List of effect libraries to load. Each library element must have "name" and "path" attributes. The latter is giving the path of the library .so file relative to the standard effect folders: /(vendor|odm|system)/lib(64)?/soundfx/ Example for a library in "/vendor/lib/soundfx/": List of effects to load. Each effect element must contain "name", "library", and "uuid" attrs. The value of the "library" attr must correspond to the name of a "library" element. The name of the effect element is indicative, only the value of the "uuid" element designates the effect for the audio framework. The uuid is the implementation specific UUID as specified by the effect vendor. This is not the generic effect type UUID. For effect proxy implementations, SW and HW implemetations of the effect can be specified. Example: Audio preprocessing configuration. The processing configuration consists of a list of elements each describing processing settings for a given input stream. Valid input stream types are listed in "streamInputType". Each stream element contains a list of "apply" elements. The value of the "effect" attr must correspond to the name of an "effect" element. Example: Audio postprocessing configuration. The processing configuration consists of a list of elements each describing processing settings for a given output stream. Valid output stream types are listed in "streamOutputType". Each stream element contains a list of "apply" elements. The value of the "effect" attr must correspond to the name of an "effect" element. Example: