# Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import fnmatch import imp import os from . import command from . import statusfile from . import utils from ..objects.testcase import TestCase from .variants import ALL_VARIANTS, ALL_VARIANT_FLAGS STANDARD_VARIANT = set(["default"]) class VariantsGenerator(object): def __init__(self, variants): self._all_variants = [v for v in variants if v in ALL_VARIANTS] self._standard_variant = [v for v in variants if v in STANDARD_VARIANT] def gen(self, test): """Generator producing (variant, flags, procid suffix) tuples.""" flags_set = self._get_flags_set(test) for n, variant in enumerate(self._get_variants(test)): yield (variant, flags_set[variant][0], n) def _get_flags_set(self, test): return ALL_VARIANT_FLAGS def _get_variants(self, test): if test.only_standard_variant: return self._standard_variant return self._all_variants class TestCombiner(object): def get_group_key(self, test): """To indicate what tests can be combined with each other we define a group key for each test. Tests with the same group key can be combined. Test without a group key (None) is not combinable with any other test. """ raise NotImplementedError() def combine(self, name, tests): """Returns test combined from `tests`. Since we identify tests by their suite and name, `name` parameter should be unique within one suite. """ return self._combined_test_class()(name, tests) def _combined_test_class(self): raise NotImplementedError() class TestSuite(object): @staticmethod def LoadTestSuite(root, test_config): name = root.split(os.path.sep)[-1] f = None try: (f, pathname, description) = imp.find_module("testcfg", [root]) module = imp.load_module(name + "_testcfg", f, pathname, description) return module.GetSuite(name, root, test_config) finally: if f: f.close() def __init__(self, name, root, test_config): self.name = name # string self.root = root # string containing path self.test_config = test_config self.tests = None # list of TestCase objects self.statusfile = None self.suppress_internals = False def status_file(self): return "%s/%s.status" % (self.root, self.name) def do_suppress_internals(self): """Specifies if this test suite should suppress asserts based on internals. Internals are e.g. testing against the outcome of native runtime functions. This is switched off on some fuzzers that violate these contracts. """ self.suppress_internals = True def ListTests(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_variants_gen(self, variants): return self._variants_gen_class()(variants) def _variants_gen_class(self): return VariantsGenerator def test_combiner_available(self): return bool(self._test_combiner_class()) def get_test_combiner(self): cls = self._test_combiner_class() if cls: return cls() return None def _test_combiner_class(self): """Returns Combiner subclass. None if suite doesn't support combining tests. """ return None def ReadStatusFile(self, variables): self.statusfile = statusfile.StatusFile(self.status_file(), variables) def ReadTestCases(self): self.tests = self.ListTests() def FilterTestCasesByStatus(self, slow_tests_mode=None, pass_fail_tests_mode=None): """Filters tests by outcomes from status file. Status file has to be loaded before using this function. Args: slow_tests_mode: What to do with slow tests. pass_fail_tests_mode: What to do with pass or fail tests. Mode options: None (default) - don't skip "skip" - skip if slow/pass_fail "run" - skip if not slow/pass_fail """ def _skip_slow(is_slow, mode): return ( (mode == 'run' and not is_slow) or (mode == 'skip' and is_slow)) def _skip_pass_fail(pass_fail, mode): return ( (mode == 'run' and not pass_fail) or (mode == 'skip' and pass_fail)) def _compliant(test): if test.do_skip: return False if _skip_slow(test.is_slow, slow_tests_mode): return False if _skip_pass_fail(test.is_pass_or_fail, pass_fail_tests_mode): return False return True self.tests = filter(_compliant, self.tests) def FilterTestCasesByArgs(self, args): """Filter test cases based on command-line arguments. args can be a glob: asterisks in any position of the argument represent zero or more characters. Without asterisks, only exact matches will be used with the exeption of the test-suite name as argument. """ filtered = [] globs = [] for a in args: argpath = a.split('/') if argpath[0] != self.name: continue if len(argpath) == 1 or (len(argpath) == 2 and argpath[1] == '*'): return # Don't filter, run all tests in this suite. path = '/'.join(argpath[1:]) globs.append(path) for t in self.tests: for g in globs: if fnmatch.fnmatch(t.path, g): filtered.append(t) break self.tests = filtered def _create_test(self, path, **kwargs): if self.suppress_internals: test_class = self._suppressed_test_class() else: test_class = self._test_class() return test_class(self, path, self._path_to_name(path), self.test_config, **kwargs) def _suppressed_test_class(self): """Optional testcase that suppresses assertions. Used by fuzzers that are only interested in dchecks or tsan and that might violate the assertions through fuzzing. """ return self._test_class() def _test_class(self): raise NotImplementedError def _path_to_name(self, path): if utils.IsWindows(): return path.replace("\\", "/") return path