//===- PDBFileBuilder.cpp - PDB File Creation -------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFileBuilder.h" #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MSFBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/GenericError.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/GSIStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBStringTableBuilder.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawError.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStreamBuilder.h" #include "llvm/Support/BinaryStream.h" #include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamWriter.h" #include "llvm/Support/JamCRC.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::codeview; using namespace llvm::msf; using namespace llvm::pdb; using namespace llvm::support; PDBFileBuilder::PDBFileBuilder(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator) : Allocator(Allocator), InjectedSourceHashTraits(Strings), InjectedSourceTable(2, InjectedSourceHashTraits) {} PDBFileBuilder::~PDBFileBuilder() {} Error PDBFileBuilder::initialize(uint32_t BlockSize) { auto ExpectedMsf = MSFBuilder::create(Allocator, BlockSize); if (!ExpectedMsf) return ExpectedMsf.takeError(); Msf = llvm::make_unique(std::move(*ExpectedMsf)); return Error::success(); } MSFBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getMsfBuilder() { return *Msf; } InfoStreamBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getInfoBuilder() { if (!Info) Info = llvm::make_unique(*Msf, NamedStreams); return *Info; } DbiStreamBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getDbiBuilder() { if (!Dbi) Dbi = llvm::make_unique(*Msf); return *Dbi; } TpiStreamBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getTpiBuilder() { if (!Tpi) Tpi = llvm::make_unique(*Msf, StreamTPI); return *Tpi; } TpiStreamBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getIpiBuilder() { if (!Ipi) Ipi = llvm::make_unique(*Msf, StreamIPI); return *Ipi; } PDBStringTableBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getStringTableBuilder() { return Strings; } GSIStreamBuilder &PDBFileBuilder::getGsiBuilder() { if (!Gsi) Gsi = llvm::make_unique(*Msf); return *Gsi; } Expected PDBFileBuilder::allocateNamedStream(StringRef Name, uint32_t Size) { auto ExpectedStream = Msf->addStream(Size); if (ExpectedStream) NamedStreams.set(Name, *ExpectedStream); return ExpectedStream; } Error PDBFileBuilder::addNamedStream(StringRef Name, StringRef Data) { Expected ExpectedIndex = allocateNamedStream(Name, Data.size()); if (!ExpectedIndex) return ExpectedIndex.takeError(); assert(NamedStreamData.count(*ExpectedIndex) == 0); NamedStreamData[*ExpectedIndex] = Data; return Error::success(); } void PDBFileBuilder::addInjectedSource(StringRef Name, std::unique_ptr Buffer) { // Stream names must be exact matches, since they get looked up in a hash // table and the hash value is dependent on the exact contents of the string. // link.exe lowercases a path and converts / to \, so we must do the same. SmallString<64> VName; sys::path::native(Name.lower(), VName); uint32_t NI = getStringTableBuilder().insert(Name); uint32_t VNI = getStringTableBuilder().insert(VName); InjectedSourceDescriptor Desc; Desc.Content = std::move(Buffer); Desc.NameIndex = NI; Desc.VNameIndex = VNI; Desc.StreamName = "/src/files/"; Desc.StreamName += VName; InjectedSources.push_back(std::move(Desc)); } Error PDBFileBuilder::finalizeMsfLayout() { if (Ipi && Ipi->getRecordCount() > 0) { // In theory newer PDBs always have an ID stream, but by saying that we're // only going to *really* have an ID stream if there is at least one ID // record, we leave open the opportunity to test older PDBs such as those // that don't have an ID stream. auto &Info = getInfoBuilder(); Info.addFeature(PdbRaw_FeatureSig::VC140); } uint32_t StringsLen = Strings.calculateSerializedSize(); Expected SN = allocateNamedStream("/LinkInfo", 0); if (!SN) return SN.takeError(); if (Gsi) { if (auto EC = Gsi->finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; if (Dbi) { Dbi->setPublicsStreamIndex(Gsi->getPublicsStreamIndex()); Dbi->setGlobalsStreamIndex(Gsi->getGlobalsStreamIndex()); Dbi->setSymbolRecordStreamIndex(Gsi->getRecordStreamIdx()); } } if (Tpi) { if (auto EC = Tpi->finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; } if (Dbi) { if (auto EC = Dbi->finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; } SN = allocateNamedStream("/names", StringsLen); if (!SN) return SN.takeError(); if (Ipi) { if (auto EC = Ipi->finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; } // Do this last, since it relies on the named stream map being complete, and // that can be updated by previous steps in the finalization. if (Info) { if (auto EC = Info->finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; } if (!InjectedSources.empty()) { for (const auto &IS : InjectedSources) { JamCRC CRC(0); CRC.update(makeArrayRef(IS.Content->getBufferStart(), IS.Content->getBufferSize())); SrcHeaderBlockEntry Entry; ::memset(&Entry, 0, sizeof(SrcHeaderBlockEntry)); Entry.Size = sizeof(SrcHeaderBlockEntry); Entry.FileSize = IS.Content->getBufferSize(); Entry.FileNI = IS.NameIndex; Entry.VFileNI = IS.VNameIndex; Entry.ObjNI = 1; Entry.IsVirtual = 0; Entry.Version = static_cast(PdbRaw_SrcHeaderBlockVer::SrcVerOne); Entry.CRC = CRC.getCRC(); StringRef VName = getStringTableBuilder().getStringForId(IS.VNameIndex); InjectedSourceTable.set_as(VName, std::move(Entry)); } uint32_t SrcHeaderBlockSize = sizeof(SrcHeaderBlockHeader) + InjectedSourceTable.calculateSerializedLength(); SN = allocateNamedStream("/src/headerblock", SrcHeaderBlockSize); if (!SN) return SN.takeError(); for (const auto &IS : InjectedSources) { SN = allocateNamedStream(IS.StreamName, IS.Content->getBufferSize()); if (!SN) return SN.takeError(); } } // Do this last, since it relies on the named stream map being complete, and // that can be updated by previous steps in the finalization. if (Info) { if (auto EC = Info->finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; } return Error::success(); } Expected PDBFileBuilder::getNamedStreamIndex(StringRef Name) const { uint32_t SN = 0; if (!NamedStreams.get(Name, SN)) return llvm::make_error(raw_error_code::no_stream); return SN; } void PDBFileBuilder::commitSrcHeaderBlock(WritableBinaryStream &MsfBuffer, const msf::MSFLayout &Layout) { assert(!InjectedSourceTable.empty()); uint32_t SN = cantFail(getNamedStreamIndex("/src/headerblock")); auto Stream = WritableMappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream( Layout, MsfBuffer, SN, Allocator); BinaryStreamWriter Writer(*Stream); SrcHeaderBlockHeader Header; ::memset(&Header, 0, sizeof(Header)); Header.Version = static_cast(PdbRaw_SrcHeaderBlockVer::SrcVerOne); Header.Size = Writer.bytesRemaining(); cantFail(Writer.writeObject(Header)); cantFail(InjectedSourceTable.commit(Writer)); assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0); } void PDBFileBuilder::commitInjectedSources(WritableBinaryStream &MsfBuffer, const msf::MSFLayout &Layout) { if (InjectedSourceTable.empty()) return; commitSrcHeaderBlock(MsfBuffer, Layout); for (const auto &IS : InjectedSources) { uint32_t SN = cantFail(getNamedStreamIndex(IS.StreamName)); auto SourceStream = WritableMappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream( Layout, MsfBuffer, SN, Allocator); BinaryStreamWriter SourceWriter(*SourceStream); assert(SourceWriter.bytesRemaining() == IS.Content->getBufferSize()); cantFail(SourceWriter.writeBytes( arrayRefFromStringRef(IS.Content->getBuffer()))); } } Error PDBFileBuilder::commit(StringRef Filename) { assert(!Filename.empty()); if (auto EC = finalizeMsfLayout()) return EC; MSFLayout Layout; auto ExpectedMsfBuffer = Msf->commit(Filename, Layout); if (!ExpectedMsfBuffer) return ExpectedMsfBuffer.takeError(); FileBufferByteStream Buffer = std::move(*ExpectedMsfBuffer); auto ExpectedSN = getNamedStreamIndex("/names"); if (!ExpectedSN) return ExpectedSN.takeError(); auto NS = WritableMappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream( Layout, Buffer, *ExpectedSN, Allocator); BinaryStreamWriter NSWriter(*NS); if (auto EC = Strings.commit(NSWriter)) return EC; for (const auto &NSE : NamedStreamData) { if (NSE.second.empty()) continue; auto NS = WritableMappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream( Layout, Buffer, NSE.first, Allocator); BinaryStreamWriter NSW(*NS); if (auto EC = NSW.writeBytes(arrayRefFromStringRef(NSE.second))) return EC; } if (Info) { if (auto EC = Info->commit(Layout, Buffer)) return EC; } if (Dbi) { if (auto EC = Dbi->commit(Layout, Buffer)) return EC; } if (Tpi) { if (auto EC = Tpi->commit(Layout, Buffer)) return EC; } if (Ipi) { if (auto EC = Ipi->commit(Layout, Buffer)) return EC; } if (Gsi) { if (auto EC = Gsi->commit(Layout, Buffer)) return EC; } auto InfoStreamBlocks = Layout.StreamMap[StreamPDB]; assert(!InfoStreamBlocks.empty()); uint64_t InfoStreamFileOffset = blockToOffset(InfoStreamBlocks.front(), Layout.SB->BlockSize); InfoStreamHeader *H = reinterpret_cast( Buffer.getBufferStart() + InfoStreamFileOffset); commitInjectedSources(Buffer, Layout); // Set the build id at the very end, after every other byte of the PDB // has been written. // FIXME: Use a hash of the PDB rather than time(nullptr) for the signature. H->Age = Info->getAge(); H->Guid = Info->getGuid(); Optional Sig = Info->getSignature(); H->Signature = Sig.hasValue() ? *Sig : time(nullptr); return Buffer.commit(); }