import datetime import common from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_test_environment from autotest_lib.frontend import thread_local from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models, model_attributes from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import mock class FrontendTestMixin(object): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring def _fill_in_test_data(self): """Populate the test database with some hosts and labels.""" if models.DroneSet.drone_sets_enabled(): models.DroneSet.objects.create( name=models.DroneSet.default_drone_set_name()) acl_group = models.AclGroup.objects.create(name='my_acl') acl_group.users.add(models.User.current_user()) self.hosts = [models.Host.objects.create(hostname=hostname) for hostname in ('host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5', 'host6', 'host7', 'host8', 'host9')] acl_group.hosts = self.hosts models.AclGroup.smart_get('Everyone').hosts = [] self.labels = [models.Label.objects.create(name=name) for name in ('label1', 'label2', 'label3', 'label6', 'label7', 'unused')] platform = models.Label.objects.create(name='myplatform', platform=True) for host in self.hosts: host.labels.add(platform) self.label1, self.label2, self.label3, self.label6, self.label7, _ \ = self.labels self.labels.append(models.Label.objects.create(name='static')) self.replaced_labels = [models.ReplacedLabel.objects.create( label_id=self.labels[-1].id)] self.label3.only_if_needed = True self.hosts[0].labels.add(self.label1) self.hosts[1].labels.add(self.label2) for hostnum in xrange(4,7): # host5..host7 self.hosts[hostnum].labels.add(self.label6) self.hosts[6].labels.add(self.label7) for hostnum in xrange(7,9): # host8..host9 self.hosts[hostnum].labels.add(self.label6) self.hosts[hostnum].labels.add(self.label7) def _frontend_common_setup(self, fill_data=True, setup_tables=True): self.god = mock.mock_god(ut=self) if setup_tables: setup_test_environment.set_up() global_config.global_config.override_config_value( 'SERVER', 'rpc_logging', 'False') if fill_data and setup_tables: self._fill_in_test_data() def _frontend_common_teardown(self): setup_test_environment.tear_down() thread_local.set_user(None) self.god.unstub_all() def _set_static_attribute(self, host, attribute, value): """Set static attribute for a host. It ensures that all static attributes have a corresponding entry in afe_host_attributes. """ # Get or create the reference object in afe_host_attributes. model, args = host._get_attribute_model_and_args(attribute) model.objects.get_or_create(**args) attribute_model, get_args = host._get_static_attribute_model_and_args( attribute) attribute_object, _ = attribute_model.objects.get_or_create(**get_args) attribute_object.value = value def _create_job(self, hosts=[], metahosts=[], priority=0, active=False, synchronous=False, hostless=False, drone_set=None, control_file='control', owner='autotest_system', parent_job_id=None, shard=None): """ Create a job row in the test database. @param hosts - A list of explicit host ids for this job to be scheduled on. @param metahosts - A list of label ids for each host that this job should be scheduled on (meta host scheduling). @param priority - The job priority (integer). @param active - bool, mark this job as running or not in the database? @param synchronous - bool, if True use synch_count=2 otherwise use synch_count=1. @param hostless - if True, this job is intended to be hostless (in that case, hosts, and metahosts must all be empty) @param owner - The owner of the job. Aclgroups from which a job can acquire hosts change with the aclgroups of the owners. @param parent_job_id - The id of a parent_job. If a job with the id doesn't already exist one will be created. @param shard - shard object to assign the job to. @raises model.DoesNotExist: If parent_job_id is specified but a job with id=parent_job_id does not exist. @returns A Django frontend.afe.models.Job instance. """ if not drone_set: drone_set = (models.DroneSet.default_drone_set_name() and models.DroneSet.get_default()) synch_count = synchronous and 2 or 1 created_on = datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1) status = models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED if active: status = models.HostQueueEntry.Status.RUNNING parent_job = (models.Job.objects.get(id=parent_job_id) if parent_job_id else None) job = models.Job.objects.create( name='test', owner=owner, priority=priority, synch_count=synch_count, created_on=created_on, reboot_before=model_attributes.RebootBefore.NEVER, drone_set=drone_set, control_file=control_file, parent_job=parent_job, require_ssp=None, shard=shard) # Update the job's dependencies to include the metahost. for metahost_label in metahosts: dep = models.Label.objects.get(id=metahost_label) job.dependency_labels.add(dep) for host_id in hosts: models.HostQueueEntry.objects.create(job=job, host_id=host_id, status=status) models.IneligibleHostQueue.objects.create(job=job, host_id=host_id) for label_id in metahosts: models.HostQueueEntry.objects.create(job=job, meta_host_id=label_id, status=status) if hostless: assert not (hosts or metahosts) models.HostQueueEntry.objects.create(job=job, status=status) return job def _create_job_simple(self, hosts, use_metahost=False, priority=0, active=False, drone_set=None, parent_job_id=None): """An alternative interface to _create_job""" args = {'hosts' : [], 'metahosts' : []} if use_metahost: args['metahosts'] = hosts else: args['hosts'] = hosts return self._create_job( priority=priority, active=active, drone_set=drone_set, parent_job_id=parent_job_id, **args)