/* * Disktest * Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2001 * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Please send e-mail to yardleyb@us.ibm.com if you have * questions or comments. * * Project Website: TBD * * $Id: stats.c,v 1.2 2008/02/14 08:22:24 subrata_modak Exp $ * */ #include #ifdef WINDOWS #include #include #include #include #include #include "getopt.h" #else #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "globals.h" #include "sfunc.h" #include "threading.h" #include "stats.h" void print_stats(child_args_t * args, test_env_t * env, statop_t operation) { extern time_t global_start_time; /* global pointer to overall start */ extern unsigned long glb_flags; /* global flags GLB_FLG_xxx */ time_t curr_time = 0, hwrite_time = 0, hread_time = 0, write_time = 0, read_time = 0, gw_time = 0, gr_time = 0; fmt_time_t time_struct; curr_time = time(NULL); if ((curr_time - env->start_time) == 0) curr_time++; if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_LINEAR) && !(args->flags & CLD_FLG_NTRLVD)) { hread_time = env->hbeat_stats.rtime; hwrite_time = env->hbeat_stats.wtime; read_time = env->cycle_stats.rtime; write_time = env->cycle_stats.wtime; gr_time = env->global_stats.rtime; gw_time = env->global_stats.wtime; } else { hread_time = ((env->hbeat_stats.rtime * args->rperc) / 100); hwrite_time = ((env->hbeat_stats.wtime * args->wperc) / 100); read_time = ((env->cycle_stats.rtime * args->rperc) / 100); write_time = ((env->cycle_stats.wtime * args->wperc) / 100); gr_time = (time_t) ((env->global_stats.rtime * args->rperc) / 100); gw_time = (time_t) ((env->global_stats.wtime * args->wperc) / 100); } /* if one second really has not passed, then make it at least one second */ if (hread_time == 0) hread_time++; if (hwrite_time == 0) hwrite_time++; if (read_time == 0) read_time++; if (write_time == 0) write_time++; if (gr_time == 0) gr_time++; if (gw_time == 0) gw_time++; if (glb_flags & GLB_FLG_PERFP) { if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_PRFTYPS) { printf("%s;", args->device); } switch (operation) { case HBEAT: /* only display current HBEAT stats */ if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_XFERS)) { printf(CTRSTR, (env->hbeat_stats.rbytes), (env->hbeat_stats.rcount)); printf(CTWSTR, (env->hbeat_stats.wbytes), (env->hbeat_stats.wcount)); } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_TPUTS)) { printf(CTRRSTR, ((double)(env->hbeat_stats.rbytes) / (double)(hread_time)), ((double)(env->hbeat_stats.rcount) / (double)(hread_time))); printf(CTRWSTR, ((double)(env->hbeat_stats.wbytes) / (double)(hwrite_time)), ((double)(env->hbeat_stats.wcount) / (double)(hwrite_time))); } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_RUNT)) { printf("%lu;Rsecs;%lu;Wsecs;", hread_time, hwrite_time); } break; case CYCLE: /* only display current CYCLE stats */ if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_XFERS)) { printf(CTRSTR, (env->cycle_stats.rbytes), (env->cycle_stats.rcount)); printf(CTWSTR, (env->cycle_stats.wbytes), (env->cycle_stats.wcount)); } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_TPUTS)) { printf(CTRRSTR, ((double)(env->cycle_stats.rbytes) / (double)(read_time)), ((double)(env->cycle_stats.rcount) / (double)(read_time))); printf(CTRWSTR, ((double)(env->cycle_stats.wbytes) / (double)(write_time)), ((double)(env->cycle_stats.wcount) / (double)(write_time))); } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_RUNT)) { printf("%lu;Rsecs;%lu;Wsecs;", read_time, write_time); } break; case TOTAL: /* display total read and write stats */ if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_XFERS)) { printf(TCTRSTR, (env->global_stats.rbytes), (env->global_stats.rcount)); printf(TCTWSTR, (env->global_stats.wbytes), (env->global_stats.wcount)); } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_TPUTS)) { printf(TCTRRSTR, ((double)(env->global_stats.rbytes) / (double)(gr_time)), ((double)(env->global_stats.rcount) / (double)(gr_time))); printf(TCTRWSTR, ((double)(env->global_stats.wbytes) / (double)(gw_time)), ((double)(env->global_stats.wcount) / (double)(gw_time))); } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_RUNT)) { printf("%lu;secs;", (curr_time - env->start_time)); } break; default: pMsg(ERR, args, "Unknown stats display type.\n"); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_PRFTYPS) { printf("\n"); } } else { if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_XFERS)) { switch (operation) { case HBEAT: /* only display current HBEAT stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { pMsg(STAT, args, HRTSTR, (env->hbeat_stats.rbytes), (env->hbeat_stats.rcount)); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { pMsg(STAT, args, HWTSTR, (env->hbeat_stats.wbytes), (env->hbeat_stats.wcount)); } break; case CYCLE: /* only display current CYCLE stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { pMsg(STAT, args, CRTSTR, (env->cycle_stats.rbytes), (env->cycle_stats.rcount)); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { pMsg(STAT, args, CWTSTR, (env->cycle_stats.wbytes), (env->cycle_stats.wcount)); } break; case TOTAL: /* display total read and write stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { pMsg(STAT, args, TRTSTR, (env->global_stats.rcount), (env->global_stats.rbytes)); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { pMsg(STAT, args, TWTSTR, (env->global_stats.wcount), (env->global_stats.wbytes)); } break; default: pMsg(ERR, args, "Unknown stats display type.\n"); } } if ((args->flags & CLD_FLG_TPUTS)) { switch (operation) { case HBEAT: /* only display current read stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { pMsg(STAT, args, HRTHSTR, ((double)env->hbeat_stats.rbytes / (double)(hread_time)), (((double)env->hbeat_stats.rbytes / (double)hread_time) / (double)1048576.), ((double)env->hbeat_stats.rcount / (double)(hread_time))); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { pMsg(STAT, args, HWTHSTR, ((double)env->hbeat_stats.wbytes / (double)hwrite_time), (((double)env->hbeat_stats.wbytes / (double)hwrite_time) / (double)1048576.), ((double)env->hbeat_stats.wcount / (double)hwrite_time)); } break; case CYCLE: /* only display current read stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { pMsg(STAT, args, CRTHSTR, ((double)env->cycle_stats.rbytes / (double)(read_time)), (((double)env->cycle_stats.rbytes / (double)read_time) / (double)1048576.), ((double)env->cycle_stats.rcount / (double)(read_time))); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { pMsg(STAT, args, CWTHSTR, ((double)env->cycle_stats.wbytes / (double)write_time), (((double)env->cycle_stats.wbytes / (double)write_time) / (double)1048576.), ((double)env->cycle_stats.wcount / (double)write_time)); } break; case TOTAL: /* display total read and write stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { pMsg(STAT, args, TRTHSTR, ((double)env->global_stats.rbytes / (double)gr_time), (((double)env->global_stats. rbytes / (double)gr_time) / (double)1048576.), ((double)env->global_stats.rcount / (double)gr_time)); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { pMsg(STAT, args, TWTHSTR, ((double)env->global_stats.wbytes / (double)gw_time), (((double)env->global_stats. wbytes / (double)gw_time) / (double)1048576.), ((double)env->global_stats.wcount / (double)gw_time)); } break; default: pMsg(ERR, args, "Unknown stats display type.\n"); } } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_RUNT) { switch (operation) { case HBEAT: /* only display current cycle stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { time_struct = format_time(hread_time); pMsg(STAT, args, "Heartbeat Read Time: %u seconds (%luh%lum%lus)\n", hread_time, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { time_struct = format_time(hwrite_time); pMsg(STAT, args, "Heartbeat Write Time: %u seconds (%luh%lum%lus)\n", hwrite_time, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); } break; case CYCLE: /* only display current cycle stats */ if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { time_struct = format_time(read_time); pMsg(STAT, args, "Cycle Read Time: %u seconds (%luh%lum%lus)\n", read_time, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { time_struct = format_time(write_time); pMsg(STAT, args, "Cycle Write Time: %u seconds (%luh%lum%lus)\n", write_time, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); } break; case TOTAL: if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_R) { time_struct = format_time(gr_time); pMsg(STAT, args, "Total Read Time: %u seconds (%lud%luh%lum%lus)\n", gr_time, time_struct.days, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); } if (args->flags & CLD_FLG_W) { time_struct = format_time(gw_time); pMsg(STAT, args, "Total Write Time: %u seconds (%lud%luh%lum%lus)\n", gw_time, time_struct.days, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); } time_struct = format_time((curr_time - global_start_time)); pMsg(STAT, args, "Total overall runtime: %u seconds (%lud%luh%lum%lus)\n", (curr_time - global_start_time), time_struct.days, time_struct.hours, time_struct.minutes, time_struct.seconds); break; default: pMsg(ERR, args, "Unknown stats display type.\n"); } } } } void update_gbl_stats(test_env_t * env) { env->global_stats.wcount += env->cycle_stats.wcount; env->global_stats.rcount += env->cycle_stats.rcount; env->global_stats.wbytes += env->cycle_stats.wbytes; env->global_stats.rbytes += env->cycle_stats.rbytes; env->global_stats.wtime += env->cycle_stats.wtime; env->global_stats.rtime += env->cycle_stats.rtime; env->cycle_stats.wcount = 0; env->cycle_stats.rcount = 0; env->cycle_stats.wbytes = 0; env->cycle_stats.rbytes = 0; env->cycle_stats.wtime = 0; env->cycle_stats.rtime = 0; } void update_cyc_stats(test_env_t * env) { env->cycle_stats.wcount += env->hbeat_stats.wcount; env->cycle_stats.rcount += env->hbeat_stats.rcount; env->cycle_stats.wbytes += env->hbeat_stats.wbytes; env->cycle_stats.rbytes += env->hbeat_stats.rbytes; env->cycle_stats.wtime += env->hbeat_stats.wtime; env->cycle_stats.rtime += env->hbeat_stats.rtime; env->hbeat_stats.wcount = 0; env->hbeat_stats.rcount = 0; env->hbeat_stats.wbytes = 0; env->hbeat_stats.rbytes = 0; env->hbeat_stats.wtime = 0; env->hbeat_stats.rtime = 0; }