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1# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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14# ==============================================================================
15"""Configurations for TensorFlow Debugger (TFDBG) command-line interfaces."""
16from __future__ import absolute_import
17from __future__ import division
18from __future__ import print_function
20import collections
21import json
22import os
24from tensorflow.python.debug.cli import debugger_cli_common
25from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
27RL = debugger_cli_common.RichLine
30class CLIConfig(object):
31  """Client-facing configurations for TFDBG command-line interfaces."""
33  _CONFIG_FILE_NAME = ".tfdbg_config"
36      ("graph_recursion_depth", 20),
37      ("mouse_mode", True),
38  ]
40  def __init__(self, config_file_path=None):
41    self._config_file_path = (config_file_path or
42                              self._default_config_file_path())
43    self._config = collections.OrderedDict(self._DEFAULT_CONFIG)
44    if gfile.Exists(self._config_file_path):
45      config = self._load_from_file()
46      for key, value in config.items():
47        self._config[key] = value
48    self._save_to_file()
50    self._set_callbacks = dict()
52  def get(self, property_name):
53    if property_name not in self._config:
54      raise KeyError("%s is not a valid property name." % property_name)
55    return self._config[property_name]
57  def set(self, property_name, property_val):
58    """Set the value of a property.
60    Supports limitd property value types: `bool`, `int` and `str`.
62    Args:
63      property_name: Name of the property.
64      property_val: Value of the property. If the property has `bool` type and
65        this argument has `str` type, the `str` value will be parsed as a `bool`
67    Raises:
68      ValueError: if a `str` property_value fails to be parsed as a `bool`.
69      KeyError: if `property_name` is an invalid property name.
70    """
71    if property_name not in self._config:
72      raise KeyError("%s is not a valid property name." % property_name)
74    orig_val = self._config[property_name]
75    if isinstance(orig_val, bool):
76      if isinstance(property_val, str):
77        if property_val.lower() in ("1", "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on"):
78          property_val = True
79        elif property_val.lower() in ("0", "false", "f", "no", "n", "off"):
80          property_val = False
81        else:
82          raise ValueError(
83              "Invalid string value for bool type: %s" % property_val)
84      else:
85        property_val = bool(property_val)
86    elif isinstance(orig_val, int):
87      property_val = int(property_val)
88    elif isinstance(orig_val, str):
89      property_val = str(property_val)
90    else:
91      raise TypeError("Unsupported property type: %s" % type(orig_val))
92    self._config[property_name] = property_val
93    self._save_to_file()
95    # Invoke set-callback.
96    if property_name in self._set_callbacks:
97      self._set_callbacks[property_name](self._config)
99  def set_callback(self, property_name, callback):
100    """Set a set-callback for given property.
102    Args:
103      property_name: Name of the property.
104      callback: The callback as a `callable` of signature:
105          def cbk(config):
106        where config is the config after it is set to the new value.
107        The callback is invoked each time the set() method is called with the
108        matching property_name.
110    Raises:
111      KeyError: If property_name does not exist.
112      TypeError: If `callback` is not callable.
113    """
114    if property_name not in self._config:
115      raise KeyError("%s is not a valid property name." % property_name)
116    if not callable(callback):
117      raise TypeError("The callback object provided is not callable.")
118    self._set_callbacks[property_name] = callback
120  def _default_config_file_path(self):
121    return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), self._CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
123  def _save_to_file(self):
124    try:
125      with gfile.Open(self._config_file_path, "w") as config_file:
126        json.dump(self._config, config_file)
127    except IOError:
128      pass
130  def summarize(self, highlight=None):
131    """Get a text summary of the config.
133    Args:
134      highlight: A property name to highlight in the output.
136    Returns:
137      A `RichTextLines` output.
138    """
139    lines = [RL("Command-line configuration:", "bold"), RL("")]
140    for name, val in self._config.items():
141      highlight_attr = "bold" if name == highlight else None
142      line = RL("  ")
143      line += RL(name, ["underline", highlight_attr])
144      line += RL(": ")
145      line += RL(str(val), font_attr=highlight_attr)
146      lines.append(line)
147    return debugger_cli_common.rich_text_lines_from_rich_line_list(lines)
149  def _load_from_file(self):
150    try:
151      with gfile.Open(self._config_file_path, "r") as config_file:
152        config_dict = json.load(config_file)
153        config = collections.OrderedDict()
154        for key in sorted(config_dict.keys()):
155          config[key] = config_dict[key]
156        return config
157    except (IOError, ValueError):
158      # The reading of the config file may fail due to IO issues or file
159      # corruption. We do not want tfdbg to error out just because of that.
160      return dict()