/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "renderer.h" #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace gamecore { namespace { const float RADIUS = 0.1f; void printGLString(const char *name, GLenum s) { const char *v = (const char *) glGetString(s); LOGI("GL %s = %s\n", name, v); } } // end of anonymous namespace Renderer::Renderer(int numCircles) { memset(&egl, 0, sizeof(egl)); state.numCircles = numCircles; } int Renderer::initDisplay(NativeWindowType window) { egl.window = window; // initialize OpenGL ES and EGL /* * Here specify the attributes of the desired configuration. * Below, we select an EGLConfig with at least 8 bits per color * component compatible with on-screen windows */ const EGLint attribs[] = { EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, EGL_NONE }; EGLint w; EGLint h; EGLint format; EGLint numConfigs; EGLConfig config; EGLSurface surface; EGLContext context; EGLDisplay display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); eglInitialize(display, 0, 0); /* Here, the application chooses the configuration it desires. * find the best match if possible, otherwise use the very first one */ eglChooseConfig(display, attribs, nullptr,0, &numConfigs); std::unique_ptr supportedConfigs(new EGLConfig[numConfigs]); assert(supportedConfigs); eglChooseConfig(display, attribs, supportedConfigs.get(), numConfigs, &numConfigs); assert(numConfigs); auto i = 0; for (; i < numConfigs; i++) { auto& cfg = supportedConfigs[i]; EGLint r, g, b, d; if (eglGetConfigAttrib(display, cfg, EGL_RED_SIZE, &r) && eglGetConfigAttrib(display, cfg, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, &g) && eglGetConfigAttrib(display, cfg, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, &b) && eglGetConfigAttrib(display, cfg, EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &d) && r == 8 && g == 8 && b == 8 && d == 0 ) { config = supportedConfigs[i]; break; } } if (i == numConfigs) { config = supportedConfigs[0]; } EGLint attrib_list[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE }; /* EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID is an attribute of the EGLConfig that is * guaranteed to be accepted by ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(). * As soon as we picked a EGLConfig, we can safely reconfigure the * ANativeWindow buffers to match, using EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID. */ eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID, &format); surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, window, NULL); context = eglCreateContext(display, config, NULL, attrib_list); // Enable Android timing. eglSurfaceAttrib(display, surface, EGL_TIMESTAMPS_ANDROID, EGL_TRUE); if (eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context) == EGL_FALSE) { LOGW("Unable to eglMakeCurrent"); return -1; } eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &w); eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &h); egl.display = display; egl.context = context; egl.surface = surface; egl.width = w; egl.height = h; float ratio = float(w) / h; egl.left = -ratio; egl.right = ratio; egl.top = 1.0f; egl.bottom = -1.0f; // Check openGL on the system auto opengl_info = {GL_VENDOR, GL_RENDERER, GL_VERSION, GL_EXTENSIONS}; for (auto name : opengl_info) { auto info = glGetString(name); LOGI("OpenGL Info: %s", info); } printGLString("Version", GL_VERSION); printGLString("Vendor", GL_VENDOR); printGLString("Renderer", GL_RENDERER); printGLString("Extensions", GL_EXTENSIONS); // Initialize GL state. glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Initialize world state. state.circles.resize(state.numCircles, Circle(RADIUS)); state.velocities.resize(state.numCircles); for (auto& v : state.velocities) { v = Vec2( 0.05f * (float(rand()) / RAND_MAX - 0.5f), 0.05f * (float(rand()) / RAND_MAX - 0.5f)); } return 0; } void Renderer::terminateDisplay() { if (egl.display != EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { eglMakeCurrent(egl.display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); if (egl.context != EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { eglDestroyContext(egl.display, egl.context); } if (egl.surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE) { eglDestroySurface(egl.display, egl.surface); } eglTerminate(egl.display); } egl.display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; egl.context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; egl.surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; } void Renderer::update() { // Done with events; draw next animation frame. for (int i = 0; i < state.circles.size(); ++i) { auto& circle = state.circles[i]; Vec2& v = state.velocities[i]; circle.setPosition(circle.getPosition() + Vec3(v, 0.0f)); Vec3 position = circle.getPosition(); float x; float y; float z; position.Value(x, y, z); float vx; float vy; v.Value(vx, vy); if (x + RADIUS >= egl.right || x - RADIUS <= egl.left) { vx = -vx; } if (y + RADIUS >= egl.top || y - RADIUS <= egl.bottom) { vy = -vy; } v = Vec2(vx, vy); } } void Renderer::draw() { if (egl.display == NULL) { // No display. return; } // Just fill the screen with a color. glClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); float ratio = float(egl.width) / egl.height; Mat4 projectionMatrix = Mat4::Ortho2D(-ratio, 1.0f, ratio, -1.0f); Mat4 viewMatrix = Mat4::LookAt( Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); for (int i = 0; i < state.circles.size(); ++i) { auto& circle = state.circles[i]; circle.updateViewProjection(projectionMatrix * viewMatrix); circle.draw(); } eglSwapBuffers(egl.display, egl.surface); } } // end of namespace gamecore } // end of namespace android