#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # GroupFile.g # # Generated using ANTLR version: 3.2.1-SNAPSHOT Jun 18, 2010 05:38:11 # Ruby runtime library version: 1.7.5 # Input grammar file: GroupFile.g # Generated at: 2010-07-03 23:15:35 # # ~~~> start load path setup this_directory = File.expand_path( File.dirname( __FILE__ ) ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( this_directory ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( this_directory ) antlr_load_failed = proc do load_path = $LOAD_PATH.map { |dir| ' - ' << dir }.join( $/ ) raise LoadError, <<-END.strip! Failed to load the ANTLR3 runtime library (version 1.7.5): Ensure the library has been installed on your system and is available on the load path. If rubygems is available on your system, this can be done with the command: gem install antlr3 Current load path: #{ load_path } END end defined?( ANTLR3 ) or begin # 1: try to load the ruby antlr3 runtime library from the system path require 'antlr3' rescue LoadError # 2: try to load rubygems if it isn't already loaded defined?( Gem ) or begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError antlr_load_failed.call end # 3: try to activate the antlr3 gem begin Gem.activate( 'antlr3', '~> 1.7.5' ) rescue Gem::LoadError antlr_load_failed.call end require 'antlr3' end # <~~~ end load path setup # - - - - - - begin action @parser::header - - - - - - # GroupFile.g module ANTLR3 module Template # - - - - - - end action @parser::header - - - - - - - module GroupFile # TokenData defines all of the token type integer values # as constants, which will be included in all # ANTLR-generated recognizers. const_defined?( :TokenData ) or TokenData = ANTLR3::TokenScheme.new module TokenData # define the token constants define_tokens( :ID => 5, :EOF => -1, :T__19 => 19, :T__16 => 16, :WS => 9, :T__15 => 15, :T__18 => 18, :T__17 => 17, :T__12 => 12, :TEMPLATE => 6, :T__11 => 11, :T__14 => 14, :T__13 => 13, :T__10 => 10, :CONSTANT => 4, :COMMENT => 8, :STRING => 7 ) # register the proper human-readable name or literal value # for each token type # # this is necessary because anonymous tokens, which are # created from literal values in the grammar, do not # have descriptive names register_names( "CONSTANT", "ID", "TEMPLATE", "STRING", "COMMENT", "WS", "'group'", "'::'", "';'", "'::='", "'('", "')'", "','", "'*'", "'&'", "'='" ) end class Parser < ANTLR3::Parser @grammar_home = GroupFile RULE_METHODS = [ :group_spec, :group_name, :member, :parameter_declaration, :parameters, :parameter ].freeze include TokenData begin generated_using( "GroupFile.g", "3.2.1-SNAPSHOT Jun 18, 2010 05:38:11", "1.7.5" ) rescue NoMethodError => error # ignore end def initialize( input, options = {} ) super( input, options ) end def fetch_group( namespace, name ) if namespace.const_defined?( name ) group = namespace.const_get( name ) unless group.is_a?( ANTLR3::Template::Group ) end else group = ANTLR3::Template::Group.new namespace.const_set( name, group ) end return( group ) end def unescape( text ) text.gsub( /\\(?:([abefnrstv])|([0-7]{3})|x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|(.))/ ) do if $1 case $1[ 0 ] when ?a then "\a" when ?b then "\b" when ?e then "\e" when ?f then "\f" when ?n then "\n" when ?r then "\r" when ?s then "\s" when ?t then "\t" when ?v then "\v" end elsif $2 then $2.to_i( 8 ).chr elsif $3 then $3.to_i( 16 ).chr elsif $4 then $4 end end end def extract_template( token ) case token.type when TEMPLATE token.text.gsub( /\A<<<\r?\n?|\r?\n?>>>\Z/, '' ) when STRING unescape( token.text[ 1...-1 ] ) end end def group( namespace = ::Object ) group_spec( namespace ) end # - - - - - - - - - - - - Rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # parser rule group_spec # # (in GroupFile.g) # 79:1: group_spec[ namespace ] returns [ group ] : ( group_name[ $namespace ] | ) ( member[ $group ] )* ; # def group_spec( namespace ) # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_in( __method__, 1 ) group = nil group_name1 = nil begin # at line 80:5: ( group_name[ $namespace ] | ) ( member[ $group ] )* # at line 80:5: ( group_name[ $namespace ] | ) alt_1 = 2 look_1_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_1_0 == T__10 ) alt_1 = 1 elsif ( look_1_0 == EOF || look_1_0 == ID ) alt_1 = 2 else raise NoViableAlternative( "", 1, 0 ) end case alt_1 when 1 # at line 80:7: group_name[ $namespace ] @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_group_name_IN_group_spec_85 ) group_name1 = group_name( namespace ) @state.following.pop # --> action group = group_name1 # <-- action when 2 # at line 81:7: # --> action group = ANTLR3::Template::Group.new # <-- action end # at line 83:5: ( member[ $group ] )* while true # decision 2 alt_2 = 2 look_2_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_2_0 == ID ) alt_2 = 1 end case alt_2 when 1 # at line 83:5: member[ $group ] @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_member_IN_group_spec_108 ) member( group ) @state.following.pop else break # out of loop for decision 2 end end # loop for decision 2 rescue ANTLR3::Error::RecognitionError => re report_error( re ) recover( re ) ensure # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_out( __method__, 1 ) end return group end # # parser rule group_name # # (in GroupFile.g) # 86:1: group_name[ namespace ] returns [ group ] : 'group' (mod= CONSTANT '::' )* name= CONSTANT ( ';' )? ; # def group_name( namespace ) # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_in( __method__, 2 ) group = nil mod = nil name = nil begin # at line 87:5: 'group' (mod= CONSTANT '::' )* name= CONSTANT ( ';' )? match( T__10, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__10_IN_group_name_128 ) # at line 88:5: (mod= CONSTANT '::' )* while true # decision 3 alt_3 = 2 look_3_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_3_0 == CONSTANT ) look_3_1 = @input.peek( 2 ) if ( look_3_1 == T__11 ) alt_3 = 1 end end case alt_3 when 1 # at line 89:7: mod= CONSTANT '::' mod = match( CONSTANT, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_CONSTANT_IN_group_name_144 ) match( T__11, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__11_IN_group_name_146 ) # --> action namespace = namespace.const_get( mod.text ) # <-- action else break # out of loop for decision 3 end end # loop for decision 3 name = match( CONSTANT, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_CONSTANT_IN_group_name_169 ) # --> action group = fetch_group( namespace, name.text ) # <-- action # at line 93:5: ( ';' )? alt_4 = 2 look_4_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_4_0 == T__12 ) alt_4 = 1 end case alt_4 when 1 # at line 93:5: ';' match( T__12, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__12_IN_group_name_177 ) end rescue ANTLR3::Error::RecognitionError => re report_error( re ) recover( re ) ensure # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_out( __method__, 2 ) end return group end # # parser rule member # # (in GroupFile.g) # 96:1: member[ group ] : name= ID ( parameter_declaration )? '::=' (aliased= ID | TEMPLATE | STRING ) ; # def member( group ) # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_in( __method__, 3 ) name = nil aliased = nil __TEMPLATE3__ = nil __STRING4__ = nil parameter_declaration2 = nil # - - - - @init action - - - - params = nil begin # at line 98:5: name= ID ( parameter_declaration )? '::=' (aliased= ID | TEMPLATE | STRING ) name = match( ID, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_member_199 ) # at line 98:13: ( parameter_declaration )? alt_5 = 2 look_5_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_5_0 == ID || look_5_0 == T__14 || look_5_0.between?( T__17, T__18 ) ) alt_5 = 1 end case alt_5 when 1 # at line 98:15: parameter_declaration @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameter_declaration_IN_member_203 ) parameter_declaration2 = parameter_declaration @state.following.pop # --> action params = parameter_declaration2 # <-- action end match( T__13, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__13_IN_member_210 ) # at line 99:5: (aliased= ID | TEMPLATE | STRING ) alt_6 = 3 case look_6 = @input.peek( 1 ) when ID then alt_6 = 1 when TEMPLATE then alt_6 = 2 when STRING then alt_6 = 3 else raise NoViableAlternative( "", 6, 0 ) end case alt_6 when 1 # at line 99:7: aliased= ID aliased = match( ID, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_member_220 ) # --> action group.alias_template( name.text, aliased.text ) # <-- action when 2 # at line 100:7: TEMPLATE __TEMPLATE3__ = match( TEMPLATE, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_TEMPLATE_IN_member_230 ) # --> action group.define_template( name.text, extract_template( __TEMPLATE3__ ), params ) # <-- action when 3 # at line 101:7: STRING __STRING4__ = match( STRING, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_STRING_IN_member_242 ) # --> action group.define_template( name.text, extract_template( __STRING4__ ), params ) # <-- action end rescue ANTLR3::Error::RecognitionError => re report_error( re ) recover( re ) ensure # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_out( __method__, 3 ) end return end # # parser rule parameter_declaration # # (in GroupFile.g) # 105:1: parameter_declaration returns [ list ] : ( '(' ( parameters )? ')' | parameters ); # def parameter_declaration # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_in( __method__, 4 ) list = nil parameters5 = nil parameters6 = nil # - - - - @init action - - - - list = nil begin # at line 107:3: ( '(' ( parameters )? ')' | parameters ) alt_8 = 2 look_8_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_8_0 == T__14 ) alt_8 = 1 elsif ( look_8_0 == ID || look_8_0.between?( T__17, T__18 ) ) alt_8 = 2 else raise NoViableAlternative( "", 8, 0 ) end case alt_8 when 1 # at line 107:5: '(' ( parameters )? ')' match( T__14, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__14_IN_parameter_declaration_276 ) # at line 107:9: ( parameters )? alt_7 = 2 look_7_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_7_0 == ID || look_7_0.between?( T__17, T__18 ) ) alt_7 = 1 end case alt_7 when 1 # at line 107:11: parameters @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameters_IN_parameter_declaration_280 ) parameters5 = parameters @state.following.pop # --> action list = parameters5 # <-- action end match( T__15, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__15_IN_parameter_declaration_287 ) when 2 # at line 108:5: parameters @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameters_IN_parameter_declaration_293 ) parameters6 = parameters @state.following.pop # --> action list = parameters6 # <-- action end rescue ANTLR3::Error::RecognitionError => re report_error( re ) recover( re ) ensure # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_out( __method__, 4 ) end return list end # # parser rule parameters # # (in GroupFile.g) # 111:1: parameters returns [ list ] : parameter[ $list ] ( ',' parameter[ $list ] )* ; # def parameters # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_in( __method__, 5 ) list = nil # - - - - @init action - - - - list = ANTLR3::Template::ParameterList.new begin # at line 113:5: parameter[ $list ] ( ',' parameter[ $list ] )* @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameter_IN_parameters_317 ) parameter( list ) @state.following.pop # at line 113:24: ( ',' parameter[ $list ] )* while true # decision 9 alt_9 = 2 look_9_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_9_0 == T__16 ) alt_9 = 1 end case alt_9 when 1 # at line 113:26: ',' parameter[ $list ] match( T__16, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__16_IN_parameters_322 ) @state.following.push( TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameter_IN_parameters_324 ) parameter( list ) @state.following.pop else break # out of loop for decision 9 end end # loop for decision 9 rescue ANTLR3::Error::RecognitionError => re report_error( re ) recover( re ) ensure # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_out( __method__, 5 ) end return list end # # parser rule parameter # # (in GroupFile.g) # 116:1: parameter[ parameters ] : ( '*' name= ID | '&' name= ID | name= ID ( '=' v= STRING )? ); # def parameter( parameters ) # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_in( __method__, 6 ) name = nil v = nil begin # at line 117:3: ( '*' name= ID | '&' name= ID | name= ID ( '=' v= STRING )? ) alt_11 = 3 case look_11 = @input.peek( 1 ) when T__17 then alt_11 = 1 when T__18 then alt_11 = 2 when ID then alt_11 = 3 else raise NoViableAlternative( "", 11, 0 ) end case alt_11 when 1 # at line 117:5: '*' name= ID match( T__17, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__17_IN_parameter_342 ) name = match( ID, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_parameter_346 ) # --> action parameters.splat = name.text # <-- action when 2 # at line 118:5: '&' name= ID match( T__18, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__18_IN_parameter_354 ) name = match( ID, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_parameter_358 ) # --> action parameters.block = name.text # <-- action when 3 # at line 119:5: name= ID ( '=' v= STRING )? name = match( ID, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_parameter_368 ) # --> action param = ANTLR3::Template::Parameter.new( name.text ) # <-- action # at line 120:5: ( '=' v= STRING )? alt_10 = 2 look_10_0 = @input.peek( 1 ) if ( look_10_0 == T__19 ) alt_10 = 1 end case alt_10 when 1 # at line 120:7: '=' v= STRING match( T__19, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__19_IN_parameter_382 ) v = match( STRING, TOKENS_FOLLOWING_STRING_IN_parameter_386 ) # --> action param.default = v.text # <-- action end # --> action parameters.add( param ) # <-- action end rescue ANTLR3::Error::RecognitionError => re report_error( re ) recover( re ) ensure # -> uncomment the next line to manually enable rule tracing # trace_out( __method__, 6 ) end return end TOKENS_FOLLOWING_group_name_IN_group_spec_85 = Set[ 1, 5 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_member_IN_group_spec_108 = Set[ 1, 5 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__10_IN_group_name_128 = Set[ 4 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_CONSTANT_IN_group_name_144 = Set[ 11 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__11_IN_group_name_146 = Set[ 4 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_CONSTANT_IN_group_name_169 = Set[ 1, 12 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__12_IN_group_name_177 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_member_199 = Set[ 5, 13, 14, 17, 18 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameter_declaration_IN_member_203 = Set[ 13 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__13_IN_member_210 = Set[ 5, 6, 7 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_member_220 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_TEMPLATE_IN_member_230 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_STRING_IN_member_242 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__14_IN_parameter_declaration_276 = Set[ 5, 14, 15, 17, 18 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameters_IN_parameter_declaration_280 = Set[ 15 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__15_IN_parameter_declaration_287 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameters_IN_parameter_declaration_293 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameter_IN_parameters_317 = Set[ 1, 16 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__16_IN_parameters_322 = Set[ 5, 14, 17, 18 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_parameter_IN_parameters_324 = Set[ 1, 16 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__17_IN_parameter_342 = Set[ 5 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_parameter_346 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__18_IN_parameter_354 = Set[ 5 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_parameter_358 = Set[ 1 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_ID_IN_parameter_368 = Set[ 1, 19 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_T__19_IN_parameter_382 = Set[ 7 ] TOKENS_FOLLOWING_STRING_IN_parameter_386 = Set[ 1 ] end # class Parser < ANTLR3::Parser end # - - - - - - begin action @parser::footer - - - - - - # GroupFile.g end # module Template end # module ANTLR3 # - - - - - - end action @parser::footer - - - - - - - if __FILE__ == $0 and ARGV.first != '--' # - - - - - - begin action @parser::main - - - - - - # GroupFile.g defined?( ANTLR3::Template::GroupFile::Lexer ) or require 'antlr3/template/group-file' ANTLR3::Template::GroupFile::Parser.main( ARGV ) # - - - - - - end action @parser::main - - - - - - - end