# RUN: llc -run-pass=livedebugvalues %s -o - | FileCheck %s # # This test tests tracking variables value transferring from one register to another. # This example is altered additionally in order to test transferring from one float register # to another. The altered instructions are labeled below. # # CHECK: ![[ARG1:.*]] = !DILocalVariable(name: "arg1" # CHECK: ![[ARG2:.*]] = !DILocalVariable(name: "arg2" # CHECK: DBG_VALUE debug-use $s0_64, debug-use $noreg, ![[ARG2]], !DIExpression(), debug-location # CHECK: $s1_64 = OR64 killed $s0_64, $zero_64, debug-location # CHECK-NEXT: DBG_VALUE debug-use $s1_64, debug-use $noreg, ![[ARG2]], !DIExpression(), debug-location # CHECK: DBG_VALUE debug-use $f24, debug-use $noreg, ![[ARG1]], !DIExpression(), debug-location # CHECK: $f26 = FMOV_S killed $f24, debug-location # CHECK-NEXT: DBG_VALUE debug-use $f26, debug-use $noreg, ![[ARG1]], !DIExpression(), debug-location --- | ; ModuleID = 'live-debug-values-reg-copy.ll' source_filename = "live-debug-values-reg-copy.c" target datalayout = "E-m:e-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128" target triple = "mips64-octeon-linux" define float @foo(float %arg1, i32 signext %arg2) local_unnamed_addr !dbg !8 { entry: call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata float %arg1, metadata !14, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !19 call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 %arg2, metadata !15, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !19 %conv = fpext float %arg1 to double, !dbg !19 %cmp = fcmp ogt double %conv, 1.012310e+01, !dbg !19 br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.else, !dbg !19 if.then: ; preds = %entry %call = tail call float @externFunc(float %arg1), !dbg !19 %call5 = tail call i32 @externFunc3(i32 signext %arg2), !dbg !19 %conv6 = sitofp i32 %call5 to float, !dbg !19 %add7 = fadd float %conv6, 0x3FF522D0E0000000, !dbg !19 br label %if.end, !dbg !19 if.else: ; preds = %entry %add8 = fadd float %arg1, 1.000000e+01, !dbg !19 call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata float %add8, metadata !14, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !19 %call9 = tail call float @externFunc2(float %add8), !dbg !19 %call10 = tail call i32 @externFunc4(i32 signext %arg2), !dbg !19 %conv11 = sitofp i32 %call10 to float, !dbg !19 %add12 = fadd float %call9, %conv11, !dbg !19 %call14 = tail call float @externFunc(float %add8), !dbg !19 br label %if.end if.end: ; preds = %if.else, %if.then %local.0 = phi float [ %add7, %if.then ], [ %add12, %if.else ] ret float %local.0, !dbg !19 } declare float @externFunc(float) local_unnamed_addr declare i32 @externFunc3(i32 signext) local_unnamed_addr declare float @externFunc2(float) local_unnamed_addr declare i32 @externFunc4(i32 signext) local_unnamed_addr ; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone speculatable declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata) #0 ; Function Attrs: nounwind declare void @llvm.stackprotector(i8*, i8**) #1 attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone speculatable } attributes #1 = { nounwind } !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!0} !llvm.module.flags = !{!3, !4, !5, !6} !llvm.ident = !{!7} !0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !1, producer: "clang version 7.0.0 ", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !2) !1 = !DIFile(filename: "live-debug-values-reg-copy.c", directory: "/") !2 = !{} !3 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4} !4 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3} !5 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4} !6 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2} !7 = !{!"clang version 7.0.0 "} !8 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", scope: !1, file: !1, line: 6, type: !9, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true, scopeLine: 6, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, isOptimized: true, unit: !0, retainedNodes: !13) !9 = !DISubroutineType(types: !10) !10 = !{!11, !11, !12} !11 = !DIBasicType(name: "float", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_float) !12 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed) !13 = !{!14, !15} !14 = !DILocalVariable(name: "arg1", arg: 1, scope: !8, file: !1, line: 6, type: !11) !15 = !DILocalVariable(name: "arg2", arg: 2, scope: !8, file: !1, line: 6, type: !12) !19 = !DILocation(line: 6, column: 17, scope: !8) ... --- name: foo alignment: 3 exposesReturnsTwice: false legalized: false regBankSelected: false selected: false tracksRegLiveness: false registers: liveins: - { reg: '$f12', virtual-reg: '' } - { reg: '$a1_64', virtual-reg: '' } frameInfo: isFrameAddressTaken: false isReturnAddressTaken: false hasStackMap: false hasPatchPoint: false stackSize: 32 offsetAdjustment: 0 maxAlignment: 8 adjustsStack: true hasCalls: true stackProtector: '' maxCallFrameSize: 0 hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false hasVAStart: false hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false savePoint: '' restorePoint: '' fixedStack: stack: - { id: 0, name: '', type: spill-slot, offset: -8, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '$d25_64', callee-saved-restored: true, debug-info-variable: '', debug-info-expression: '', debug-info-location: '' } - { id: 1, name: '', type: spill-slot, offset: -16, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '$d24_64', callee-saved-restored: true, debug-info-variable: '', debug-info-expression: '', debug-info-location: '' } - { id: 2, name: '', type: spill-slot, offset: -24, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '$ra_64', callee-saved-restored: true, debug-info-variable: '', debug-info-expression: '', debug-info-location: '' } - { id: 3, name: '', type: spill-slot, offset: -32, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '$s0_64', callee-saved-restored: true, debug-info-variable: '', debug-info-expression: '', debug-info-location: '' } constants: - id: 0 value: 'double 1.012310e+01' alignment: 8 isTargetSpecific: false - id: 1 value: 'float 1.000000e+01' alignment: 4 isTargetSpecific: false - id: 2 value: float 0x3FF522D0E0000000 alignment: 4 isTargetSpecific: false body: | bb.0.entry: successors: %bb.1(0x40000000), %bb.2(0x40000000) $sp_64 = DADDiu $sp_64, -32 CFI_INSTRUCTION def_cfa_offset 32 SDC164 killed $d25_64, $sp_64, 24 :: (store 8 into %stack.0) SDC164 killed $d24_64, $sp_64, 16 :: (store 8 into %stack.1) SD killed $ra_64, $sp_64, 8 :: (store 8 into %stack.2) SD killed $s0_64, $sp_64, 0 :: (store 8 into %stack.3) CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $d26_64, -8 CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $d25_64, -4 CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $d25_64, -16 CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $d24_64, -12 CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $ra_64, -24 CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $s0_64, -32 DBG_VALUE debug-use $f12, debug-use $noreg, !14, !DIExpression(), debug-location !19 DBG_VALUE debug-use $a1_64, debug-use $noreg, !15, !DIExpression(), debug-location !19 DBG_VALUE debug-use $s0, debug-use $noreg, !15, !DIExpression(), debug-location !19 DBG_VALUE debug-use $s0_64, debug-use $noreg, !15, !DIExpression(), debug-location !19 DBG_VALUE debug-use $f12, debug-use $noreg, !14, !DIExpression(), debug-location !19 renamable $d0_64 = CVT_D64_S renamable $f12, debug-location !19 renamable $at_64 = LUi64 target-flags(mips-highest) %const.0 renamable $at_64 = DADDiu killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-higher) %const.0 renamable $at_64 = DSLL killed renamable $at_64, 16 renamable $at_64 = DADDiu killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-abs-hi) %const.0 renamable $at_64 = DSLL killed renamable $at_64, 16 renamable $d1_64 = LDC164 killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-abs-lo) %const.0, debug-location !19 :: (load 8 from constant-pool) FCMP_D64 killed renamable $d0_64, killed renamable $d1_64, 7, implicit-def $fcc0, debug-location !19 BC1T killed $fcc0, %bb.2, implicit-def $at, debug-location !19 { $s0_64 = OR64 $a1_64, $zero_64 } bb.1.if.then: successors: %bb.3(0x80000000) JAL @externFunc, csr_n64, implicit-def dead $ra, implicit $f12, implicit-def $sp, implicit-def dead $f0, debug-location !19 { NOP debug-location !19 } JAL @externFunc3, csr_n64, implicit-def dead $ra, implicit $a0_64, implicit-def $sp, implicit-def $v0, debug-location !19 { renamable $a0_64 = SLL64_32 renamable $s0, implicit $s0_64, debug-location !19 } $f0 = MTC1 killed $v0, debug-location !19 $f0 = CVT_S_W killed $f0, debug-location !19 ; This instruction is inserted additionally in order to test moving from one register to another $s1_64 = OR64 killed $s0_64, $zero_64, debug-location !19 renamable $at_64 = LUi64 target-flags(mips-highest) %const.2 renamable $at_64 = DADDiu killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-higher) %const.2 renamable $at_64 = DSLL killed renamable $at_64, 16 renamable $at_64 = DADDiu killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-abs-hi) %const.2 renamable $at_64 = DSLL killed renamable $at_64, 16 renamable $f1 = LWC1 killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-abs-lo) %const.2, debug-location !19 :: (load 4 from constant-pool) J %bb.3, implicit-def dead $at, debug-location !19 { renamable $f0 = FADD_S killed renamable $f0, killed renamable $f1, debug-location !19 } bb.2.if.else: successors: %bb.3(0x80000000) renamable $at_64 = LUi64 target-flags(mips-highest) %const.1 renamable $at_64 = DADDiu killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-higher) %const.1 renamable $at_64 = DSLL killed renamable $at_64, 16 renamable $at_64 = DADDiu killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-abs-hi) %const.1 renamable $at_64 = DSLL killed renamable $at_64, 16 renamable $f0 = LWC1 killed renamable $at_64, target-flags(mips-abs-lo) %const.1, debug-location !19 :: (load 4 from constant-pool) renamable $f24 = FADD_S killed renamable $f12, killed renamable $f0, debug-location !19 DBG_VALUE debug-use $f24, debug-use $noreg, !14, !DIExpression(), debug-location !19 JAL @externFunc2, csr_n64, implicit-def dead $ra, implicit $f12, implicit-def $sp, implicit-def $f0, debug-location !19 { $f12 = FMOV_S $f24, debug-location !19 } $f25 = FMOV_S $f0, debug-location !19 JAL @externFunc4, csr_n64, implicit-def dead $ra, implicit $a0_64, implicit-def $sp, implicit-def $v0, debug-location !19 { renamable $a0_64 = SLL64_32 renamable $s0, implicit killed $s0_64, debug-location !19 } $s0 = OR $v0, $zero, debug-location !19 JAL @externFunc, csr_n64, implicit-def dead $ra, implicit $f12, implicit-def $sp, implicit-def dead $f0, debug-location !19 { $f12 = FMOV_S $f24, debug-location !19 } $f0 = MTC1 killed $s0, debug-location !19 $f0 = CVT_S_W killed $f0, debug-location !19 renamable $f0 = FADD_S renamable $f25, killed renamable $f0, debug-location !19 ; This instruction is inserted additionally in order to test moving variable's value from one float register to another. $f26 = FMOV_S killed $f24, debug-location !19 bb.3.if.end: $s0_64 = LD $sp_64, 0, debug-location !19 :: (load 8 from %stack.3) $ra_64 = LD $sp_64, 8, debug-location !19 :: (load 8 from %stack.2) $d24_64 = LDC164 $sp_64, 16, debug-location !19 :: (load 8 from %stack.1) $d25_64 = LDC164 $sp_64, 24, debug-location !19 :: (load 8 from %stack.0) PseudoReturn64 undef $ra_64, implicit $f0, debug-location !19 { $sp_64 = DADDiu $sp_64, 32 } ...