/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ProFUSION embedded systems * Copyright (C) 2012 Pedro Pedruzzi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "testsuite.h" static int alias_1(const struct test *t) { static const char *input[] = { "test1234", "test[abcfoobar]2211", "bar[aaa][bbbb]sss", "kmod[p.b]lib", "[az]1234[AZ]", NULL, }; char buf[PATH_MAX]; size_t len; const char **alias; for (alias = input; *alias != NULL; alias++) { int ret; ret = alias_normalize(*alias, buf, &len); printf("input %s\n", *alias); printf("return %d\n", ret); if (ret == 0) { printf("len %zu\n", len); printf("output %s\n", buf); } printf("\n"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(alias_1, .description = "check if alias_normalize does the right thing", .config = { [TC_ROOTFS] = TESTSUITE_ROOTFS "test-util/", }, .need_spawn = true, .output = { .out = TESTSUITE_ROOTFS "test-util/alias-correct.txt", }); static int test_freadline_wrapped(const struct test *t) { FILE *fp = fopen("/freadline_wrapped-input.txt", "re"); if (!fp) return EXIT_FAILURE; while (!feof(fp) && !ferror(fp)) { unsigned int num = 0; char *s = freadline_wrapped(fp, &num); if (!s) break; puts(s); free(s); printf("%u\n", num); } fclose(fp); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(test_freadline_wrapped, .description = "check if freadline_wrapped() does the right thing", .config = { [TC_ROOTFS] = TESTSUITE_ROOTFS "test-util/", }, .need_spawn = true, .output = { .out = TESTSUITE_ROOTFS "test-util/freadline_wrapped-correct.txt", }); static int test_strchr_replace(const struct test *t) { _cleanup_free_ char *s = strdup("this is a test string"); const char *res = "thiC iC a teCt Ctring"; strchr_replace(s, 's', 'C'); assert_return(streq(s, res), EXIT_FAILURE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(test_strchr_replace, .description = "check implementation of strchr_replace()", .need_spawn = false, ); static int test_underscores(const struct test *t) { struct teststr { char *val; const char *res; } teststr[] = { { strdup("aa-bb-cc_"), "aa_bb_cc_" }, { strdup("-aa-bb-cc-"), "_aa_bb_cc_" }, { strdup("-aa[-bb-]cc-"), "_aa[-bb-]cc_" }, { strdup("-aa-[bb]-cc-"), "_aa_[bb]_cc_" }, { strdup("-aa-[b-b]-cc-"), "_aa_[b-b]_cc_" }, { strdup("-aa-b[-]b-cc"), "_aa_b[-]b_cc" }, { } }, *iter; for (iter = &teststr[0]; iter->val != NULL; iter++) { _cleanup_free_ char *val = iter->val; underscores(val); assert_return(streq(val, iter->res), EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(test_underscores, .description = "check implementation of underscores()", .need_spawn = false, ); static int test_path_ends_with_kmod_ext(const struct test *t) { struct teststr { const char *val; bool res; } teststr[] = { { "/bla.ko", true }, #ifdef ENABLE_ZLIB { "/bla.ko.gz", true }, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_XZ { "/bla.ko.xz", true }, #endif { "/bla.ko.x", false }, { "/bla.ko.", false }, { "/bla.koz", false }, { "/b", false }, { } }, *iter; for (iter = &teststr[0]; iter->val != NULL; iter++) { assert_return(path_ends_with_kmod_ext(iter->val, strlen(iter->val)) == iter->res, EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(test_path_ends_with_kmod_ext, .description = "check implementation of path_ends_with_kmod_ext()", .need_spawn = false, ); #define TEST_WRITE_STR_SAFE_FILE "/write-str-safe" #define TEST_WRITE_STR_SAFE_PATH TESTSUITE_ROOTFS "test-util2/" TEST_WRITE_STR_SAFE_FILE static int test_write_str_safe(const struct test *t) { const char *s = "test"; int fd; fd = open(TEST_WRITE_STR_SAFE_FILE ".txt", O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0644); assert_return(fd >= 0, EXIT_FAILURE); write_str_safe(fd, s, strlen(s)); close(fd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(test_write_str_safe, .description = "check implementation of write_str_safe()", .config = { [TC_ROOTFS] = TESTSUITE_ROOTFS "test-util2/", }, .need_spawn = true, .output = { .files = (const struct keyval[]) { { TEST_WRITE_STR_SAFE_PATH ".txt", TEST_WRITE_STR_SAFE_PATH "-correct.txt" }, { } }, }); static int test_addu64_overflow(const struct test *t) { uint64_t res; bool overflow; overflow = addu64_overflow(UINT64_MAX - 1, 1, &res); assert_return(!overflow, EXIT_FAILURE); assert_return(res == UINT64_MAX, EXIT_FAILURE); overflow = addu64_overflow(UINT64_MAX, 1, &res); assert_return(overflow, EXIT_FAILURE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } DEFINE_TEST(test_addu64_overflow, .description = "check implementation of addu4_overflow()", .need_spawn = false, ); TESTSUITE_MAIN();