/* Copyright (c) 2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "QCameraHAL3VideoTest.h" #include "QCameraHAL3MainTestContext.h" namespace qcamera { extern hal3_camera_lib_test *CamObj_handle; buffer_thread_t Video_thread; int video_req_sent; extern pthread_cond_t mRequestAppCond; extern int test_case_end; extern bool thread_exit; extern std::list VideoQueue; int video_buffer_allocated; extern pthread_mutex_t TestAppLock, mCaptureRequestLock; extern int snapshot_buffer; QCameraHAL3VideoTest::QCameraHAL3VideoTest(int camid) : QCameraHAL3Test(0), mVideoHandle(NULL), mCaptureHandle(NULL), mVideoStream(NULL), mCameraId(camid), binning_mode(0) { } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::initTest(hal3_camera_lib_test *handle, int testcase, int camid, int w, int h) { int i; CamObj_handle = handle; thread_exit = 0; test_case_end = 0; LOGD("\n buffer thread created for testcase %d %d and %d ",testcase, w, h); configureVideoStream(&(handle->test_obj), camid, w, h); LOGD("\n video stream configured"); constructDefaultRequest(&(handle->test_obj), camid); LOGD("pipeline_depth is %d", mPipelineDepthVideo); mVideoHandle = new native_handle_t *[mPipelineDepthVideo]; for (i = 0; i < mPipelineDepthVideo; i++) { mVideoHandle[i] = new native_handle_t; } for (i = 0, video_req_sent = 1; i < mPipelineDepthVideo; i++, video_req_sent++) { vidoeAllocateBuffers(width, height, i); VideoQueue.push_back(i); } LOGD(" Request Number is : %d ",mRequest.frame_number); mRequest.frame_number = 0; videoProcessThreadCreate(handle); } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::snapshotCaptureRequest(hal3_camera_lib_test *handle, int testcase, int camid, int w, int h) { LOGD("Requested Capture Sizes for testcase:%d are :%d X %d",testcase, w, h); captureRequestRepeat(handle, camid, MENU_START_CAPTURE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mCaptureRequestLock); } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::configureVideoStream(hal3_camera_test_obj_t *my_test_obj, int camid, int w, int h) { camera3_device_t *device_handle = my_test_obj->device; mVideoStream = new camera3_stream_t; memset(mVideoStream, 0, sizeof(camera3_stream_t)); mVideoStream = initStream(CAMERA3_STREAM_OUTPUT, camid, w, h, FLAGS_VIDEO_ENCODER, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED, HAL3_DATASPACE_UNKNOWN); mVideoConfig = configureStream(CAMERA3_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_NORMAL_MODE, 1); mVideoConfig.streams[0] = mVideoStream; device_handle->ops->configure_streams(my_test_obj->device, &(mVideoConfig)); mPipelineDepthVideo = mVideoConfig.streams[0]->max_buffers; video_buffer_allocated = mPipelineDepthVideo; } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::constructDefaultRequest( hal3_camera_test_obj_t *my_test_obj, int camid) { camera3_device_t *device_handle = my_test_obj->device; LOGD("Camera ID : %d",camid); mMetaDataPtr[0] = device_handle->ops->construct_default_request_settings( my_test_obj->device, CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_VIDEO_RECORD); mMetaDataPtr[1] = device_handle->ops->construct_default_request_settings(my_test_obj->device, CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE); } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::captureRequestRepeat( hal3_camera_lib_test *my_hal3test_obj, int camid, int testcase) { int num1, num2; int binning_mode_changed; hal3_camera_test_obj_t *my_test_obj = &(my_hal3test_obj->test_obj); camera3_device_t *device_handle = my_test_obj->device; if (testcase == MENU_START_VIDEO) { if (VideoQueue.empty()) { LOGE("no Video buffer for CamID : %d", camid); } else { if (test_case_end == 0) { LOGD(" Request Number is : %d ", mRequest.frame_number); pthread_mutex_lock(&mCaptureRequestLock); num2 = VideoQueue.front(); VideoQueue.pop_front(); num1 = mRequest.frame_number; binning_mode_changed = get_binning_mode(binning_mode); if (num1 < 1) { (mRequest).settings = mMetaDataPtr[0]; } else if(binning_mode_changed == 1) { hal3app_video_settings = mMetaDataPtr[0]; hal3app_video_settings.update(QCAMERA3_BINNING_CORRECTION_MODE, &binning_mode, 1); (mRequest).settings = hal3app_video_settings.release(); } else { (mRequest).settings = NULL; } (mRequest).input_buffer = NULL; (mRequest).num_output_buffers = 1; mVideoStreamBuffs.stream = mVideoStream; mVideoStreamBuffs.status = 0; mVideoStreamBuffs.buffer = (const native_handle_t**)&mVideoHandle[num2]; mVideoStreamBuffs.release_fence = -1; mVideoStreamBuffs.acquire_fence = -1; (mRequest).output_buffers = &(mVideoStreamBuffs); LOGD("Calling HAL3APP repeat capture request %d and %d and free buffer :%d " , num1, num2, VideoQueue.size()); device_handle->ops->process_capture_request(my_test_obj->device, &(mRequest)); (mRequest.frame_number)++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mCaptureRequestLock); } } } else { snapshot_buffer = mRequest.frame_number; (mRequest).settings = mMetaDataPtr[1]; mSnapshotStreamBuffs = hal3appGetStreamBuffs(mSnapshotStream); mSnapshotStreamBuffs.buffer = (const native_handle_t**)&mCaptureHandle; mRequest = hal3appGetRequestSettings(&mSnapshotStreamBuffs, 1); LOGD("Calling snap HAL3APP repeat capture request repeat %d ", snapshot_buffer); device_handle->ops->process_capture_request(my_test_obj->device, &(mRequest)); (mRequest.frame_number)++; } } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::videoTestEnd( hal3_camera_lib_test *my_hal3test_obj, int camid) { test_case_end = 1; hal3_camera_test_obj_t *my_test_obj = &(my_hal3test_obj->test_obj); camera3_device_t *device_handle = my_test_obj->device; device_handle->ops->flush(my_test_obj->device); LOGD("%s Closing Camera %d", __func__, camid); ioctl(mVideoMeminfo.ion_fd, ION_IOC_FREE, &mVideoMeminfo.ion_handle); close(mVideoMeminfo.ion_fd); mVideoMeminfo.ion_fd = -1; LOGD("%s Closing thread", __func__); thread_exit = 1; } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::vidoeAllocateBuffers(int height, int width, int num) { mVideoHandle[num] = allocateBuffers(width, height, &mVideoMeminfo); } void QCameraHAL3VideoTest::snapshotAllocateBuffers(int width, int height) { mCaptureHandle = allocateBuffers(width, height, &mCaptureMemInfo); } int QCameraHAL3VideoTest::get_binning_mode(int32_t binning_mode) { static int prev_binning; if(binning_mode == prev_binning) return 0; else { ALOGE("setting binning mode in video:%d", binning_mode); prev_binning = binning_mode; return 1; } } bool QCameraHAL3VideoTest::videoProcessThreadCreate( hal3_camera_lib_test *handle) { if(handle == NULL) { LOGD("Camera Hanle is NULL"); } processThreadCreate(this, MENU_START_VIDEO); return 1; } QCameraHAL3VideoTest::~QCameraHAL3VideoTest() { } }