// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef egl_Image_hpp #define egl_Image_hpp #include "libEGL/Texture.hpp" #include "Renderer/Surface.hpp" #include #include #if defined(__ANDROID__) #include #include "../../Common/GrallocAndroid.hpp" #endif #if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID_HOST_BUILD) #include "../../Common/DebugAndroid.hpp" #define LOGLOCK(fmt, ...) // TRACE(fmt " tid=%d", ##__VA_ARGS__, gettid()) #else #include #define LOGLOCK(...) #endif // Implementation-defined formats #define SW_YV12_BT601 0x32315659 // YCrCb 4:2:0 Planar, 16-byte aligned, BT.601 color space, studio swing #define SW_YV12_BT709 0x48315659 // YCrCb 4:2:0 Planar, 16-byte aligned, BT.709 color space, studio swing #define SW_YV12_JFIF 0x4A315659 // YCrCb 4:2:0 Planar, 16-byte aligned, BT.601 color space, full swing namespace gl { struct PixelStorageModes { GLint rowLength = 0; GLint skipRows = 0; GLint skipPixels = 0; GLint alignment = 4; GLint imageHeight = 0; GLint skipImages = 0; }; GLint GetSizedInternalFormat(GLint internalFormat, GLenum type); sw::Format SelectInternalFormat(GLint format); bool IsUnsizedInternalFormat(GLint internalformat); GLenum GetBaseInternalFormat(GLint internalformat); GLsizei ComputePitch(GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLint alignment); GLsizei ComputeCompressedSize(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format); size_t ComputePackingOffset(GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, const PixelStorageModes &storageModes); } namespace egl { class ClientBuffer { public: ClientBuffer(int width, int height, sw::Format format, void* buffer, size_t plane) : width(width), height(height), format(format), buffer(buffer), plane(plane) {} int getWidth() const; int getHeight() const; sw::Format getFormat() const; size_t getPlane() const; int pitchP() const; void retain(); void release(); void* lock(int x, int y, int z); void unlock(); bool requiresSync() const; private: int width; int height; sw::Format format; void* buffer; size_t plane; }; class [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] Image : public sw::Surface, public gl::Object { protected: // 2D texture image Image(Texture *parentTexture, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint internalformat) : sw::Surface(parentTexture->getResource(), width, height, 1, 0, 1, gl::SelectInternalFormat(internalformat), true, true), width(width), height(height), depth(1), internalformat(internalformat), parentTexture(parentTexture) { shared = false; Object::addRef(); parentTexture->addRef(); } // 3D/Cube texture image Image(Texture *parentTexture, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int border, GLint internalformat) : sw::Surface(parentTexture->getResource(), width, height, depth, border, 1, gl::SelectInternalFormat(internalformat), true, true), width(width), height(height), depth(depth), internalformat(internalformat), parentTexture(parentTexture) { shared = false; Object::addRef(); parentTexture->addRef(); } // Native EGL image Image(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint internalformat, int pitchP) : sw::Surface(nullptr, width, height, 1, 0, 1, gl::SelectInternalFormat(internalformat), true, true, pitchP), width(width), height(height), depth(1), internalformat(internalformat), parentTexture(nullptr) { shared = true; Object::addRef(); } // Render target Image(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint internalformat, int multiSampleDepth, bool lockable) : sw::Surface(nullptr, width, height, 1, 0, multiSampleDepth, gl::SelectInternalFormat(internalformat), lockable, true), width(width), height(height), depth(1), internalformat(internalformat), parentTexture(nullptr) { shared = false; Object::addRef(); } public: // 2D texture image static Image *create(Texture *parentTexture, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint internalformat); // 3D/Cube texture image static Image *create(Texture *parentTexture, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int border, GLint internalformat); // Native EGL image static Image *create(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint internalformat, int pitchP); // Render target static Image *create(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint internalformat, int multiSampleDepth, bool lockable); // Back buffer from client buffer static Image *create(const egl::ClientBuffer& clientBuffer); static size_t size(int width, int height, int depth, int border, int samples, GLint internalformat); GLsizei getWidth() const { return width; } GLsizei getHeight() const { return height; } int getDepth() const { // FIXME: add member if the depth dimension (for 3D textures or 2D testure arrays) // and multi sample depth are ever simultaneously required. return depth; } GLint getFormat() const { return internalformat; } bool isShared() const { return shared; } void markShared() { shared = true; } virtual void *lock(int x, int y, int z, sw::Lock lock) { return lockExternal(x, y, z, lock, sw::PUBLIC); } unsigned int getPitch() const { return getExternalPitchB(); } unsigned int getSlice() const { return getExternalSliceB(); } virtual void unlock() { unlockExternal(); } void *lockInternal(int x, int y, int z, sw::Lock lock, sw::Accessor client) override = 0; void unlockInternal() override = 0; void loadImageData(GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const gl::PixelStorageModes &unpackParameters, const void *pixels); void loadCompressedData(GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLsizei imageSize, const void *pixels); void release() override = 0; void unbind(const Texture *parent); // Break parent ownership and release bool isChildOf(const Texture *parent) const; virtual void destroyShared() // Release a shared image { assert(shared); shared = false; release(); } protected: const GLsizei width; const GLsizei height; const int depth; const GLint internalformat; bool shared; // Used as an EGLImage egl::Texture *parentTexture; ~Image() override = 0; void loadImageData(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int inputPitch, int inputHeight, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *input, void *buffer); void loadStencilData(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int inputPitch, int inputHeight, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *input, void *buffer); }; #ifdef __ANDROID__ inline GLenum GLPixelFormatFromAndroid(int halFormat) { switch(halFormat) { case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888: return GL_RGBA8; #if ANDROID_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 16 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED: return GL_RGB8; #endif case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888: return GL_RGB8; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888: return GL_BGRA8_EXT; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565: return GL_RGB565; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12: return SW_YV12_BT601; #ifdef GRALLOC_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_2 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888: return SW_YV12_BT601; #endif #if ANDROID_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION >= 26 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_FP16: return GL_RGBA16F; #endif case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888: // Unsupported. default: ERR("Unsupported EGL image format %d", halFormat); ASSERT(false); return GL_NONE; } } class AndroidNativeImage : public egl::Image { public: explicit AndroidNativeImage(ANativeWindowBuffer *nativeBuffer) : egl::Image(nativeBuffer->width, nativeBuffer->height, GLPixelFormatFromAndroid(nativeBuffer->format), nativeBuffer->stride), nativeBuffer(nativeBuffer) { nativeBuffer->common.incRef(&nativeBuffer->common); } private: ANativeWindowBuffer *nativeBuffer; ~AndroidNativeImage() override { sync(); // Wait for any threads that use this image to finish. nativeBuffer->common.decRef(&nativeBuffer->common); } void *lockInternal(int x, int y, int z, sw::Lock lock, sw::Accessor client) override { LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s.swsurface lock=%d", this, __FUNCTION__, lock); // Always do this for reference counting. void *data = sw::Surface::lockInternal(x, y, z, lock, client); if(nativeBuffer) { if(x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0) { TRACE("badness: %s called with unsupported parms: image=%p x=%d y=%d z=%d", __FUNCTION__, this, x, y, z); } LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s.ani lock=%d", this, __FUNCTION__, lock); // Lock the ANativeWindowBuffer and use its address. data = lockNativeBuffer(GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN); if(lock == sw::LOCK_UNLOCKED) { // We're never going to get a corresponding unlock, so unlock // immediately. This keeps the gralloc reference counts sane. unlockNativeBuffer(); } } return data; } void unlockInternal() override { if(nativeBuffer) // Unlock the buffer from ANativeWindowBuffer { LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s.ani", this, __FUNCTION__); unlockNativeBuffer(); } LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s.swsurface", this, __FUNCTION__); sw::Surface::unlockInternal(); } void *lock(int x, int y, int z, sw::Lock lock) override { LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s lock=%d", this, __FUNCTION__, lock); (void)sw::Surface::lockExternal(x, y, z, lock, sw::PUBLIC); return lockNativeBuffer(GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN); } void unlock() override { LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s.ani", this, __FUNCTION__); unlockNativeBuffer(); LOGLOCK("image=%p op=%s.swsurface", this, __FUNCTION__); sw::Surface::unlockExternal(); } void *lockNativeBuffer(int usage) { void *buffer = nullptr; GrallocModule::getInstance()->lock(nativeBuffer->handle, usage, 0, 0, nativeBuffer->width, nativeBuffer->height, &buffer); return buffer; } void unlockNativeBuffer() { GrallocModule::getInstance()->unlock(nativeBuffer->handle); } void release() override { Image::release(); } }; #endif // __ANDROID__ } #endif // egl_Image_hpp