/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Random Shader Generator * ---------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Shader Source Formatter. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rsgPrettyPrinter.hpp" #include "deStringUtil.hpp" namespace rsg { static const char* s_tokenStr[] = { DE_NULL, // IDENTIFIER, "struct", // STRUCT, "invariant", // INVARIANT, "precision", // PRECISION, "void", // VOID, "break", // BREAK, "continue", // CONTINUE, "do ", // DO, "while ", // WHILE, "else ", // ELSE, "for ", // FOR, "if ", // IF, "discard", // DISCARD, "return ", // RETURN, "++", // INC_OP, "--", // DEC_OP, "(", // LEFT_PAREN, ")", // RIGHT_PAREN, "[", // LEFT_BRACKET, "]", // RIGHT_BRACKET, "{", // LEFT_BRACE, "}", // RIGHT_BRACE, ".", // DOT, ", ", // COMMA, " : ", // COLON, ";", // SEMICOLON, " - ", // MINUS, " + ", // PLUS, " * ", // MUL, " / ", // DIV, " % ", // MOD, " ? ", // QUESTION, "bool", // BOOL, "bvec2", // BVEC2, "bvec3", // BVEC3, "bvec4", // BVEC4, "int", // INT, "ivec2", // IVEC2, "ivec3", // IVEC3, "ivec4", // IVEC4, "float", // FLOAT, "vec2", // VEC2, "vec3", // VEC3, "vec4", // VEC4, "mat2", // MAT2, "mat3", // MAT3, "mat4", // MAT4, "sampler2D", // SAMPLER2D, "samplerCube", // SAMPLERCUBE, DE_NULL, // FLOAT_LITERAL, DE_NULL, // INT_LITERAL, DE_NULL, // BOOL_LITERAL, " = ", // EQUAL, " *= ", // MUL_ASSIGN, " /= ", // DIV_ASSIGN, " += ", // ADD_ASSIGN, " -= ", // SUB_ASSIGN, " < ", // CMP_LT, " > ", // CMP_GT, " <= ", // CMP_LE, " >= ", // CMP_GE, " == ", // CMP_EQ, " != ", // CMP_NE, " && ", // LOGICAL_AND, " || ", // LOGICAL_OR, "!", // LOGICAL_NOT, " ^^ ", // LOGICAL_XOR, "attribute", // ATTRIBUTE, "uniform", // UNIFORM, "varying", // VARYING, "const", // CONST, "flat", // FLAT, "highp", // HIGH_PRECISION, "mediump", // MEDIUM_PRECISION, "lowp", // LOW_PRECISION, "in", // IN, "out", // OUT, "inout", // INOUT, "layout", // LAYOUT, "location", // LOCATION, DE_NULL, // INDENT_INC, DE_NULL, // INDENT_DEC, "\n" // NEWLINE, }; PrettyPrinter::PrettyPrinter (std::ostringstream& str) : m_str (str) , m_indentDepth (0) { } inline const char* PrettyPrinter::getSimpleTokenStr (Token::Type token) { DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(token, 0, (int)DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_tokenStr))); return s_tokenStr[token]; } void PrettyPrinter::append (const TokenStream& tokens) { for (int ndx = 0; ndx < tokens.getSize(); ndx++) processToken(tokens[ndx]); } inline bool isIdentifierChar (char c) { return de::inRange(c, 'a', 'z') || de::inRange(c, 'A', 'Z') || de::inRange(c, '0', '9') || c == '_'; } void PrettyPrinter::processToken (const Token& token) { bool prevIsIdentifierChar = m_line.length() > 0 && isIdentifierChar(m_line[m_line.length()-1]); switch (token.getType()) { case Token::IDENTIFIER: if (prevIsIdentifierChar) m_line += " "; m_line += token.getIdentifier(); break; case Token::FLOAT_LITERAL: { std::string f = de::toString(token.getFloat()); if (f.find('.') == std::string::npos) f += ".0"; // Make sure value parses as float m_line += f; break; } case Token::INT_LITERAL: m_line += de::toString(token.getInt()); break; case Token::BOOL_LITERAL: m_line += (token.getBool() ? "true" : "false"); break; case Token::INDENT_INC: m_indentDepth += 1; break; case Token::INDENT_DEC: m_indentDepth -= 1; break; case Token::NEWLINE: // Indent for (int i = 0; i < m_indentDepth; i++) m_str << "\t"; // Flush line to source m_str << m_line + "\n"; m_line = ""; break; default: { const char* tokenStr = getSimpleTokenStr(token.getType()); if (prevIsIdentifierChar && isIdentifierChar(tokenStr[0])) m_line += " "; m_line += tokenStr; break; } } } } // rsg