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FindBugs Performance Improvements and Regressions

I did a performance check against 179 benchmarks applications I regularly test against. Overall (total the total time to analyze all 179 benchmarks), FindBugs 2.0 gives a 9% performance improvement over 1.3.9. 154 of the 179 benchmarks saw performance improvements; 24 saw regressions. All of the benchmarks that saw regressions of more than 10% were small benchmarks (analyzed in less than 60 seconds), which makes consistent benchmarking particularly difficult. I'm working to repeat the benchmarks, see if the results are consistent. I took a look, and couldn't find anything that stood out as being a performance glitch in FindBugs. I haven't yet done benchmarking with constrained memory. It is possible that you may need to increase the heap size for FindBugs 2.0.

Important Request

If you are seeing any significant performance regressions in FindBugs 2.0, I very much need your help. Please either email or file a bug report. with the following information from the xml file for your project (from both the 1.3.9 and 2.0.0 version if possible). Sending me your code or pointing me to a open source repository would be great, but I know that isn't feasible for a lot of projects. The information I'm requesting doesn't include any information about the code being analyzed other than the total size of the code being analyzed and the total number of issues found at the different confidence levels. The <FindBugsSummary ... > start tag. For example:

   <FindBugsSummary timestamp="Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:29:52 -0500" 
      total_classes="206" referenced_classes="325" total_bugs="72" total_size="7654" num_packages="21" 
      vm_version="20.4-b02-402" cpu_seconds="62.52" clock_seconds="22.01" 
      peak_mbytes="112.21" alloc_mbytes="1683.38" gc_seconds="1.19" 
      priority_3="56" priority_2="14" priority_1="2">
The <FindBugsProfile>...</FindBugsProfile> element. For example:
      <ClassProfile name="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.detect.IncompatMask" totalMilliseconds="11" 
        invocations="206" avgMicrosecondsPerInvocation="55" maxMicrosecondsPerInvocation="475" 
      <ClassProfile name="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.detect.FindFinalizeInvocations" totalMilliseconds="11" 
        invocations="206" avgMicrosecondsPerInvocation="55" maxMicrosecondsPerInvocation="402" 
      <ClassProfile name="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.engine.bcel.LockDataflowFactory" totalMilliseconds="11" 
        invocations="23" avgMicrosecondsPerInvocation="515" maxMicrosecondsPerInvocation="2637" 

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