# Description: # TensorFlow Java API. package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 load(":build_defs.bzl", "JAVACOPTS") load(":src/gen/gen_ops.bzl", "tf_java_op_gen_srcjar") load( "//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_binary_additional_srcs", "tf_cc_binary", "tf_copts", "tf_custom_op_library", "tf_java_test", "tf_cc_test", ) java_library( name = "tensorflow", srcs = [ ":java_op_sources", ":java_sources", ], data = [":libtensorflow_jni"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, plugins = [":processor"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) # NOTE(ashankar): Rule to include the Java API in the Android Inference Library # .aar. At some point, might make sense for a .aar rule here instead. filegroup( name = "java_sources", srcs = glob([ "src/main/java/org/tensorflow/*.java", "src/main/java/org/tensorflow/types/*.java", ]), visibility = [ "//tensorflow/contrib/android:__pkg__", "//tensorflow/java:__pkg__", ], ) java_plugin( name = "processor", generates_api = True, processor_class = "org.tensorflow.processor.OperatorProcessor", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [":processor_library"], ) java_library( name = "processor_library", srcs = glob(["src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/processor/**/*.java"]), javacopts = JAVACOPTS, resources = glob(["src/gen/resources/META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor"]), deps = [ "@com_google_guava", "@com_squareup_javapoet", ], ) filegroup( name = "java_op_sources", srcs = glob(["src/main/java/org/tensorflow/op/**/*.java"]) + [":java_op_gen_sources"], visibility = [ "//tensorflow/java:__pkg__", ], ) tf_java_op_gen_srcjar( name = "java_op_gen_sources", api_def_srcs = [ "//tensorflow/core/api_def:base_api_def", "//tensorflow/core/api_def:java_api_def", ], base_package = "org.tensorflow.op", gen_tool = ":java_op_gen_tool", ) tf_cc_binary( name = "java_op_gen_tool", srcs = [ "src/gen/cc/op_gen_main.cc", ], copts = tf_copts(), linkopts = select({ "//tensorflow:windows": [], "//conditions:default": ["-lm"], }), linkstatic = 1, deps = [ ":java_op_gen_lib", "//tensorflow/core:framework", "//tensorflow/core:framework_internal", "//tensorflow/core:lib", "//tensorflow/core:ops", ], ) cc_library( name = "java_op_gen_lib", srcs = [ "src/gen/cc/op_generator.cc", "src/gen/cc/op_specs.cc", "src/gen/cc/source_writer.cc", ], hdrs = [ "src/gen/cc/java_defs.h", "src/gen/cc/op_generator.h", "src/gen/cc/op_specs.h", "src/gen/cc/source_writer.h", ], copts = tf_copts(), deps = [ "//tensorflow/core:framework", "//tensorflow/core:framework_internal", "//tensorflow/core:lib", "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal", "//tensorflow/core:op_gen_lib", "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc", "@com_googlesource_code_re2//:re2", ], ) java_library( name = "testutil", testonly = 1, srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/TestUtil.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, deps = [":tensorflow"], ) tf_java_test( name = "GraphTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/GraphTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.GraphTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "OperationBuilderTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/OperationBuilderTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.OperationBuilderTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "OperationTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/OperationTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.OperationTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "SavedModelBundleTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/SavedModelBundleTest.java"], data = ["//tensorflow/cc/saved_model:saved_model_half_plus_two"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.SavedModelBundleTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "SessionTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/SessionTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.SessionTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "ShapeTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/ShapeTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.ShapeTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_custom_op_library( name = "my_test_op.so", srcs = ["src/test/native/my_test_op.cc"], ) tf_java_test( name = "TensorFlowTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/TensorFlowTest.java"], data = [":my_test_op.so"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.TensorFlowTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "TensorTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/TensorTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.TensorTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "ScopeTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/ScopeTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.ScopeTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "PrimitiveOpTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/PrimitiveOpTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.PrimitiveOpTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "OperandsTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/OperandsTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.OperandsTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "ConstantTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/core/ConstantTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.core.ConstantTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "GeneratedOperationsTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/core/GeneratedOperationsTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.core.GeneratedOperationsTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "GradientsTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/core/GradientsTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.core.GradientsTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) tf_java_test( name = "ZerosTest", size = "small", srcs = ["src/test/java/org/tensorflow/op/core/ZerosTest.java"], javacopts = JAVACOPTS, test_class = "org.tensorflow.op.core.ZerosTest", deps = [ ":tensorflow", ":testutil", "@junit", ], ) filegroup( name = "processor_test_resources", srcs = glob([ "src/test/resources/org/tensorflow/**/*.java", "src/main/java/org/tensorflow/op/annotation/Operator.java", ]), ) tf_cc_test( name = "source_writer_test", size = "small", srcs = [ "src/gen/cc/source_writer_test.cc", ], data = [ "src/gen/resources/test.java.snippet", ], deps = [ ":java_op_gen_lib", "//tensorflow/core:lib", "//tensorflow/core:test", "//tensorflow/core:test_main", ], ) filegroup( name = "libtensorflow_jni", srcs = select({ "//tensorflow:windows": [":tensorflow_jni.dll"], "//tensorflow:macos": [":libtensorflow_jni.dylib"], "//conditions:default": [":libtensorflow_jni.so"], }), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) LINKER_VERSION_SCRIPT = ":config/version_script.lds" LINKER_EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ":config/exported_symbols.lds" tf_cc_binary( name = "tensorflow_jni", # Set linker options to strip out anything except the JNI # symbols from the library. This reduces the size of the library # considerably (~50% as of January 2017). linkopts = select({ "//tensorflow:debug": [], # Disable all custom linker options in debug mode "//tensorflow:macos": [ "-Wl,-exported_symbols_list,$(location {})".format(LINKER_EXPORTED_SYMBOLS), ], "//tensorflow:windows": [], "//conditions:default": [ "-z defs", "-s", "-Wl,--version-script,$(location {})".format(LINKER_VERSION_SCRIPT), ], }), linkshared = 1, linkstatic = 1, per_os_targets = True, deps = [ "//tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_server_lib", "//tensorflow/java/src/main/native", LINKER_VERSION_SCRIPT, LINKER_EXPORTED_SYMBOLS, ], ) genrule( name = "pom", outs = ["pom.xml"], cmd = "$(location generate_pom) >$@", output_to_bindir = 1, tools = [":generate_pom"] + tf_binary_additional_srcs(), ) tf_cc_binary( name = "generate_pom", srcs = ["generate_pom.cc"], deps = ["//tensorflow/c:c_api"], )