 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:69:9: ID { dbg.Location( 69, 8 ); ID4=(CommonTree)Match(input,ID,Follow._ID_in_expr311); dbg.Location( 69, 35 ); value = getValue((ID4!=null?ID4.Text:null)); } break; case 7: dbg.EnterAlt( 7 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:70:9: INT { dbg.Location( 70, 8 ); INT5=(CommonTree)Match(input,INT,Follow._INT_in_expr347); dbg.Location( 70, 35 ); value = new BigInteger((INT5!=null?INT5.Text:null)); } break; case 8: dbg.EnterAlt( 8 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:71:9: call { dbg.Location( 71, 8 ); PushFollow(Follow._call_in_expr382); call6=call(); state._fsp--; dbg.Location( 71, 35 ); value = call6; } break; } } catch ( RecognitionException re ) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(72, 4); } finally { dbg.ExitRule( GrammarFileName, "expr" ); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Terminate(); } } return value; } // $ANTLR end "expr" // $ANTLR start "call" // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:74:0: call returns [BigInteger value] : ^( CALL ID expr ) ; private BigInteger call( ) { BigInteger value = default(BigInteger); CommonTree ID8=null; BigInteger expr7 = default(BigInteger); try { dbg.EnterRule( GrammarFileName, "call" ); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location( 74, -1 ); try { // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:75:9: ( ^( CALL ID expr ) ) dbg.EnterAlt( 1 ); // BuildOptions\\ProfileTreeGrammar.g3:75:9: ^( CALL ID expr ) { dbg.Location( 75, 8 ); dbg.Location( 75, 10 ); Match(input,CALL,Follow._CALL_in_call430); Match(input, TokenTypes.Down, null); dbg.Location( 75, 15 ); ID8=(CommonTree)Match(input,ID,Follow._ID_in_call432); dbg.Location( 75, 18 ); PushFollow(Follow._expr_in_call434); expr7=expr(); state._fsp--; Match(input, TokenTypes.Up, null); dbg.Location( 75, 35 ); BigInteger p = expr7; CommonTree funcRoot = findFunction((ID8!=null?ID8.Text:null), p); if (funcRoot == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No match found for " + (ID8!=null?ID8.Text:null) + "(" + p + ")"); } else { // Here we set up the local evaluator to run over the // function definition with the parameter value. // This re-reads a sub-AST of our input AST! ProfileTreeGrammar e = new ProfileTreeGrammar(funcRoot, functionDefinitions, globalMemory, p); value = e.expr(); } } } catch ( RecognitionException re ) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(87, 4); } finally { dbg.ExitRule( GrammarFileName, "call" ); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel == 0 ) { dbg.Terminate(); } } return value; } // $ANTLR end "call" #endregion Rules #region Follow sets private static class Follow { public static readonly BitSet _stat_in_prog48 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x3CCF2UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_stat63 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x2UL}); public static readonly BitSet _17_in_stat98 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _ID_in_stat100 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_stat102 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); public static readonly BitSet _FUNC_in_stat128 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _16_in_expr172 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr176 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr180 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); public static readonly BitSet _10_in_expr200 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr204 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr208 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); public static readonly BitSet _14_in_expr228 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr232 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr236 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); public static readonly BitSet _15_in_expr256 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr260 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr264 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); public static readonly BitSet _11_in_expr284 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr288 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_expr292 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); public static readonly BitSet _ID_in_expr311 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x2UL}); public static readonly BitSet _INT_in_expr347 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x2UL}); public static readonly BitSet _call_in_expr382 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x2UL}); public static readonly BitSet _CALL_in_call430 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x4UL}); public static readonly BitSet _ID_in_call432 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x1CCD0UL}); public static readonly BitSet _expr_in_call434 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x8UL}); } #endregion Follow sets }