320.tese ERROR: 0:3: 'vertices' : there is no such layout identifier for this stage taking an assigned value ERROR: 0:5: 'triangles' : cannot change previously set input primitive ERROR: 0:6: 'isolines' : cannot change previously set input primitive ERROR: 0:8: 'ccw' : cannot change previously set vertex order ERROR: 0:12: 'equal_spacing' : cannot change previously set vertex spacing ERROR: 0:13: 'fractional_even_spacing' : cannot change previously set vertex spacing ERROR: 0:18: 'patch' : can only use on input in tessellation-evaluation shader ERROR: 0:22: 'barrier' : no matching overloaded function found ERROR: 0:33: 'gl_PointSize' : required extension not requested: Possible extensions include: GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_point_size ERROR: 0:34: 'gl_ClipDistance' : no such field in structure ERROR: 0:34: 'expression' : left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ERROR: 0:43: 'gl_PointSize' : required extension not requested: Possible extensions include: GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_point_size ERROR: 0:44: 'gl_ClipDistance' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 0:44: 'gl_ClipDistance' : left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ERROR: 0:44: 'assign' : l-value required (can't modify a const) ERROR: 0:47: 'patch' : cannot use interpolation qualifiers with patch ERROR: 0:48: 'patch' : cannot use interpolation qualifiers with patch ERROR: 0:49: 'noperspective' : Reserved word. ERROR: 0:49: 'noperspective' : not supported for this version or the enabled extensions ERROR: 0:49: 'patch' : cannot use interpolation qualifiers with patch ERROR: 0:50: '' : can only have one auxiliary qualifier (centroid, patch, and sample) ERROR: 0:59: 'gl_PerVertex' : can only redeclare a built-in block once, and before any use ERROR: 0:64: 'quads' : cannot apply to 'out' ERROR: 0:64: 'cw' : can only apply to 'in' ERROR: 0:65: 'triangles' : cannot apply to 'out' ERROR: 0:66: 'isolines' : cannot apply to 'out' ERROR: 0:67: 'cw' : can only apply to 'in' ERROR: 0:68: 'fractional_odd_spacing' : can only apply to 'in' ERROR: 0:69: 'equal_spacing' : can only apply to 'in' ERROR: 0:70: 'fractional_even_spacing' : can only apply to 'in' ERROR: 0:71: 'point_mode' : can only apply to 'in' ERROR: 0:73: 'in' : type must be an array: ina ERROR: 0:75: '[]' : tessellation input array size must be gl_MaxPatchVertices or implicitly sized ERROR: 0:78: 'in' : type must be an array: bla ERROR: 0:86: '[]' : tessellation input array size must be gl_MaxPatchVertices or implicitly sized ERROR: 0:96: 'location' : overlapping use of location 24 ERROR: 0:99: 'location' : overlapping use of location 24 ERROR: 0:101: 'gl_TessLevelOuter' : identifiers starting with "gl_" are reserved ERROR: 0:113: 'gl_BoundingBoxOES' : undeclared identifier ERROR: 39 compilation errors. No code generated. Shader version: 320 Requested GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects input primitive = quads vertex spacing = fractional_odd_spacing triangle order = cw using point mode ERROR: node is still EOpNull! 0:20 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 0:20 Function Parameters: 0:22 Sequence 0:22 Constant: 0:22 0.000000 0:24 Sequence 0:24 move second child to first child ( temp highp int) 0:24 'a' ( temp highp int) 0:24 Constant: 0:24 1512 (const int) 0:32 Sequence 0:32 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:32 'p' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:32 gl_Position: direct index for structure ( in highp 4-component vector of float Position) 0:32 direct index ( temp block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in unsized 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:32 'gl_in' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in unsized 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:32 Constant: 0:32 1 (const int) 0:32 Constant: 0:32 0 (const int) 0:33 Sequence 0:33 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:33 'ps' ( temp highp float) 0:33 gl_PointSize: direct index for structure ( in highp float PointSize) 0:33 direct index ( temp block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in unsized 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:33 'gl_in' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in unsized 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:33 Constant: 0:33 1 (const int) 0:33 Constant: 0:33 1 (const int) 0:34 Sequence 0:34 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:34 'cd' ( temp highp float) 0:34 Constant: 0:34 0.000000 0:36 Sequence 0:36 move second child to first child ( temp highp int) 0:36 'pvi' ( temp highp int) 0:36 'gl_PatchVerticesIn' ( in highp int PatchVertices) 0:37 Sequence 0:37 move second child to first child ( temp highp int) 0:37 'pid' ( temp highp int) 0:37 'gl_PrimitiveID' ( in highp int PrimitiveID) 0:38 Sequence 0:38 move second child to first child ( temp highp 3-component vector of float) 0:38 'tc' ( temp highp 3-component vector of float) 0:38 'gl_TessCoord' ( in highp 3-component vector of float TessCoord) 0:39 Sequence 0:39 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:39 'tlo' ( temp highp float) 0:39 direct index ( patch temp highp float TessLevelOuter) 0:39 'gl_TessLevelOuter' ( patch in 4-element array of highp float TessLevelOuter) 0:39 Constant: 0:39 3 (const int) 0:40 Sequence 0:40 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:40 'tli' ( temp highp float) 0:40 direct index ( patch temp highp float TessLevelInner) 0:40 'gl_TessLevelInner' ( patch in 2-element array of highp float TessLevelInner) 0:40 Constant: 0:40 1 (const int) 0:42 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:42 gl_Position: direct index for structure ( gl_Position highp 4-component vector of float Position) 0:42 'anon@1' ( out block{ gl_Position highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, gl_PointSize highp float PointSize gl_PointSize}) 0:42 Constant: 0:42 0 (const uint) 0:42 'p' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:43 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:43 gl_PointSize: direct index for structure ( gl_PointSize highp float PointSize) 0:43 'anon@1' ( out block{ gl_Position highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, gl_PointSize highp float PointSize gl_PointSize}) 0:43 Constant: 0:43 1 (const uint) 0:43 'ps' ( temp highp float) 0:44 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:44 Constant: 0:44 0.000000 0:44 'cd' ( temp highp float) 0:111 Function Definition: bbbad( ( global void) 0:111 Function Parameters: 0:113 Sequence 0:113 'gl_BoundingBoxOES' ( temp float) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'patchIn' ( patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'patchOut' ( patch out highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp1' ( smooth patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp2' ( flat patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp3' ( noperspective patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp4' ( patch sample in highp 3-component vector of float) 0:? 'gl_in' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position}) 0:? 'ina' ( in highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'inb' ( in 32-element array of highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'inc' ( in 32-element array of highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'ind' ( in 32-element array of highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'bla' ( in block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'blb' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'blc' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'bld' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'ivla' (layout( location=23) in 32-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ivlb' (layout( location=24) in 32-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ivlc' (layout( location=24) in 32-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ovla' (layout( location=23) out 2-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ovlb' (layout( location=24) out 2-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'pinbi' ( patch in block{ in highp int a}) 0:? 'myColor2' ( centroid out highp 3-component vector of float) 0:? 'centr' ( centroid in 32-element array of highp 3-component vector of float) 0:? 'perSampleColor' ( sample out highp 4-component vector of float) Linked tessellation evaluation stage: Shader version: 320 Requested GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects input primitive = quads vertex spacing = fractional_odd_spacing triangle order = cw using point mode ERROR: node is still EOpNull! 0:20 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 0:20 Function Parameters: 0:22 Sequence 0:22 Constant: 0:22 0.000000 0:24 Sequence 0:24 move second child to first child ( temp highp int) 0:24 'a' ( temp highp int) 0:24 Constant: 0:24 1512 (const int) 0:32 Sequence 0:32 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:32 'p' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:32 gl_Position: direct index for structure ( in highp 4-component vector of float Position) 0:32 direct index ( temp block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:32 'gl_in' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:32 Constant: 0:32 1 (const int) 0:32 Constant: 0:32 0 (const int) 0:33 Sequence 0:33 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:33 'ps' ( temp highp float) 0:33 gl_PointSize: direct index for structure ( in highp float PointSize) 0:33 direct index ( temp block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:33 'gl_in' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, in highp float PointSize gl_PointSize, in highp 4-component vector of float gl_SecondaryPositionNV, in 1-element array of highp 4-component vector of float gl_PositionPerViewNV}) 0:33 Constant: 0:33 1 (const int) 0:33 Constant: 0:33 1 (const int) 0:34 Sequence 0:34 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:34 'cd' ( temp highp float) 0:34 Constant: 0:34 0.000000 0:36 Sequence 0:36 move second child to first child ( temp highp int) 0:36 'pvi' ( temp highp int) 0:36 'gl_PatchVerticesIn' ( in highp int PatchVertices) 0:37 Sequence 0:37 move second child to first child ( temp highp int) 0:37 'pid' ( temp highp int) 0:37 'gl_PrimitiveID' ( in highp int PrimitiveID) 0:38 Sequence 0:38 move second child to first child ( temp highp 3-component vector of float) 0:38 'tc' ( temp highp 3-component vector of float) 0:38 'gl_TessCoord' ( in highp 3-component vector of float TessCoord) 0:39 Sequence 0:39 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:39 'tlo' ( temp highp float) 0:39 direct index ( patch temp highp float TessLevelOuter) 0:39 'gl_TessLevelOuter' ( patch in 4-element array of highp float TessLevelOuter) 0:39 Constant: 0:39 3 (const int) 0:40 Sequence 0:40 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:40 'tli' ( temp highp float) 0:40 direct index ( patch temp highp float TessLevelInner) 0:40 'gl_TessLevelInner' ( patch in 2-element array of highp float TessLevelInner) 0:40 Constant: 0:40 1 (const int) 0:42 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:42 gl_Position: direct index for structure ( gl_Position highp 4-component vector of float Position) 0:42 'anon@1' ( out block{ gl_Position highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, gl_PointSize highp float PointSize gl_PointSize}) 0:42 Constant: 0:42 0 (const uint) 0:42 'p' ( temp highp 4-component vector of float) 0:43 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:43 gl_PointSize: direct index for structure ( gl_PointSize highp float PointSize) 0:43 'anon@1' ( out block{ gl_Position highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, gl_PointSize highp float PointSize gl_PointSize}) 0:43 Constant: 0:43 1 (const uint) 0:43 'ps' ( temp highp float) 0:44 move second child to first child ( temp highp float) 0:44 Constant: 0:44 0.000000 0:44 'cd' ( temp highp float) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'patchIn' ( patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'patchOut' ( patch out highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp1' ( smooth patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp2' ( flat patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp3' ( noperspective patch in highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'badp4' ( patch sample in highp 3-component vector of float) 0:? 'gl_in' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position}) 0:? 'ina' ( in highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'inb' ( in 32-element array of highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'inc' ( in 32-element array of highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'ind' ( in 32-element array of highp 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'bla' ( in block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'blb' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'blc' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'bld' ( in 32-element array of block{ in highp int f}) 0:? 'ivla' (layout( location=23) in 32-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ivlb' (layout( location=24) in 32-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ivlc' (layout( location=24) in 32-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ovla' (layout( location=23) out 2-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'ovlb' (layout( location=24) out 2-element array of highp 4-component vector of float) 0:? 'pinbi' ( patch in block{ in highp int a}) 0:? 'myColor2' ( centroid out highp 3-component vector of float) 0:? 'centr' ( centroid in 32-element array of highp 3-component vector of float) 0:? 'perSampleColor' ( sample out highp 4-component vector of float)