Integration Matrix

Currently JaCoCo is integrated with the following products and technologies.

Integrations provided by the JaCoCo/EclEmma project

Technology Documentation Remarks
Java API JaCoCo JavaDoc
Java Agent JaCoCo Manual
Command Line Tools JaCoCo Manual Since version 0.8.0
Apache Ant JaCoCo Manual
Apache Maven JaCoCo Manual Since version 0.5.3
Eclipse EclEmma Project Since version 2.0

Third-Party Integrations

Product Remarks
Arquillian Java EE testing framework, JaCoCo extension
Codecov Web service to track code coverage, see example
Coveralls Web service to track code coverage, see coveralls-maven-plugin
Gradle Build System with JaCoCo plug-in, see documentation
GUIdancer Commercial GUI testing tool by BREDEX GmbH
IntelliJ IDEA Since version 11.1, see documentation
Jenkins GSoC project of Ognjen Bubalo, see documentation
Visual Studio Team Services Cloud-powered collaboration tools by Microsoft, see blog entry
NetBeans Since version 7.2, see documentation, plug-in for Ant based projects
sbt Simple Build Tool, jacoco4sbt by Joachim Hofer
Shippable Continuous integration and delivery platform, see documentation
SonarQube Continuous inspection platform with JaCoCo support, see documentation
TeamCity Continuous integration server with JaCoCo support since version 8.1, see documentation
Urban Code Continuous delivery platform by IBM with JaCoCo plug-in

As always, all trademarks listed above are the property of their respective owners.