/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BPFTable.h" #include "bcc_exception.h" #include "bcc_syms.h" #include "common.h" #include "file_desc.h" #include "libbpf.h" #include "perf_reader.h" namespace ebpf { BPFTable::BPFTable(const TableDesc& desc) : BPFTableBase(desc) {} StatusTuple BPFTable::get_value(const std::string& key_str, std::string& value_str) { char key[desc.key_size]; char value[desc.leaf_size]; StatusTuple r(0); r = string_to_key(key_str, key); if (r.code() != 0) return r; if (!lookup(key, value)) return StatusTuple(-1, "error getting value"); return leaf_to_string(value, value_str); } StatusTuple BPFTable::get_value(const std::string& key_str, std::vector& value_str) { size_t ncpus = get_possible_cpus().size(); char key[desc.key_size]; char value[desc.leaf_size * ncpus]; StatusTuple r(0); r = string_to_key(key_str, key); if (r.code() != 0) return r; if (!lookup(key, value)) return StatusTuple(-1, "error getting value"); value_str.resize(ncpus); for (size_t i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) { r = leaf_to_string(value + i * desc.leaf_size, value_str.at(i)); if (r.code() != 0) return r; } return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFTable::update_value(const std::string& key_str, const std::string& value_str) { char key[desc.key_size]; char value[desc.leaf_size]; StatusTuple r(0); r = string_to_key(key_str, key); if (r.code() != 0) return r; r = string_to_leaf(value_str, value); if (r.code() != 0) return r; if (!update(key, value)) return StatusTuple(-1, "error updating element"); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFTable::update_value(const std::string& key_str, const std::vector& value_str) { size_t ncpus = get_possible_cpus().size(); char key[desc.key_size]; char value[desc.leaf_size * ncpus]; StatusTuple r(0); r = string_to_key(key_str, key); if (r.code() != 0) return r; if (value_str.size() != ncpus) return StatusTuple(-1, "bad value size"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) { r = string_to_leaf(value_str.at(i), value + i * desc.leaf_size); if (r.code() != 0) return r; } if (!update(key, value)) return StatusTuple(-1, "error updating element"); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFTable::remove_value(const std::string& key_str) { char key[desc.key_size]; StatusTuple r(0); r = string_to_key(key_str, key); if (r.code() != 0) return r; if (!remove(key)) return StatusTuple(-1, "error removing element"); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFTable::clear_table_non_atomic() { if (desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_HASH || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH_OF_MAPS) { // For hash maps, use the first() interface (which uses get_next_key) to // iterate through the map and clear elements auto key = std::unique_ptr(::malloc(desc.key_size), ::free); while (this->first(key.get())) if (!this->remove(key.get())) { return StatusTuple(-1, "Failed to delete element when clearing table %s", desc.name.c_str()); } } else if (desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY) { return StatusTuple(-1, "Array map %s do not support clearing elements", desc.name.c_str()); } else if (desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS) { // For Stack-trace and FD arrays, just iterate over all indices for (size_t i = 0; i < desc.max_entries; i++) { this->remove(&i); } } else { return StatusTuple(-1, "Clearing for map type of %s not supported yet", desc.name.c_str()); } return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFTable::get_table_offline( std::vector> &res) { StatusTuple r(0); int err; auto key = std::unique_ptr(::malloc(desc.key_size), ::free); auto value = std::unique_ptr(::malloc(desc.leaf_size), ::free); std::string key_str; std::string value_str; if (desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_DEVMAP || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_CPUMAP || desc.type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_REUSEPORT_SOCKARRAY) { // For arrays, just iterate over all indices for (size_t i = 0; i < desc.max_entries; i++) { err = bpf_lookup_elem(desc.fd, &i, value.get()); if (err < 0 && errno == ENOENT) { // Element is not present, skip it continue; } else if (err < 0) { // Other error, abort return StatusTuple(-1, "Error looking up value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); } r = key_to_string(&i, key_str); if (r.code() != 0) return r; r = leaf_to_string(value.get(), value_str); if (r.code() != 0) return r; res.emplace_back(key_str, value_str); } } else { res.clear(); // For other maps, try to use the first() and next() interfaces if (!this->first(key.get())) return StatusTuple(0); while (true) { if (!this->lookup(key.get(), value.get())) break; r = key_to_string(key.get(), key_str); if (r.code() != 0) return r; r = leaf_to_string(value.get(), value_str); if (r.code() != 0) return r; res.emplace_back(key_str, value_str); if (!this->next(key.get(), key.get())) break; } } return StatusTuple(0); } size_t BPFTable::get_possible_cpu_count() { return get_possible_cpus().size(); } BPFStackTable::BPFStackTable(const TableDesc& desc, bool use_debug_file, bool check_debug_file_crc) : BPFTableBase(desc) { if (desc.type != BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE) throw std::invalid_argument("Table '" + desc.name + "' is not a stack table"); symbol_option_ = {.use_debug_file = use_debug_file, .check_debug_file_crc = check_debug_file_crc, .use_symbol_type = (1 << STT_FUNC) | (1 << STT_GNU_IFUNC)}; } BPFStackTable::BPFStackTable(BPFStackTable&& that) : BPFTableBase(that.desc), symbol_option_(std::move(that.symbol_option_)), pid_sym_(std::move(that.pid_sym_)) { that.pid_sym_.clear(); } BPFStackTable::~BPFStackTable() { for (auto it : pid_sym_) bcc_free_symcache(it.second, it.first); } void BPFStackTable::clear_table_non_atomic() { for (int i = 0; size_t(i) < capacity(); i++) { remove(&i); } } std::vector BPFStackTable::get_stack_addr(int stack_id) { std::vector res; stacktrace_t stack; if (stack_id < 0) return res; if (!lookup(&stack_id, &stack)) return res; for (int i = 0; (i < BPF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH) && (stack.ip[i] != 0); i++) res.push_back(stack.ip[i]); return res; } std::vector BPFStackTable::get_stack_symbol(int stack_id, int pid) { auto addresses = get_stack_addr(stack_id); std::vector res; if (addresses.empty()) return res; res.reserve(addresses.size()); if (pid < 0) pid = -1; if (pid_sym_.find(pid) == pid_sym_.end()) pid_sym_[pid] = bcc_symcache_new(pid, &symbol_option_); void* cache = pid_sym_[pid]; bcc_symbol symbol; for (auto addr : addresses) if (bcc_symcache_resolve(cache, addr, &symbol) != 0) res.emplace_back("[UNKNOWN]"); else { res.push_back(symbol.demangle_name); bcc_symbol_free_demangle_name(&symbol); } return res; } BPFPerfBuffer::BPFPerfBuffer(const TableDesc& desc) : BPFTableBase(desc), epfd_(-1) { if (desc.type != BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY) throw std::invalid_argument("Table '" + desc.name + "' is not a perf buffer"); } StatusTuple BPFPerfBuffer::open_on_cpu(perf_reader_raw_cb cb, perf_reader_lost_cb lost_cb, int cpu, void* cb_cookie, int page_cnt) { if (cpu_readers_.find(cpu) != cpu_readers_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf buffer already open on CPU %d", cpu); auto reader = static_cast( bpf_open_perf_buffer(cb, lost_cb, cb_cookie, -1, cpu, page_cnt)); if (reader == nullptr) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to construct perf reader"); int reader_fd = perf_reader_fd(reader); if (!update(&cpu, &reader_fd)) { perf_reader_free(static_cast(reader)); return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to open perf buffer on CPU %d: %s", cpu, std::strerror(errno)); } struct epoll_event event = {}; event.events = EPOLLIN; event.data.ptr = static_cast(reader); if (epoll_ctl(epfd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, reader_fd, &event) != 0) { perf_reader_free(static_cast(reader)); return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to add perf_reader FD to epoll: %s", std::strerror(errno)); } cpu_readers_[cpu] = reader; return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFPerfBuffer::open_all_cpu(perf_reader_raw_cb cb, perf_reader_lost_cb lost_cb, void* cb_cookie, int page_cnt) { if (cpu_readers_.size() != 0 || epfd_ != -1) return StatusTuple(-1, "Previously opened perf buffer not cleaned"); std::vector cpus = get_online_cpus(); ep_events_.reset(new epoll_event[cpus.size()]); epfd_ = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC); for (int i : cpus) { auto res = open_on_cpu(cb, lost_cb, i, cb_cookie, page_cnt); if (res.code() != 0) { TRY2(close_all_cpu()); return res; } } return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFPerfBuffer::close_on_cpu(int cpu) { auto it = cpu_readers_.find(cpu); if (it == cpu_readers_.end()) return StatusTuple(0); perf_reader_free(static_cast(it->second)); if (!remove(const_cast(&(it->first)))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to close perf buffer on CPU %d", it->first); cpu_readers_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFPerfBuffer::close_all_cpu() { std::string errors; bool has_error = false; if (epfd_ >= 0) { int close_res = close(epfd_); epfd_ = -1; ep_events_.reset(); if (close_res != 0) { has_error = true; errors += std::string(std::strerror(errno)) + "\n"; } } std::vector opened_cpus; for (auto it : cpu_readers_) opened_cpus.push_back(it.first); for (int i : opened_cpus) { auto res = close_on_cpu(i); if (res.code() != 0) { errors += "Failed to close CPU" + std::to_string(i) + " perf buffer: "; errors += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } } if (has_error) return StatusTuple(-1, errors); return StatusTuple(0); } int BPFPerfBuffer::poll(int timeout_ms) { if (epfd_ < 0) return -1; int cnt = epoll_wait(epfd_, ep_events_.get(), cpu_readers_.size(), timeout_ms); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) perf_reader_event_read(static_cast(ep_events_[i].data.ptr)); return cnt; } BPFPerfBuffer::~BPFPerfBuffer() { auto res = close_all_cpu(); if (res.code() != 0) std::cerr << "Failed to close all perf buffer on destruction: " << res.msg() << std::endl; } BPFPerfEventArray::BPFPerfEventArray(const TableDesc& desc) : BPFTableBase(desc) { if (desc.type != BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY) throw std::invalid_argument("Table '" + desc.name + "' is not a perf event array"); } StatusTuple BPFPerfEventArray::open_all_cpu(uint32_t type, uint64_t config) { if (cpu_fds_.size() != 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Previously opened perf event not cleaned"); std::vector cpus = get_online_cpus(); for (int i : cpus) { auto res = open_on_cpu(i, type, config); if (res.code() != 0) { TRY2(close_all_cpu()); return res; } } return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFPerfEventArray::close_all_cpu() { std::string errors; bool has_error = false; std::vector opened_cpus; for (auto it : cpu_fds_) opened_cpus.push_back(it.first); for (int i : opened_cpus) { auto res = close_on_cpu(i); if (res.code() != 0) { errors += "Failed to close CPU" + std::to_string(i) + " perf event: "; errors += res.msg() + "\n"; has_error = true; } } if (has_error) return StatusTuple(-1, errors); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFPerfEventArray::open_on_cpu(int cpu, uint32_t type, uint64_t config) { if (cpu_fds_.find(cpu) != cpu_fds_.end()) return StatusTuple(-1, "Perf event already open on CPU %d", cpu); int fd = bpf_open_perf_event(type, config, -1, cpu); if (fd < 0) { return StatusTuple(-1, "Error constructing perf event %" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu64, type, config); } if (!update(&cpu, &fd)) { bpf_close_perf_event_fd(fd); return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to open perf event on CPU %d: %s", cpu, std::strerror(errno)); } cpu_fds_[cpu] = fd; return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFPerfEventArray::close_on_cpu(int cpu) { auto it = cpu_fds_.find(cpu); if (it == cpu_fds_.end()) { return StatusTuple(0); } bpf_close_perf_event_fd(it->second); cpu_fds_.erase(it); return StatusTuple(0); } BPFPerfEventArray::~BPFPerfEventArray() { auto res = close_all_cpu(); if (res.code() != 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to close all perf buffer on destruction: " << res.msg() << std::endl; } } BPFProgTable::BPFProgTable(const TableDesc& desc) : BPFTableBase(desc) { if (desc.type != BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY) throw std::invalid_argument("Table '" + desc.name + "' is not a prog table"); } StatusTuple BPFProgTable::update_value(const int& index, const int& prog_fd) { if (!this->update(const_cast(&index), const_cast(&prog_fd))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error updating value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFProgTable::remove_value(const int& index) { if (!this->remove(const_cast(&index))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error removing value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } BPFCgroupArray::BPFCgroupArray(const TableDesc& desc) : BPFTableBase(desc) { if (desc.type != BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY) throw std::invalid_argument("Table '" + desc.name + "' is not a cgroup array"); } StatusTuple BPFCgroupArray::update_value(const int& index, const int& cgroup2_fd) { if (!this->update(const_cast(&index), const_cast(&cgroup2_fd))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error updating value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFCgroupArray::update_value(const int& index, const std::string& cgroup2_path) { FileDesc f(::open(cgroup2_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if ((int)f < 0) return StatusTuple(-1, "Unable to open %s", cgroup2_path.c_str()); TRY2(update_value(index, (int)f)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFCgroupArray::remove_value(const int& index) { if (!this->remove(const_cast(&index))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error removing value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } BPFDevmapTable::BPFDevmapTable(const TableDesc& desc) : BPFTableBase(desc) { if(desc.type != BPF_MAP_TYPE_DEVMAP) throw std::invalid_argument("Table '" + desc.name + "' is not a devmap table"); } StatusTuple BPFDevmapTable::update_value(const int& index, const int& value) { if (!this->update(const_cast(&index), const_cast(&value))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error updating value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFDevmapTable::get_value(const int& index, int& value) { if (!this->lookup(const_cast(&index), &value)) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error getting value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } StatusTuple BPFDevmapTable::remove_value(const int& index) { if (!this->remove(const_cast(&index))) return StatusTuple(-1, "Error removing value: %s", std::strerror(errno)); return StatusTuple(0); } } // namespace ebpf