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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package dagger.internal.codegen;
18 import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements;
19 import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes;
20 import com.google.auto.value.AutoValue;
21 import com.google.common.base.Equivalence;
22 import com.google.common.base.Function;
23 import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
24 import com.google.common.base.Optional;
25 import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
26 import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
27 import com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable;
28 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
29 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableListMultimap;
30 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
31 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
32 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSetMultimap;
33 import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
34 import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
35 import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
36 import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;
37 import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
38 import dagger.Component;
39 import dagger.Lazy;
40 import dagger.MapKey;
41 import dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor.BuilderSpec;
42 import dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor.ComponentMethodDescriptor;
43 import dagger.internal.codegen.ContributionBinding.ContributionType;
44 import dagger.internal.codegen.writer.TypeNames;
45 import java.util.ArrayDeque;
46 import java.util.Arrays;
47 import java.util.Collection;
48 import java.util.Deque;
49 import java.util.Formatter;
50 import java.util.HashSet;
51 import java.util.Iterator;
52 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
53 import java.util.Map;
54 import java.util.Set;
55 import javax.inject.Provider;
56 import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
57 import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
58 import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
59 import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
60 import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
61 import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
62 import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
63 import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
64 import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
65 import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
66 import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
67 import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
69 import static com.google.auto.common.MoreElements.getAnnotationMirror;
70 import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.asDeclared;
71 import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.asExecutable;
72 import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.asTypeElements;
73 import static com.google.common.base.Predicates.equalTo;
74 import static com.google.common.base.Predicates.in;
75 import static com.google.common.base.Predicates.not;
76 import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify;
77 import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.all;
78 import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.any;
79 import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement;
80 import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.indexOf;
81 import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.skip;
82 import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.filterKeys;
83 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor.ComponentMethodDescriptor.isOfKind;
84 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor.ComponentMethodKind.SUBCOMPONENT;
85 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ConfigurationAnnotations.getComponentDependencies;
86 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ContributionBinding.indexMapBindingsByAnnotationType;
87 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ContributionBinding.indexMapBindingsByMapKey;
88 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.DUPLICATE_SIZE_LIMIT;
89 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.INDENT;
90 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.MEMBERS_INJECTION_WITH_UNBOUNDED_TYPE;
91 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.REQUIRES_AT_INJECT_CONSTRUCTOR_OR_PROVIDER_FORMAT;
92 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.REQUIRES_AT_INJECT_CONSTRUCTOR_OR_PROVIDER_OR_PRODUCER_FORMAT;
93 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.REQUIRES_PROVIDER_FORMAT;
94 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.REQUIRES_PROVIDER_OR_PRODUCER_FORMAT;
95 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.duplicateMapKeysError;
96 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.inconsistentMapKeyAnnotationsError;
97 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.nullableToNonNullable;
98 import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.stripCommonTypePrefixes;
99 import static dagger.internal.codegen.Util.componentCanMakeNewInstances;
100 import static dagger.internal.codegen.Util.getKeyTypeOfMap;
101 import static dagger.internal.codegen.Util.getProvidedValueTypeOfMap;
102 import static dagger.internal.codegen.Util.getValueTypeOfMap;
103 import static dagger.internal.codegen.Util.isMapWithNonProvidedValues;
104 import static dagger.internal.codegen.Util.isMapWithProvidedValues;
105 import static javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR;
106 import static javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING;
108 public class BindingGraphValidator {
110   private final Types types;
111   private final InjectBindingRegistry injectBindingRegistry;
112   private final ValidationType scopeCycleValidationType;
113   private final Diagnostic.Kind nullableValidationType;
114   private final ContributionBindingFormatter contributionBindingFormatter;
115   private final MethodSignatureFormatter methodSignatureFormatter;
116   private final DependencyRequestFormatter dependencyRequestFormatter;
117   private final KeyFormatter keyFormatter;
BindingGraphValidator( Types types, InjectBindingRegistry injectBindingRegistry, ValidationType scopeCycleValidationType, Diagnostic.Kind nullableValidationType, ContributionBindingFormatter contributionBindingFormatter, MethodSignatureFormatter methodSignatureFormatter, DependencyRequestFormatter dependencyRequestFormatter, KeyFormatter keyFormatter)119   BindingGraphValidator(
120       Types types,
121       InjectBindingRegistry injectBindingRegistry,
122       ValidationType scopeCycleValidationType,
123       Diagnostic.Kind nullableValidationType,
124       ContributionBindingFormatter contributionBindingFormatter,
125       MethodSignatureFormatter methodSignatureFormatter,
126       DependencyRequestFormatter dependencyRequestFormatter,
127       KeyFormatter keyFormatter) {
128     this.types = types;
129     this.injectBindingRegistry = injectBindingRegistry;
130     this.scopeCycleValidationType = scopeCycleValidationType;
131     this.nullableValidationType = nullableValidationType;
132     this.contributionBindingFormatter = contributionBindingFormatter;
133     this.methodSignatureFormatter = methodSignatureFormatter;
134     this.dependencyRequestFormatter = dependencyRequestFormatter;
135     this.keyFormatter = keyFormatter;
136   }
138   private class Validation {
139     final BindingGraph topLevelGraph;
140     final BindingGraph subject;
141     final ValidationReport.Builder<TypeElement> reportBuilder;
Validation(BindingGraph topLevelGraph, BindingGraph subject)143     Validation(BindingGraph topLevelGraph, BindingGraph subject) {
144       this.topLevelGraph = topLevelGraph;
145       this.subject = subject;
146       this.reportBuilder =
147           ValidationReport.about(subject.componentDescriptor().componentDefinitionType());
148     }
Validation(BindingGraph topLevelGraph)150     Validation(BindingGraph topLevelGraph) {
151       this(topLevelGraph, topLevelGraph);
152     }
buildReport()154     ValidationReport<TypeElement> buildReport() {
155       return reportBuilder.build();
156     }
validateSubgraph()158     void validateSubgraph() {
159       validateComponentScope();
160       validateDependencyScopes();
161       validateComponentHierarchy();
162       validateBuilders();
164       for (ComponentMethodDescriptor componentMethod :
165            subject.componentDescriptor().componentMethods()) {
166         Optional<DependencyRequest> entryPoint = componentMethod.dependencyRequest();
167         if (entryPoint.isPresent()) {
168           traverseRequest(
169               entryPoint.get(),
170               new ArrayDeque<ResolvedRequest>(),
171               new LinkedHashSet<BindingKey>(),
172               subject,
173               new HashSet<DependencyRequest>());
174         }
175       }
177       for (Map.Entry<ComponentMethodDescriptor, ComponentDescriptor> entry :
178           filterKeys(subject.componentDescriptor().subcomponents(), isOfKind(SUBCOMPONENT))
179               .entrySet()) {
180         validateSubcomponentFactoryMethod(
181             entry.getKey().methodElement(), entry.getValue().componentDefinitionType());
182       }
184       for (BindingGraph subgraph : subject.subgraphs().values()) {
185         Validation subgraphValidation =
186             new Validation(topLevelGraph, subgraph);
187         subgraphValidation.validateSubgraph();
188         reportBuilder.addSubreport(subgraphValidation.buildReport());
189       }
190     }
validateSubcomponentFactoryMethod( ExecutableElement factoryMethod, TypeElement subcomponentType)192     private void validateSubcomponentFactoryMethod(
193         ExecutableElement factoryMethod, TypeElement subcomponentType) {
194       BindingGraph subgraph = subject.subgraphs().get(factoryMethod);
195       FluentIterable<TypeElement> missingModules =
196           FluentIterable.from(subgraph.componentRequirements())
197               .filter(not(in(subgraphFactoryMethodParameters(factoryMethod))))
198               .filter(
199                   new Predicate<TypeElement>() {
200                     @Override
201                     public boolean apply(TypeElement moduleType) {
202                       return !componentCanMakeNewInstances(moduleType);
203                     }
204                   });
205       if (!missingModules.isEmpty()) {
206         reportBuilder.addError(
207             String.format(
208                 "%s requires modules which have no visible default constructors. "
209                     + "Add the following modules as parameters to this method: %s",
210                 subcomponentType.getQualifiedName(),
211                 Joiner.on(", ").join(missingModules.toSet())),
212             factoryMethod);
213       }
214     }
subgraphFactoryMethodParameters( ExecutableElement factoryMethod)216     private ImmutableSet<TypeElement> subgraphFactoryMethodParameters(
217         ExecutableElement factoryMethod) {
218       DeclaredType componentType =
219           asDeclared(subject.componentDescriptor().componentDefinitionType().asType());
220       ExecutableType factoryMethodType =
221           asExecutable(types.asMemberOf(componentType, factoryMethod));
222       return asTypeElements(factoryMethodType.getParameterTypes());
223     }
225     /**
226      * Traverse the resolved dependency requests, validating resolved bindings, and reporting any
227      * cycles found.
228      *
229      * @param request the current dependency request
230      * @param bindingPath the dependency request path from the parent of {@code request} at the head
231      *     up to the root dependency request from the component method at the tail
232      * @param keysInPath the binding keys corresponding to the dependency requests in
233      *     {@code bindingPath}, but in reverse order: the first element is the binding key from the
234      *     component method
235      * @param resolvedRequests the requests that have already been resolved, so we can avoid
236      *     traversing that part of the graph again
237      */
238     // TODO(dpb): It might be simpler to invert bindingPath's order.
traverseRequest( DependencyRequest request, Deque<ResolvedRequest> bindingPath, LinkedHashSet<BindingKey> keysInPath, BindingGraph graph, Set<DependencyRequest> resolvedRequests)239     private void traverseRequest(
240         DependencyRequest request,
241         Deque<ResolvedRequest> bindingPath,
242         LinkedHashSet<BindingKey> keysInPath,
243         BindingGraph graph,
244         Set<DependencyRequest> resolvedRequests) {
245       verify(bindingPath.size() == keysInPath.size(),
246           "mismatched path vs keys -- (%s vs %s)", bindingPath, keysInPath);
247       BindingKey requestKey = request.bindingKey();
248       if (keysInPath.contains(requestKey)) {
249         reportCycle(
250             // Invert bindingPath to match keysInPath's order
251             ImmutableList.copyOf(bindingPath).reverse(),
252             request,
253             indexOf(keysInPath, equalTo(requestKey)));
254         return;
255       }
257       // If request has already been resolved, avoid re-traversing the binding path.
258       if (resolvedRequests.add(request)) {
259         ResolvedRequest resolvedRequest = ResolvedRequest.create(request, graph);
260         bindingPath.push(resolvedRequest);
261         keysInPath.add(requestKey);
262         validateResolvedBinding(bindingPath, resolvedRequest.binding());
264         for (Binding binding : resolvedRequest.binding().bindings()) {
265           for (DependencyRequest nextRequest : binding.implicitDependencies()) {
266             traverseRequest(nextRequest, bindingPath, keysInPath, graph, resolvedRequests);
267           }
268         }
269         bindingPath.poll();
270         keysInPath.remove(requestKey);
271       }
272     }
274     /**
275      * Validates that the set of bindings resolved is consistent with the type of the binding, and
276      * returns true if the bindings are valid.
277      */
validateResolvedBinding( Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, ResolvedBindings resolvedBinding)278     private boolean validateResolvedBinding(
279         Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, ResolvedBindings resolvedBinding) {
280       if (resolvedBinding.bindings().isEmpty()) {
281         reportMissingBinding(path);
282         return false;
283       }
285       switch (resolvedBinding.bindingKey().kind()) {
286         case CONTRIBUTION:
287           ImmutableSet<ContributionBinding> contributionBindings =
288               resolvedBinding.contributionBindings();
289           if (any(contributionBindings, Binding.Type.MEMBERS_INJECTION)) {
290             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
291                 "contribution binding keys should never have members injection bindings");
292           }
293           if (!validateNullability(path.peek().request(), contributionBindings)) {
294             return false;
295           }
296           if (any(contributionBindings, Binding.Type.PRODUCTION)
297               && doesPathRequireProvisionOnly(path)) {
298             reportProviderMayNotDependOnProducer(path);
299             return false;
300           }
301           if (contributionBindings.size() <= 1) {
302             return true;
303           }
304           ImmutableListMultimap<ContributionType, ContributionBinding> contributionsByType =
305               ContributionBinding.contributionTypesFor(contributionBindings);
306           if (contributionsByType.keySet().size() > 1) {
307             reportMultipleBindingTypes(path);
308             return false;
309           }
310           switch (getOnlyElement(contributionsByType.keySet())) {
311             case UNIQUE:
312               reportDuplicateBindings(path);
313               return false;
314             case MAP:
315               boolean duplicateMapKeys = hasDuplicateMapKeys(path, contributionBindings);
316               boolean inconsistentMapKeyAnnotationTypes =
317                   hasInconsistentMapKeyAnnotationTypes(path, contributionBindings);
318               return !duplicateMapKeys && !inconsistentMapKeyAnnotationTypes;
319             case SET:
320               break;
321             default:
322               throw new AssertionError();
323           }
324           break;
325         case MEMBERS_INJECTION:
326           if (!all(resolvedBinding.bindings(), Binding.Type.MEMBERS_INJECTION)) {
327             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
328                 "members injection binding keys should never have contribution bindings");
329           }
330           if (resolvedBinding.bindings().size() > 1) {
331             reportDuplicateBindings(path);
332             return false;
333           }
334           return validateMembersInjectionBinding(getOnlyElement(resolvedBinding.bindings()), path);
335         default:
336           throw new AssertionError();
337       }
338       return true;
339     }
341     /** Ensures that if the request isn't nullable, then each contribution is also not nullable. */
validateNullability( DependencyRequest request, Set<ContributionBinding> bindings)342     private boolean validateNullability(
343         DependencyRequest request, Set<ContributionBinding> bindings) {
344       if (request.isNullable()) {
345         return true;
346       }
348       // Note: the method signature will include the @Nullable in it!
349       /* TODO(sameb): Sometimes javac doesn't include the Element in its output.
350        * (Maybe this happens if the code was already compiled before this point?)
351        * ... we manually print out the request in that case, otherwise the error
352        * message is kind of useless. */
353       String typeName = TypeNames.forTypeMirror(request.key().type()).toString();
355       boolean valid = true;
356       for (ContributionBinding binding : bindings) {
357         if (binding.nullableType().isPresent()) {
358           reportBuilder.addItem(
359               nullableToNonNullable(typeName, contributionBindingFormatter.format(binding))
360                   + "\n at: "
361                   + dependencyRequestFormatter.format(request),
362               nullableValidationType,
363               request.requestElement());
364           valid = false;
365         }
366       }
367       return valid;
368     }
370     /**
371      * Returns {@code true} (and reports errors) if {@code mapBindings} has more than one binding
372      * for the same map key.
373      */
hasDuplicateMapKeys( Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Set<ContributionBinding> mapBindings)374     private boolean hasDuplicateMapKeys(
375         Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Set<ContributionBinding> mapBindings) {
376       boolean hasDuplicateMapKeys = false;
377       for (Collection<ContributionBinding> mapBindingsForMapKey :
378           indexMapBindingsByMapKey(mapBindings).asMap().values()) {
379         if (mapBindingsForMapKey.size() > 1) {
380           hasDuplicateMapKeys = true;
381           reportDuplicateMapKeys(path, mapBindingsForMapKey);
382         }
383       }
384       return hasDuplicateMapKeys;
385     }
387     /**
388      * Returns {@code true} (and reports errors) if {@code mapBindings} uses more than one
389      * {@link MapKey} annotation type.
390      */
hasInconsistentMapKeyAnnotationTypes( Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Set<ContributionBinding> contributionBindings)391     private boolean hasInconsistentMapKeyAnnotationTypes(
392         Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Set<ContributionBinding> contributionBindings) {
393       ImmutableSetMultimap<Equivalence.Wrapper<DeclaredType>, ContributionBinding>
394           mapBindingsByAnnotationType = indexMapBindingsByAnnotationType(contributionBindings);
395       if (mapBindingsByAnnotationType.keySet().size() > 1) {
396         reportInconsistentMapKeyAnnotations(path, mapBindingsByAnnotationType);
397         return true;
398       }
399       return false;
400     }
402     /**
403      * Validates a members injection binding, returning false (and reporting the error) if it wasn't
404      * valid.
405      */
validateMembersInjectionBinding( Binding binding, final Deque<ResolvedRequest> path)406     private boolean validateMembersInjectionBinding(
407         Binding binding, final Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
408       return binding
409           .key()
410           .type()
411           .accept(
412               new SimpleTypeVisitor6<Boolean, Void>() {
413                 @Override
414                 protected Boolean defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) {
415                   reportBuilder.addError(
416                       "Invalid members injection request.", path.peek().request().requestElement());
417                   return false;
418                 }
420                 @Override
421                 public Boolean visitDeclared(DeclaredType type, Void ignored) {
422                   // If the key has type arguments, validate that each type argument is declared.
423                   // Otherwise the type argument may be a wildcard (or other type), and we can't
424                   // resolve that to actual types.  If the arg was an array, validate the type
425                   // of the array.
426                   for (TypeMirror arg : type.getTypeArguments()) {
427                     boolean declared;
428                     switch (arg.getKind()) {
429                       case ARRAY:
430                         declared =
431                             MoreTypes.asArray(arg)
432                                 .getComponentType()
433                                 .accept(
434                                     new SimpleTypeVisitor6<Boolean, Void>() {
435                                       @Override
436                                       protected Boolean defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) {
437                                         return false;
438                                       }
440                                       @Override
441                                       public Boolean visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) {
442                                         for (TypeMirror arg : t.getTypeArguments()) {
443                                           if (!arg.accept(this, null)) {
444                                             return false;
445                                           }
446                                         }
447                                         return true;
448                                       }
450                                       @Override
451                                       public Boolean visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) {
452                                         return t.getComponentType().accept(this, null);
453                                       }
455                                       @Override
456                                       public Boolean visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) {
457                                         return true;
458                                       }
459                                     },
460                                     null);
461                         break;
462                       case DECLARED:
463                         declared = true;
464                         break;
465                       default:
466                         declared = false;
467                     }
468                     if (!declared) {
469                       ImmutableList<String> printableDependencyPath =
470                           FluentIterable.from(path)
471                               .transform(REQUEST_FROM_RESOLVED_REQUEST)
472                               .transform(dependencyRequestFormatter)
473                               .filter(Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo("")))
474                               .toList()
475                               .reverse();
476                       reportBuilder.addError(
477                           String.format(
478                               MEMBERS_INJECTION_WITH_UNBOUNDED_TYPE,
479                               arg.toString(),
480                               type.toString(),
481                               Joiner.on('\n').join(printableDependencyPath)),
482                           path.peek().request().requestElement());
483                       return false;
484                     }
485                   }
487                   TypeElement element = MoreElements.asType(type.asElement());
488                   // Also validate that the key is not the erasure of a generic type.
489                   // If it is, that means the user referred to Foo<T> as just 'Foo',
490                   // which we don't allow.  (This is a judgement call -- we *could*
491                   // allow it and instantiate the type bounds... but we don't.)
492                   if (!MoreTypes.asDeclared(element.asType()).getTypeArguments().isEmpty()
493                       && types.isSameType(types.erasure(element.asType()), type)) {
494                     ImmutableList<String> printableDependencyPath =
495                         FluentIterable.from(path)
496                             .transform(REQUEST_FROM_RESOLVED_REQUEST)
497                             .transform(dependencyRequestFormatter)
498                             .filter(Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo("")))
499                             .toList()
500                             .reverse();
501                     reportBuilder.addError(
502                         String.format(
503                             ErrorMessages.MEMBERS_INJECTION_WITH_RAW_TYPE,
504                             type.toString(),
505                             Joiner.on('\n').join(printableDependencyPath)),
506                         path.peek().request().requestElement());
507                     return false;
508                   }
510                   return true; // valid
511                 }
512               },
513               null);
514     }
516     /**
517      * Validates that component dependencies do not form a cycle.
518      */
validateComponentHierarchy()519     private void validateComponentHierarchy() {
520       ComponentDescriptor descriptor = subject.componentDescriptor();
521       TypeElement componentType = descriptor.componentDefinitionType();
522       validateComponentHierarchy(componentType, componentType, new ArrayDeque<TypeElement>());
523     }
525     /**
526      * Recursive method to validate that component dependencies do not form a cycle.
527      */
validateComponentHierarchy( TypeElement rootComponent, TypeElement componentType, Deque<TypeElement> componentStack)528     private void validateComponentHierarchy(
529         TypeElement rootComponent,
530         TypeElement componentType,
531         Deque<TypeElement> componentStack) {
533       if (componentStack.contains(componentType)) {
534         // Current component has already appeared in the component chain.
535         StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
536         message.append(rootComponent.getQualifiedName());
537         message.append(" contains a cycle in its component dependencies:\n");
538         componentStack.push(componentType);
539         appendIndentedComponentsList(message, componentStack);
540         componentStack.pop();
541         reportBuilder.addItem(message.toString(),
542             scopeCycleValidationType.diagnosticKind().get(),
543             rootComponent, getAnnotationMirror(rootComponent, Component.class).get());
544       } else {
545         Optional<AnnotationMirror> componentAnnotation =
546             getAnnotationMirror(componentType, Component.class);
547         if (componentAnnotation.isPresent()) {
548           componentStack.push(componentType);
550           ImmutableSet<TypeElement> dependencies =
551               MoreTypes.asTypeElements(getComponentDependencies(componentAnnotation.get()));
552           for (TypeElement dependency : dependencies) {
553             validateComponentHierarchy(rootComponent, dependency, componentStack);
554           }
556           componentStack.pop();
557         }
558       }
559     }
561     /**
562      * Validates that among the dependencies are at most one scoped dependency,
563      * that there are no cycles within the scoping chain, and that singleton
564      * components have no scoped dependencies.
565      */
validateDependencyScopes()566     private void validateDependencyScopes() {
567       ComponentDescriptor descriptor = subject.componentDescriptor();
568       Scope scope = descriptor.scope();
569       ImmutableSet<TypeElement> scopedDependencies = scopedTypesIn(descriptor.dependencies());
570       if (scope.isPresent()) {
571         // Dagger 1.x scope compatibility requires this be suppress-able.
572         if (scopeCycleValidationType.diagnosticKind().isPresent()
573             && scope.isSingleton()) {
574           // Singleton is a special-case representing the longest lifetime, and therefore
575           // @Singleton components may not depend on scoped components
576           if (!scopedDependencies.isEmpty()) {
577             StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(
578                 "This @Singleton component cannot depend on scoped components:\n");
579             appendIndentedComponentsList(message, scopedDependencies);
580             reportBuilder.addItem(message.toString(),
581                 scopeCycleValidationType.diagnosticKind().get(),
582                 descriptor.componentDefinitionType(),
583                 descriptor.componentAnnotation());
584           }
585         } else if (scopedDependencies.size() > 1) {
586           // Scoped components may depend on at most one scoped component.
587           StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(scope.getReadableSource())
588               .append(' ')
589               .append(descriptor.componentDefinitionType().getQualifiedName())
590               .append(" depends on more than one scoped component:\n");
591           appendIndentedComponentsList(message, scopedDependencies);
592           reportBuilder.addError(
593               message.toString(),
594               descriptor.componentDefinitionType(),
595               descriptor.componentAnnotation());
596         } else {
597           // Dagger 1.x scope compatibility requires this be suppress-able.
598           if (!scopeCycleValidationType.equals(ValidationType.NONE)) {
599             validateScopeHierarchy(descriptor.componentDefinitionType(),
600                 descriptor.componentDefinitionType(),
601                 new ArrayDeque<Scope>(),
602                 new ArrayDeque<TypeElement>());
603           }
604         }
605       } else {
606         // Scopeless components may not depend on scoped components.
607         if (!scopedDependencies.isEmpty()) {
608           StringBuilder message =
609               new StringBuilder(descriptor.componentDefinitionType().getQualifiedName())
610                   .append(" (unscoped) cannot depend on scoped components:\n");
611           appendIndentedComponentsList(message, scopedDependencies);
612           reportBuilder.addError(
613               message.toString(),
614               descriptor.componentDefinitionType(),
615               descriptor.componentAnnotation());
616         }
617       }
618     }
validateBuilders()620     private void validateBuilders() {
621       ComponentDescriptor componentDesc = subject.componentDescriptor();
622       if (!componentDesc.builderSpec().isPresent()) {
623         // If no builder, nothing to validate.
624         return;
625       }
627       Set<TypeElement> availableDependencies = subject.availableDependencies();
628       Set<TypeElement> requiredDependencies =
629           Sets.filter(
630               availableDependencies,
631               new Predicate<TypeElement>() {
632                 @Override
633                 public boolean apply(TypeElement input) {
634                   return !Util.componentCanMakeNewInstances(input);
635                 }
636               });
637       final BuilderSpec spec = componentDesc.builderSpec().get();
638       Map<TypeElement, ExecutableElement> allSetters = spec.methodMap();
640       ErrorMessages.ComponentBuilderMessages msgs =
641           ErrorMessages.builderMsgsFor(subject.componentDescriptor().kind());
642       Set<TypeElement> extraSetters = Sets.difference(allSetters.keySet(), availableDependencies);
643       if (!extraSetters.isEmpty()) {
644         Collection<ExecutableElement> excessMethods =
645             Maps.filterKeys(allSetters, Predicates.in(extraSetters)).values();
646         Iterable<String> formatted = FluentIterable.from(excessMethods).transform(
647             new Function<ExecutableElement, String>() {
648               @Override public String apply(ExecutableElement input) {
649                 return methodSignatureFormatter.format(input,
650                     Optional.of(MoreTypes.asDeclared(spec.builderDefinitionType().asType())));
651               }});
652         reportBuilder.addError(
653             String.format(msgs.extraSetters(), formatted), spec.builderDefinitionType());
654       }
656       Set<TypeElement> missingSetters = Sets.difference(requiredDependencies, allSetters.keySet());
657       if (!missingSetters.isEmpty()) {
658         reportBuilder.addError(
659             String.format(msgs.missingSetters(), missingSetters), spec.builderDefinitionType());
660       }
661     }
663     /**
664      * Validates that scopes do not participate in a scoping cycle - that is to say, scoped
665      * components are in a hierarchical relationship terminating with Singleton.
666      *
667      * <p>As a side-effect, this means scoped components cannot have a dependency cycle between
668      * themselves, since a component's presence within its own dependency path implies a cyclical
669      * relationship between scopes. However, cycles in component dependencies are explicitly
670      * checked in {@link #validateComponentHierarchy()}.
671      */
validateScopeHierarchy(TypeElement rootComponent, TypeElement componentType, Deque<Scope> scopeStack, Deque<TypeElement> scopedDependencyStack)672     private void validateScopeHierarchy(TypeElement rootComponent,
673         TypeElement componentType,
674         Deque<Scope> scopeStack,
675         Deque<TypeElement> scopedDependencyStack) {
676       Scope scope = Scope.scopeOf(componentType);
677       if (scope.isPresent()) {
678         if (scopeStack.contains(scope)) {
679           scopedDependencyStack.push(componentType);
680           // Current scope has already appeared in the component chain.
681           StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
682           message.append(rootComponent.getQualifiedName());
683           message.append(" depends on scoped components in a non-hierarchical scope ordering:\n");
684           appendIndentedComponentsList(message, scopedDependencyStack);
685           if (scopeCycleValidationType.diagnosticKind().isPresent()) {
686             reportBuilder.addItem(message.toString(),
687                 scopeCycleValidationType.diagnosticKind().get(),
688                 rootComponent, getAnnotationMirror(rootComponent, Component.class).get());
689           }
690           scopedDependencyStack.pop();
691         } else {
692           Optional<AnnotationMirror> componentAnnotation =
693               getAnnotationMirror(componentType, Component.class);
694           if (componentAnnotation.isPresent()) {
695             ImmutableSet<TypeElement> scopedDependencies = scopedTypesIn(
696                 MoreTypes.asTypeElements(getComponentDependencies(componentAnnotation.get())));
697             if (scopedDependencies.size() == 1) {
698               // empty can be ignored (base-case), and > 1 is a different error reported separately.
699               scopeStack.push(scope);
700               scopedDependencyStack.push(componentType);
701               validateScopeHierarchy(rootComponent, getOnlyElement(scopedDependencies),
702                   scopeStack, scopedDependencyStack);
703               scopedDependencyStack.pop();
704               scopeStack.pop();
705             }
706           } // else: we skip component dependencies which are not components
707         }
708       }
709     }
711     /**
712      * Validates that the scope (if any) of this component are compatible with the scopes of the
713      * bindings available in this component
714      */
validateComponentScope()715     void validateComponentScope() {
716       ImmutableMap<BindingKey, ResolvedBindings> resolvedBindings = subject.resolvedBindings();
717       Scope componentScope = subject.componentDescriptor().scope();
718       ImmutableSet.Builder<String> incompatiblyScopedMethodsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
719       for (ResolvedBindings bindings : resolvedBindings.values()) {
720         if (bindings.bindingKey().kind().equals(BindingKey.Kind.CONTRIBUTION)) {
721           for (ContributionBinding contributionBinding : bindings.ownedContributionBindings()) {
722             Scope bindingScope = contributionBinding.scope();
723             if (bindingScope.isPresent() && !bindingScope.equals(componentScope)) {
724               // Scoped components cannot reference bindings to @Provides methods or @Inject
725               // types decorated by a different scope annotation. Unscoped components cannot
726               // reference to scoped @Provides methods or @Inject types decorated by any
727               // scope annotation.
728               switch (contributionBinding.bindingKind()) {
729                 case PROVISION:
730                   ExecutableElement provisionMethod =
731                       MoreElements.asExecutable(contributionBinding.bindingElement());
732                   incompatiblyScopedMethodsBuilder.add(
733                       methodSignatureFormatter.format(provisionMethod));
734                   break;
735                 case INJECTION:
736                   incompatiblyScopedMethodsBuilder.add(
737                       bindingScope.getReadableSource()
738                           + " class "
739                           + contributionBinding.bindingTypeElement().getQualifiedName());
740                   break;
741                 default:
742                   throw new IllegalStateException();
743               }
744             }
745           }
746         }
747       }
748       ImmutableSet<String> incompatiblyScopedMethods = incompatiblyScopedMethodsBuilder.build();
749       if (!incompatiblyScopedMethods.isEmpty()) {
750         TypeElement componentType = subject.componentDescriptor().componentDefinitionType();
751         StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(componentType.getQualifiedName());
752         if (componentScope.isPresent()) {
753           message.append(" scoped with ");
754           message.append(componentScope.getReadableSource());
755           message.append(" may not reference bindings with different scopes:\n");
756         } else {
757           message.append(" (unscoped) may not reference scoped bindings:\n");
758         }
759         for (String method : incompatiblyScopedMethods) {
760           message.append(ErrorMessages.INDENT).append(method).append("\n");
761         }
762         reportBuilder.addError(
763             message.toString(), componentType, subject.componentDescriptor().componentAnnotation());
764       }
765     }
767     @SuppressWarnings("resource") // Appendable is a StringBuilder.
reportProviderMayNotDependOnProducer(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path)768     private void reportProviderMayNotDependOnProducer(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
769       StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
770       if (path.size() == 1) {
771         new Formatter(errorMessage)
772             .format(
774                 formatRootRequestKey(path));
775       } else {
776         ImmutableSet<? extends Binding> dependentProvisions =
777             provisionsDependingOnLatestRequest(path);
778         // TODO(beder): Consider displaying all dependent provisions in the error message. If we do
779         // that, should we display all productions that depend on them also?
780         new Formatter(errorMessage).format(ErrorMessages.PROVIDER_MAY_NOT_DEPEND_ON_PRODUCER_FORMAT,
781             keyFormatter.format(dependentProvisions.iterator().next().key()));
782       }
783       reportBuilder.addError(errorMessage.toString(), path.getLast().request().requestElement());
784     }
reportMissingBinding(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path)786     private void reportMissingBinding(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
787       Key key = path.peek().request().key();
788       BindingKey bindingKey = path.peek().request().bindingKey();
789       boolean requiresContributionMethod = !key.isValidImplicitProvisionKey(types);
790       boolean requiresProvision = doesPathRequireProvisionOnly(path);
791       StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
792       String requiresErrorMessageFormat = requiresContributionMethod
793           ? requiresProvision
794               ? REQUIRES_PROVIDER_FORMAT
796           : requiresProvision
799       errorMessage.append(String.format(requiresErrorMessageFormat, keyFormatter.format(key)));
800       if (key.isValidMembersInjectionKey()
801           && !injectBindingRegistry.getOrFindMembersInjectionBinding(key).injectionSites()
802               .isEmpty()) {
803         errorMessage.append(" ").append(ErrorMessages.MEMBERS_INJECTION_DOES_NOT_IMPLY_PROVISION);
804       }
805       ImmutableList<String> printableDependencyPath =
806           FluentIterable.from(path)
807               .transform(REQUEST_FROM_RESOLVED_REQUEST)
808               .transform(dependencyRequestFormatter)
809               .filter(Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo("")))
810               .toList()
811               .reverse();
812       for (String dependency :
813           printableDependencyPath.subList(1, printableDependencyPath.size())) {
814         errorMessage.append('\n').append(dependency);
815       }
816       for (String suggestion : MissingBindingSuggestions.forKey(topLevelGraph, bindingKey)) {
817         errorMessage.append('\n').append(suggestion);
818       }
819       reportBuilder.addError(errorMessage.toString(), path.getLast().request().requestElement());
820     }
822     @SuppressWarnings("resource") // Appendable is a StringBuilder.
reportDuplicateBindings(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path)823     private void reportDuplicateBindings(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
824       ResolvedBindings resolvedBinding = path.peek().binding();
825       StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
826       new Formatter(builder)
827           .format(ErrorMessages.DUPLICATE_BINDINGS_FOR_KEY_FORMAT, formatRootRequestKey(path));
828       for (ContributionBinding binding :
829           Iterables.limit(resolvedBinding.contributionBindings(), DUPLICATE_SIZE_LIMIT)) {
830         builder.append('\n').append(INDENT).append(contributionBindingFormatter.format(binding));
831       }
832       int numberOfOtherBindings =
833           resolvedBinding.contributionBindings().size() - DUPLICATE_SIZE_LIMIT;
834       if (numberOfOtherBindings > 0) {
835         builder.append('\n').append(INDENT)
836             .append("and ").append(numberOfOtherBindings).append(" other");
837       }
838       if (numberOfOtherBindings > 1) {
839         builder.append('s');
840       }
841       reportBuilder.addError(builder.toString(), path.getLast().request().requestElement());
842     }
844     @SuppressWarnings("resource") // Appendable is a StringBuilder.
reportMultipleBindingTypes(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path)845     private void reportMultipleBindingTypes(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
846       ResolvedBindings resolvedBinding = path.peek().binding();
847       StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
848       new Formatter(builder)
849           .format(ErrorMessages.MULTIPLE_BINDING_TYPES_FOR_KEY_FORMAT, formatRootRequestKey(path));
850       ImmutableListMultimap<ContributionType, ContributionBinding> bindingsByType =
851           ContributionBinding.contributionTypesFor(resolvedBinding.contributionBindings());
852       for (ContributionType type :
853           Ordering.natural().immutableSortedCopy(bindingsByType.keySet())) {
854         builder.append(INDENT);
855         builder.append(formatBindingType(type));
856         builder.append(" bindings:\n");
857         for (ContributionBinding binding : bindingsByType.get(type)) {
858           builder
859               .append(INDENT)
860               .append(INDENT)
861               .append(contributionBindingFormatter.format(binding))
862               .append('\n');
863         }
864       }
865       reportBuilder.addError(builder.toString(), path.getLast().request().requestElement());
866     }
reportDuplicateMapKeys( Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Collection<ContributionBinding> mapBindings)868     private void reportDuplicateMapKeys(
869         Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Collection<ContributionBinding> mapBindings) {
870       StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
871       builder.append(duplicateMapKeysError(formatRootRequestKey(path)));
872       appendBindings(builder, mapBindings, 1);
873       reportBuilder.addError(builder.toString(), path.getLast().request().requestElement());
874     }
reportInconsistentMapKeyAnnotations( Deque<ResolvedRequest> path, Multimap<Equivalence.Wrapper<DeclaredType>, ContributionBinding> mapBindingsByAnnotationType)876     private void reportInconsistentMapKeyAnnotations(
877         Deque<ResolvedRequest> path,
878         Multimap<Equivalence.Wrapper<DeclaredType>, ContributionBinding>
879             mapBindingsByAnnotationType) {
880       StringBuilder builder =
881           new StringBuilder(inconsistentMapKeyAnnotationsError(formatRootRequestKey(path)));
882       for (Map.Entry<Equivalence.Wrapper<DeclaredType>, Collection<ContributionBinding>> entry :
883           mapBindingsByAnnotationType.asMap().entrySet()) {
884         DeclaredType annotationType = entry.getKey().get();
885         Collection<ContributionBinding> bindings = entry.getValue();
887         builder
888             .append('\n')
889             .append(INDENT)
890             .append(annotationType)
891             .append(':');
893         appendBindings(builder, bindings, 2);
894       }
895       reportBuilder.addError(builder.toString(), path.getLast().request().requestElement());
896     }
898     /**
899      * Reports a cycle in the binding path.
900      *
901      * @param bindingPath the binding path, starting with the component provision dependency, and
902      *     ending with the binding that depends on {@code request}
903      * @param request the request that would have been added to the binding path if its
904      *     {@linkplain DependencyRequest#bindingKey() binding key} wasn't already in it
905      * @param indexOfDuplicatedKey the index of the dependency request in {@code bindingPath} whose
906      *     {@linkplain DependencyRequest#bindingKey() binding key} matches {@code request}'s
907      */
reportCycle( Iterable<ResolvedRequest> bindingPath, DependencyRequest request, int indexOfDuplicatedKey)908     private void reportCycle(
909         Iterable<ResolvedRequest> bindingPath,
910         DependencyRequest request,
911         int indexOfDuplicatedKey) {
912       ImmutableList<DependencyRequest> requestPath =
913           FluentIterable.from(bindingPath)
914               .transform(REQUEST_FROM_RESOLVED_REQUEST)
915               .append(request)
916               .toList();
917       Element rootRequestElement = requestPath.get(0).requestElement();
918       ImmutableList<DependencyRequest> cycle =
919           requestPath.subList(indexOfDuplicatedKey, requestPath.size());
920       Diagnostic.Kind kind = cycleHasProviderOrLazy(cycle) ? WARNING : ERROR;
921       if (kind == WARNING
922           && (suppressCycleWarnings(rootRequestElement)
923               || suppressCycleWarnings(rootRequestElement.getEnclosingElement())
924               || suppressCycleWarnings(cycle))) {
925         return;
926       }
927       // TODO(cgruber): Provide a hint for the start and end of the cycle.
928       TypeElement componentType = MoreElements.asType(rootRequestElement.getEnclosingElement());
929       reportBuilder.addItem(
930           String.format(
931               ErrorMessages.CONTAINS_DEPENDENCY_CYCLE_FORMAT,
932               componentType.getQualifiedName(),
933               rootRequestElement.getSimpleName(),
934               Joiner.on("\n")
935                   .join(
936                       FluentIterable.from(requestPath)
937                           .transform(dependencyRequestFormatter)
938                           .filter(not(equalTo("")))
939                           .skip(1))),
940           kind,
941           rootRequestElement);
942     }
944     /**
945      * Returns {@code true} if any step of a dependency cycle after the first is a {@link Provider}
946      * or {@link Lazy} or a {@code Map<K, Provider<V>>}.
947      *
948      * <p>If an implicit {@link Provider} dependency on {@code Map<K, Provider<V>>} is immediately
949      * preceded by a dependency on {@code Map<K, V>}, which means that the map's {@link Provider}s'
950      * {@link Provider#get() get()} methods are called during provision and so the cycle is not
951      * really broken.
952      */
cycleHasProviderOrLazy(ImmutableList<DependencyRequest> cycle)953     private boolean cycleHasProviderOrLazy(ImmutableList<DependencyRequest> cycle) {
954       DependencyRequest lastDependencyRequest = cycle.get(0);
955       for (DependencyRequest dependencyRequest : skip(cycle, 1)) {
956         switch (dependencyRequest.kind()) {
957           case PROVIDER:
958             if (!isImplicitProviderMapForValueMap(dependencyRequest, lastDependencyRequest)) {
959               return true;
960             }
961             break;
963           case LAZY:
964             return true;
966           case INSTANCE:
967             if (isMapWithProvidedValues(dependencyRequest.key().type())) {
968               return true;
969             } else {
970               break;
971             }
973           default:
974             break;
975         }
976         lastDependencyRequest = dependencyRequest;
977       }
978       return false;
979     }
981     /**
982      * Returns {@code true} if {@code maybeValueMapRequest}'s key type is {@code Map<K, V>} and
983      * {@code maybeProviderMapRequest}'s key type is {@code Map<K, Provider<V>>}, and both keys have
984      * the same qualifier.
985      */
isImplicitProviderMapForValueMap( DependencyRequest maybeProviderMapRequest, DependencyRequest maybeValueMapRequest)986     private boolean isImplicitProviderMapForValueMap(
987         DependencyRequest maybeProviderMapRequest, DependencyRequest maybeValueMapRequest) {
988       TypeMirror maybeProviderMapRequestType = maybeProviderMapRequest.key().type();
989       TypeMirror maybeValueMapRequestType = maybeValueMapRequest.key().type();
990       return maybeProviderMapRequest
991               .key()
992               .wrappedQualifier()
993               .equals(maybeValueMapRequest.key().wrappedQualifier())
994           && isMapWithProvidedValues(maybeProviderMapRequestType)
995           && isMapWithNonProvidedValues(maybeValueMapRequestType)
996           && types.isSameType(
997               getKeyTypeOfMap(asDeclared(maybeProviderMapRequestType)),
998               getKeyTypeOfMap(asDeclared(maybeValueMapRequestType)))
999           && types.isSameType(
1000               getProvidedValueTypeOfMap(asDeclared(maybeProviderMapRequestType)),
1001               getValueTypeOfMap(asDeclared(maybeValueMapRequestType)));
1002     }
1003   }
1005   private boolean suppressCycleWarnings(Element requestElement) {
1006     SuppressWarnings suppressions = requestElement.getAnnotation(SuppressWarnings.class);
1007     return suppressions != null && Arrays.asList(suppressions.value()).contains("dependency-cycle");
1008   }
1010   private boolean suppressCycleWarnings(ImmutableList<DependencyRequest> pathElements) {
1011     for (DependencyRequest dependencyRequest : pathElements) {
1012       if (suppressCycleWarnings(dependencyRequest.requestElement())) {
1013         return true;
1014       }
1015     }
1016     return false;
1017   }
1019   ValidationReport<TypeElement> validate(BindingGraph subject) {
1020     Validation validation = new Validation(subject);
1021     validation.validateSubgraph();
1022     return validation.buildReport();
1023   }
1025   /**
1026    * Append and format a list of indented component types (with their scope annotations)
1027    */
1028   private void appendIndentedComponentsList(StringBuilder message, Iterable<TypeElement> types) {
1029     for (TypeElement scopedComponent : types) {
1030       message.append(INDENT);
1031       Scope scope = Scope.scopeOf(scopedComponent);
1032       if (scope.isPresent()) {
1033         message.append(scope.getReadableSource()).append(' ');
1034       }
1035       message.append(stripCommonTypePrefixes(scopedComponent.getQualifiedName().toString()))
1036           .append('\n');
1037     }
1038   }
1040   /**
1041    * Returns a set of type elements containing only those found in the input set that have
1042    * a scoping annotation.
1043    */
1044   private ImmutableSet<TypeElement> scopedTypesIn(Set<TypeElement> types) {
1045     return FluentIterable.from(types).filter(new Predicate<TypeElement>() {
1046       @Override public boolean apply(TypeElement input) {
1047         return Scope.scopeOf(input).isPresent();
1048       }
1049     }).toSet();
1050   }
1052   /**
1053    * Returns whether the given dependency path would require the most recent request to be resolved
1054    * by only provision bindings.
1055    */
1056   private boolean doesPathRequireProvisionOnly(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
1057     if (path.size() == 1) {
1058       // if this is an entry-point, then we check the request
1059       switch (path.peek().request().kind()) {
1060         case INSTANCE:
1061         case PROVIDER:
1062         case LAZY:
1063         case MEMBERS_INJECTOR:
1064           return true;
1065         case PRODUCER:
1066         case PRODUCED:
1067         case FUTURE:
1068           return false;
1069         default:
1070           throw new AssertionError();
1071       }
1072     }
1073     // otherwise, the second-most-recent bindings determine whether the most recent one must be a
1074     // provision
1075     return !provisionsDependingOnLatestRequest(path).isEmpty();
1076   }
1078   /**
1079    * Returns any provision bindings resolved for the second-most-recent request in the given path;
1080    * that is, returns those provision bindings that depend on the latest request in the path.
1081    */
1082   private ImmutableSet<? extends Binding> provisionsDependingOnLatestRequest(
1083       Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
1084     Iterator<ResolvedRequest> iterator = path.iterator();
1085     final DependencyRequest request = iterator.next().request();
1086     ResolvedRequest previousResolvedRequest = iterator.next();
1087     return FluentIterable.from(previousResolvedRequest.binding().bindings())
1088         .filter(Binding.Type.PROVISION)
1089         .filter(
1090             new Predicate<Binding>() {
1091               @Override
1092               public boolean apply(Binding binding) {
1093                 return binding.implicitDependencies().contains(request);
1094               }
1095             })
1096         .toSet();
1097   }
1099   private String formatBindingType(ContributionType type) {
1100     switch (type) {
1101       case MAP:
1102         return "Map";
1103       case SET:
1104         return "Set";
1105       case UNIQUE:
1106         return "Unique";
1107       default:
1108         throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown binding type: " + type);
1109     }
1110   }
1112   private String formatRootRequestKey(Deque<ResolvedRequest> path) {
1113     return keyFormatter.format(path.peek().request().key());
1114   }
1116   private void appendBindings(
1117       StringBuilder builder, Collection<ContributionBinding> bindings, int indentLevel) {
1118     for (ContributionBinding binding : Iterables.limit(bindings, DUPLICATE_SIZE_LIMIT)) {
1119       builder.append('\n');
1120       for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
1121         builder.append(INDENT);
1122       }
1123       builder.append(contributionBindingFormatter.format(binding));
1124     }
1125     int numberOfOtherBindings = bindings.size() - DUPLICATE_SIZE_LIMIT;
1126     if (numberOfOtherBindings > 0) {
1127       builder.append('\n');
1128       for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
1129         builder.append(INDENT);
1130       }
1131       builder.append("and ").append(numberOfOtherBindings).append(" other");
1132     }
1133     if (numberOfOtherBindings > 1) {
1134       builder.append('s');
1135     }
1136   }
1138   @AutoValue
1139   abstract static class ResolvedRequest {
1140     abstract DependencyRequest request();
1141     abstract ResolvedBindings binding();
1143     static ResolvedRequest create(DependencyRequest request, BindingGraph graph) {
1144       BindingKey bindingKey = request.bindingKey();
1145       ResolvedBindings resolvedBindings = graph.resolvedBindings().get(bindingKey);
1146       return new AutoValue_BindingGraphValidator_ResolvedRequest(
1147           request,
1148           resolvedBindings == null
1149               ? ResolvedBindings.noBindings(bindingKey, graph.componentDescriptor())
1150               : resolvedBindings);
1151     }
1152   }
1154   private static final Function<ResolvedRequest, DependencyRequest> REQUEST_FROM_RESOLVED_REQUEST =
1155       new Function<ResolvedRequest, DependencyRequest>() {
1156         @Override public DependencyRequest apply(ResolvedRequest resolvedRequest) {
1157           return resolvedRequest.request();
1158         }
1159       };
1160 }