// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "mojo/core/channel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/containers/queue.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop_current.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_pump_for_io.h" #include "base/process/process_handle.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/task_runner.h" #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h" #include "base/win/win_util.h" namespace mojo { namespace core { namespace { class ChannelWin : public Channel, public base::MessageLoopCurrent::DestructionObserver, public base::MessagePumpForIO::IOHandler { public: ChannelWin(Delegate* delegate, ConnectionParams connection_params, scoped_refptr io_task_runner) : Channel(delegate), self_(this), io_task_runner_(io_task_runner) { if (connection_params.server_endpoint().is_valid()) { handle_ = connection_params.TakeServerEndpoint() .TakePlatformHandle() .TakeHandle(); needs_connection_ = true; } else { handle_ = connection_params.TakeEndpoint().TakePlatformHandle().TakeHandle(); } CHECK(handle_.IsValid()); } void Start() override { io_task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&ChannelWin::StartOnIOThread, this)); } void ShutDownImpl() override { // Always shut down asynchronously when called through the public interface. io_task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&ChannelWin::ShutDownOnIOThread, this)); } void Write(MessagePtr message) override { if (remote_process().is_valid()) { // If we know the remote process handle, we transfer all outgoing handles // to the process now rewriting them in the message. std::vector handles = message->TakeHandles(); for (auto& handle : handles) { if (handle.handle().is_valid()) handle.TransferToProcess(remote_process().Clone()); } message->SetHandles(std::move(handles)); } bool write_error = false; { base::AutoLock lock(write_lock_); if (reject_writes_) return; bool write_now = !delay_writes_ && outgoing_messages_.empty(); outgoing_messages_.emplace_back(std::move(message)); if (write_now && !WriteNoLock(outgoing_messages_.front())) reject_writes_ = write_error = true; } if (write_error) { // Do not synchronously invoke OnWriteError(). Write() may have been // called by the delegate and we don't want to re-enter it. io_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&ChannelWin::OnWriteError, this, Error::kDisconnected)); } } void LeakHandle() override { DCHECK(io_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); leak_handle_ = true; } bool GetReadPlatformHandles(const void* payload, size_t payload_size, size_t num_handles, const void* extra_header, size_t extra_header_size, std::vector* handles, bool* deferred) override { DCHECK(extra_header); if (num_handles > std::numeric_limits::max()) return false; using HandleEntry = Channel::Message::HandleEntry; size_t handles_size = sizeof(HandleEntry) * num_handles; if (handles_size > extra_header_size) return false; handles->reserve(num_handles); const HandleEntry* extra_header_handles = reinterpret_cast(extra_header); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_handles; i++) { HANDLE handle_value = base::win::Uint32ToHandle(extra_header_handles[i].handle); if (remote_process().is_valid()) { // If we know the remote process's handle, we assume it doesn't know // ours; that means any handle values still belong to that process, and // we need to transfer them to this process. handle_value = PlatformHandleInTransit::TakeIncomingRemoteHandle( handle_value, remote_process().get()) .ReleaseHandle(); } handles->emplace_back(base::win::ScopedHandle(std::move(handle_value))); } return true; } private: // May run on any thread. ~ChannelWin() override {} void StartOnIOThread() { base::MessageLoopCurrent::Get()->AddDestructionObserver(this); base::MessageLoopCurrentForIO::Get()->RegisterIOHandler(handle_.Get(), this); if (needs_connection_) { BOOL ok = ::ConnectNamedPipe(handle_.Get(), &connect_context_.overlapped); if (ok) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected success while waiting for pipe connection"; OnError(Error::kConnectionFailed); return; } const DWORD err = GetLastError(); switch (err) { case ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: break; case ERROR_IO_PENDING: is_connect_pending_ = true; AddRef(); return; case ERROR_NO_DATA: default: OnError(Error::kConnectionFailed); return; } } // Now that we have registered our IOHandler, we can start writing. { base::AutoLock lock(write_lock_); if (delay_writes_) { delay_writes_ = false; WriteNextNoLock(); } } // Keep this alive in case we synchronously run shutdown, via OnError(), // as a result of a ReadFile() failure on the channel. scoped_refptr keep_alive(this); ReadMore(0); } void ShutDownOnIOThread() { base::MessageLoopCurrent::Get()->RemoveDestructionObserver(this); // TODO(https://crbug.com/583525): This function is expected to be called // once, and |handle_| should be valid at this point. CHECK(handle_.IsValid()); CancelIo(handle_.Get()); if (leak_handle_) ignore_result(handle_.Take()); else handle_.Close(); // Allow |this| to be destroyed as soon as no IO is pending. self_ = nullptr; } // base::MessageLoopCurrent::DestructionObserver: void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() override { DCHECK(io_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); if (self_) ShutDownOnIOThread(); } // base::MessageLoop::IOHandler: void OnIOCompleted(base::MessagePumpForIO::IOContext* context, DWORD bytes_transfered, DWORD error) override { if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (context == &write_context_) { { base::AutoLock lock(write_lock_); reject_writes_ = true; } OnWriteError(Error::kDisconnected); } else { OnError(Error::kDisconnected); } } else if (context == &connect_context_) { DCHECK(is_connect_pending_); is_connect_pending_ = false; ReadMore(0); base::AutoLock lock(write_lock_); if (delay_writes_) { delay_writes_ = false; WriteNextNoLock(); } } else if (context == &read_context_) { OnReadDone(static_cast(bytes_transfered)); } else { CHECK(context == &write_context_); OnWriteDone(static_cast(bytes_transfered)); } Release(); } void OnReadDone(size_t bytes_read) { DCHECK(is_read_pending_); is_read_pending_ = false; if (bytes_read > 0) { size_t next_read_size = 0; if (OnReadComplete(bytes_read, &next_read_size)) { ReadMore(next_read_size); } else { OnError(Error::kReceivedMalformedData); } } else if (bytes_read == 0) { OnError(Error::kDisconnected); } } void OnWriteDone(size_t bytes_written) { if (bytes_written == 0) return; bool write_error = false; { base::AutoLock lock(write_lock_); DCHECK(is_write_pending_); is_write_pending_ = false; DCHECK(!outgoing_messages_.empty()); Channel::MessagePtr message = std::move(outgoing_messages_.front()); outgoing_messages_.pop_front(); // Invalidate all the scoped handles so we don't attempt to close them. std::vector handles = message->TakeHandles(); for (auto& handle : handles) handle.CompleteTransit(); // Overlapped WriteFile() to a pipe should always fully complete. if (message->data_num_bytes() != bytes_written) reject_writes_ = write_error = true; else if (!WriteNextNoLock()) reject_writes_ = write_error = true; } if (write_error) OnWriteError(Error::kDisconnected); } void ReadMore(size_t next_read_size_hint) { DCHECK(!is_read_pending_); size_t buffer_capacity = next_read_size_hint; char* buffer = GetReadBuffer(&buffer_capacity); DCHECK_GT(buffer_capacity, 0u); BOOL ok = ::ReadFile(handle_.Get(), buffer, static_cast(buffer_capacity), NULL, &read_context_.overlapped); if (ok || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { is_read_pending_ = true; AddRef(); } else { OnError(Error::kDisconnected); } } // Attempts to write a message directly to the channel. If the full message // cannot be written, it's queued and a wait is initiated to write the message // ASAP on the I/O thread. bool WriteNoLock(const Channel::MessagePtr& message) { BOOL ok = WriteFile(handle_.Get(), message->data(), static_cast(message->data_num_bytes()), NULL, &write_context_.overlapped); if (ok || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { is_write_pending_ = true; AddRef(); return true; } return false; } bool WriteNextNoLock() { if (outgoing_messages_.empty()) return true; return WriteNoLock(outgoing_messages_.front()); } void OnWriteError(Error error) { DCHECK(io_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); DCHECK(reject_writes_); if (error == Error::kDisconnected) { // If we can't write because the pipe is disconnected then continue // reading to fetch any in-flight messages, relying on end-of-stream to // signal the actual disconnection. if (is_read_pending_ || is_connect_pending_) return; } OnError(error); } // Keeps the Channel alive at least until explicit shutdown on the IO thread. scoped_refptr self_; // The pipe handle this Channel uses for communication. base::win::ScopedHandle handle_; // Indicates whether |handle_| must wait for a connection. bool needs_connection_ = false; const scoped_refptr io_task_runner_; base::MessagePumpForIO::IOContext connect_context_; base::MessagePumpForIO::IOContext read_context_; bool is_connect_pending_ = false; bool is_read_pending_ = false; // Protects all fields potentially accessed on multiple threads via Write(). base::Lock write_lock_; base::MessagePumpForIO::IOContext write_context_; base::circular_deque outgoing_messages_; bool delay_writes_ = true; bool reject_writes_ = false; bool is_write_pending_ = false; bool leak_handle_ = false; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChannelWin); }; } // namespace // static scoped_refptr Channel::Create( Delegate* delegate, ConnectionParams connection_params, scoped_refptr io_task_runner) { return new ChannelWin(delegate, std::move(connection_params), io_task_runner); } } // namespace core } // namespace mojo