Always look here for latest version of these tests: These testcases test the TOMOYO Security Module. And they are not part of default LTP build/install/run. A kernel with TOMOYO configured is required to run the TOMOYO testsuite. The securityfs filesystem must be mounted at /sys/kernel/security . Preparation steps are: 1) Download tomoyo-tools package and extract and build and install. # wget -O tomoyo-tools.tar.gz '' # tar -zxf tomoyo-tools.tar.gz # make -C tomoyo-tools/ install Programs are installed in /usr/sbin/ with prefix "tomoyo-" and /usr/lib/tomoyo/ directory without prefix "tomoyo-". You can make a RPM package by "rpmbuild -bb tomoyo-tools/tomoyo-tools.spec" and a DEB package by "alien -k" after "rpmbuild -bb". 2) Run /usr/lib/tomoyo/init_policy . This will take several minutes. Hiding kernel source directory by "mount -t tmpfs none /usr/src/linux/" would save some time. Configuration files are saved in /etc/tomoyo/ directory. You can do "rm -fR /etc/tomoyo/" if you want to uninstall. 3) Reboot the system with TOMOYO enabled kernel. To make sure TOMOYO is selected, you can add security=tomoyo to kernel's command line. 4) Build the tests. # (extract the tar ball containing the tests.) # make autotools # ./configure # cd testcases/kernel/security/tomoyo/ # make # find `/bin/pwd` -type f -perm +100 >> /etc/tomoyo/manager.conf # /usr/sbin/tomoyo-loadpolicy m Test steps are: 1) Run the tests from the directory you ran "make". # ./ Please don't run the tests inside /tmp/ directory, for /tmp/ directory is hidden by "newns" (a wrapper program to run the test in a new namespace). You can use "| grep -vF OK" to pick up only failed tests as does.