; RUN: opt -S -sccp < %s | FileCheck %s declare void @BB0_f() declare void @BB1_f() ; Make sure we can eliminate what is in BB0 as we know that the indirectbr is going to BB1. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @indbrtest1( ; CHECK-NOT: call void @BB0_f() ; CHECK: ret void define void @indbrtest1() { entry: indirectbr i8* blockaddress(@indbrtest1, %BB1), [label %BB0, label %BB1] BB0: call void @BB0_f() br label %BB1 BB1: call void @BB1_f() ret void } ; Make sure we can eliminate what is in BB0 as we know that the indirectbr is going to BB1 ; by looking through the casts. The casts should be folded away when they are visited ; before the indirectbr instruction. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @indbrtest2( ; CHECK-NOT: call void @BB0_f() ; CHECK: ret void define void @indbrtest2() { entry: %a = ptrtoint i8* blockaddress(@indbrtest2, %BB1) to i64 %b = inttoptr i64 %a to i8* %c = bitcast i8* %b to i8* indirectbr i8* %b, [label %BB0, label %BB1] BB0: call void @BB0_f() br label %BB1 BB1: call void @BB1_f() ret void } ; Make sure we can not eliminate BB0 as we do not know the target of the indirectbr. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @indbrtest3( ; CHECK: call void @BB0_f() ; CHECK: ret void define void @indbrtest3(i8** %Q) { entry: %t = load i8*, i8** %Q indirectbr i8* %t, [label %BB0, label %BB1] BB0: call void @BB0_f() br label %BB1 BB1: call void @BB1_f() ret void } ; Make sure we eliminate BB1 as we pick the first successor on undef. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @indbrtest4( ; CHECK: call void @BB0_f() ; CHECK: ret void define void @indbrtest4(i8** %Q) { entry: indirectbr i8* undef, [label %BB0, label %BB1] BB0: call void @BB0_f() br label %BB1 BB1: call void @BB1_f() ret void }