// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "mojo/core/broker.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/platform_shared_memory_region.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "mojo/core/broker_messages.h" #include "mojo/core/channel.h" #include "mojo/core/platform_handle_utils.h" #include "mojo/public/cpp/platform/socket_utils_posix.h" namespace mojo { namespace core { namespace { Channel::MessagePtr WaitForBrokerMessage( int socket_fd, BrokerMessageType expected_type, size_t expected_num_handles, size_t expected_data_size, std::vector* incoming_handles) { Channel::MessagePtr message(new Channel::Message( sizeof(BrokerMessageHeader) + expected_data_size, expected_num_handles)); std::vector incoming_fds; ssize_t read_result = SocketRecvmsg(socket_fd, const_cast(message->data()), message->data_num_bytes(), &incoming_fds, true /* block */); bool error = false; if (read_result < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Recvmsg error"; error = true; } else if (static_cast(read_result) != message->data_num_bytes()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid node channel message"; error = true; } else if (incoming_fds.size() != expected_num_handles) { LOG(ERROR) << "Received unexpected number of handles"; error = true; } if (error) return nullptr; const BrokerMessageHeader* header = reinterpret_cast(message->payload()); if (header->type != expected_type) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected message"; return nullptr; } incoming_handles->reserve(incoming_fds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < incoming_fds.size(); ++i) incoming_handles->emplace_back(std::move(incoming_fds[i])); return message; } } // namespace Broker::Broker(PlatformHandle handle) : sync_channel_(std::move(handle)) { CHECK(sync_channel_.is_valid()); int fd = sync_channel_.GetFD().get(); // Mark the channel as blocking. int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); PCHECK(flags != -1); flags = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK); PCHECK(flags != -1); // Wait for the first message, which should contain a handle. std::vector incoming_platform_handles; if (WaitForBrokerMessage(fd, BrokerMessageType::INIT, 1, 0, &incoming_platform_handles)) { inviter_endpoint_ = PlatformChannelEndpoint(std::move(incoming_platform_handles[0])); } } Broker::~Broker() = default; PlatformChannelEndpoint Broker::GetInviterEndpoint() { return std::move(inviter_endpoint_); } base::WritableSharedMemoryRegion Broker::GetWritableSharedMemoryRegion( size_t num_bytes) { base::AutoLock lock(lock_); BufferRequestData* buffer_request; Channel::MessagePtr out_message = CreateBrokerMessage( BrokerMessageType::BUFFER_REQUEST, 0, 0, &buffer_request); buffer_request->size = num_bytes; ssize_t write_result = SocketWrite(sync_channel_.GetFD().get(), out_message->data(), out_message->data_num_bytes()); if (write_result < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Error sending sync broker message"; return base::WritableSharedMemoryRegion(); } else if (static_cast(write_result) != out_message->data_num_bytes()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error sending complete broker message"; return base::WritableSharedMemoryRegion(); } #if !defined(OS_POSIX) || defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_FUCHSIA) || \ (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)) // Non-POSIX systems, as well as Android, Fuchsia, and non-iOS Mac, only use // a single handle to represent a writable region. constexpr size_t kNumExpectedHandles = 1; #else constexpr size_t kNumExpectedHandles = 2; #endif std::vector handles; Channel::MessagePtr message = WaitForBrokerMessage( sync_channel_.GetFD().get(), BrokerMessageType::BUFFER_RESPONSE, kNumExpectedHandles, sizeof(BufferResponseData), &handles); if (message) { const BufferResponseData* data; if (!GetBrokerMessageData(message.get(), &data)) return base::WritableSharedMemoryRegion(); if (handles.size() == 1) handles.emplace_back(); return base::WritableSharedMemoryRegion::Deserialize( base::subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion::Take( CreateSharedMemoryRegionHandleFromPlatformHandles( std::move(handles[0]), std::move(handles[1])), base::subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion::Mode::kWritable, num_bytes, base::UnguessableToken::Deserialize(data->guid_high, data->guid_low))); } return base::WritableSharedMemoryRegion(); } } // namespace core } // namespace mojo