// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef BASE_TASK_SEQUENCE_MANAGER_TASK_QUEUE_IMPL_H_ #define BASE_TASK_SEQUENCE_MANAGER_TASK_QUEUE_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/containers/circular_deque.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/pending_task.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/enqueue_order.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/intrusive_heap.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/lazily_deallocated_deque.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequenced_task_source.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue.h" #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event_argument.h" namespace base { namespace sequence_manager { class LazyNow; class TimeDomain; namespace internal { class SequenceManagerImpl; class WorkQueue; class WorkQueueSets; struct IncomingImmediateWorkList { IncomingImmediateWorkList* next = nullptr; TaskQueueImpl* queue = nullptr; internal::EnqueueOrder order; }; // TaskQueueImpl has four main queues: // // Immediate (non-delayed) tasks: // |immediate_incoming_queue| - PostTask enqueues tasks here. // |immediate_work_queue| - SequenceManager takes immediate tasks here. // // Delayed tasks // |delayed_incoming_queue| - PostDelayedTask enqueues tasks here. // |delayed_work_queue| - SequenceManager takes delayed tasks here. // // The |immediate_incoming_queue| can be accessed from any thread, the other // queues are main-thread only. To reduce the overhead of locking, // |immediate_work_queue| is swapped with |immediate_incoming_queue| when // |immediate_work_queue| becomes empty. // // Delayed tasks are initially posted to |delayed_incoming_queue| and a wake-up // is scheduled with the TimeDomain. When the delay has elapsed, the TimeDomain // calls UpdateDelayedWorkQueue and ready delayed tasks are moved into the // |delayed_work_queue|. Note the EnqueueOrder (used for ordering) for a delayed // task is not set until it's moved into the |delayed_work_queue|. // // TaskQueueImpl uses the WorkQueueSets and the TaskQueueSelector to implement // prioritization. Task selection is done by the TaskQueueSelector and when a // queue is selected, it round-robins between the |immediate_work_queue| and // |delayed_work_queue|. The reason for this is we want to make sure delayed // tasks (normally the most common type) don't starve out immediate work. class BASE_EXPORT TaskQueueImpl { public: TaskQueueImpl(SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager, TimeDomain* time_domain, const TaskQueue::Spec& spec); ~TaskQueueImpl(); // Represents a time at which a task wants to run. Tasks scheduled for the // same point in time will be ordered by their sequence numbers. struct DelayedWakeUp { TimeTicks time; int sequence_num; bool operator!=(const DelayedWakeUp& other) const { return time != other.time || other.sequence_num != sequence_num; } bool operator==(const DelayedWakeUp& other) const { return !(*this != other); } bool operator<=(const DelayedWakeUp& other) const { if (time == other.time) { // Debug gcc builds can compare an element against itself. DCHECK(sequence_num != other.sequence_num || this == &other); // |PostedTask::sequence_num| is int and might wrap around to // a negative number when casted from EnqueueOrder. // This way of comparison handles that properly. return (sequence_num - other.sequence_num) <= 0; } return time < other.time; } }; class BASE_EXPORT Task : public TaskQueue::Task { public: Task(TaskQueue::PostedTask task, TimeTicks desired_run_time, EnqueueOrder sequence_number); Task(TaskQueue::PostedTask task, TimeTicks desired_run_time, EnqueueOrder sequence_number, EnqueueOrder enqueue_order); DelayedWakeUp delayed_wake_up() const { // Since we use |sequence_num| in DelayedWakeUp for ordering purposes // and integer overflow handling is type-sensitive it's worth to protect // it from an unnoticed potential change in the PendingTask base class. static_assert(std::is_same::value, ""); return DelayedWakeUp{delayed_run_time, sequence_num}; } EnqueueOrder enqueue_order() const { DCHECK(enqueue_order_); return enqueue_order_; } void set_enqueue_order(EnqueueOrder enqueue_order) { DCHECK(!enqueue_order_); enqueue_order_ = enqueue_order; } bool enqueue_order_set() const { return enqueue_order_; } private: // Similar to sequence number, but ultimately the |enqueue_order_| is what // the scheduler uses for task ordering. For immediate tasks |enqueue_order| // is set when posted, but for delayed tasks it's not defined until they are // enqueued on the |delayed_work_queue_|. This is because otherwise delayed // tasks could run before an immediate task posted after the delayed task. EnqueueOrder enqueue_order_; }; // A result retuned by PostDelayedTask. When scheduler failed to post a task // due to being shutdown a task is returned to be destroyed outside the lock. struct PostTaskResult { PostTaskResult(); PostTaskResult(bool success, TaskQueue::PostedTask task); PostTaskResult(PostTaskResult&& move_from); PostTaskResult(const PostTaskResult& copy_from) = delete; ~PostTaskResult(); static PostTaskResult Success(); static PostTaskResult Fail(TaskQueue::PostedTask task); bool success; TaskQueue::PostedTask task; }; // Types of queues TaskQueueImpl is maintaining internally. enum class WorkQueueType { kImmediate, kDelayed }; // Non-nestable tasks may get deferred but such queue is being maintained on // SequenceManager side, so we need to keep information how to requeue it. struct DeferredNonNestableTask { internal::TaskQueueImpl::Task task; internal::TaskQueueImpl* task_queue; WorkQueueType work_queue_type; }; using OnNextWakeUpChangedCallback = RepeatingCallback; using OnTaskStartedHandler = RepeatingCallback; using OnTaskCompletedHandler = RepeatingCallback; // TaskQueue implementation. const char* GetName() const; bool RunsTasksInCurrentSequence() const; PostTaskResult PostDelayedTask(TaskQueue::PostedTask task); // Require a reference to enclosing task queue for lifetime control. std::unique_ptr CreateQueueEnabledVoter( scoped_refptr owning_task_queue); bool IsQueueEnabled() const; bool IsEmpty() const; size_t GetNumberOfPendingTasks() const; bool HasTaskToRunImmediately() const; Optional GetNextScheduledWakeUp(); Optional GetNextScheduledWakeUpImpl(); void SetQueuePriority(TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority); TaskQueue::QueuePriority GetQueuePriority() const; void AddTaskObserver(MessageLoop::TaskObserver* task_observer); void RemoveTaskObserver(MessageLoop::TaskObserver* task_observer); void SetTimeDomain(TimeDomain* time_domain); TimeDomain* GetTimeDomain() const; void SetBlameContext(trace_event::BlameContext* blame_context); void InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition position); void InsertFenceAt(TimeTicks time); void RemoveFence(); bool HasActiveFence(); bool BlockedByFence() const; // Implementation of TaskQueue::SetObserver. void SetOnNextWakeUpChangedCallback(OnNextWakeUpChangedCallback callback); void UnregisterTaskQueue(); // Returns true if a (potentially hypothetical) task with the specified // |enqueue_order| could run on the queue. Must be called from the main // thread. bool CouldTaskRun(EnqueueOrder enqueue_order) const; // Must only be called from the thread this task queue was created on. void ReloadImmediateWorkQueueIfEmpty(); void AsValueInto(TimeTicks now, trace_event::TracedValue* state) const; bool GetQuiescenceMonitored() const { return should_monitor_quiescence_; } bool GetShouldNotifyObservers() const { return should_notify_observers_; } void NotifyWillProcessTask(const PendingTask& pending_task); void NotifyDidProcessTask(const PendingTask& pending_task); // Check for available tasks in immediate work queues. // Used to check if we need to generate notifications about delayed work. bool HasPendingImmediateWork(); WorkQueue* delayed_work_queue() { return main_thread_only().delayed_work_queue.get(); } const WorkQueue* delayed_work_queue() const { return main_thread_only().delayed_work_queue.get(); } WorkQueue* immediate_work_queue() { return main_thread_only().immediate_work_queue.get(); } const WorkQueue* immediate_work_queue() const { return main_thread_only().immediate_work_queue.get(); } // Protected by SequenceManagerImpl's AnyThread lock. IncomingImmediateWorkList* immediate_work_list_storage() { return &immediate_work_list_storage_; } // Enqueues any delayed tasks which should be run now on the // |delayed_work_queue|. // Must be called from the main thread. void WakeUpForDelayedWork(LazyNow* lazy_now); HeapHandle heap_handle() const { return main_thread_only().heap_handle; } void set_heap_handle(HeapHandle heap_handle) { main_thread_only().heap_handle = heap_handle; } // Pushes |task| onto the front of the specified work queue. Caution must be // taken with this API because you could easily starve out other work. // TODO(kraynov): Simplify non-nestable task logic https://crbug.com/845437. void RequeueDeferredNonNestableTask(DeferredNonNestableTask task); void PushImmediateIncomingTaskForTest(TaskQueueImpl::Task&& task); class QueueEnabledVoterImpl : public TaskQueue::QueueEnabledVoter { public: explicit QueueEnabledVoterImpl(scoped_refptr task_queue); ~QueueEnabledVoterImpl() override; // QueueEnabledVoter implementation. void SetQueueEnabled(bool enabled) override; TaskQueueImpl* GetTaskQueueForTest() const { return task_queue_->GetTaskQueueImpl(); } private: friend class TaskQueueImpl; scoped_refptr task_queue_; bool enabled_; }; // Iterates over |delayed_incoming_queue| removing canceled tasks. void SweepCanceledDelayedTasks(TimeTicks now); // Allows wrapping TaskQueue to set a handler to subscribe for notifications // about started and completed tasks. void SetOnTaskStartedHandler(OnTaskStartedHandler handler); void OnTaskStarted(const TaskQueue::Task& task, const TaskQueue::TaskTiming& task_timing); void SetOnTaskCompletedHandler(OnTaskCompletedHandler handler); void OnTaskCompleted(const TaskQueue::Task& task, const TaskQueue::TaskTiming& task_timing); bool RequiresTaskTiming() const; WeakPtr GetSequenceManagerWeakPtr(); scoped_refptr GetGracefulQueueShutdownHelper(); // Returns true if this queue is unregistered or task queue manager is deleted // and this queue can be safely deleted on any thread. bool IsUnregistered() const; // Disables queue for testing purposes, when a QueueEnabledVoter can't be // constructed due to not having TaskQueue. void SetQueueEnabledForTest(bool enabled); protected: void SetDelayedWakeUpForTesting(Optional wake_up); private: friend class WorkQueue; friend class WorkQueueTest; struct AnyThread { AnyThread(SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager, TimeDomain* time_domain); ~AnyThread(); // SequenceManagerImpl, TimeDomain and Observer are maintained in two // copies: inside AnyThread and inside MainThreadOnly. They can be changed // only from main thread, so it should be locked before accessing from other // threads. SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager; TimeDomain* time_domain; // Callback corresponding to TaskQueue::Observer::OnQueueNextChanged. OnNextWakeUpChangedCallback on_next_wake_up_changed_callback; }; struct MainThreadOnly { MainThreadOnly(SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager, TaskQueueImpl* task_queue, TimeDomain* time_domain); ~MainThreadOnly(); // Another copy of SequenceManagerImpl, TimeDomain and Observer // for lock-free access from the main thread. // See description inside struct AnyThread for details. SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager; TimeDomain* time_domain; // Callback corresponding to TaskQueue::Observer::OnQueueNextChanged. OnNextWakeUpChangedCallback on_next_wake_up_changed_callback; std::unique_ptr delayed_work_queue; std::unique_ptr immediate_work_queue; std::priority_queue delayed_incoming_queue; ObserverList task_observers; size_t set_index; HeapHandle heap_handle; int is_enabled_refcount; int voter_refcount; trace_event::BlameContext* blame_context; // Not owned. EnqueueOrder current_fence; Optional delayed_fence; OnTaskStartedHandler on_task_started_handler; OnTaskCompletedHandler on_task_completed_handler; // Last reported wake up, used only in UpdateWakeUp to avoid // excessive calls. Optional scheduled_wake_up; // If false, queue will be disabled. Used only for tests. bool is_enabled_for_test; }; PostTaskResult PostImmediateTaskImpl(TaskQueue::PostedTask task); PostTaskResult PostDelayedTaskImpl(TaskQueue::PostedTask task); // Push the task onto the |delayed_incoming_queue|. Lock-free main thread // only fast path. void PushOntoDelayedIncomingQueueFromMainThread(Task pending_task, TimeTicks now); // Push the task onto the |delayed_incoming_queue|. Slow path from other // threads. void PushOntoDelayedIncomingQueueLocked(Task pending_task); void ScheduleDelayedWorkTask(Task pending_task); void MoveReadyImmediateTasksToImmediateWorkQueueLocked(); // Push the task onto the |immediate_incoming_queue| and for auto pumped // queues it calls MaybePostDoWorkOnMainRunner if the Incoming queue was // empty. void PushOntoImmediateIncomingQueueLocked(Task task); using TaskDeque = circular_deque; // Extracts all the tasks from the immediate incoming queue and swaps it with // |queue| which must be empty. // Can be called from any thread. void ReloadEmptyImmediateQueue(TaskDeque* queue); void TraceQueueSize() const; static void QueueAsValueInto(const TaskDeque& queue, TimeTicks now, trace_event::TracedValue* state); static void QueueAsValueInto(const std::priority_queue& queue, TimeTicks now, trace_event::TracedValue* state); static void TaskAsValueInto(const Task& task, TimeTicks now, trace_event::TracedValue* state); void RemoveQueueEnabledVoter(const QueueEnabledVoterImpl* voter); void OnQueueEnabledVoteChanged(bool enabled); void EnableOrDisableWithSelector(bool enable); // Schedules delayed work on time domain and calls the observer. void UpdateDelayedWakeUp(LazyNow* lazy_now); void UpdateDelayedWakeUpImpl(LazyNow* lazy_now, Optional wake_up); // Activate a delayed fence if a time has come. void ActivateDelayedFenceIfNeeded(TimeTicks now); const char* name_; const PlatformThreadId thread_id_; mutable Lock any_thread_lock_; AnyThread any_thread_; struct AnyThread& any_thread() { any_thread_lock_.AssertAcquired(); return any_thread_; } const struct AnyThread& any_thread() const { any_thread_lock_.AssertAcquired(); return any_thread_; } ThreadChecker main_thread_checker_; MainThreadOnly main_thread_only_; MainThreadOnly& main_thread_only() { DCHECK(main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); return main_thread_only_; } const MainThreadOnly& main_thread_only() const { DCHECK(main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); return main_thread_only_; } mutable Lock immediate_incoming_queue_lock_; TaskDeque immediate_incoming_queue_; TaskDeque& immediate_incoming_queue() { immediate_incoming_queue_lock_.AssertAcquired(); return immediate_incoming_queue_; } const TaskDeque& immediate_incoming_queue() const { immediate_incoming_queue_lock_.AssertAcquired(); return immediate_incoming_queue_; } // Protected by SequenceManagerImpl's AnyThread lock. IncomingImmediateWorkList immediate_work_list_storage_; const bool should_monitor_quiescence_; const bool should_notify_observers_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TaskQueueImpl); }; } // namespace internal } // namespace sequence_manager } // namespace base #endif // BASE_TASK_SEQUENCE_MANAGER_TASK_QUEUE_IMPL_H_