# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # repohooks/pre-upload.py currently does not run pylint. But for developers who # want to check their code manually we disable several harmless pylint warnings # which just distract from more serious remaining issues. # # The instance variable _android_gts is not defined in __init__(). # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # # Many short variable names don't follow the naming convention. # pylint: disable=invalid-name import logging import os import shutil import tempfile from autotest_lib.server import utils from autotest_lib.server.cros import tradefed_test # Maximum default time allowed for each individual GTS module. _GTS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3600 _PARTNER_GTS_BUCKET = 'gs://chromeos-partner-gts/' _PARTNER_GTS_LOCATION = _PARTNER_GTS_BUCKET + 'gts-6.0_r4-5356336.zip' _PARTNER_GTS_AUTHKEY = _PARTNER_GTS_BUCKET + 'gts-arc.json' class cheets_GTS(tradefed_test.TradefedTest): """Sets up tradefed to run GTS tests.""" version = 1 _SHARD_CMD = '--shard-count' def _tradefed_retry_command(self, template, session_id): """Build tradefed 'retry' command from template.""" cmd = [] for arg in template: cmd.append(arg.format(session_id=session_id)) return cmd def _tradefed_run_command(self, template): """Build tradefed 'run' command from template.""" cmd = template[:] # If we are running outside of the lab we can collect more data. if not utils.is_in_container(): logging.info('Running outside of lab, adding extra debug options.') cmd.append('--log-level-display=DEBUG') return cmd def _get_default_bundle_url(self, bundle): return _PARTNER_GTS_LOCATION def _get_default_authkey(self): return _PARTNER_GTS_AUTHKEY def _get_tradefed_base_dir(self): return 'android-gts' def _run_tradefed(self, commands): """Kick off GTS. @param commands: the command(s) to pass to GTS. @return: The result object from utils.run. """ gts_tradefed = os.path.join(self._repository, 'tools', 'gts-tradefed') env = None if self._authkey: env = dict(os.environ, APE_API_KEY=self._authkey) with tradefed_test.adb_keepalive(self._get_adb_targets(), self._install_paths): for command in commands: timeout = self._timeout * self._timeout_factor logging.info('RUN(timeout=%d): ./gts-tradefed %s', timeout, ' '.join(command)) output = self._run( gts_tradefed, args=tuple(command), env=env, timeout=timeout, verbose=True, ignore_status=False, # Make sure to tee tradefed stdout/stderr to autotest logs # continuously during the test run. stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, # Also send the output to the test_that console. stdout_level=logging.INFO) logging.info('END: ./gts-tradefed %s\n', ' '.join(command)) return output def run_once(self, test_name, run_template, retry_template=None, target_module=None, target_plan=None, target_class=None, target_method=None, needs_push_media=False, precondition_commands=[], login_precondition_commands=[], authkey=None, timeout=_GTS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS): """Runs the specified GTS once, but with several retries. Run an arbitrary tradefed command. @param test_name: the name of test. Used for logging. @param run_template: the template to construct the run command. Example: ['run', 'commandAndExit', 'cts', '--skip-media-download'] @param retry_template: the template to construct the retry command. Example: ['run', 'commandAndExit', 'retry', '--skip-media-download', '--retry', '{session_id}'] @param target_module: the name of test module to run. @param target_plan: the name of the test plan to run. @param target_class: the name of the class to be tested. @param target_method: the name of the method to be tested. @param needs_push_media: need to push test media streams. @param timeout: time after which tradefed can be interrupted. @param precondition_commands: a list of scripts to be run on the dut before the test is run, the scripts must already be installed. @param login_precondition_commands: a list of scripts to be run on the dut before the log-in for the test is performed. """ # Download the GTS auth key to the local temp directory. tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: self._authkey = self._download_to_dir( authkey or self._get_default_authkey(), tmpdir) self._run_tradefed_with_retries( test_name=test_name, run_template=run_template, retry_template=retry_template, timeout=timeout, target_module=target_module, target_plan=target_plan, needs_push_media=needs_push_media, login_precondition_commands=login_precondition_commands, precondition_commands=precondition_commands) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)