; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -o - %s -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios7.0 | FileCheck %s define i32 @test_floattoi32(float %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_floattoi32: %signed = fptosi float %in to i32 %unsigned = fptoui float %in to i32 ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzu [[UNSIG:w[0-9]+]], {{s[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzs [[SIG:w[0-9]+]], {{s[0-9]+}} %res = sub i32 %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: sub {{w[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret i32 %res ; CHECK: ret } define i32 @test_doubletoi32(double %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_doubletoi32: %signed = fptosi double %in to i32 %unsigned = fptoui double %in to i32 ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzu [[UNSIG:w[0-9]+]], {{d[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzs [[SIG:w[0-9]+]], {{d[0-9]+}} %res = sub i32 %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: sub {{w[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret i32 %res ; CHECK: ret } define i64 @test_floattoi64(float %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_floattoi64: %signed = fptosi float %in to i64 %unsigned = fptoui float %in to i64 ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzu [[UNSIG:x[0-9]+]], {{s[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzs [[SIG:x[0-9]+]], {{s[0-9]+}} %res = sub i64 %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: sub {{x[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret i64 %res ; CHECK: ret } define i64 @test_doubletoi64(double %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_doubletoi64: %signed = fptosi double %in to i64 %unsigned = fptoui double %in to i64 ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzu [[UNSIG:x[0-9]+]], {{d[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: fcvtzs [[SIG:x[0-9]+]], {{d[0-9]+}} %res = sub i64 %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: sub {{x[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret i64 %res ; CHECK: ret } define float @test_i32tofloat(i32 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i32tofloat: %signed = sitofp i32 %in to float %unsigned = uitofp i32 %in to float ; CHECK-DAG: ucvtf [[UNSIG:s[0-9]+]], {{w[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: scvtf [[SIG:s[0-9]+]], {{w[0-9]+}} %res = fsub float %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: fsub {{s[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret float %res ; CHECK: ret } define double @test_i32todouble(i32 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i32todouble: %signed = sitofp i32 %in to double %unsigned = uitofp i32 %in to double ; CHECK-DAG: ucvtf [[UNSIG:d[0-9]+]], {{w[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: scvtf [[SIG:d[0-9]+]], {{w[0-9]+}} %res = fsub double %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: fsub {{d[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret double %res ; CHECK: ret } define float @test_i64tofloat(i64 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i64tofloat: %signed = sitofp i64 %in to float %unsigned = uitofp i64 %in to float ; CHECK-DAG: ucvtf [[UNSIG:s[0-9]+]], {{x[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: scvtf [[SIG:s[0-9]+]], {{x[0-9]+}} %res = fsub float %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: fsub {{s[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret float %res ; CHECK: ret } define double @test_i64todouble(i64 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_i64todouble: %signed = sitofp i64 %in to double %unsigned = uitofp i64 %in to double ; CHECK-DAG: ucvtf [[UNSIG:d[0-9]+]], {{x[0-9]+}} ; CHECK-DAG: scvtf [[SIG:d[0-9]+]], {{x[0-9]+}} %res = fsub double %signed, %unsigned ; CHECK: sub {{d[0-9]+}}, [[SIG]], [[UNSIG]] ret double %res ; CHECK: ret } define i32 @test_bitcastfloattoi32(float %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_bitcastfloattoi32: %res = bitcast float %in to i32 ; CHECK: fmov {{w[0-9]+}}, {{s[0-9]+}} ret i32 %res } define i64 @test_bitcastdoubletoi64(double %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_bitcastdoubletoi64: %res = bitcast double %in to i64 ; CHECK: fmov {{x[0-9]+}}, {{d[0-9]+}} ret i64 %res } define float @test_bitcasti32tofloat(i32 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_bitcasti32tofloat: %res = bitcast i32 %in to float ; CHECK: fmov {{s[0-9]+}}, {{w[0-9]+}} ret float %res } define double @test_bitcasti64todouble(i64 %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_bitcasti64todouble: %res = bitcast i64 %in to double ; CHECK: fmov {{d[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}} ret double %res } define double @bitcast_fabs(double %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: bitcast_fabs: ; CHECK: ; BB#0: ; CHECK-NEXT: fabs d0, d0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; %bc1 = bitcast double %x to i64 %and = and i64 %bc1, 9223372036854775807 %bc2 = bitcast i64 %and to double ret double %bc2 } define float @bitcast_fneg(float %x) { ; CHECK-LABEL: bitcast_fneg: ; CHECK: ; BB#0: ; CHECK-NEXT: fneg s0, s0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; %bc1 = bitcast float %x to i32 %xor = xor i32 %bc1, 2147483648 %bc2 = bitcast i32 %xor to float ret float %bc2 }