# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging from autotest_lib.server.cros.network import netperf_runner class NetperfSession(object): """Abstracts a network performance measurement to reduce variance.""" MAX_DEVIATION_FRACTION = 0.03 MEASUREMENT_MAX_SAMPLES = 10 MEASUREMENT_MAX_FAILURES = 2 MEASUREMENT_MIN_SAMPLES = 3 WARMUP_SAMPLE_TIME_SECONDS = 2 WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE = 2 WARMUP_MAX_SAMPLES = 10 @staticmethod def _from_samples(samples): """Construct a NetperfResult that averages previous results. This makes typing this considerably easier. @param samples: list of NetperfResult @return NetperfResult average of samples. """ return netperf_runner.NetperfResult.from_samples(samples) def __init__(self, client_proxy, server_proxy, ignore_failures=False): """Construct a NetperfSession. @param client_proxy: WiFiClient object. @param server_proxy: LinuxSystem object. """ self._client_proxy = client_proxy self._server_proxy = server_proxy self._ignore_failures = ignore_failures def warmup_wifi_part(self, warmup_client=True): """Warm up a rate controller on the client or server. WiFi "warms up" in that rate controllers dynamically adjust to environmental conditions by increasing symbol rates until loss is observed. This manifests as initially slow data transfer rates that get better over time. We'll say that a rate controller is warmed up if a small sample of WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE throughput measurements has an average throughput within a standard deviation of the previous WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE samples. @param warmup_client: bool True iff we should warmup the client rate controller. Otherwise we warm up the server rate controller. """ if warmup_client: # We say a station is warm if the TX throughput is maximized. # Each station only controls its own transmission TX rate. logging.info('Warming up the client WiFi rate controller.') test_type = netperf_runner.NetperfConfig.TEST_TYPE_TCP_STREAM else: logging.info('Warming up the server WiFi rate controller.') test_type = netperf_runner.NetperfConfig.TEST_TYPE_TCP_MAERTS config = netperf_runner.NetperfConfig( test_type, test_time=self.WARMUP_SAMPLE_TIME_SECONDS) warmup_history = [] with netperf_runner.NetperfRunner( self._client_proxy, self._server_proxy, config) as runner: while len(warmup_history) < self.WARMUP_MAX_SAMPLES: warmup_history.append(runner.run()) if len(warmup_history) > 2 * self.WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE: # Grab 2 * WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE samples, divided into the most # recent chunk and the chunk before that. start = -2 * self.WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE middle = -self.WARMUP_WINDOW_SIZE past_result = self._from_samples( warmup_history[start:middle]) recent_result = self._from_samples(warmup_history[middle:]) if recent_result.throughput < (past_result.throughput + past_result.throughput_dev): logging.info('Rate controller is warmed.') return else: logging.warning('Did not completely warmup the WiFi part.') def warmup_stations(self): """Warms up both the client and server stations.""" self.warmup_wifi_part(warmup_client=True) self.warmup_wifi_part(warmup_client=False) def run(self, config): """Measure the average and standard deviation of a netperf test. @param config: NetperfConfig object. """ logging.info('Performing %s measurements in netperf session.', config.human_readable_tag) history = [] none_count = 0 final_result = None with netperf_runner.NetperfRunner( self._client_proxy, self._server_proxy, config) as runner: while len(history) + none_count < self.MEASUREMENT_MAX_SAMPLES: result = runner.run(ignore_failures=self._ignore_failures) if result is None: none_count += 1 # Might occur when, e.g., signal strength is too low. if none_count > self.MEASUREMENT_MAX_FAILURES: logging.error('Too many failures (%d), aborting', none_count) break continue history.append(result) if len(history) < self.MEASUREMENT_MIN_SAMPLES: continue final_result = self._from_samples(history) if final_result.all_deviations_less_than_fraction( self.MAX_DEVIATION_FRACTION): break if final_result is None: final_result = self._from_samples(history) logging.info('Took averaged measurement %r.', final_result) return history or None