#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ue function usage() { cat < --libcxxabi-root --std --arch [--lit-args ] This script is used to continually test libc++ and libc++abi trunk on MacOS. --libcxx-root Full path to the root of the libc++ repository to test. --libcxxabi-root Full path to the root of the libc++abi repository to test. --std Version of the C++ Standard to run the tests under (c++03, c++11, etc..). --arch Architecture to build the tests for (32, 64). [--lit-args] Additional arguments to pass to lit (optional). If there are multiple arguments, quote them to pass them as a single argument to this script. [--no-cleanup] Do not cleanup the temporary directory that was used for testing at the end. This can be useful to debug failures. Make sure to clean up manually after. [-h, --help] Print this help. EOM } while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in --libcxx-root) LIBCXX_ROOT="${2}" if [[ ! -e "${LIBCXX_ROOT}" ]]; then echo "--libcxx-root '${LIBCXX_ROOT}' is not a valid directory" usage exit 1 fi shift; shift ;; --libcxxabi-root) LIBCXXABI_ROOT="${2}" if [[ ! -e "${LIBCXXABI_ROOT}" ]]; then echo "--libcxxabi-root '${LIBCXXABI_ROOT}' is not a valid directory" usage exit 1 fi shift; shift ;; --std) STD="${2}" shift; shift ;; --arch) ARCH="${2}" shift; shift ;; --lit-args) ADDITIONAL_LIT_ARGS="${2}" shift; shift ;; --no-cleanup) NO_CLEANUP="" shift ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "${1} is not a supported argument" usage exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ -z ${LIBCXX_ROOT+x} ]]; then echo "--libcxx-root is a required parameter"; usage; exit 1; fi if [[ -z ${LIBCXXABI_ROOT+x} ]]; then echo "--libcxxabi-root is a required parameter"; usage; exit 1; fi if [[ -z ${STD+x} ]]; then echo "--std is a required parameter"; usage; exit 1; fi if [[ -z ${ARCH+x} ]]; then echo "--arch is a required parameter"; usage; exit 1; fi if [[ -z ${ADDITIONAL_LIT_ARGS+x} ]]; then ADDITIONAL_LIT_ARGS=""; fi TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" echo "Created temporary directory ${TEMP_DIR}" function cleanup { if [[ -z ${NO_CLEANUP+x} ]]; then echo "Removing temporary directory ${TEMP_DIR}" rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}" else echo "Temporary directory is at '${TEMP_DIR}', make sure to clean it up yourself" fi } trap cleanup EXIT LLVM_ROOT="${TEMP_DIR}/llvm" LIBCXX_BUILD_DIR="${TEMP_DIR}/libcxx-build" LIBCXX_INSTALL_DIR="${TEMP_DIR}/libcxx-install" LIBCXXABI_BUILD_DIR="${TEMP_DIR}/libcxxabi-build" LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_DIR="${TEMP_DIR}/libcxxabi-install" LLVM_TARBALL_URL="https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/archive/master.tar.gz" export CC="$(xcrun --find clang)" export CXX="$(xcrun --find clang++)" echo "@@@ Downloading LLVM tarball of master (only used for CMake configuration) @@@" mkdir "${LLVM_ROOT}" curl -L "${LLVM_TARBALL_URL}" | tar -xz --strip-components=1 -C "${LLVM_ROOT}" echo "@@@@@@" echo "@@@ Setting up LIT flags @@@" LIT_FLAGS="-sv --param=std=${STD} ${ADDITIONAL_LIT_ARGS}" if [[ "${ARCH}" == "32" ]]; then LIT_FLAGS+=" --param=enable_32bit=true" fi echo "@@@@@@" echo "@@@ Configuring CMake for libc++ @@@" mkdir -p "${LIBCXX_BUILD_DIR}" (cd "${LIBCXX_BUILD_DIR}" && xcrun cmake "${LIBCXX_ROOT}" -GNinja \ -DLLVM_PATH="${LLVM_ROOT}" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${LIBCXX_INSTALL_DIR}" \ -DLLVM_LIT_ARGS="${LIT_FLAGS}" \ -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="i386;x86_64" # Build a universal dylib ) echo "@@@@@@" echo "@@@ Configuring CMake for libc++abi @@@" mkdir -p "${LIBCXXABI_BUILD_DIR}" (cd "${LIBCXXABI_BUILD_DIR}" && xcrun cmake "${LIBCXXABI_ROOT}" -GNinja \ -DLIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_PATH="${LIBCXX_ROOT}" \ -DLLVM_PATH="${LLVM_ROOT}" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_DIR}" \ -DLLVM_LIT_ARGS="${LIT_FLAGS}" \ -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="i386;x86_64" # Build a universal dylib ) echo "@@@@@@" echo "@@@ Building libc++.dylib and libc++abi.dylib from sources (just to make sure it works) @@@" ninja -C "${LIBCXX_BUILD_DIR}" install-cxx ninja -C "${LIBCXXABI_BUILD_DIR}" install-cxxabi echo "@@@@@@" echo "@@@ Running tests for libc++ @@@" # TODO: We should run check-cxx-abilist too ninja -C "${LIBCXX_BUILD_DIR}" check-cxx echo "@@@@@@" echo "@@@ Running tests for libc++abi @@@" ninja -C "${LIBCXXABI_BUILD_DIR}" check-cxxabi echo "@@@@@@"