/* * cv_feature_match.cpp - optical flow feature match * * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Author: Wind Yuan * Author: Yinhang Liu */ #include "cv_feature_match.h" #include "xcam_obj_debug.h" #include "image_file_handle.h" #include "cl_utils.h" #define XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG 0 #define XCAM_CV_OF_DRAW_SCALE 2 namespace XCam { #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG static void debug_write_image ( const SmartPtr &buf, const Rect &rect, char *img_name, char *frame_str, char *fm_idx_str); #endif CVFeatureMatch::CVFeatureMatch () : CVBaseClass () , FeatureMatch () { XCAM_ASSERT (_cv_context.ptr ()); } bool CVFeatureMatch::get_crop_image ( const SmartPtr &buffer, const Rect &crop_rect, cv::UMat &img) { SmartPtr cl_buffer = convert_to_clbuffer (_cv_context->get_cl_context (), buffer); VideoBufferInfo info = buffer->get_video_info (); cl_mem cl_mem_id = cl_buffer->get_mem_id (); cv::UMat umat; cv::ocl::convertFromBuffer (cl_mem_id, info.strides[0], info.height, info.width, CV_8U, umat); if (umat.empty ()) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("FeatureMatch(idx:%d): convert bo buffer to UMat failed", _fm_idx); return false; } img = umat (cv::Rect(crop_rect.pos_x, crop_rect.pos_y, crop_rect.width, crop_rect.height)); return true; } void CVFeatureMatch::add_detected_data ( cv::InputArray image, cv::Ptr detector, std::vector &corners) { std::vector keypoints; detector->detect (image, keypoints); corners.reserve (corners.size () + keypoints.size ()); for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size (); ++i) { cv::KeyPoint &kp = keypoints[i]; corners.push_back (kp.pt); } } void CVFeatureMatch::get_valid_offsets ( std::vector &corner0, std::vector &corner1, std::vector &status, std::vector &error, std::vector &offsets, float &sum, int &count, cv::InputOutputArray debug_img, cv::Size &img0_size) { count = 0; sum = 0.0f; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < status.size (); ++i) { if (!status[i]) continue; #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG cv::Point start = cv::Point(corner0[i]) * XCAM_CV_OF_DRAW_SCALE; cv::circle (debug_img, start, 4, cv::Scalar(255), XCAM_CV_OF_DRAW_SCALE); #endif if (error[i] > _config.max_track_error) continue; if (fabs(corner0[i].y - corner1[i].y) >= _config.max_valid_offset_y) continue; if (corner1[i].x < 0.0f || corner1[i].x > img0_size.width) continue; float offset = corner1[i].x - corner0[i].x; sum += offset; ++count; offsets.push_back (offset); #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG cv::Point end = (cv::Point(corner1[i]) + cv::Point (img0_size.width, 0)) * XCAM_CV_OF_DRAW_SCALE; cv::line (debug_img, start, end, cv::Scalar(255), XCAM_CV_OF_DRAW_SCALE); #else XCAM_UNUSED (debug_img); XCAM_UNUSED (img0_size); #endif } } void CVFeatureMatch::calc_of_match ( cv::InputArray image0, cv::InputArray image1, std::vector &corner0, std::vector &corner1, std::vector &status, std::vector &error, int &last_count, float &last_mean_offset, float &out_x_offset) { cv::_InputOutputArray debug_img; cv::Size img0_size = image0.size (); XCAM_ASSERT (img0_size.height == image1.rows ()); XCAM_UNUSED (image1); #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG cv::Mat mat; cv::UMat umat; cv::Size img1_size = image1.size (); cv::Size size (img0_size.width + img1_size.width, img0_size.height); if (image0.isUMat ()) { umat.create (size, image0.type ()); debug_img = cv::_InputOutputArray (umat); image0.copyTo (umat (cv::Rect(0, 0, img0_size.width, img0_size.height))); image1.copyTo (umat (cv::Rect(img0_size.width, 0, img1_size.width, img1_size.height))); umat.copyTo (debug_img); } else { mat.create (size, image0.type ()); debug_img = cv::_InputOutputArray (mat); image0.copyTo (mat (cv::Rect(0, 0, img0_size.width, img0_size.height))); image1.copyTo (mat (cv::Rect(img0_size.width, 0, img1_size.width, img1_size.height))); mat.copyTo (debug_img); } cv::Size scale_size = size * XCAM_CV_OF_DRAW_SCALE; cv::resize (debug_img, debug_img, scale_size, 0, 0); #endif std::vector offsets; float offset_sum = 0.0f; int count = 0; float mean_offset = 0.0f; offsets.reserve (corner0.size ()); get_valid_offsets (corner0, corner1, status, error, offsets, offset_sum, count, debug_img, img0_size); #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG XCAM_LOG_INFO ("FeatureMatch(idx:%d): valid offsets:%d", _fm_idx, offsets.size ()); char file_name[256]; std::snprintf (file_name, 256, "fm_optical_flow_%d_%d.jpg", _frame_num, _fm_idx); cv::imwrite (file_name, debug_img); #endif bool ret = get_mean_offset (offsets, offset_sum, count, mean_offset); if (ret) { if (fabs (mean_offset - last_mean_offset) < _config.delta_mean_offset) { out_x_offset = out_x_offset * _config.offset_factor + mean_offset * (1.0f - _config.offset_factor); if (fabs (out_x_offset) > _config.max_adjusted_offset) out_x_offset = (out_x_offset > 0.0f) ? _config.max_adjusted_offset : (-_config.max_adjusted_offset); } } last_count = count; last_mean_offset = mean_offset; } void CVFeatureMatch::detect_and_match ( cv::InputArray img_left, cv::InputArray img_right, Rect &crop_left, Rect &crop_right, int &valid_count, float &mean_offset, float &x_offset, int dst_width) { std::vector err; std::vector status; std::vector corner_left, corner_right; cv::Ptr fast_detector; cv::Size win_size = cv::Size (5, 5); if (img_left.isUMat ()) win_size = cv::Size (16, 16); fast_detector = cv::FastFeatureDetector::create (20, true); add_detected_data (img_left, fast_detector, corner_left); if (corner_left.empty ()) { return; } cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK ( img_left, img_right, corner_left, corner_right, status, err, win_size, 3, cv::TermCriteria (cv::TermCriteria::COUNT + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 10, 0.01f)); cv::ocl::finish(); calc_of_match (img_left, img_right, corner_left, corner_right, status, err, valid_count, mean_offset, x_offset); adjust_stitch_area (dst_width, x_offset, crop_left, crop_right); #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG XCAM_LOG_INFO ( "FeatureMatch(idx:%d): stiching area: left_area(pos_x:%d, width:%d), right_area(pos_x:%d, width:%d)", _fm_idx, crop_left.pos_x, crop_left.width, crop_right.pos_x, crop_right.width); #endif } void CVFeatureMatch::optical_flow_feature_match ( const SmartPtr &left_buf, const SmartPtr &right_buf, Rect &left_crop_rect, Rect &right_crop_rect, int dst_width) { cv::UMat left_umat, right_umat; cv::Mat left_mat, right_mat; cv::_InputArray left_img, right_img; if (!get_crop_image (left_buf, left_crop_rect, left_umat) || !get_crop_image (right_buf, right_crop_rect, right_umat)) return; if (_use_ocl) { left_img = cv::_InputArray (left_umat); right_img = cv::_InputArray (right_umat); } else { left_mat = left_umat.getMat (cv::ACCESS_READ); right_mat = right_umat.getMat (cv::ACCESS_READ); left_img = cv::_InputArray (left_mat); right_img = cv::_InputArray (right_mat); } detect_and_match (left_img, right_img, left_crop_rect, right_crop_rect, _valid_count, _mean_offset, _x_offset, dst_width); #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG XCAM_ASSERT (_fm_idx >= 0); char frame_str[64] = {'\0'}; std::snprintf (frame_str, 64, "frame:%d", _frame_num); char fm_idx_str[64] = {'\0'}; std::snprintf (fm_idx_str, 64, "fm_idx:%d", _fm_idx); char img_name[256] = {'\0'}; std::snprintf (img_name, 256, "fm_in_stitch_area_%d_%d_0.jpg", _frame_num, _fm_idx); debug_write_image (left_buf, left_crop_rect, img_name, frame_str, fm_idx_str); std::snprintf (img_name, 256, "fm_in_stitch_area_%d_%d_1.jpg", _frame_num, _fm_idx); debug_write_image (right_buf, right_crop_rect, img_name, frame_str, fm_idx_str); XCAM_LOG_INFO ("FeatureMatch(idx:%d): frame number:%d done", _fm_idx, _frame_num); _frame_num++; #endif } #if XCAM_CV_FM_DEBUG static void debug_write_image ( const SmartPtr &buf, const Rect &rect, char *img_name, char *frame_str, char *fm_idx_str) { cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255); VideoBufferInfo info = buf->get_video_info (); cv::Mat mat; CVBaseClass cv_obj; cv_obj.convert_to_mat (buf, mat); cv::putText (mat, frame_str, cv::Point(rect.pos_x, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.8f, color, 2, 8, false); cv::putText (mat, fm_idx_str, cv::Point(rect.pos_x, 70), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.8f, color, 2, 8, false); cv::line (mat, cv::Point(rect.pos_x, rect.pos_y), cv::Point(rect.pos_x + rect.width, rect.pos_y), color, 1); cv::line (mat, cv::Point(rect.pos_x, rect.pos_y + rect.height), cv::Point(rect.pos_x + rect.width, rect.pos_y + rect.height), color, 1); cv::line (mat, cv::Point(rect.pos_x, 0), cv::Point(rect.pos_x, info.height), color, 2); cv::line (mat, cv::Point(rect.pos_x + rect.width, 0), cv::Point(rect.pos_x + rect.width, info.height), color, 2); cv::imwrite (img_name, mat); } #endif }