/* Copyright (c) 2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "QCameraHAL3MainTestContext.h" #include "QCameraHAL3Base.h" namespace qcamera { #define MAX_CAMERA_SUPPORTED 20 const CAMERA_BASE_MENU_TBL_T camera_main_menu_tbl[] = { {MENU_START_PREVIEW, "To Start Preview"}, {MENU_START_VIDEO, "To Start Video"}, {MENU_START_CAPTURE, "To Capture(Non-ZSL)"}, {MENU_START_RAW_CAPTURE, "To Raw Capture"}, {MENU_TOGGLE_IR_MODE, "Toggle IR Mode"}, {MENU_TOGGLE_SVHDR_MODE, "Toggle SVHDR Mode"}, {MENU_TOGGLE_BINNING_CORRECTION, "Toggle Binning Correction"}, {MENU_EXIT, "EXIT"}, }; const HAL3TEST_SENSOR_MENU_TBL_T sensor_tbl[] = { {"Rear Camera"}, {"Front Camera"}, }; CameraHAL3Base *mCamHal3Base = NULL; pthread_mutex_t gCamLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; MainTestContext::MainTestContext() { mTestRunning = false; mCamHal3Base = NULL; irmode = 0; svhdrmode = 0; } int MainTestContext::hal3appGetUserEvent() { int choice; int rc = 0, req_capture = 0; int preview_restart; uint8_t num_of_cameras; if (mCamHal3Base != NULL) { delete mCamHal3Base; } mCamHal3Base = new CameraHAL3Base(0); num_of_cameras = mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraTestLoad(); if ((num_of_cameras <= 0) && (num_of_cameras >= MAX_CAMERA_SUPPORTED)) { LOGE("\n Supported Camera Value is wrong : %d", num_of_cameras); printf("\n Invalid Number Of Cameras"); goto exit; } else { choice = hal3appDisplaySensorMenu(num_of_cameras); if (choice >= num_of_cameras || choice < 0) { printf("\n Unsupported Parameter"); goto exit; } else { mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex = choice; rc = mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraLibOpen(choice); } } do { choice = hal3appPrintMenu(); switch(choice) { case MENU_START_PREVIEW: mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraPreviewInit(MENU_START_PREVIEW, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT); mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning = 1; mCamHal3Base->mVideoRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mSnapShotRunning = 0; break; case MENU_START_VIDEO: mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraVideoInit(MENU_START_VIDEO, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT); mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mVideoRunning = 1; mCamHal3Base->mSnapShotRunning = 0; break; case MENU_START_CAPTURE: hal3appDisplaySnapshotMenu(); req_capture = 1; preview_restart = 0; if (mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning == 1) { preview_restart = 1; } mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraCaptureInit(0, 0, req_capture); mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mVideoRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mSnapShotRunning = 1; if (preview_restart == 1) { mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraPreviewInit(MENU_START_PREVIEW, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT); mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning = 1; mCamHal3Base->mVideoRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mSnapShotRunning = 0; } break; case MENU_START_RAW_CAPTURE: hal3appDisplayRawCaptureMenu(); req_capture = 3; mCamHal3Base->hal3appRawCaptureInit(0, 0, req_capture); mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mVideoRunning = 0; mCamHal3Base->mSnapShotRunning = 1; break; case MENU_TOGGLE_IR_MODE: if(mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning == 0) printf(" Cant set IR/SVHDR mode in preview mode only"); else { irmode = !irmode; printf("\n Switching IR/SVHDR mode to %s",(irmode ? "On" : "Off")); ALOGE("\n Switching IR/SVHDR mode to %s and %d", (irmode ? "On" : "Off"),irmode); mCamHal3Base->ir_mode = irmode; mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraPreviewInit(MENU_TOGGLE_IR_MODE, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT); } break; case MENU_TOGGLE_SVHDR_MODE: if(mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning == 0) printf(" Cant set IR/SVHDR mode in preview mode only"); else { svhdrmode = !svhdrmode; printf("\n Switching IR/SVHDR mode to %s",(svhdrmode ? "On" : "Off")); ALOGE("\n Switching IR/SVHDR mode to %s and %d", (svhdrmode ? "On" : "Off"),svhdrmode); mCamHal3Base->svhdr_mode = svhdrmode; mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraPreviewInit(MENU_TOGGLE_SVHDR_MODE, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT); } break; case MENU_TOGGLE_BINNING_CORRECTION: if (mCamHal3Base->binning_mode == 0) mCamHal3Base->binning_mode = 1; else mCamHal3Base->binning_mode = 0; LOGE(" Toggling Binning mode to :%d",mCamHal3Base->binning_mode); printf(" Toggling to Binning mode :%d",mCamHal3Base->binning_mode ); if(mCamHal3Base->mPreviewRunning == 1) mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraPreviewInit(MENU_TOGGLE_BINNING_CORRECTION, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT); if(mCamHal3Base->mVideoRunning == 1) mCamHal3Base->hal3appCameraVideoInit(MENU_TOGGLE_BINNING_CORRECTION, mCamHal3Base->mCameraIndex, VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT); break; case MENU_EXIT: hal3appDisplayExitMenu(); break; default: printf("\n Option not in Menu\n"); } }while(choice != MENU_EXIT); exit: return 0; } int MainTestContext::hal3appDisplaySensorMenu(uint8_t num_of_cameras) { int i, choice; printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf(" Camera Sensor to be used: \n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); for ( i=0;i < num_of_cameras; i++) { if (i <= 1) { printf("\n Press %d to select %s", (i), sensor_tbl[i].menu_name); } else { printf("\n Press %d to select Camera%d", (i), i); } } printf("\n Enter your Choice:"); fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice); return choice; } void MainTestContext::hal3appDisplayCapabilityMenu() { printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf(" Sensor Capabilty are dumped at location:\n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); } int MainTestContext::hal3appDisplayPreviewMenu() { int choice; printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf("Select Camera Preview Resolution:\n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); printf("========Select Preview Resolutions================\n"); printf("\nPress 1 .Aspect Ratio(4:3) Resolution 1440 X 1080"); printf("\nPress 2 .Aspect Ratio(16:9) Resolution 1920 X 1080"); printf("\n Enter your Choice:"); fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice); return choice; } int MainTestContext::hal3appDisplayVideoMenu() { int choice1; printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf("Testing Camera Recording on Different Resolution:\n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); printf("========Select Video Resolutions================\n"); printf("\nPress 1 .Aspect Ratio(4:3) Resolution 640 X 480"); printf("\nPress 2 .Aspect Ratio(16:9) Resolution 1920 X 1080"); printf("\nPress 3 .To select both"); printf("\n Enter your Choice:"); fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice1); return choice1; } void MainTestContext::hal3appDisplayRawCaptureMenu() { printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf("Testing RAW Camera Capture on Different Resolution::\n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); } void MainTestContext::hal3appDisplaySnapshotMenu() { printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf("Testing Normal Camera Capture on Resolution 5344 X 4008\n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); } void MainTestContext::hal3appDisplayExitMenu() { printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf(" Exiting HAL3 APP test \n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); } int MainTestContext::hal3appPrintMenu() { int i, choice = 0; char ch = '0'; printf("\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); printf(" HAL3 MENU \n"); printf("===========================================\n\n"); for ( i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(camera_main_menu_tbl)/sizeof(camera_main_menu_tbl[0])); i++) { printf("\n Press %d to select %s", (i+1), camera_main_menu_tbl[i].menu_name); } printf("\n Enter your Choice:"); do { std::cin >> ch; } while(!(ch >= '1' && ch <= '9')); choice = ch -'0'; return choice; } } int main() { char tc_buf[3]; int mode = 0; int rc = 0; qcamera::MainTestContext main_ctx; printf("Please Select Execution Mode:\n"); printf("0: Menu Based 1: Regression\n"); printf("\n Enter your choice:"); fgets(tc_buf, 3, stdin); mode = tc_buf[0] - '0'; if (mode == 0) { printf("\nStarting Menu based!!\n"); } else { printf("\nPlease Enter 0 or 1\n"); printf("\nExisting the App!!\n"); exit(1); } rc = main_ctx.hal3appGetUserEvent(); printf("Exiting application\n"); return rc; }