// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc \ // RUN: -mconstructor-aliases -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions \ // RUN: -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns \ // RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix WIN64 %s extern "C" void might_throw(); // Simplify the generated IR with noexcept. extern "C" void recover() noexcept(true); extern "C" void handle_exception(void *e) noexcept(true); extern "C" void catch_all() { try { might_throw(); } catch (...) { recover(); } } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_all() // WIN64: invoke void @might_throw() // WIN64-NEXT: to label %[[cont:[^ ]*]] unwind label %[[catchswitch_lpad:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[catchswitch_lpad]] // WIN64: %[[catchswitch:[^ ]*]] = catchswitch within none [label %[[catchpad_lpad:[^ ]*]]] unwind to caller // // WIN64: [[catchpad_lpad]] // WIN64: catchpad within %[[catchswitch]] [i8* null, i32 64, i8* null] // WIN64: call void @recover() // WIN64: catchret from %{{.*}} to label %[[catchret:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[catchret]] // WIN64-NEXT: br label %[[ret:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[ret]] // WIN64: ret void // // WIN64: [[cont]] // WIN64: br label %[[ret]] extern "C" void catch_int() { try { might_throw(); } catch (int e) { handle_exception(&e); } } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_int() // WIN64: catchpad within %{{[^ ]*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i32* %[[e_addr:[^\]]*]]] // // The catchpad instruction starts the lifetime of 'e'. Unfortunately, that // leaves us with nowhere to put lifetime.start, so we don't emit lifetime // markers for now. // WIN64-NOT: lifetime.start // // WIN64: %[[e_i8:[^ ]*]] = bitcast i32* %[[e_addr]] to i8* // WIN64-NOT: lifetime.start // WIN64: call void @handle_exception // WIN64-SAME: (i8* %[[e_i8]]) // WIN64-NOT: lifetime.end // WIN64: catchret extern "C" void catch_int_unnamed() { try { might_throw(); } catch (int) { } } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_int_unnamed() // WIN64: catchpad within %{{.*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i8* null] // WIN64: catchret struct A { A(); A(const A &o); ~A(); int a; }; struct B : A { B(); B(const B &o); ~B(); int b; }; extern "C" void catch_a_byval() { try { might_throw(); } catch (A e) { handle_exception(&e); } } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_a_byval() // WIN64: %[[e_addr:[^ ]*]] = alloca %struct.A // WIN64: catchpad within %{{[^ ]*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor7* @"\01??_R0?AUA@@@8", i32 0, %struct.A* %[[e_addr]]] // WIN64: %[[e_i8:[^ ]*]] = bitcast %struct.A* %[[e_addr]] to i8* // WIN64: call void @handle_exception(i8* %[[e_i8]]) // WIN64: catchret extern "C" void catch_a_ref() { try { might_throw(); } catch (A &e) { handle_exception(&e); } } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_a_ref() // WIN64: %[[e_addr:[^ ]*]] = alloca %struct.A* // WIN64: catchpad within %{{[^ ]*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor7* @"\01??_R0?AUA@@@8", i32 8, %struct.A** %[[e_addr]]] // WIN64: %[[eptr:[^ ]*]] = load %struct.A*, %struct.A** %[[e_addr]] // WIN64: %[[eptr_i8:[^ ]*]] = bitcast %struct.A* %[[eptr]] to i8* // WIN64: call void @handle_exception(i8* %[[eptr_i8]]) // WIN64: catchret extern "C" void fn_with_exc_spec() throw(int) { might_throw(); } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @fn_with_exc_spec() // WIN64: call void @might_throw() // WIN64-NEXT: ret void extern "C" void catch_nested() { try { might_throw(); } catch (int) { try { might_throw(); } catch (int) { might_throw(); } } } // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_nested() // WIN64: invoke void @might_throw() // WIN64-NEXT: to label %{{.*}} unwind label %[[catchswitch_outer:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[catchswitch_outer]] // WIN64: %[[catchswitch_outer_scope:[^ ]*]] = catchswitch within none [label %[[catch_int_outer:[^ ]*]]] unwind to caller // // WIN64: [[catch_int_outer]] // WIN64: %[[catchpad:[^ ]*]] = catchpad within %[[catchswitch_outer_scope]] [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i8* null] // WIN64: invoke void @might_throw() // WIN64-NEXT: to label %[[cont2:[^ ]*]] unwind label %[[catchswitch_inner:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[catchswitch_inner]] // WIN64: %[[catchswitch_inner_scope:[^ ]*]] = catchswitch within %[[catchpad]] [label %[[catch_int_inner:[^ ]*]]] unwind to caller // // WIN64: [[catch_int_inner]] // WIN64: catchpad within %[[catchswitch_inner_scope]] [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i8* null] // WIN64-NEXT: call void @might_throw() // WIN64: catchret {{.*}} to label %[[catchret2:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[catchret2]] // WIN64: catchret {{.*}} to label %[[mainret:[^ ]*]] // // WIN64: [[mainret]] // WIN64: ret void