/* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mm_camera_dbg.h" #include "mm_camera_interface.h" #include "mm_camera.h" typedef enum { /* poll entries updated */ MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED, /* poll entries updated asynchronous */ MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED_ASYNC, /* commit updates */ MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_COMMIT, /* exit */ MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_EXIT, /* max count */ MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_MAX } mm_camera_pipe_cmd_type_t; typedef enum { MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_STOPPED, MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_POLL, /* polling pid in polling state. */ MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_MAX } mm_camera_poll_task_state_type_t; typedef struct { uint32_t cmd; mm_camera_event_t event; } mm_camera_sig_evt_t; /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_sig_async * * DESCRIPTION: Asynchoronous call to send a command through pipe. * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * @cmd : command to be sent * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * 0 -- success * -1 -- failure *==========================================================================*/ static int32_t mm_camera_poll_sig_async(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb, uint32_t cmd) { /* send through pipe */ /* get the mutex */ mm_camera_sig_evt_t cmd_evt; LOGD("E cmd = %d",cmd); memset(&cmd_evt, 0, sizeof(cmd_evt)); cmd_evt.cmd = cmd; pthread_mutex_lock(&poll_cb->mutex); /* reset the statue to false */ poll_cb->status = FALSE; /* send cmd to worker */ ssize_t len = write(poll_cb->pfds[1], &cmd_evt, sizeof(cmd_evt)); if (len < 1) { LOGW("len = %lld, errno = %d", (long long int)len, errno); /* Avoid waiting for the signal */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&poll_cb->mutex); return 0; } LOGD("begin IN mutex write done, len = %lld", (long long int)len); pthread_mutex_unlock(&poll_cb->mutex); LOGD("X"); return 0; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_sig * * DESCRIPTION: synchorinzed call to send a command through pipe. * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * @cmd : command to be sent * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * 0 -- success * -1 -- failure *==========================================================================*/ static int32_t mm_camera_poll_sig(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb, uint32_t cmd) { /* send through pipe */ /* get the mutex */ mm_camera_sig_evt_t cmd_evt; LOGD("E cmd = %d",cmd); memset(&cmd_evt, 0, sizeof(cmd_evt)); cmd_evt.cmd = cmd; pthread_mutex_lock(&poll_cb->mutex); /* reset the statue to false */ poll_cb->status = FALSE; /* send cmd to worker */ ssize_t len = write(poll_cb->pfds[1], &cmd_evt, sizeof(cmd_evt)); if(len < 1) { LOGW("len = %lld, errno = %d", (long long int)len, errno); /* Avoid waiting for the signal */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&poll_cb->mutex); return 0; } LOGD("begin IN mutex write done, len = %lld", (long long int)len); /* wait till worker task gives positive signal */ if (FALSE == poll_cb->status) { LOGD("wait"); pthread_cond_wait(&poll_cb->cond_v, &poll_cb->mutex); } /* done */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&poll_cb->mutex); LOGD("X"); return 0; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_sig * * DESCRIPTION: signal the status of done * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ static void mm_camera_poll_sig_done(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb) { pthread_mutex_lock(&poll_cb->mutex); poll_cb->status = TRUE; pthread_cond_signal(&poll_cb->cond_v); LOGD("done, in mutex"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&poll_cb->mutex); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_set_state * * DESCRIPTION: set a polling state * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * @state : polling state (stopped/polling) * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ static void mm_camera_poll_set_state(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb, mm_camera_poll_task_state_type_t state) { poll_cb->state = state; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_proc_pipe * * DESCRIPTION: polling thread routine to process pipe * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ static void mm_camera_poll_proc_pipe(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb) { ssize_t read_len; int i; mm_camera_sig_evt_t cmd_evt; read_len = read(poll_cb->pfds[0], &cmd_evt, sizeof(cmd_evt)); LOGD("read_fd = %d, read_len = %d, expect_len = %d cmd = %d", poll_cb->pfds[0], (int)read_len, (int)sizeof(cmd_evt), cmd_evt.cmd); switch (cmd_evt.cmd) { case MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED: case MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED_ASYNC: /* we always have index 0 for pipe read */ poll_cb->num_fds = 0; poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].fd = poll_cb->pfds[0]; poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].events = POLLIN|POLLRDNORM|POLLPRI; poll_cb->num_fds++; if (MM_CAMERA_POLL_TYPE_EVT == poll_cb->poll_type && poll_cb->num_fds < MAX_STREAM_NUM_IN_BUNDLE) { if (poll_cb->poll_entries[0].fd >= 0) { /* fd is valid, we update poll_fds */ poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].fd = poll_cb->poll_entries[0].fd; poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].events = POLLIN|POLLRDNORM|POLLPRI; poll_cb->num_fds++; } } else if (MM_CAMERA_POLL_TYPE_DATA == poll_cb->poll_type && poll_cb->num_fds <= MAX_STREAM_NUM_IN_BUNDLE) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_STREAM_NUM_IN_BUNDLE; i++) { if(poll_cb->poll_entries[i].fd >= 0) { /* fd is valid, we update poll_fds to this fd */ poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].fd = poll_cb->poll_entries[i].fd; poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].events = POLLIN|POLLRDNORM|POLLPRI; poll_cb->num_fds++; } else { /* fd is invalid, we set the entry to -1 to prevent polling. * According to spec, polling will not poll on entry with fd=-1. * If this is not the case, we need to skip these invalid fds * when updating this array. * We still keep fd=-1 in this array because this makes easier to * map cb associated with this fd once incoming data avail by directly * using the index-1(0 is reserved for pipe read, so need to reduce index by 1) */ poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].fd = -1; poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds].events = 0; poll_cb->num_fds++; } } } if (cmd_evt.cmd != MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED_ASYNC) mm_camera_poll_sig_done(poll_cb); break; case MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_COMMIT: mm_camera_poll_sig_done(poll_cb); break; case MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_EXIT: default: mm_camera_poll_set_state(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_STOPPED); mm_camera_poll_sig_done(poll_cb); break; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_fn * * DESCRIPTION: polling thread routine * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ static void *mm_camera_poll_fn(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb) { int rc = 0, i; if (NULL == poll_cb) { LOGE("poll_cb is NULL!\n"); return NULL; } LOGD("poll type = %d, num_fd = %d poll_cb = %p\n", poll_cb->poll_type, poll_cb->num_fds,poll_cb); do { for(i = 0; i < poll_cb->num_fds; i++) { poll_cb->poll_fds[i].events = POLLIN|POLLRDNORM|POLLPRI; } rc = poll(poll_cb->poll_fds, poll_cb->num_fds, poll_cb->timeoutms); if(rc > 0) { if ((poll_cb->poll_fds[0].revents & POLLIN) && (poll_cb->poll_fds[0].revents & POLLRDNORM)) { /* if we have data on pipe, we only process pipe in this iteration */ LOGD("cmd received on pipe\n"); mm_camera_poll_proc_pipe(poll_cb); } else { for(i=1; inum_fds; i++) { /* Checking for ctrl events */ if ((poll_cb->poll_type == MM_CAMERA_POLL_TYPE_EVT) && (poll_cb->poll_fds[i].revents & POLLPRI)) { LOGD("mm_camera_evt_notify\n"); if (NULL != poll_cb->poll_entries[i-1].notify_cb) { poll_cb->poll_entries[i-1].notify_cb(poll_cb->poll_entries[i-1].user_data); } } if ((MM_CAMERA_POLL_TYPE_DATA == poll_cb->poll_type) && (poll_cb->poll_fds[i].revents & POLLIN) && (poll_cb->poll_fds[i].revents & POLLRDNORM)) { LOGD("mm_stream_data_notify\n"); if (NULL != poll_cb->poll_entries[i-1].notify_cb) { poll_cb->poll_entries[i-1].notify_cb(poll_cb->poll_entries[i-1].user_data); } } } } } else { /* in error case sleep 10 us and then continue. hard coded here */ usleep(10); continue; } } while ((poll_cb != NULL) && (poll_cb->state == MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_POLL)); return NULL; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_thread * * DESCRIPTION: polling thread entry function * * PARAMETERS : * @data : ptr to poll thread object * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ static void *mm_camera_poll_thread(void *data) { mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb = (mm_camera_poll_thread_t *)data; mm_camera_cmd_thread_name(poll_cb->threadName); /* add pipe read fd into poll first */ poll_cb->poll_fds[poll_cb->num_fds++].fd = poll_cb->pfds[0]; mm_camera_poll_sig_done(poll_cb); mm_camera_poll_set_state(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_POLL); return mm_camera_poll_fn(poll_cb); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_thread * * DESCRIPTION: notify the polling thread that entries for polling fd have * been updated * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ int32_t mm_camera_poll_thread_notify_entries_updated(mm_camera_poll_thread_t * poll_cb) { /* send poll entries updated signal to poll thread */ return mm_camera_poll_sig(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_thread_commit_updates * * DESCRIPTION: sync with all previously pending async updates * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * 0 -- success * -1 -- failure *==========================================================================*/ int32_t mm_camera_poll_thread_commit_updates(mm_camera_poll_thread_t * poll_cb) { return mm_camera_poll_sig(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_COMMIT); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd * * DESCRIPTION: add a new fd into polling thread * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * @idx : Object index. * @handler : stream handle if channel data polling thread, * 0 if event polling thread * @fd : file descriptor need to be added into polling thread * @notify_cb : callback function to handle if any notify from fd * @userdata : user data ptr * @call_type : Whether its Synchronous or Asynchronous call * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ int32_t mm_camera_poll_thread_add_poll_fd(mm_camera_poll_thread_t * poll_cb, uint8_t idx, uint32_t handler, int32_t fd, mm_camera_poll_notify_t notify_cb, void* userdata, mm_camera_call_type_t call_type) { int32_t rc = -1; if (MAX_STREAM_NUM_IN_BUNDLE > idx) { poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].fd = fd; poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].handler = handler; poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].notify_cb = notify_cb; poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].user_data = userdata; /* send poll entries updated signal to poll thread */ if (call_type == mm_camera_sync_call ) { rc = mm_camera_poll_sig(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED); } else { rc = mm_camera_poll_sig_async(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED_ASYNC ); } } else { LOGE("invalid handler %d (%d)", handler, idx); } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : mm_camera_poll_thread_del_poll_fd * * DESCRIPTION: delete a fd from polling thread * * PARAMETERS : * @poll_cb : ptr to poll thread object * @idx : Object index. * @handler : stream handle if channel data polling thread, * 0 if event polling thread * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * 0 -- success * -1 -- failure *==========================================================================*/ int32_t mm_camera_poll_thread_del_poll_fd(mm_camera_poll_thread_t * poll_cb, uint8_t idx, uint32_t handler, mm_camera_call_type_t call_type) { int32_t rc = -1; if ((MAX_STREAM_NUM_IN_BUNDLE > idx) && (handler == poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].handler)) { /* reset poll entry */ poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].fd = -1; /* set fd to invalid */ poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].handler = 0; poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].notify_cb = NULL; /* send poll entries updated signal to poll thread */ if (call_type == mm_camera_sync_call ) { rc = mm_camera_poll_sig(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED); } else { rc = mm_camera_poll_sig_async(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_POLL_ENTRIES_UPDATED_ASYNC ); } } else { if ((MAX_STREAM_NUM_IN_BUNDLE <= idx) || (poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].handler != 0)) { LOGE("invalid handler %d (%d)", poll_cb->poll_entries[idx].handler, idx); rc = -1; } else { LOGW("invalid handler %d (%d)", handler, idx); rc = 0; } } return rc; } int32_t mm_camera_poll_thread_launch(mm_camera_poll_thread_t * poll_cb, mm_camera_poll_thread_type_t poll_type) { int32_t rc = 0; size_t i = 0, cnt = 0; poll_cb->poll_type = poll_type; //Initialize poll_fds cnt = sizeof(poll_cb->poll_fds) / sizeof(poll_cb->poll_fds[0]); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { poll_cb->poll_fds[i].fd = -1; } //Initialize poll_entries cnt = sizeof(poll_cb->poll_entries) / sizeof(poll_cb->poll_entries[0]); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { poll_cb->poll_entries[i].fd = -1; } //Initialize pipe fds poll_cb->pfds[0] = -1; poll_cb->pfds[1] = -1; rc = pipe(poll_cb->pfds); if(rc < 0) { LOGE("pipe open rc=%d\n", rc); return -1; } poll_cb->timeoutms = -1; /* Infinite seconds */ LOGD("poll_type = %d, read fd = %d, write fd = %d timeout = %d", poll_cb->poll_type, poll_cb->pfds[0], poll_cb->pfds[1],poll_cb->timeoutms); pthread_mutex_init(&poll_cb->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&poll_cb->cond_v, NULL); /* launch the thread */ pthread_mutex_lock(&poll_cb->mutex); poll_cb->status = 0; pthread_create(&poll_cb->pid, NULL, mm_camera_poll_thread, (void *)poll_cb); if(!poll_cb->status) { pthread_cond_wait(&poll_cb->cond_v, &poll_cb->mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&poll_cb->mutex); LOGD("End"); return rc; } int32_t mm_camera_poll_thread_release(mm_camera_poll_thread_t *poll_cb) { int32_t rc = 0; if(MM_CAMERA_POLL_TASK_STATE_STOPPED == poll_cb->state) { LOGE("err, poll thread is not running.\n"); return rc; } /* send exit signal to poll thread */ mm_camera_poll_sig(poll_cb, MM_CAMERA_PIPE_CMD_EXIT); /* wait until poll thread exits */ if (pthread_join(poll_cb->pid, NULL) != 0) { LOGD("pthread dead already\n"); } /* close pipe */ if(poll_cb->pfds[0] >= 0) { close(poll_cb->pfds[0]); } if(poll_cb->pfds[1] >= 0) { close(poll_cb->pfds[1]); } pthread_mutex_destroy(&poll_cb->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&poll_cb->cond_v); memset(poll_cb, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_poll_thread_t)); poll_cb->pfds[0] = -1; poll_cb->pfds[1] = -1; return rc; } static void *mm_camera_cmd_thread(void *data) { int running = 1; int ret; mm_camera_cmd_thread_t *cmd_thread = (mm_camera_cmd_thread_t *)data; mm_camera_cmdcb_t* node = NULL; mm_camera_cmd_thread_name(cmd_thread->threadName); do { do { ret = cam_sem_wait(&cmd_thread->cmd_sem); if (ret != 0 && errno != EINVAL) { LOGE("cam_sem_wait error (%s)", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } } while (ret != 0); /* we got notified about new cmd avail in cmd queue */ node = (mm_camera_cmdcb_t*)cam_queue_deq(&cmd_thread->cmd_queue); while (node != NULL) { switch (node->cmd_type) { case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EVT_CB: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DATA_CB: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_REQ_DATA_CB: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_SUPER_BUF_DATA_CB: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_CONFIG_NOTIFY: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_ZSL: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_ZSL: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_GENERAL: case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_FLUSH_QUEUE: if (NULL != cmd_thread->cb) { cmd_thread->cb(node, cmd_thread->user_data); } break; case MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT: default: running = 0; break; } free(node); node = (mm_camera_cmdcb_t*)cam_queue_deq(&cmd_thread->cmd_queue); } /* (node != NULL) */ } while (running); return NULL; } int32_t mm_camera_cmd_thread_launch(mm_camera_cmd_thread_t * cmd_thread, mm_camera_cmd_cb_t cb, void* user_data) { int32_t rc = 0; cam_sem_init(&cmd_thread->cmd_sem, 0); cam_sem_init(&cmd_thread->sync_sem, 0); cam_queue_init(&cmd_thread->cmd_queue); cmd_thread->cb = cb; cmd_thread->user_data = user_data; cmd_thread->is_active = TRUE; /* launch the thread */ pthread_create(&cmd_thread->cmd_pid, NULL, mm_camera_cmd_thread, (void *)cmd_thread); return rc; } int32_t mm_camera_cmd_thread_name(const char* name) { int32_t rc = 0; /* name the thread */ if (name && strlen(name)) prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)name, 0, 0, 0); return rc; } int32_t mm_camera_cmd_thread_stop(mm_camera_cmd_thread_t * cmd_thread) { int32_t rc = 0; mm_camera_cmdcb_t* node = (mm_camera_cmdcb_t *)malloc(sizeof(mm_camera_cmdcb_t)); if (NULL == node) { LOGE("No memory for mm_camera_cmdcb_t"); return -1; } memset(node, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_cmdcb_t)); node->cmd_type = MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT; cam_queue_enq(&cmd_thread->cmd_queue, node); cam_sem_post(&cmd_thread->cmd_sem); /* wait until cmd thread exits */ if (pthread_join(cmd_thread->cmd_pid, NULL) != 0) { LOGD("pthread dead already\n"); } return rc; } int32_t mm_camera_cmd_thread_destroy(mm_camera_cmd_thread_t * cmd_thread) { int32_t rc = 0; cam_queue_deinit(&cmd_thread->cmd_queue); cam_sem_destroy(&cmd_thread->cmd_sem); cam_sem_destroy(&cmd_thread->sync_sem); memset(cmd_thread, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_cmd_thread_t)); return rc; } int32_t mm_camera_cmd_thread_release(mm_camera_cmd_thread_t * cmd_thread) { int32_t rc = 0; rc = mm_camera_cmd_thread_stop(cmd_thread); if (0 == rc) { rc = mm_camera_cmd_thread_destroy(cmd_thread); } return rc; }