package autotest.moblab.rpc; import; import; import; import; import; import autotest.common.JsonRpcCallback; import autotest.common.JsonRpcProxy; import autotest.common.SimpleCallback; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A helper class for moblab RPC call. */ public class MoblabRpcHelper { public static final String RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO = "cloud_storage_info"; public static final String RPC_PARAM_WIFI_INFO = "wifi_info"; private MoblabRpcHelper() {} /** * Fetches config data. */ public static void fetchConfigData(final SimpleCallback callback) { fetchConfigData(new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { if (callback != null) callback.doCallback(result); } }); } /** * Fetch config data. */ public static void fetchConfigData(final JsonRpcCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_config_values", null, callback); } /** * Submits config data. */ public static void submitConfigData(JSONObject configValues, JsonRpcCallback callback) { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("config_values", configValues); JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("update_config_handler", params, callback); } /** * Resets config data on Moblab. */ public static void resetConfigData(final JsonRpcCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("reset_config_settings", null, callback); } /** * Reboot Moblab device. */ public static void rebootMoblab(final JsonRpcCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("reboot_moblab", null, callback); } /** * Fetches the server network information. */ public static void fetchNetworkInfo( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchNetworkInfoRpcCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_network_info", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { NetworkInfo networkInfo = new NetworkInfo(); networkInfo.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onNetworkInfoFetched(networkInfo); } }); } /** * Fetches the cloud storage configuration information. */ public static void fetchCloudStorageInfo( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchCloudStorageInfoCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_cloud_storage_info", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { CloudStorageInfo info = new CloudStorageInfo(); info.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onCloudStorageInfoFetched(info); } }); } /** * Validates the cloud storage configuration information. */ public static void validateCloudStorageInfo(CloudStorageInfo cloudStorageInfo, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.ValidateCloudStorageInfoCallback callback) { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put(RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO, cloudStorageInfo.toJson()); JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("validate_cloud_storage_info", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { OperationStatus status = new OperationStatus(); status.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onCloudStorageInfoValidated(status); } }); } /** * Submits the wizard configuration data. */ public static void submitWizardConfigData(Map configDataMap, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.SubmitWizardConfigInfoCallback callback) { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); if (configDataMap.containsKey(RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO)) { params.put(RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO, configDataMap.get(RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO)); } else { params.put(RPC_PARAM_CLOUD_STORAGE_INFO, new JSONObject()); } if (configDataMap.containsKey(RPC_PARAM_WIFI_INFO)) { params.put(RPC_PARAM_WIFI_INFO, configDataMap.get(RPC_PARAM_WIFI_INFO)); } else { params.put(RPC_PARAM_WIFI_INFO, new JSONObject()); } JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("submit_wizard_config_info", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { OperationStatus status = new OperationStatus(); status.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onWizardConfigInfoSubmitted(status); } }); } /** * Fetches the version information. */ public static void fetchMoblabBuildVersionInfo( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchVersionInfoCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_version_info", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { VersionInfo info = new VersionInfo(); info.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onVersionInfoFetched(info); } }); } /** * Apply update and reboot Moblab device */ public static void updateMoblab(final JsonRpcCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("update_moblab", null, callback); } /** * Get information about the DUT's connected to the moblab. */ public static void fetchDutInformation( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchConnectedDutInfoCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_connected_dut_info", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { ConnectedDutInfo info = new ConnectedDutInfo(); info.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onFetchConnectedDutInfoSubmitted(info); } }); } /** * Enroll a device into the autotest syste. * @param dutIpAddress ipAddress of the new DUT. * @param callback Callback execute when the RPC is complete. */ public static void addMoblabDut(String dutIpAddress, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.LogActionCompleteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("ipaddress", new JSONString(dutIpAddress)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("add_moblab_dut", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { boolean didSucceed = result.isArray().get(0).isBoolean().booleanValue(); String information = result.isArray().get(1).isString().stringValue(); callback.onLogActionComplete(didSucceed, information); } }); } /** * Remove a device from the autotest system. * @param dutIpAddress ipAddress of the DUT to remove. * @param callback Callback to execute when the RPC is complete. */ public static void removeMoblabDut(String dutIpAddress, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.LogActionCompleteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("ipaddress", new JSONString(dutIpAddress)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("remove_moblab_dut", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { boolean didSucceed = result.isArray().get(0).isBoolean().booleanValue(); String information = result.isArray().get(1).isString().stringValue(); callback.onLogActionComplete(didSucceed, information); } }); } /** * Add a label to a specific DUT. * @param dutIpAddress ipAddress of the device to have the new label applied. * @param labelName the label to apply * @param callback callback to execute when the RPC is complete. */ public static void addMoblabLabel(String dutIpAddress, String labelName, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.LogActionCompleteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("ipaddress", new JSONString(dutIpAddress)); params.put("label_name", new JSONString(labelName)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("add_moblab_label", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { boolean didSucceed = result.isArray().get(0).isBoolean().booleanValue(); String information = result.isArray().get(1).isString().stringValue(); callback.onLogActionComplete(didSucceed, information); } }); } /** * Remove a label from a specific DUT. * @param dutIpAddress ipAddress of the device to have the label removed. * @param labelName the label to remove * @param callback callback to execute when the RPC is complete. */ public static void removeMoblabLabel(String dutIpAddress, String labelName, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.LogActionCompleteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("ipaddress", new JSONString(dutIpAddress)); params.put("label_name", new JSONString(labelName)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("remove_moblab_label", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { boolean didSucceed = result.isArray().get(0).isBoolean().booleanValue(); String information = result.isArray().get(1).isString().stringValue(); callback.onLogActionComplete(didSucceed, information); } }); } /** * add an attribute to a specific dut. * @param dutIpAddress ipaddress of the device to have the new attribute applied. * @param attributeName the attribute name * @param attributeValue the attribute value to be associated with the name * @param callback callback to execute when the rpc is complete. */ public static void setMoblabAttribute(String dutIpAddress, String attributeName, String attributeValue, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.LogActionCompleteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("ipaddress", new JSONString(dutIpAddress)); params.put("attribute", new JSONString(attributeName)); params.put("value", new JSONString(attributeValue)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("set_host_attrib", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { boolean didSucceed = result.isArray().get(0).isBoolean().booleanValue(); String information = result.isArray().get(1).isString().stringValue(); callback.onLogActionComplete(didSucceed, information); } }); } /** * remove an attribute from a specific dut. * @param dutIpAddress ipaddress of the device to have the new attribute applied. * @param attributeName the attribute name * @param callback callback to execute when the rpc is complete. */ public static void removeMoblabAttribute(String dutIpAddress, String attributeName, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.LogActionCompleteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("ipaddress", new JSONString(dutIpAddress)); params.put("attribute", new JSONString(attributeName)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("delete_host_attrib", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { boolean didSucceed = result.isArray().get(0).isBoolean().booleanValue(); String information = result.isArray().get(1).isString().stringValue(); callback.onLogActionComplete(didSucceed, information); } }); } public static void fetchConnectedBoards( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchConnectedBoardsCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_connected_boards", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { List boards = new LinkedList(); int boardListSize = result.isArray().size(); for (int i = 0; i < boardListSize; i++) { ConnectedBoard board = new ConnectedBoard(); board.fromJson(result.isArray().get(i).isObject()); boards.add(board); } callback.onFetchConnectedBoardsSubmitted(boards); } }); } public static void fetchConnectedPools( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchConnectedPoolsCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_connected_pools", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { List pools = new LinkedList(); int poolListSize = result.isArray().size(); for (int i = 0; i < poolListSize; i++) { pools.add(result.isArray().get(i).isString().stringValue()); } callback.onFetchConnectedPoolsSubmitted(pools); } }); } public static void fetchBuildsForBoard(String board_name, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchBuildsForBoardCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("board_name", new JSONString(board_name)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_builds_for_board", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { List builds = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < result.isArray().size(); i++) { builds.add(result.isArray().get(i).isString().stringValue()); } callback.onFetchBuildsForBoardCallbackSubmitted(builds); } }); } public static void fetchFirmwareForBoard(String board_name, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchFirmwareForBoardCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("board_name", new JSONString(board_name)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_firmware_for_board", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { List firmwareBuilds = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < result.isArray().size(); i++) { firmwareBuilds.add(result.isArray().get(i).isString().stringValue()); } callback.onFetchFirmwareForBoardCallbackSubmitted(firmwareBuilds); } }); } public static void runSuite(String board, String model, String build, String suite, String pool, String rwFirmware, String roFirmware, String suiteArgs, String testArgs, String bugId, String partId, final MoblabRpcCallbacks.RunSuiteCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("board", new JSONString(board)); params.put("model", new JSONString(model)); params.put("build", new JSONString(build)); params.put("suite", new JSONString(suite)); params.put("pool", new JSONString(pool)); params.put("rw_firmware", new JSONString(rwFirmware)); params.put("ro_firmware", new JSONString(roFirmware)); params.put("suite_args", new JSONString(suiteArgs)); params.put("test_args", new JSONString(testArgs)); params.put("bug_id", new JSONString(bugId)); params.put("part_id", new JSONString(partId)); rpcProxy.rpcCall("run_suite", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { callback.onRunSuiteComplete(); } }); } /** * Fetches the DUT wifi configuration information to use in tests. */ public static void fetchWifiInfo( final MoblabRpcCallbacks.FetchWifiInfoCallback callback) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_dut_wifi_info", null, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { WifiInfo info = new WifiInfo(); info.fromJson(result.isObject()); callback.onWifiInfoFetched(info); } }); } }