# -*- tab-width: 4 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This Makefile builds a .jar file and accompanying JNI support library # containing the DNSSD implementation for Java and support classes. # # Prior to building Java support, you must build DNSSD.dll. # # nmake with no arguments builds all production targets. # 'nmake DEBUG=1' to build debugging targets. # 'nmake clean' or 'nmake clean DEBUG=1' to delete prod/debug objects & targets # # To run nmake, you may need to set up your PATH correctly, using a script # such as: "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat" # # The default location of the JDK is \javasdk. You can override this on the # command line (e.g. 'nmake JDK=\j2dk1.4.2_03'). ############################################################################ COREDIR = ..\..\mDNSCore SHAREDDIR = ..\..\mDNSShared JDK = $(JAVA_HOME) CC = cl RC = rc LD = ld CP = copy RM = del /Q RMDIR = rmdir /S /Q JAVAC = $(JDK)\bin\javac JAVAH = $(JDK)\bin\javah JAR = $(JDK)\bin\jar CFLAGS_COMMON = -LD -DAUTO_CALLBACKS=0 -I. -I..\.. \ -I$(COREDIR) -I$(SHAREDDIR) -I$(JDK)\include -I$(JDK)\include\win32 # Set up diverging paths for debug vs. prod builds DEBUG=0 !if $(DEBUG) == 1 CFLAGS_DEBUG = -Zi -DMDNS_DEBUGMSGS=2 OBJDIR = objects\debug\x64 BUILDDIR = build\debug\x64 INSTALLDIR = root\"Program Files"\Bonjour LIBDIR = ..\DLL\x64\Debug !else CFLAGS_DEBUG = -Os -DMDNS_DEBUGMSGS=0 OBJDIR = objects\prod\x64 BUILDDIR = build\prod\x64 INSTALLDIR = root\"Program Files"\Bonjour LIBDIR = ..\DLL\x64\Release !endif CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_COMMON) $(CFLAGS_DEBUG) JAVACFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS_OS) ############################################################################# all: setup Java postbuild # 'setup' sets up the build directory structure the way we want setup: @if not exist objects mkdir objects @if not exist build mkdir build @if not exist $(OBJDIR) mkdir $(OBJDIR) @if not exist $(BUILDDIR) mkdir $(BUILDDIR) postbuild: @if not "%RC_XBS%"=="YES" GOTO CONT @if not exist "$(DSTROOT)\WINDOWS\system32\x64" mkdir "$(DSTROOT)\WINDOWS\system32\x64" @if not exist "$(DSTROOT)\Program Files\Bonjour\x64" mkdir "$(DSTROOT)\Program Files\Bonjour\x64" @copy $(BUILDDIR)\jdns_sd.dll "$(DSTROOT)\WINDOWS\system32\x64" @copy $(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar "$(DSTROOT)\Program Files\Bonjour\x64" @:CONT @if not exist root mkdir root @if not exist root\"Program Files" mkdir root\"Program Files" @if not exist $(INSTALLDIR) mkdir $(INSTALLDIR) copy $(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar $(INSTALLDIR) copy $(BUILDDIR)\jdns_sd.dll $(INSTALLDIR) # clean removes targets and objects clean: @if exist $(OBJDIR) $(RMDIR) $(OBJDIR) @if exist $(BUILDDIR) $(RMDIR) $(BUILDDIR) ############################################################################# # The following targets build Java wrappers for the dns-sd.h API. Java: setup $(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar $(BUILDDIR)\jdns_sd.dll postbuild @echo "Java wrappers done" JAVASRC = $(SHAREDDIR)\Java JARCONTENTS = $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDService.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDException.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSRecord.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\TXTRecord.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDRegistration.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDRecordRegistrar.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\BaseListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\BrowseListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\ResolveListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\RegisterListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\RegisterRecordListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\QueryListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DomainListener.class \ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSD.class $(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar: $(JARCONTENTS) $(JAR) -cf $@ -C $(OBJDIR) com $(BUILDDIR)\jdns_sd.dll: $(JAVASRC)\JNISupport.c $(OBJDIR)\DNSSD.java.h $(OBJDIR)\jdns_sd.RES $(CC) -Fe$@ $(JAVASRC)\JNISupport.c $(CFLAGS) -I$(OBJDIR) \ $(LIBDIR)\DNSSD.lib $(JDK)\lib\jvm.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib $(OBJDIR)\jdns_sd.RES /link /NXCOMPAT /DYNAMICBASE .SUFFIXES : .java {$(JAVASRC)}.java{$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd}.class: $(JAVAC) -d $(OBJDIR) -classpath $(OBJDIR) $< $(OBJDIR)\DNSSD.java.h: $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSD.class $(JAVAH) -classpath $(OBJDIR) -o $@ \ com.apple.dnssd.AppleBrowser \ com.apple.dnssd.AppleResolver \ com.apple.dnssd.AppleRegistration \ com.apple.dnssd.AppleQuery \ com.apple.dnssd.AppleService $(OBJDIR)\jdns_sd.RES: jdns_sd.rc $(RC) /fo $@ $?