# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging, os import constants, cros_logging, cros_ui, cryptohome from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error class CrashError(error.TestError): """Error raised when a pertinent process crashes while waiting on a condition. """ pass class UnexpectedCondition(error.TestError): """Error raised when an expected precondition is not met.""" pass def process_crashed(process, log_reader): """Checks the log watched by |log_reader| to see if a crash was reported for |process|. @param process: process name to look for. @param log_reader: LogReader object set up to watch appropriate log file. @return: True if so, False if not. """ return log_reader.can_find('Received crash notification for %s' % process) def wait_for_condition(condition, timeout_msg, timeout, process, crash_msg): """Wait for callable |condition| to return true, while checking for crashes. Poll for |condition| to become true, for |timeout| seconds. If the timeout is reached, check to see if |process| crashed while we were polling. If so, raise CrashError(crash_msg). If not, raise TimeoutError(timeout_msg). @param condition: a callable to poll on. @param timeout_msg: message to put in TimeoutError before raising. @param timeout: float number of seconds to poll on |condition|. @param process: process name to watch for crashes while polling. @param crash_msg: message to put in CrashError if polling failed and |process| crashed. @raise: TimeoutError if timeout is reached. @raise: CrashError if process crashed and the condition never fired. """ # Mark /var/log/messages now; we'll run through all subsequent log # messages if we couldn't start chrome to see if the browser crashed. log_reader = cros_logging.LogReader() log_reader.set_start_by_current() try: utils.poll_for_condition( condition, utils.TimeoutError(timeout_msg), timeout=timeout) except utils.TimeoutError, e: # We could fail faster if necessary, but it'd be more complicated. if process_crashed(process, log_reader): logging.error(crash_msg) raise CrashError(crash_msg) else: raise e def wait_for_browser(timeout=cros_ui.RESTART_UI_TIMEOUT): """Wait until a Chrome process is running. @param timeout: float number of seconds to wait. @raise: TimeoutError: Chrome didn't start before timeout. """ wait_for_condition( lambda: os.system('pgrep ^%s$ >/dev/null' % constants.BROWSER) == 0, timeout_msg='Timed out waiting for Chrome to start', timeout=timeout, process=constants.BROWSER, crash_msg='Chrome crashed while starting up.') def wait_for_browser_exit(crash_msg, timeout=cros_ui.RESTART_UI_TIMEOUT): """Wait for the Chrome process to exit. @param crash_msg: Error message to include if Chrome crashed. @param timeout: float number of seconds to wait. @return: True if Chrome exited; False otherwise. @raise: CrashError: Chrome crashed while we were waiting. """ try: wait_for_condition( lambda: os.system('pgrep ^%s$ >/dev/null' % constants.BROWSER) != 0, timeout_msg='Timed out waiting for Chrome to exit', timeout=timeout, process=constants.BROWSER, crash_msg=crash_msg) return True except utils.TimeoutError, e: return False def wait_for_cryptohome(user, timeout=cros_ui.RESTART_UI_TIMEOUT): """Wait until cryptohome is mounted. @param user: the user whose cryptohome the caller wants to wait for. @param timeout: float number of seconds to wait. @raise: TimeoutError: cryptohome wasn't mounted before timeout """ wait_for_condition( condition=lambda: cryptohome.is_vault_mounted(user), timeout_msg='Timed out waiting for cryptohome to be mounted', timeout=timeout, process='cryptohomed', crash_msg='cryptohomed crashed during mount attempt') def wait_for_ownership(timeout=constants.DEFAULT_OWNERSHIP_TIMEOUT): """Wait until device owner key file exists on disk. @param timeout: float number of seconds to wait. @raise: TimeoutError: file didn't appear before timeout. """ if os.access(constants.OWNER_KEY_FILE, os.F_OK): raise error.TestError('Device is already owned!') wait_for_condition( condition=lambda: os.access(constants.OWNER_KEY_FILE, os.F_OK), timeout_msg='Timed out waiting for ownership', timeout=timeout, process=constants.BROWSER, crash_msg='Chrome crashed before ownership could be taken.')